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MEMORIES OF MU Drop five dice.

It was a time and place mostly known for:

The irritating overuse of similes Air dense from smoking incense Nobody looking anybody in the Green on clothes, walls -- Language spoken with a sing-song
eye everything lilt

Pithy analects about ethics Scripture admired for its poesy Serious treatises on governance Philosophers who crack scat jokes Spoken-word battles in cherry

Zither melodies in dueling duets Operas full of percussive shouting Drums drums drums, hundreds Pavilions built for wind-chime Superstar songstresses, the cause of
strong ensembles wars

Mansions made of cunningly Delicate porcelain gods on every Walls clad in bronze, heated to sear Pebble gardens, ensorcelled to Pagodas with levels equal to their
folded paper roof ridge invaders imitate the sea architects’ age

Agar confections as tall as a Barley wine aged for at least three Dragon-turtle stew, served in its Pulled noodles, made with acrobat- Mock-elephant roasts, made from
lighthouse centuries upended shell ic movements seaweed and soy

Earthenware hexed to be Textiles woven by domesticated Paintings enchanted to tell whole Firearms crafted so well they never Flaming ginger, which ignites
self-mending spiders parables malfunction when exposed to air

Sword wizards capable of flight Spear gods, throwing lightning Fist saints who collapse mountain- Mystics whose whistles conduct the Crossbowmen deadly from three
bolts sides wind miles away

Tyrants who collect peasant feet Brass demons, wandering the Beheadings with massive golden League-long processions of of Bureaucratic purges that erase
country shears plague victims whole bloodlines

Monks entombing themselves alive Astrologists charting the flight of Meditation masters glimpsing the Lawyers not even emperors could Scientists in clanking clockwork
bats future silence observatories

An obsessive love of pork foods An unjustifiable horror of dark skin A fascination with platform An overuse of the phoenix as a A loathing of odd numbers --
footwear motif bad luck!

The higher the dice result, the more this ghost embodies that aspect. A six on barley wine may render them a hopeless
drunk; a one on bureaucratic purges might mean they joke about disappearing your whole family.

Memory is a fuzzier phantasm than the ghosts themselves. One ghost’s stories of Mu may contradict another’s.

None will admit the possibility they could be mistaken. Ka-Lak-Kak’s last gang war began with a disagreement over
Yimming’s most famous dish during the reign of the Emerald Dowager.

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