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NRP : 6032211079


1. Decision Variables

Y = Number of Radio 2 Produced

2. Objective Function
• Profit Radio 1 (X) :
= 25-(5+(1*5)+(2*6) = 25-(5+5+12)=3
• Profit Radio 2 (Y) :
= 22-(4+(2*5)+(1*6) = 25-(4+10+6)=2

Jadi Z = 3X + 2 Y

3. Constraints :
Labor A = 1X+2Y <= 40
Labor B = 2X + 1Y <=50
Non Negativity : X>=0 ; Y>=0
1. Decision Variable :
X1 : Number of Advertising on television day time
X2 : Number of Advertising on television prime time
X3 : Number of Advertising on radio
X4 : Number of Advertising on magazine

2. Objective Function = Untuk mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin pemirsa/orang

P1 = 400000 X1 + 900000 X2 + 500000 X3 + 200000 X4

P2 = 300000 X1 + 400000 X2 + 200000 X3 + 100000 X4

P = P1 + P2
P = 700000 X1 + 1300000 X2 + 700000 Y + 300000 Z

P = People reached by advertisement

P1 = Non Business people reached by advertisement
P2 = Business people reached by advertisement

3. Constraints

➢ Advertising Exposure on Business Community

400000 X1 + 900000 X2 + 500000 X3 + 200000 X4 => 2000000
➢ Budget
40000 X1 + 75000 X2 + 30000 X3 + 15000 X4 <= 800000
40 X1 + 75 X2 + 30 Y + 15 Z <= 800

➢ Television Budget
40000 X1 + 75000 X2 <=500000
40 X1 + 75 X2 <=500

➢ Television Unit
X1 >= 3 ; X2>=2

➢ Radio and Magazine Unit


➢ Non Negativity
X1 >= 0 ; X2 >= 0 ; X3 >= 0 ; X4 >= 0

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