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WA L K ‘ N ’ TA L K F LU E N CY W E E K - P R AC T I C E T I M E I N G L Ê S - AU L A 0 3 - R h a v i C a r n e i r o ///

Propriedade: Fluency Academy /// Autor: Livia Pond // 1

WA L K ‘ N ’ TA L K F LU E N CY W E E K - P R AC T I C E T I M E I N G L Ê S - AU L A 0 3 - R h a v i C a r n e i r o ///

aula 03
Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

Agora que você escutou o episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk especial para a
terceira edição da Fluency Week, e, além de aprender cada palavra e
expressão dessa aula incrível de nativo, praticou muito a sua pronúncia,
está na hora de expandir ainda mais o seu vocabulário!

Abaixo, você pode conferir cada frase completa, além de uma seção
extra de expansão de vocabulário, baseada na nossa aula. Preparamos
tudo com muito carinho para você aproveitar ainda mais esse conteúdo.
Enjoy it!

I just had a bad day, you know?

She’s been spending all her money on apps, games and stuff like

You do not want to see that movie, believe me.

They wanted to talk to you about… uh, never mind.

He called me and was like, this is an emergency! Talk about drama,


It was sort of… uh... an accident!

Propriedade: Fluency Academy /// Autor: Livia Pond // 2

WA L K ‘ N ’ TA L K F LU E N CY W E E K - P R AC T I C E T I M E I N G L Ê S - AU L A 0 3 - R h a v i C a r n e i r o ///

You know what that means, don’t you?

Wait a sec. You’re telling me the popcorn is free? No way!

Anyway, what did you do today?

She’s just not good with, you know, talking to people and stuff.

Expand your knowledge!

In this episode, you explored some filler words. Check out more
examples to expand your vocabulary.

Basically, I could eat popcorn for every meal.

I was very busy.

Needless to say, moving can be highly stressful.

I mean, that’s what I said.

You are absolutely right.

He simply doesn’t know.

Actually, they were late.

Well, I guess that’s fine.

Er… I uh, thought you were coming back tomorrow.

Hmm… I don’t think that’s the right color for you.

Propriedade: Fluency Academy /// Autor: Livia Pond // 3

WA L K ‘ N ’ TA L K F LU E N CY W E E K - P R AC T I C E T I M E I N G L Ê S - AU L A 0 3 - R h a v i C a r n e i r o ///

Just tell them, you know, all the fun things about me.

My neighbor’s dogs are really loud, and he has, like, ten of them.

They were totally different.

I was going to go out, but you see, it got late.

He’s a really good doctor, but I mean, he’s rude.

I thought we connected, you know what I mean?

That’s it for this episode! Listen to this as many times as you want, and
follow it up with this file. This way, you’ll be able to memorize all the
expressions and vocabulary you’ve learned! You’ll also be able to use it
in conversations in the future. And remember, the more contact you have
with English, the better. So make sure to tune in for our next episode! And
don’t forget to go back to to watch the final classes!

See you soon!

Propriedade: Fluency Academy /// Autor: Livia Pond // 4

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