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Julio sinclair = rezky

Ricka wu = rahmut

Ricka: good morning, ricka speaking, how can I assist you?

Julio: good morning, ricka. It’s me julio.

Ricka : oh, hey julio.

Julio: umm, ricka. Im terribly sorry. For our meeting on Wednesday, October 12, unfortunately, i’m
unable to attend that meeting. I need to see my doctor.

Ricka : oh, is there any problem with your health?

Julio: no, no, I’m alright. I’m just doing some regular check-up. Everything’s fineeee.

Ricka: alright, I’m glad to here that.

Julio: how about we re-schedule our meeting on Friday 14?

Ricka: sorry julio, im afraid I cant make it, because I have to go to Bali to make a deal for another

Julio: hmmmm, are you available saturday 15 at 9am?

Ricka: wait let me check my schedule first.


Ricka: hmmm, I think I can make it, I don’t have any schedule on that day.

Julio: that’s great!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ricka.

Ricka: that’s not a big think. Btw I have to go, see you on Saturday. Bye

Julio: bye, see you.

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