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Module 1

Psychological First Aid


Submitted to: Ma’am Irish Casilao

Submitted by: Gemperoa, Glaine M.
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

Isolation. Fear. Death.

In times like these, one only wishes to avoid these three words.
And yet, we can’t.

As more cases rise, more deaths climb up the ladder-- it’s only a matter of
time to question everything and wallow yourself in isolation with self-pity. And
it’s fine.

This is what this module made me realize. It showed that we mustn’t be

toppled over by COVID-19, help each other to conquer this pandemic, even
the grief and burdens we carry are getting heavier each minute-- albeit the clock never stops

After seeing my classmates’ response, I better understood that, even being stuck in your house,
there were things that showed more greater importance than the fun you get when you travel
and explore the wonders of the outside world-- and it’s your family, and those TV shows you’ve
always wanted to watch but never got the time.

At the end, we were taught an important lesson. To take your time. Take a break. Laugh with
your family. Finish your K-Drama bucket list or your list of “Anime to Watch”.
Learn a new skill or hobby.

Isolation, fear and death.

It’s not easy to be separated from your family, physically or by gates of heaven.
Nor is the pain of loneliness and isolation.
Nor is the heavy debts or weight of unemployment.
Nor is the fear of the future.

In spite of this, we’re not alone.

Together, we will hold up another milestone for human kind to see that we’ve yet conquered the
end of this crisis.
- Just hold on.

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