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Jan Elmer L.

Labesores July 8, 2021


Activity 8 - Geometric Design

This picture displays a curtain from our window that possesses a geometric design and pattern.
Its geometric design can be considered as an irregular shape since flower is a design that is
made by freeform rather than shapes. This figure is also a two-dimensional since the vertices
are joined together by lines to form a closed figure. As for the tessellation, it can be observed
that the design follows the pattern of what we call a glided reflection tessellation where the
flower pattern repeats by sliding and reflecting it.

It is without a doubt that our surrounding encompasses the characteristics of what we

used to learn in Math. Even in nature, patterns can be directly observed in symmetry which
makes it more pleasing to the eyes where we can indulge our time in sightseeing. From objects,
structures, and even landscapes, its foundation of how it is usually formed is from the basic
shapes and forms. Without the presence of these patterns, disorder would perpetuate and
aesthetic value would definitely diminish. In addition, these patterns can also be an imprint of a
significant culture from different religions for us to easily recognize the distinct form of art. These
patterns also embellish different artworks to make it more meaningful as different forms and
shapes carry a significant meaning. Overall, geometry is important because it bridges art and
math which serves as the foundation of the wonderful creations present in the world.

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