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Animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence,

therefore zoological gardens should be banned.

Zoos are worldwide known visitors attraction that get

millions of visitors each year throughout the globe. There are
many debates on the topic of whether zoos should be legal or
not, but nobody ever came to an agreement.
On one hand zoo help with the preservation of
endagered animals. In some cases scientists believe the
endagered wildlife animals can facilitate from being kept in
such facilities because they have the possibility of breeding
and expanding the lifespan of these species
On the other hand wild life animals are traumatized by
being kept in crowded cages. Close studies have shown that
even when returned in the wild life the once free animals
repeatedly walk in circles, the same way they would behind
the bars of their cages. They become more sensitive to
sounds because of the screams of their visitors.
To conclude, in my opinion zoos should be permanently
banned because they cause life long trauma to wild life
animals by keeping them stuck in small cages.

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