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Animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence, therefore

zoological gardens should be banned

It is believed that other creatures are there in this world for our entertainment
and it is time we revaluate this belief and begin to see the other side of the
picture. There is much disagreement as to whether non-human animals have
rights, and what is meant by animal rights. There is much less disagreement
about the consequences of accepting that animals have rights. In my opinion,
zoological gardens should be banned as they are unethical and are something
everyone could easily go without.
To begin with, zoos have a drastically negative effect on the animals they are
supposed to protect. Most zoo management teams would try to counterfeit
this argument, but it has been researched and proven many times that keeping
animals captive will only harm them. They are maltreated and punished for
behaving like they would in nature. There are no proper laws to be followed
when it comes to providing these animals with protection, therefore only few
countries have taken their safety seriously. They, untruthfully, claim that they
have initiated well-preserved breeding programs, when in reality, when they
aren’t able to make animals procreate, they capture new animals from the
wilderness, and the cycle goes on and on.
Secondly, even though all the animals in zoos are confined in their cages, they
are still in danger. Surely everyone has heard of cases of animals killed
whenever they tried to escape their confinements. Roaming freely and hunting
for food is the essential nature of animals, something that can’t be changed.
We have been raised with the concept that zoos have educational purposes,
but there is no truth in that statement. We have not seen any management put
its time in learning about the origins of the animals they are keeping in cages,
therefore there is no learning curve, making zoos completely useless.
All things considered, I think zoos should be banned completely as there aren’t
really any arguments that would make imprisoning animals ethical, zoological
gardens being only a torture place for poor animals.

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