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The Constitution of the United

What is a States is the world's oldest continuously-
active codified constitution, having been in
Constitution? force since 1789.
A constitution is an aggregate of
fundamental principles or The Philippine
established precedents that constitute
the legal basis of a polity, organization, or
Constitution through
another type of entity, and commonly
determine how that entity is to be governed.
the Years
In short, it is the fundamental framework How about our very own constitution? What
that governs the fundamental aspects of do you know about our fundamental law of
the state specifying the land? Our own constitution has a very
the territory, the people, the government, colorful history too. Let us begin our
and the sovereignty, the four basic learning journey by looking at the evolution
elements of statehood. of the Philippine Constitution.
The term constitution comes
through French from
the Latin word constitutio, used for Malolos Congress in 1898. Image courtesy of
regulations and orders, such as pg
the imperial enactments (constitutiones
principis: edicta, mandata, decreta, The Philippines has had a total of six
rescripta). Later, the term was widely used constitutions since the Proclamation of
in canon law for an important Independence on June 12, 1898. In 1899,
determination, especially a decree issued the Malolos Constitution, the first
by the Pope, now referred to as Philippine Constitution—the first
an apostolic constitution. republican constitution in Asia—was
drafted and adopted by the First Philippine
When these principles are written down into Republic, which lasted from 1899 to 1901.
a single document or set of legal
documents, those documents may be said During the American Occupation, the
to embody a written constitution; if they are Philippines was governed by the laws of the
written down in a single comprehensive United States of America. Organic Acts
document, it is said to embody a codified were passed by the United States Congress
constitution. Some constitutions (such for the administration of the Government of
as that of the United Kingdom) are the Philippine Islands. The first was
uncodified or unwritten but written in the Philippine Organic Act of 1902, which
numerous fundamental Acts of a legislature, provided for a Philippine Assembly
court cases or treaties. composed of Filipino citizens. The second
was the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916,
The Constitution of India is which included the first pledge of Philippine
the longest written constitution of any independence. These laws served as
country in the world, containing 444 articles constitutions of the Philippines from 1902 to
in 22 parts, 12 schedules, and 124 1935.
amendments, with 146,385 words in
its English- In 1934, the United States Congress passed
language version. The Constitution the Philippine Independence Act, which set
of Monaco is the shortest written the parameters for the creation of a
constitution, containing 10 chapters with 97 constitution for the Philippines. The Act
articles, and a total of 3,814 mandated the Philippine Legislature to call
for an election of delegates to remained the same until the declaration of
a Constitutional Convention to draft a martial law on September 23, 1972.
Constitution for the Philippines. The 1934
Constitutional Convention finished its work Before President Marcos declared Martial
on February 8, 1935. The Constitution was Law, a Constitutional Convention was
submitted to the President of the United already in the process of deliberating on
States for certification on March 25, 1935. It amending or revising the 1935 Constitution.
was in accordance with the Philippine They finished their work and submitted it to
Independence Act of 1934. The 1935 President Marcos on December 1, 1972.
Constitution was ratified by the Filipino President Marcos submitted it for ratification
people through a national plebiscite, on May in early January of 1973. Foreseeing that a
14, 1935 and came into full force and effect direct ratification of the constitution was
on November 15, 1935 with the bound to fail, Marcos issued Presidential
inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Decree No. 86, s. 1972, creating citizens
Philippines. Among its provisions was that it assemblies to ratify the newly drafted
would remain the constitution of the constitution by means of a Viva Voce vote
Republic of the Philippines once in place of secret ballots. Marcos
independence was granted on July 4, 1946. announced that it had been ratified and in
full force and effect on January 17, 1973.
In 1940, the 1935 Constitution was Although the 1973 Constitution had
amended by the National Assembly of the been “ratified” in this manner, opposition
Philippines. The legislature was changed against it continued. Chief Justice Roberto
from a unicameral assembly to V. Concepcion in his dissenting opinion in
a bicameral congress. The amendment the case of Javellana v. Executive
also changed the term limit of the President Secretary, exposed the fraud that
of the Philippines from six years with no happened during the citizen’s assembly
reelection to four years with a possibility of ratification of the 1973 Constitution on
being re-elected for a second term. January, 10 – 15, 1973. However, the final
decision of this case was that the ratification
The Congress of the Philippines. Image courtesy of
of the 1973 Constitution was valid and was
in force.
During World War II the Japanese-
sponsored government nullified the 1935 When democracy was restored in
Constitution and appointed Preparatory 1986, President Corazon C.
Committee on Philippine Independence to Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3,
replace it. The 1943 Constitution was used suspending certain provisions of the 1973
by the Second Republic with Jose P. Constitution and promulgating in its stead a
Laurel as President. transitory constitution. A month later,
President Aquino issued Proclamation No.
Upon the liberation of the Philippines in 9, s. 1986, which created a Constitutional
1945, the 1935 Constitution came back into Commission tasked with writing a new
effect. The Constitution remained unaltered charter to replace the 1973 Constitution.
until 1947 when the Philippine Congress The commission finished its work at 12:28
called for its amendment a.m. of October 16, 1986. National
through Commonwealth Act No. 733. On Plebiscite was held on February 2, 1987,
March 11, 1947 the Parity ratifying the new constitution. On February
amendment gave United States citizens 11, 1987, by virtue of Proclamation No. 58,
equal rights with Filipino citizens to develop President Aquino announced the official
natural resources in the country and operate canvassing of results and the ratification of
public utilities. The Constitution, thereafter, the draft constitution. The 1987
Constitution finally came into full force and
effect that same day with the President, commemorated the day when President
other civilian officials, and members of the Marcos certified that the new Constitution
Armed Forces swearing allegiance to the had been ratified. Constitution day was
new charter. commemorated until the end of President
Marcos term but was overshadowed by the
Constitution Day Proclamation making September 21st of
every year “Thanksgiving day”, the date
The Constitution Day is one of the official holidays indicated on Presidential Proclamation No.
celebrated in the Philippines celebrated in various
dates in the past until today.
1081, s. 1972: Martial law, however, was
actually declared two days later when
For every constitutional change the President Marcos announced it through
Philippines has experienced, a nationwide television.
corresponding proclamation was issued in
order to celebrate the date that each charter When democracy was restored in
was put into full force and effect—with the 1986, the 1973 Constitution was
exception the 1943 Constitution. President replaced by first the freedom
Emilio Aguinaldo issued the first constitution, also known as
proclamation that celebrated the Proclamation No. 3, s. 1986, then
effectiveness of a constitution in 1899 our current constitution, the 1987
on January 23, 1899. Constitution. This constitution came
into full force and effect on February
When the United States Congress 11, 1987, after President Corazon C.
authorized the creation of a constitution for Aquino issued Proclamation No. 58,
the Philippines in accordance with the s. 1987. The proclamation issued by
Tydings-Mcduffie Act of 1934, a President Aquino included the
Constitutional Convention was established results of the plebiscite held on
to draft a charter for the Philippines and February 2, 1987.
it finished its work on February 8, 1935. On
the inauguration of the Commonwealth of After the ratification of the 1987
the Philippines on November 15, 1935, the Constitution, President Aquino issued
new charter came into full force and effect. Proclamation No. 211 s, 1988, which moved
A year later, President Manuel L. Quezon the commemoration of Constitution Day
issued Proclamation No. 36, s. 1936, from January 17 to February 2 of every
declaring the 8th of February of every year year—a proclamation still in effect to this
as Constitution Day to commemorate the day.
completion of the 1934 Constitutional
Convention’s task. This commemoration
was observed throughout the
Commonwealth of the Philippines and the
Third Republic, up until the declaration of
martial law on September 23, 1972.
In 1973, after the declaration of martial law,
the 1935 Constitution was replaced by a
new charter, the 1973 Constitution. In
commemoration, President Marcos,
repealed President Quezon’s Proclamation
No. 36, s. 1936, by virtue of Proclamation
No. 1219, s. 1973, which moved
Constitution Day from February 8 to
January 17 of every year. This proclamation
Government. The organs of the government
The Biak-na-Bato under the Constitution were:
Constitution of 1897 1.
The Katipunan's opening of direct skirmishes led 1. the Supreme Council, which was vested
to an open revolution that spread like wildfire with the power of Republic, headed by
which was very difficult for the Spanish colonial the president and four department
administration to contain. Despite being placed secretaries: the interior, foreign affairs,
under martial rule, the first eight provinces that treasury and war;
led the revolution grew in number, and 2. the Consejo Supremo de Gracia Y
skirmishes were reported everywhere in the Justicia (Supreme Council of Grace and
archipelago. A change of leadership in the Justice), which was given the authority
Spanish colonial administration struggled to to make decisions and affirm or
contain the tide of the nationalistic storm which disprove the sentences rendered by
engulfed the nation. other courts and to dictate rules for the
administration of justice; and
However, the arrival of "iron-fisted" Governor- 3. the Assemblea de
General Camilo de Polavieja slowed down the Representates (Assembly of
pace of the revolutionary war. This led to the Representatives), which was to be
Tejeros Convention where, at San Francisco de convened after the revolution to create
Malabón, Cavite, on March 22, 1897, the first a new constitution and to elect a new
presidential and vice-presidential elections in Council of Government and
Philippine history were held although only Representatives of the people.
Katipuneros (viz., members of the Katipunan)
were able to take part, and not the The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was never fully
general populace. Emilio Aguinaldo, the newly- implemented since a truce, the Pact of Biak-na-
elected President, defeating Andres Bonifacio, Bato, was signed between the Spanish and the
started consolidating his power by eliminating Philippine Revolutionary Army.
possible oppositions including the Bonifacio

With Bonifacio gone, the wild fervor of

nationalism seemed to be grounded and the
Filipino revolutionaries begin resorting to their
"tribalistic" tendencies which led to their
successive defeats in head-to-head battles
against the better equipped and better trained
Spanish armt. Aguinaldo moved about, escaping
defeat from town to town until he reached a
remote and dense jungle in Biak-na-Bato, in San
Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan. A later meeting of
the revolutionary government established there,
held on November 1, 1897 they established the
Republic of Biak-na-Bato. The republic had a
constitution drafted by Isabelo Artacho and Félix
Ferrer and based on the first Cuban
Constitution. It is known as the "Constitución
Provisional de la República de Filipinas", and
was originally written in and promulgated in the
Spanish and Tagalog languages.

The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was the

provisionary Constitution of the Philippine
Republic during the Philippine Revolution and
was promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary
Following Spain's defeat in the Spanish–
The Malolos Constitution American War, the United States in the Treaty of
of 1899 Paris of 1898 acquired the Philippines from
Spain, along with several other territories. On
The 1899 Philippine Constitution informally February 4, 1899, the Philippine–American War
known as the Malolos Constitution, was the started with the Battle of Manila of 1899. On
constitution of the First Philippine Republic, also March 23, 1901, Aguinaldo was captured. On
know as Malolos Republic. It was written April 19, he issued a Proclamation of Formal
by Felipe Calderón y Roca and Felipe Surrender to the United States, telling his
Buencamino as an alternative to a pair of followers to lay down their weapons and give up
proposals to the Malolos Congress the fight. General Miguel Malvar took over the
by Apolinario Mabini and Pedro Paterno. After leadership of the Filipino government, or what
a lengthy debate in the latter part of 1898, it was remained of it. Malvar surrendered, along with
promulgated on 21 January 1899. his sick wife and children and some of his
officers, on April 13, 1902.
The document was patterned after
the Spanish Constitution of 1812, with Isagani Giron, a past president of the historical
influences from the charters of Belgium, Mexico, society of Bulacan (Sampaka), described the
Brazil, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, Malolos Constitution as "the best Constitution
and the French Constitution of 1793. The the country ever had".
Malolos Constitution was likewise influenced by The original copy of the Malolos Constitution is
the Kartilya, the charter of laws and morals of located in the historical archives of the Batasang
the Katipunan written by Emilio Jacinto in 1896; Pambansa Complex, the seat of the House of
the Biak-na-Bato Constitution of 1897 planned Representatives of the Philippines, though it isn't
by Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer; Mabini's available for public viewing.
Constitutional Program of the Philippine
Republic of 1898; the provisional constitution of
Mariano Ponce in 1898 that followed the
Spanish constitutions; and the autonomy General Aguinaldo (seated, center) and the delegates to the
first assembly that passed the constitution, in Barasoain
projects of Paterno in 1898. Church, Malolos. (Taken December 8, 1929). Image
courtesy of U.S. National Archives and Records
The Malolos Constitution was Administration
the first republican constitution in Asia. It
declared that sovereignty resides exclusively in The Malolos constitution is the first important
the people, stated basic civil rights, separated Filipino document ever produced by the people's
the church and state, and called for the creation representatives. It is anchored in democratic
of an Assembly of Representatives to act as the traditions that ultimately had their roots in
legislative body. It also called for American soil. It created a Filipino state whose
a parliamentary republic as the form of government was "popular, representative and
government. The president was elected for a responsible" with three distinct branches -- the
term of four years by a majority of the Assembly. executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The
It was titled "Constitución política", and was constitution specifically provided for safeguards
written in Spanish following the declaration of against abuses and enumerated the national
independence from Spain, proclaimed on and individual rights not only of the Filipinos but
January 20, 1899, and was enacted and ratified also for those of the aliens.
by the Malolos Congress, a congress held
in Malolos, Bulacan. The legislative powers were exercised by the
Assembly of Representatives composed of
Legacy of the 1899 Philippine delegates elected according to law. To make the
function of Congress continuous, the document
Constitution provided for a Permanent Commission which
would sit as a law-making body when Congress
The First Philippine Republic never was not in session. The assembly elected the
gained international recognition and the Malolos President of the Republic. The Cabinet,
Constitution was never fully implemented across composed of the Secretaries of the different
the Philippines. departments of the government, was responsible
not to the President, but to the Assembly. The The Philippines was a United States
administration of justice was vested in the Territory from December 10, 1898, to March
Supreme Court and in inferior courts to be 24, 1934, and therefore was under the
established according to law. The Chief Justice jurisdiction of the Federal Government of
of the Supreme Court was to be elected by the
the United States. It started on December
Assembly with the concurrence of the President
and the Cabinet. 10, 1898, by virtue of the conclusion of the
Treaty of Paris between the US government
The constitution as a whole is a monument to and the dwindling Spanish empire until the
the capacity of the Filipinos to chart their own inauguration of the Philippine
course along democratic lines. In a period of Commonwealth government in 1935. This
storm and stress, it symbolized the ideals of a period led to the enactment of a series of
people who had emerged from the Dark Ages laws that served as the basis for the
into the Light of Reason.
promulgation of future constitutions of the
The 1899 Malolos Constitution was never country.
enforced due to the on-going Filipino American
War. The Philippines was effectively a territory of There are acts (laws) passed by the United
the United States of America upon the signing of States Congress during this period which
the Treaty of Paris between Spain and the can be considered Philippine constitutions
United States, transferring the sovereignty of the in that those acts defined the fundamental
Philippines on December 10, 1898, and from political principles and established the
1898 to 1901, the Philippines would be under a structure, procedures, powers, and duties of
military government until a civil government the Philippine government. There are the
would be put into place. following:

1. Philippine Organic Act of

The Philippine Organic Act of 1902,
sometimes known as the "Philippine Bill of
1902" or the "Cooper Act", (US
Congressman Henry A. Cooper, the author,
is depicted on the right) was the first organic
law for the Philippine Islands enacted by the
United States Congress. It provided for the
creation of a popularly elected Philippine
Assembly and specified that legislative
power would be vested in
a bicameral legislature composed of
the Philippine Commission (upper house)
and the Philippine Assembly (lower
house). Its key provisions included a bill of
rights for the Filipinos and the appointment
of two non-voting Filipino Resident
Commissioner of the Philippines to
represent the Philippines in the United
States House of Representatives.
The Philippine Organic Act provided for the
creation of an elected Philippine
Assembly after the following conditions
were met:
1. the cessation of the existing insurrection 2. Philippine Autonomy Act
in the Philippine Islands;
2. completion and publication of a census; of 1916
3. two years of continued peace and
recognition of the authority of the United The Jones Law, also known as
States of America after the publication the Jones Act, (authored by Congressman
of the census. William Atkinson Jones, depicted on the
right) the Philippine Autonomy Act, and
After the convening of the the Act of Congress of August 29, 1916)
Assembly, legislative power shall then be was an Organic Act passed by the United
vested in a bicameral legislature composed States Congress. The law replaced
of the Philippine Commission as the upper the Philippine Organic Act of 1902 and
house and the Philippine Assembly as the acted as a constitution of the
lower house. Supervision of the islands was Philippines from its enactment until 1934
assigned to the War Department's Bureau when the Tydings–McDuffie Act was passed
of Insular Affairs. (which in turn led eventually to
the Commonwealth of the Philippines and
Other key provisions included: to independence from the United States).
The law also changed the Philippine
• a bill of rights for the Filipinos,
Legislature into the Philippines' first fully
• the appointment of two Filipino
elected body and therefore made it more
nonvoting Resident Commissioners to
autonomous of the U.S. Government. The
represent the Philippines in the United
1902 Philippine Organic Act provided for an
States Congress, and
elected lower house (the Philippine
• the disestablishment of the Roman
Assembly composed of Filipinos), while
Catholic Church.
the upper house (the Philippine Commission
• conservation of natural resources for the
composed of Americans) was
appointed. The Jones Law provided for both
• exercise of executive power by the civil
houses to be elected and changed the
governor who would have several
name of the Assembly to the House of
executive departments
Representatives. The executive
• establishment of the Philippine
branch continued to be headed by an
Assembly to be elected by the Filipinos
appointed Governor-General of the
two years after the publication of a
Philippines, always an American.
census and only after peace had been
restored completely in the country Elections were held on October 3, 1916, to
the newly created Philippine Senate.
This act was superseded by the Philippine Elections to the Philippine Assembly
Autonomy Act, or the Jones Law, enacted had already been held on June 6, 1916, and
on August 29, 1916. You can read the full those elected in that election were made
text of the Philippine Organic Act of members of the House of Representatives
1902 here. by the law.
The ultimate goal for the Philippines was
independence. U.S. President Theodore
Roosevelt said as early as 1901, "We hope
to do for them what has never been done
for any people of the tropics—to make them
fit for self-government after the fashion of
really free nations." The American public
tended to view America's presence in the 4. Tydings–McDuffie Act
Philippines as unremunerative and
expensive, so Roosevelt had concluded by (1934)
1907, "We shall have to be prepared for
giving the island's independence of a more The Tydings–McDuffie Act, officially
or less complete type much sooner than I the Philippine Independence Act enacted
think advisable." March 24, 1934), is a United States federal
law that established the process for
You can read the entire text of the the Philippines, then an American colony, to
Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 here. become an independent country after a ten-
year transition period. Under the act,
3. Hare–Hawes–Cutting Act the 1935 Constitution of the
Philippines was written and
(1932) the Commonwealth of the
The Hare–Hawes–Cutting Act passed to Philippines was established, with the first
law by the US Congress was authored by directly elected President of the
Congressman Butler B. Hare, Senator Harry Philippines.
B. Hawes, and Senator Bronson M. Cutting The act was authored in the 73rd United
and was enacted January 17, 1933. The States Congress by Senator Millard E.
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act was the first US Tydings (Dem.)
law passed setting a process and of Maryland and Representative John
a date for the Philippines to gain McDuffie (Dem.) of Alabama, (pictured on
independence from the United States. It the left) and signed into law
was the result of the OsRox Mission led by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
by Sergio Osmeña and Manuel Roxas. The Though also not a constitution itself,
law promised Philippine independence the Tydings–McDuffie Act of 1934 provided
after 10 years but reserved several for autonomy and defined mechanisms for
militaries and naval bases for the United the establishment of a formal constitution
States, as well as imposed tariffs and via a constitutional convention.
quotas on Philippine imports.
In 1934, Manuel L. Quezon, the President of
Though not a constitution itself, the Hare– the Senate of the Philippines, headed a
Hawes–Cutting Act of 1932 was the "Philippine Independence mission" to
precursor of the Tydings–McDuffie Act, Washington, D.C. after the rejection of the
which laid down the promise of Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act of 1932 by the
independence to the Philippines after 10 OsRox Mission. It successfully lobbied
years of the transition period and other Congress and secured the act's passage. In
provisions. It passed by the United States 1935, under the provisions of the act,
Congress in December 1932 but was the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines was
vetoed by U.S. President Herbert drafted and became law, establishing
Hoover. Congress overrode the veto on the Commonwealth of the Philippines with
January 17, 1933. The Philippine an elected executive, Manuel L. Quezon, as
Senate was required to ratify the law. With the President of the Philippines.
leaders such as Manuel L. Quezon being
the Senate President opposing it, the In accordance with the act, President Harry
Philippine Senate rejected the bill. S. Truman issued Proclamation 2695
of July 4, 1946, officially recognizing the
independence of the Philippines
L. Quezon was elected as the first President
The Commonwealth and Sergio Osmeña as Vice-President of the
Constitution of 1935 Commonwealth of the Philippines.

The Tydings-McDuffie Act 1934 provided for a

creation of a constitutional convention tasked to The Legislative Building where the Commonwealth
draft a constitution for the establishment of the Government was inaugurated. Image courtesy of
commonwealth government. Election of the 202
delegates to the 1934 Philippine Constitutional
Convention was held on July 10, 1934, with Claro Salient features
M. Recto as the President, Ruperto Montinola, and
Teodoro Sandiko as First and Second Vice- Salient features of the 1935 Constitution include
Presidents, Narciso Pimentel as Secretary, Narciso the following: a bicameral legislature composed
Diokno as Sergeant-at-Arms, and Hilario Moncado of a senate and House of Representatives. The
as Timekeeper. President is to be elected to a four-year term
together with the Vice-President without re-
The 1935 Constitution also known election; rights of suffrage by male citizens of the
as Commonwealth Constitution was written, Philippines who are twenty-one years of age or
approved, and adopted in 1934 by the over and are able to read and write; extension of
Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935–1946) the right of suffrage to women within two years
and later used by the Third Republic (1946– after the adoption of the constitution.
1972). It was written with an eye to meeting the
approval of the United States Government as The draft of the constitution was approved by the
well, so as to ensure that the U.S. would live up convention on February 8, 1935, and ratified by
to its promise to grant the Philippines Pres. Roosevelt in Washington D.C on March
independence and not have a premise to hold 25, 1935. Elections were held in September
onto its possession on the grounds that it was 1935, Manuel L. Quezon was elected as the
too politically immature and hence unready for president of the Commonwealth. The 1935
full, real independence. Constitution provided the legal basis of the
Commonwealth Government which was
considered a transition government before the
granting of the Philippine independence with an
American-inspired constitution; the Philippine
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Tydings-
McDuffie Law which is the organic law for the establishment government would eventually pattern its
of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. government system after the American
government. It has been said that the 1935
It originally provided for a unicameral legislature Constitution was the best-written Philippine
composed of a president and vice president charter ever.
elected for a six-year term without re-election. It
was amended in 1940 to provide for
a bicameral legislature composed of a Senate
and a House of Representatives. The President
is to be elected to a four-year term, together with
the Vice-President, with one re-election; the right
of suffrage for male citizens of the Philippines
who are twenty-one years of age or over and are
able to read and write were protected; this
protection, later on, extended to the right of
suffrage for women two years after the adoption
of the constitution.

The draft of the constitution was approved by the

convention on February 8, 1935 and was ratified
by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
Washington D.C. on March 25, 1935. Elections
were held on September 16, 1935 and Manuel
Upon the approval of the draft by the Committee,
The 1943 Constitution the new charter was ratified in 1943 by an
assembly of appointed, provincial
The transition period of the US government's representatives of the KALIBAPI (Kapisanan ng
granting of freedom to the Philippines was Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas), the
interrupted with the outbreak of the World War II organization established by the Japanese to
in the Pacific precipitated by the treacherous supplant all previous political parties. Upon the
bombing of Pearl Harbor US Naval Base by the ratification by the Kalibapi assembly, the Second
Japanese Imperial Navy on December 8, 1942. Republic was formally proclaimed (1943–
With the coming of Japanese forces, the 1945). José P. Laurel (depicted on the
Commonwealth Government moved to the US right) was elected President by the National
while the Japanese forces attempted to establish Assembly and Benigno S. Aquino, Sr.
the Japanese-sponsored Philippine Republic as Speaker of the National Assembly, was
(JSPR). sworn into office on October 14, 1943.
Under the guise of their program called "Greater The 1943 Constitution remained in force in
East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere", the Japanese Japanese-controlled areas of the Philippines but
lured some Filipino leaders to believe that their was never recognized as legitimate or binding by
intention is for the benefit of the Philippines. the governments of the United States, the
Some Filipino leaders like Jose P. Laurel, Commonwealth of the Philippines, or the
Narciso Ramos, and Jorge Vargas, among guerrilla organizations loyal to them. In late
others, were convinced, if not coerced, to join 1944, President Laurel declared war on the
and participate in this endeavor. United States and the British Empire and
proclaimed martial law, essentially ruling
by decree. When the Americans returned, his
government, in turn, went into exile in December
Philippine Executive Commission Chairman Jorge B. Vargas 1944, first to Taiwan and then Japan. After the
reads a message to the Kalibapi in the presence of Lt. Gen. announcement of Japan's surrender, Laurel
Shigenori Kuroda and Speaker Benigno S. Aquino, in the old
Senate Session Hall in the Legislative Building, Manila. formally dissolved the Second Republic.
Image courtesy of

The 1943 Constitution was drafted by a

committee appointed by the Philippine
Executive Commission, the body established
by the Japanese to administer the Philippines in
lieu of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines which had established
a government-in-exile in the US. In mid-1942,
Japanese Premier Hideki Tojo promised the
Filipinos "the honor of independence" which
meant that the commission would be supplanted
by a formal republic.

The Preparatory Committee for Philippine

Independence tasked with drafting a new
constitution was composed, in large part, of
members of the prewar National Assembly and
of individuals with experience as delegates to
the convention that had drafted the 1935
Constitution. Their draft for the republic to be
established under the Japanese occupation,
however, would be limited in duration, provide
for indirect, instead of direct, legislative
elections, and an even stronger executive
Assembly for a six-year term and could be re-
The 1973 Constitution elected to an unlimited number of terms. Upon
election, the President ceased to be a Member
A constitutional convention was called to of the National Assembly. During his term, the
change the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines, President was not allowed to be a member of
which was written to establish a political party or hold any other office.
the Commonwealth of the Philippines. A special
election was held on November 10, 1970, to Executive power was meant to be exercised by
elect the convention's delegates, which would the Prime Minister who was also elected from
convene in 1971. Former Philippine among the sitting Assemblymen. The Prime
President Carlos P. Garcia was sworn in as Minister was to be the head of
the President of the Constitutional Convention government and Commander-in-Chief of
on June 1, 1971. However, he died thirteen days the Armed Forces. This constitution was
after taking the oath. Former subsequently amended four times (arguably
President Diosdado Macapagal replaced five, depending on how one considers
Garcia. Sotero H. Laurel served as Proclamation No. 3 of 1986, see below).
the President Pro-Tempore of the convention.
From October 16–17, 1976, a majority
of barangay voters (also called "Citizens'
Former President Diosdado Macapagal presiding the 1971
Assemblies") approved that martial law should
Constitutional Convention. Image courtesy of be continued and ratified the amendments to the
Constitution proposed by President Marcos.
In September 1972, President Ferdinand
Marcos declared martial law and arrested 11 The 1976 amendments provided:
members of the convention. The convention
then re-convened and wrote a constitution in line • for an Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP)
with what President Ferdinand Marcos wanted, substituting for the Interim National
at least, according to many critics and victims of Assembly;
martial law. • that the President would become Prime
Minister and continue to exercise legislative
Anticipating rejection of his motives and eventual powers until such time as martial law was
loss in the plebiscite by the critics of his lifted.
administration, Marcos issued Presidential
Decree No. 86 calling for the cancellation of the
plebiscite and instituted Barangays' Citizens' The Sixth Amendment authorized the President
Assemblies to ratify the new constitution by to legislate on his own on an "emergency" basis:
a referendum from 10–15 January 1973. On 17
January 1973, Marcos issued Proclamation No. Whenever in the judgement of the President
1102 certifying and proclaiming that the 1973
Constitution had been ratified by the Filipino there exists a grave emergency or a threat or
people and thereby was in effect. imminence thereof, or whenever the Interim
These results were challenged by Batasang Pambansa or the regular National
the Ratification Cases heard by the Philippine
Supreme Court in 1973 but the court upheld the Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on
results and the ratification of the 1973 any matter for any reason that in his judgment
requires immediate action, he may, in order to
The 1973 Constitution, promulgated after
Marcos' declaration of martial law, was meet the exigency, issue the necessary decrees,
supposed to introduce a parliamentary-style
orders or letters of instructions, which shall form
government. Legislative power was vested in
a unicameral National Assembly whose part of the law of the land.
members were elected for six-year terms. The
President was ideally elected as the symbolic
and purely ceremonial head of state chosen
A Political Cartoon depicting the 1971 Constitutional
from amongst the Members of the National Convention. Image courtesy of
The 1973 Constitution was further amended in President but with the premise that such was
1980 and 1981. In the 1980 amendment, the now constitutional.
retirement age of the members of the judiciary
was extended to 70 years. In the 1981
amendments, the false parliamentary system
The making of the 1973
was formally modified into a French-style semi-
presidential system and provided:
When Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial Law in
• that executive power was restored to the Philippines, he used his constitutionally legal
the President; powers to concentrate all state authority in
• that direct election of the President was himself.
However, this would not be the last time Marcos
• for an Executive Committee composed of
would use technicalities in his mandate as head
the Prime Minister and not more than 14
of state to obtain even greater power. In mere
members was created to "assist the
months following September 1972, Marcos had
President in the exercise of his powers and
already set in motion an elaborate plan that
functions and in the performance of his
would eliminate his checks and balances from
duties as he may prescribe;" and the Prime
both the other branches of government and the
Minister was a mere head of the Cabinet.
Filipino people at large.
• for electoral reforms and provided that a
natural-born citizen of the Philippines who In everything he did, Ferdinand Marcos took
has lost his citizenship may be a great pains to ensure that his actions would align
transference of private land for use by him with the dictates of the law. When necessary
as his residence. measures fell outside the scope of existing laws,
he changed the laws to suit his needs before
The last amendments in 1984 abolished the proceeding.
Executive Committee and restored the position
of Vice-President (which did not exist in the For implementing such a strategy his rapid
original, unamended 1973 Constitution) and ascent to what seemed at the time like absolute
had Arturo Tolentino as Vice-President of power, Marcos has been labeled a constitutional
Marcos. dictator.

While the 1973 Constitution ideally provided for Absolute Power

a true parliamentary system, in practice, Marcos
made use of subterfuge and manipulation in In any democracy, checks and balances are
order to keep executive powers for himself, vital. The basic idea is that no single individual
rather than devolving these to the Assembly and has all the power, so that he is unable to abuse
the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister. The it. Power is ideally distributed among various
end result was that the final form of the 1973 bodies so that they may dispense their duties
Constitution – after all, amendments and subtle efficiently, and balance each other’s exercise of
manipulations – was merely the abolition of the authority.
Senate and a series of cosmetic rewording. The
old American-derived terminology was replaced The Philippine government is generally divided
by names more associated with a parliamentary into three branches: the executive branch, the
government: for example, the House of legislative branch, and the judicial branch.
Representatives became known as the Following the same principle of checks and
"Batasang Pambansâ" (National Assembly), balances, the President (executive) must thus
departments became "ministries", and their approve laws passed by Senate and Congress
cabinet secretaries became known as "cabinet (legislative), while the Supreme Court (judicial)
ministers", with the President's assistant – the may judge the constitutionality of the President’s
Executive Secretary – now being styled as the actions.
"Prime Minister". Marcos' purported
parliamentary system in practice functioned as Toward strengthening his dictatorial powers,
an authoritarian presidential system, with all real Marcos made sure to disrupt this democratic
power concentrated in the hands of the setup. While he already had control of the
executive branch as the President, he
proceeded to take over all other functions that Even before the declaration of Martial Law, a
the government had the mandate over. In effect, Constitutional Convention had already been put
Marcos gave himself total control over the in place since 1971 to review and propose
nation. amendments to the existing constitution. On
November 29, 1972, the Convention approved
In General Order No. 1, signed September 22, their proposed Constitution, and the following
1972, Marcos declared: day it was submitted by the President for
Now, therefore, I, Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the
ratification by the Filipino people.
Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of This move was questioned by some legislators.
the Philippines, do hereby proclaim that I shall govern the How could a Constitution be ratified by the
nation and direct the operation of the entire Government, Filipino people in a state with neither Congress
including all its agencies and instrumentalities, in my
capacity and shall exercise all the powers and prerogatives
nor free speech? Nonetheless, the President
appurtenant and incident to my position as such ordered the organization of Citizen Assemblies,
Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the wherein citizens would be asked whether they
Philippines. approved of the New Society, whether they liked
the reforms instituted under Martial Law,
By taking control of the entire government,
whether Congress should be opened again, and
Marcos put himself in a position of absolute
when the Constitution should be ratified.
power over the laws of the land, with no
legitimate body in existence to hold him in In Proclamation No. 1102, Marcos announced
check. He personally appointed every provincial that 95% of citizens at the Citizen Assemblies
governor, city mayor, and municipal mayor approved of the new Constitution. This
throughout the nation. Throughout his term, he announcement was also questioned, in a
issued 1941 presidential decrees, 1331 letters of landmark case known as Javellana vs.
instruction, and 896 executive orders. His word Executive Secretary, wherein Josue
was law. Javellana questioned the power of the President
to call for Citizen Assemblies, and the power of
A New Constitution the assemblies themselves to ratify the
Constitution. Others alleged that the Citizen
As it became clear that Marcos could indeed Assemblies themselves had been conducted
exercise absolute power over the Philippine unscrupulously, with force and deception.
government, one more thing had to be secured: However, the case was dismissed by the
the indefinite extension of this power. In the Supreme Court, therefore allowing the 1973
1935 Constitution, in effect at the time of Constitution to take full effect.
Marcos’s first and second terms of office, limited
the Presidency to a total of 2 four-year terms. Marcos had thus succeeded in fulfilling his plans
to obtain power. After transitory provisions lived
Marcos’s solution? He promulgated a change of out their course, Marcos was named the Prime
Constitution, which included the replacement of Minister. He had indeed extended his stay in
Congress with the single-chamber Batasang power. The 1973 Constitution allowed him to
Pambansa (National Assembly). The new hold this position indefinitely, and he did so until
proposed government would have a Batasang 1981, at which point he appointed his finance
Pambansa composed of popularly elected minister Cesar Virata to the post of Prime
legislators, a symbolic head of state in the Minister. However, Marcos did not consider
President, and a Prime Minister who would be Virata a threat to his rule.
head of government, elected by the assembly.

One crucial provision was that the Prime

Minister would retain his powers unless the
assembly made it known that they had lost their
confidence in him or the President nominated a
successor. Moreover, transitory provisions in the
1973 Constitution assigned Marcos a term
extension as President.
1973, was elected president of
The making of the 1987 ConCom, Ambrosio Padilla as Vice-
Constitution President, Napoleon Rama as Floor Leader,
and Flerida Ruth P. Romero as Secretary-
If you recall, the works of the 1972 Constitutional General.
Convention was affected by the declaration of
martial law in September 1972 by Several issues were the subject
President Ferdinand Marcos. Eventually, on of heated discussions within
November 29, 1972, the Convention approved
the new constitution. It was submitted to a vote
in the 1973 constitutional plebiscite. The results The proceedings in relation to the drafting of the
of the plebiscite and the legality of the 1973 1987 Philippine Constitution – just like other
Constitution was questioned before important legal documents in the country – were
the Philippine Supreme Court in the Ratification in no doubt not without conflict.
Cases. The constitution was upheld. Marcos
would continue to rule as a dictator until being According to accounts, members of the ConCom
ousted by the People Power Revolution in 1986. engaged in heated debates during the various
sessions on many issues, including the death
penalty, economic policies, land reform, form of
government, and even the retention of American
President Corazon C. Aquino addresses the 1987 military bases in Clark and Subic, among others.
Constitutional Commission. Photo courtesy of Official
Gazette. The ConCom was able to finish its work after
more or less 111 days, according to Palma. On
Immediately following the 1986 People Power October 12, 1986, the draft constitution was
Revolution that ousted Marcos, passed – with 44 delegates voting for it
President Corazon C. Aquino created – and two against – and was presented to Aquino
through Proclamation No. 9 – the 1986 3 days after.
Constitutional Commission (ConCom), which
was responsible for drafting a replacement for More than ¾ of votes were in
the 1973 Constitution. The new constitution, she
said, should be “truly reflective of the aspirations favor of the ratification of the
and ideals of the Filipino people.” 1987 Philippine Constitution
The 1986 Constitutional On February 2, 1987, a National Plebiscite was
held after a nationwide information campaign on
Commission the draft constitution. The question voters had to
answer was: "Do you vote for the ratification of
The 1986 Constitutional Commission (ConCom)
the proposed Constitution of the Republic of the
was composed of 48 individuals who
Philippines with the ordinance appended
represented all sectors in the country, including,
among others, Bishop Teodoro Bacani, former
Supreme Court chief justice Roberto The results of the 1987 plebiscite canvassed by
Concepcion, former labor minister (and the Commission on Elections based on returns
eventually senator and foreign affairs secretary) from 83,288 precincts – or a total of 21,785,216
Blas Ople, Ateneo De Manila University votes – across the Philippines are as follows:
president Father Joaquin Bernas SJ, and
University of the Philippines Student Council Votes Number of Votes Garnered
Chairperson (now Commission on Human
Rights chair) Chito Gascon. Click here to view Affirmative (Yes) 16,622,111 (76.30%)
the 48 members of the Constitutional Negative (No) 4,953,375 (22.74%)
Commission. Abstention 209,730 (0.96%)
The first session of the commission was held on
On February 11, 1987, through Proclamation
June 2, 1986, when Cecilia Muñoz-Palma, the
No. 58, Aquino announced the results of the
first woman appointed to the Supreme Court in
plebiscite and proclaimed the 1987 Philippine
Constitution ratified. It took effect the same day. The Constitution also established
President Corazon C. Aquino, through three independent Constitutional
Proclamation No. 211 of 1988, Commissions, namely:
assigned February 2 of each year
as Constitution Day to mark the new 1987 1. the Civil Service Commission, a central
Constitution. agency in charge of government personnel;
2. the Commission on Elections mandated to
Salient features of the enforce and administer all election laws and
regulations; and
1987 Philippine 3. the Commission on Audit, which examines
all funds, transactions, and property
Constitution accounts of the government and its
The 1987 Philippine Constitution is the present
organic law. It is the fundamental law of the land
To further promote the ethical and lawful
because it lays down the principles of our
conduct of the government, the Office of the
present democratic institutions and the general
Ombudsman was created to investigate
spirit of all our laws. It is the supreme law in
complaints that pertain to public corruption,
which all laws must adhere thereto. It is
unlawful behavior of public officials, and other
permanent in a way that it should respond to the
public misconduct. The Ombudsman can
needs of present and future generations.
charge public officials before Sandiganbayan, a
In history, President Corazon Aquino's special court created for this purpose.
government decided to make a new Constitution
because they believe that it could break the
vestiges of Marcos's dictatorship. In 1986, a
constitutional convention was created,
composed of 48 members from different sectors
of society- lawyers, teachers, jurists, farmers,
etc. The convention drew up the present
Constitution, largely restoring the setup
abolished by Marcos in 1972.

The Constitution begins with a preamble and

eighteen self-contained articles. It established
the Philippines as a "democratic republican
state" where sovereignty resides in the people
and all government authority emanates from
them. It contains separation of powers between
the executive, legislative and judicial branches of
the government.


"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the

aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society and establish a Government
that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and
develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves
and our posterity the blessings of independence
and democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality,
and peace, do ordain and promulgate this
land? Our own constitution has a very colorful
What is a Constitution? history too. Let us begin our learning journey by
looking at the evolution of the Philippine
A constitution is an aggregate of Constitution.
fundamental principles or
established precedents that constitute
the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other
type of entity, and commonly determine how that Malolos Congress in 1898. Image courtesy of
entity is to be governed. In short, it is the
fundamental framework which governs the The Philippines has had a total of six
fundamental aspects of the state specifying constitutions since the Proclamation of
the territory, the people, the government, and Independence on June 12, 1898. In 1899,
the sovereignty, the four basic elements of the Malolos Constitution, the first Philippine
statehood. Constitution—the first republican constitution
The term constitution comes in Asia—was drafted and adopted by the First
through French from Philippine Republic, which lasted from 1899 to
the Latin word constitutio, used for regulations 1901.
and orders, such as the imperial enactments During the American Occupation, the Philippines
(constitutiones principis: edicta, mandata, was governed by the laws of the United States
decreta, rescripta). Later, the term was widely of America. Organic Acts were passed by the
used in canon law for an important United States Congress for the administration of
determination, especially a decree issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands. The
the Pope, now referred to as an apostolic first was the Philippine Organic Act of 1902,
constitution. which provided for a Philippine Assembly
When these principles are written down into a composed of Filipino citizens. The second was
single document or set of legal documents, the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, which
those documents may be said to embody included the first pledge of Philippine
a written constitution; if they are written down in independence. These laws served as
a single comprehensive document, it is said to constitutions of the Philippines from 1902 to
embody a codified constitution. Some 1935.
constitutions (such as that of the United In 1934, the United States Congress passed the
Kingdom) are uncodified or unwritten but written Philippine Independence Act, which set the
in numerous fundamental Acts of a legislature, parameters for the creation of a constitution for
court cases or treaties. the Philippines. The Act mandated the Philippine
The Constitution of India is the longest written Legislature to call for an election of delegates to
constitution of any country in the world, a Constitutional Convention to draft a
containing 444 articles in 22 parts, 12 schedules Constitution for the Philippines. The 1934
and 124 amendments, with 146,385 words in Constitutional Convention finished its work on
its English-language version. The Constitution February 8, 1935. The Constitution was
of Monaco is the shortest written constitution, submitted to the President of the United States
containing 10 chapters with 97 articles, and a for certification on March 25, 1935. It was in
total of 3,814 words. The Constitution of accordance with the Philippine Independence
the United States is the world's oldest Act of 1934. The 1935 Constitution was ratified
continuously-active codified constitution, by the Filipino people through a national
having been in force since 1789. plebiscite, on May 14, 1935 and came into full
force and effect on November 15, 1935 with the
inauguration of the Commonwealth of the
The Philippine Philippines. Among its provisions was that it
would remain the constitution of the Republic of
Constitution through the the Philippines once independence was granted
Years on July 4, 1946.

In 1940, the 1935 Constitution was amended by

How about our very own constitution? What do the National Assembly of the Philippines. The
you know about our fundamental law of the legislature was changed from
a unicameral assembly to Proclamation No. 3, suspending certain
a bicameral congress. The amendment also provisions of the 1973 Constitution and
changed the term limit of the President of the promulgating in its stead a transitory
Philippines from six years with no reelection constitution. A month later, President Aquino
to four years with a possibility of being issued Proclamation No. 9, s. 1986, which
reelected for a second term. created a Constitutional Commission tasked with
writing a new charter to replace the 1973
Image courtesy of CNN Constitution. The commission finished its work at
12:28 a.m. of October 16, 1986. National
During World War II the Japanese-sponsored Plebiscite was held on February 2, 1987,
government nullified the 1935 Constitution and
ratifying the new constitution. On February 11,
appointed Preparatory Committee on Philippine
1987, by virtue of Proclamation No. 58,
Independence to replace it. The 1943
President Aquino announced the official
Constitution was used by the Second Republic
canvassing of results and the ratification of the
with Jose P. Laurel as President. draft constitution. The 1987 Constitution finally
Upon the liberation of the Philippines in 1945, came into full force and effect that same day
the 1935 Constitution came back into effect. with the President, other civilian officials, and
The Constitution remained unaltered until 1947 members of the Armed Forces swearing
when the Philippine Congress called for its allegiance to the new charter.
amendment through Commonwealth Act No.
733. On March 11, 1947 the Parity Constitution Day
amendment gave United States citizens equal
The Constitution Day is one of the official holidays
rights with Filipino citizens to develop natural celebrated in the Philippines celebrated in various dates in
resources in the country and operate public the past until today.
utilities. The Constitution, thereafter, remained
the same until the declaration of martial law on For every constitutional change the Philippines
September 23, 1972. has experienced, a corresponding proclamation
was issued in order to celebrate the date that
Before President Marcos declared Martial Law, a each charter was put into full force and effect—
Constitutional Convention was already in the with the exception of the 1943
process of deliberating on amending or revising Constitution. President Emilio Aguinaldo issued
the 1935 Constitution. They finished their work the first proclamation that celebrated the
and submitted it to President Marcos on effectiveness of a constitution in 1899
December 1, 1972. President Marcos submitted on January 23, 1899.
it for ratification in early January of 1973.
Foreseeing that a direct ratification of the When the United States Congress authorized
constitution was bound to fail, Marcos the creation of a constitution for the Philippines
issued Presidential Decree No. 86, s. 1972, in accordance with the Tydings-Mcduffie Act of
creating citizens assemblies to ratify the newly 1934, a Constitutional Convention was
drafted constitution by means of a Viva established to draft a charter for the Philippines
Voce vote in place of secret ballots. Marcos and it finished its work on February 8, 1935. On
announced that it had been ratified and in full the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the
force and effect on January 17, 1973. Although Philippines on November 15, 1935, the new
the 1973 Constitution had been “ratified” in this charter came into full force and effect. A year
manner, opposition against it continued. Chief later, President Manuel L. Quezon issued
Justice Roberto V. Concepcion in his Proclamation No. 36, s. 1936, declaring
dissenting opinion in the case of Javellana v. the 8th of February of every year as Constitution
Executive Secretary, exposed the fraud that Day to commemorate the completion of the 1934
happened during the citizen’s assembly Constitutional Convention’s task. This
ratification of the 1973 Constitution on January, commemoration was observed throughout the
10 – 15, 1973. However, the final decision of this Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Third
case was that the ratification of the 1973 Republic, up until the declaration of martial law
Constitution was valid and was in force. on September 23, 1972.

When democracy was restored in In 1973, after the declaration of martial law, the
1986, President Corazon C. Aquino issued 1935 Constitution was replaced by a new
charter, the 1973 Constitution. In
commemoration, President Marcos, repealed
President Quezon’s Proclamation No. 36, s.
1936, by virtue of Proclamation No. 1219, s.
1973, which moved Constitution Day from
February 8 to January 17 of every year. This
proclamation commemorated the day when
President Marcos certified that the new
Constitution had been ratified. Constitution Day
was commemorated until the end of President
Marcos's term but was overshadowed by the
Proclamation making September 21st of every
year “Thanksgiving day”, the date indicated on
Presidential Proclamation No. 1081, s. 1972:
Martial law, however, was actually declared two
days later when President Marcos announced it
through nationwide television.

When democracy was restored in 1986, the

1973 Constitution was replaced by first
the freedom constitution, also known as
Proclamation No. 3, s. 1986, then our current
constitution, the 1987 Constitution. This
constitution came into full force and effect on
February 11, 1987, after President Corazon C.
Aquino issued Proclamation No. 58, s. 1987.
The proclamation issued by President Aquino
included the results of the plebiscite held on
February 2, 1987.

After the ratification of the 1987 Constitution,

President Aquino issued Proclamation No. 211
s, 1988, which moved the commemoration of
Constitution Day from January 17 to February
2 of every year—a proclamation still in effect to
this day.

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