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Oriental Press Release

3:35 pm
May 13, 2021
Pekin, China

People's Republic of China, Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Iran, and

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The People's Republic of China, The Russian Federation, The Islamic Republic of Iran, and The
Democratic People's Republic of Korea are not in agreement with any political view made by the
international community in the United Nations Security Council, due to the fact that any of them
compromised the roots of the whole issues; therefore the 4 nations do not feel comfortable by
being part of any of them and decide to cut any ties within the Nation of Israel because of the
recent events in which it was concluded that this nation tested nuclear warheads on chinese
territory, more specifically the coasts of the Taiwanese province of China and will seek justice
for this invasion of Chinese territory, the nation will center in strengthening ties with the newly
created state of Palestine. The People's Republic of China will also encourage the international
community to sanction Nations such as The United States of America and the Illegitimate
government of Taiwan for promoting war, threatening the security of the international
community, and wanting to conquer foreighn land.

On the other hand, the countries of the bloc will be willing to defend and support China with its
investments and future economic plans, signing trade cooperation agreements such as the one
already agreed with the Iranian delegation, in order to expand their relations and trade
throughout Asia, Africa and reaching Europe. The nations plan to start with the ‘new silk road’
project, which through railways, highways and seaports connects more than sixty countries, in
the middle of a network that has China itself as its center.
We propose to resume the TPP treaty with the United States as a mechanism to promote both a
global economic agreement and a new diplomatic network, a treaty which was terminated in the
government of Donald J. Trump. In this way trying to solve any kind of trade war.

End of the press release.

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