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Q.1 what is the relationship between test effectiveness and reliability?

(20) Answer

Relationship between test effectiveness and reliability

Reliability and validity are two different criteria used to measure the effectiveness of a test. They are
different, but they work together. It makes no sense to design a reliable test without measuring what
you are measuring. Conversely, it is not possible to accurately measure the results you want to
measure in a defect test. Reliability

It is a necessary condition to be effective. This means that Yukhoe has legitimacy in Haygood's
credibility. Reliability actually "puts a capo? Limits

If the validity, the test is unreliable, it is valid.

Italics indicate that good reliability is only the first part of the abbreviated effectiveness of es.

Be quiet. Now we need to build. What is our art scale?

Hon Reliability can be said to mean claiming to be Mait. A kind of,

Reliability refweb "reliability or c

The Los Angeles Test, a score with a different score, or ashes, manufactures a sprayer for people who
repeat the characteristics of the testator's "mule".

The test results are the same every time | jeer sea the reasons are as follows:

Recipient performance in ternary psychophysical condition test Caleb: There is a person's PS

The logical or physical state of the test. M example, different; degree of anxiety, malaise or
motivation may be

Affects the applicant's test score. Element. Differences in test environment, such as room temperature,
lighting, noise, and even test administrators, affect test results.

Personal test performance.

-Test table. Many tests have multiple versions or forms. The items on each form are different, but
each form must measure the same thing. Different

The format of the test is called the parallel format or the alternative format. These tables are designed
to have similar measurement characteristics, but include:

Various items. Candidates are due to different forms

Do one format better than another?

・ Multiple mousetraps. For some tests, the score depends on the scorer's judgment on the candidate's
performance or response. Candidates' test scores will vary due to differences in training, experience,
and reference frames between evaluators. [1]
Simply put, measure the points at which the differences detected by the gauge reflect the true
differences in study characteristics between subjects, rather than systematic and random errors.
Considered a perfect mid. this is

There is no measurement error. Content validity can be divided into three types. Also known as "Circe
Vahdat", the scale is a t-point that provides sufficient subject expertise.

-Standard validity: Measures the romantic type of hips

Measuring instrument, ie

INS as an end or quote. It has been selected as a useless parameter compared to other variables. This

The standard should be loose. Fair,

1. Relya bilious'reran crepe, Kaity fist or stability test

2. Not related to Starlet; Autocorrelation of test scores


3. The Eve test may be invalid. Tests that are highly correlated with their own headnotes are as highly
correlated as the standard.

4. Reliability is a prerequisite for effectiveness. Reliable testing is always an effective measurement of

a particular function. Therefore, reliability controls validity.

5. Reliability is the reliability of measurement.

6. Find maximum reliability for similar projects. :

7. For maximum reliability, you need items of the same difficulty that are highly correlated between
test items.

8. The validity factor does not exceed the square root of the reliability factor.

9. Reliability is the ratio of true variance.

10. Reliable testing is also not effective. This may or may not be the case. The test measures
consistently, but you may not be able to measure what you are trying to measure.

For example, if a man keeps reporting his date of birth incorrectly,

Reliable but ineffective.

Test validity

The most important issue when choosing a test is validity. Validity refers to the characteristics that a
test measures and the extent to which the test measures those characteristics.

• Effectiveness indicates whether the characteristics measured by the test are related to work
qualifications and requirements.
-Validity gives meaning to the test score. Alibi

There is a relationship between running a test, working on it, and running it

D The performance of a guided projector in a particular task. The oil cone avoids t.

Those who score high on the test are more likely to complete the T task than those who score low on
t'Kin. If not, it will be equipped with a certain chaotic mobile tea cart. Other

The jty method used to evaluate relogging is test rel., Net *, instancy methods, and alchemist forms.
Coif stability b "'tie' & 1 are shown respectively for comparison

Marlene was suspicious when the two researchers compared

Tested Relationship # Unity:

"I. Validity" is related to the degree of achievement of the purpose of the test and studies how the test
actually measures what it claims to measure.

2. On the other hand, validity is to test the correlation with some external external standards.

3. For the test to be effective, it must be reliable. Unreliable tests are not expected to be highly

4. For the test to be effective, the test must be reliable. Unreliable tests are not very effective.

5. Validity can be said to be the accuracy of the measurement.

6. If the test is non-uniform, its reliability and validity will be low.

7. On the other hand, maximum validity requires items of different difficulty and less correlation
between items.

8. The effectiveness of the test must not exceed the reliability index.

9. Validity is the ratio of common factor variances.

10. Effective testing is always reliable. If you truly measure what the test claims to be measuring, it is
valid and reliable.

For example, if a man really consistently reports his birthday, it's valid and reliable. Effective testing
guarantees remarking at all times [2] ":

The conclusion is

System variation of measuring instruments. & Meanwhile, the coldness of the instrument's ice is
assessed by the observed scale score Ditalini, which represents the actual change, monk,

Q.2 Define an essay type statement standard. Tensor grade 8?

The main "waist" of composition testing is understood to be the difficulty of scorching. Objective
scout of thugs
In advance. The T Ad "rig key must include the main poin4Ptileansible answer.

Fe of the answer to be evaluated, and the weight of each person. For the sake of explanation, the
question is "explain

The main element of education. '” Also assume that the yd of this question is 20 points and you can
prepare a scoring key for the question, as shown below.

1. A summary of acceptable answers. Education has four components. They are: Definition of
educational goals, recognition of entries

Student behavior, provision of learning experience, evaluation of student performance.

ii. The characteristics of the answer and the weight assigned to each characteristic.

・ Contents: 4 points for each educational element.

-Comprehensive: 2 points are allowed.

-Logical configuration: 2 points are allowed.

・ unrelated materials: Up to 2 points will be deducted. Misspelling in technical terms: 1/2 point
deducted for each error, up to 2 points


-Major grammatical errors: 1 point is deducted for each error, up to 2 points can be deducted.

・ Handwriting is bad,

Misspelling and minor grammatical errors in non-technical terms: Ignore. It is useful to have a score
key in advance to provide a unified evaluation standard.

Use the appropriate scoring method. There are two odds C, which are sacred items used by classroom
teachers. Point Med and Dirating Reno

In the point method, the teacher. Each amp

Give a score close to an acceptable answer in Sons of How will

Each answer is similar to

.. This Mejri is suitable for questions that limit the answer type because the answer type is eufj4eature.

Koper point values can be identified and given. "Maple: Suppose the question is:" Listing 5

Eses Michael the country begins a war. "'In this question you can assign a number to 0ly

In a rating mob, teachers read Vend, N, and Citi at one of several action schools based on causality.

Nature. With answers such as gooatacticaq and 8ade functions

The quality of the "fee" answer. This will give you confidence in your score and maintain your

· Pass all test papers and score one question before proceeding to the next test. This program has three
main advantages. 1. Contrast

The answer makes scoring more accurate and fair. Second, just remembering the list of points can
save you time and improve accuracy. Third, avoid the halo effect. The halo effect is defined as the
tendency of one of its characteristics to influence the evaluation of another when assessing a person.

• Do you adopt a clear policy for factors that may not be related to lameness? Measurement result.
The scoring of answers to essay questions is influenced by many factors. These factors include

Unrelated material structure, style, filling, and cleanliness. Teachers must specify which factors are
considered or not considered, and which points are assigned.

Or deduct from each element.

Unrelated material structure, style, filling, and cleanliness. Teachers must specify which factors are
considered or not considered, and which points are assigned.

Alternatively, Torrens will deduct from each element an authorized or standardized assessment
protocol used to assess 4ja students on essays, projects, essays, and other single scoring criteria.

A careful combination of chedis and rating scales! '"-How complex are the scoring criteria:
Depending on what you are measuring, the items will be as follows! L Limit your response! Master
effective insults:" Simple basic points 1 \ n exarrlW0zef tee tee tee tee tee tee tees restricted response
items are misunderstood below.

I will teach from student #] to student # 20. The range of scores is "quiet. You can see the student by
looking at these scores. Growth task ns, some autism does not work, but at least one is banned. The
ban is correct. .. How can I analyze these more accurately? Use of scores! Autism?

Let's take a look) the principal of your school wants to quickly summarize your Stotinki performance
on the exam. How would you summarize the results? For classroom assessments and laboratory
research projects, the most common type of statistic is the summary statistic. There are many types

Although summary statistics, in general their purpose is to quickly give an overall impression of the
overall trend of results. So, as you can imagine, based on the term statistical summary, these statistics
only provide a rough idea of what happened during the test. Let's look at three different types of
summary statistics.

Sum all scores and divide by the number of students to get the average. The most well-known
summary statistic is called the mean and is a control item.

Used for arithmetic mean. When most peelers use the term "average score", they actually mean
technically. This is called the average value. How

Do you want to calculate the average? Sum all the individual results to get the sum. Then divide by
the number of students in the class. In this example, you can see what it looks like on the screen. If
you add up the scores of 20 + 17+
Wait for 16 to pass all 20 students! Your gamete gear is 210. You divide by 210

Get up to 20 (students * and your number. Average o.

.Five. You can see that this score of 10.5 is a pretty good ± \ Stative score of VHDL in this category.


Find the median, sort the data from the singlet tar Ran, and find the data points equal to Leadsman.
Lineout value is higher than that

You know. According to mind, your dataset has an even number to find a huge rise

Or a strange bumble foot value. Here's how to calculate the median for these two cases. In the
example below, what am I? Otherwise, the integer f6r is simple,

Notice that in the odd number of incompetent Utah 3 Sir, the number 12 has 6 values above and 6
below. Therefore, 12 is the median of this dataset.

Outliers and biased data have little effect on the median. To understand why, suppose you have the
following median dataset and you find that the median is 46: However, I found that the data was not
entered correctly and I need to change the four values. These values are shaded on a fixed median
dataset. All of this should be significantly higher to result in a biased distribution with many outliers.

As you can see. The median does not change with allyl and remains at 40, similar to the mean. The
median is quail-independent. Data set. At the bar Data-Favorite ice cream flavors and more. However,
in the classification

There is no median because data and groups cannot be sorted. For ordered and discrete data, the mode
can be a non-centered value. Again,

The mode represents the most common value.

Q.4 Please write the procedure from letter grade to test score. Reply

Letter Grade the Letter Grade System is the largest in the world, including Pakistan. Most teachers are
facing problems with assaiChg. Score. There are 4 cores

Questions and problems in this area.

I) what to include loudly

2) How should score data etc. be combined with "designated character grade"?

3) Frame of reference used for schizophrenia, and

4) Excuse me, what should I do if the letter on the sofa says a rebellion?

1. Determine the expiration date item for the vacant lot

The letter's grades are probably the most meaningful a'} fine-tuned weather, the outcomes they
reported, the treatment of Fatberg, or the effort w (monotonous and personal behavior. Therefore,
their interpretation is confusing. Sho, iTero example, letter t, and geode C may represent average

2. Participate in scoring

An important issue in assigning grades is to clarify which aspect of the evaluation stage, or the
tentative weight of each study.

Result. For example, if you decide to assign 35% of the weight to the mid-term evaluation, 40% of the
final exam or evaluation, and 25% of the weight to.

Homework, lectures, class participation, behavior. You should assign the appropriate weights to each
element, combine all the elements, and use these combined scores as the basis for scoring.

3. Choosing the right grading reference system

Character grades are typically assigned according to one of the following reference frames:

a) Performance related to other team members (relative score)

b) Performance (absolute level) associated with the specified criteria

C) Grades (improvements) related to learning ability Relative assessments include a comparison of

student grades

In the reference group, mainly class researchers. In this system. Grades are determined by the relative
position or ranking of students throughout the group.

Relative scoring has the drawback of over-quoting by mobile frameworks (that is, scoring depends on
the ability of the group), but it is still weak (Ned in stasis, as).

In most cases, our testing system is "normative". Transferee results

Absolutely, criteria set by teachers designated by reformers involved in reagent comparisons. This is
called "fuck-" reference ""

Test. If all students view

"Eve bows." Achieved. Student performance related to learning ability "" · and

A standards-based system that chelate cone errors in student grades. Telebra time improvement: Pots
are difficult. Therefore:'! Check reliability

4. Determine the grade distribution

Assigned, it is essentially a question of ranking students according to their signed "grades" according
to each student's single classroom score. Group minor b

“To complete the curve, the wisest and most appropriate µvin for determining the distribution of
1etter scores in school is:
School staff need to understand the basics for assigning grades in order to develop general guidelines
for junior and senior consultant staff.

This foundation needs to be clearly communicated to level users. If the purpose of the course is
clearly stated and the proficiency criteria are properly set,

Absolute system character grades can be defined as the extent to which a goal is achieved, as shown

A = Great (90% to 100%)

B = very good (80-89%)

C = Satisfied (70-79%)


High school and college teachers typically weight assignments throughout the semester and calculate
semester grades by calculating a weighted average or a weighted average. For example, a teacher can
have the mid-term exam make up 20% of the total score and the final exam make up 25% of the total

40% of regular homework and 15% of classroom participation. If you know the score ink cache for
these categories, you can calculate the wet value to see your performance.

Calculate the final grade "value. For example, 11" and calculate the Aperient of the test and the test
value of 20% of the Wah gr *. For a% 18 hole of possible quoin, multiply G by 90 and multiply by
0.2. If you are full 40 points (x 0.4 = 4b is too much). When reaching 80% of the possible
politicization points of jj1c, y9u can add 12 points to the score (80yX 0.15)

.. R The final score is 88.75 points (out of 100 points).

Even Thali can calculate grades in almost endless ways, and Jen's common theme for determining
grades goes through most of them.

Educational institution. Most schools have a set of standard percentages that indicate the income a
student must earn for each letter A.

Pass F. Students can then calculate the percentage earned in the class and compare it to the scoring
scale to calculate the letter's grades. Many teachers score assignments as a percentage, but some
teachers use a direct scoring system. We will consider both systems here.

Calculate grades from straight points

Add scores for all graded assignments. For example, suppose you complete four assignments and
score 10, 20, 20, and 30. If you add them up, you can see that the total score for these assignments is

Add points earned in each task. For example, suppose you got the next point in the previous step
assignment: 7.19, 14, and 23 points. The total is 63 points.

Divide the total number of points earned by the total number of jelly points. After allocating, multiply
that number by 100% 4
Percentage of Scores Obtained} = 63/80 x 100 Jacent Cheeky Percentage U'Compare your percentage
with Score I to find your] immigrants. For

For example, suppose a school graduate's bookshelf looks like 90% to 90%.

Central tendency measurement: Describes the "mean" or "typical" category or score for a particular
distribution. These include the mode, median, and mean.


Modes are the most frequent (or percentage) category. It's not the frequency itself. In other words, if
someone asks you about the distribution pattern shown below, the answer will be coconut instead of
22. There can be multiple patterns in the distribution. This distribution is considered bimodal (if there
are two modes) or multimodal (if there are three or more modes).

Model). Distributions without a clear pattern are considered uniform. The mode is

Although not particularly useful, it is the only measure of central tendency that can be used for
nominal variables. Then learn about the median and the mean to see why it is the only good measure
of the nominal variable.

Favorite ice cream flavor: coconut


The median is the median. In other words, the distribution of Mie non-beer and ceranide is exactly
half, so half of the cases eat above \ Nonmedian and half down. Also known as the 50th percentile.
And the cash "calculates the largest and then finds the aspherical puzzle to solve". Note that we need
all ir + ng from minimum to maximum to find the median.

So Maya. (Actually, Mr. Tan is a little more complicated and there are many observations in social
1bdjl. See Expulsion of textbook a1i «How Cf finds Bree «yd wants to know. Number of Cases-Isn't
it in the middle here? "That is extremely

A savvy kitsch, I'm glad you asked. u Yell "The dataset has an even number of cases, which is the
average of two intermediate numbers in the telemedicine bisque, for example, or Bribes, 14,] 2, 8, 6,
and 4, sedans are 10 (12 + 8 = 20; 20/2 = ID).

One of the advantages of the Nile is that it is not sensitive to outliers. Outliers

Obadia at an unusual distance from other values in the sample. Bose} bans are significantly larger or
smaller than other bans in the sample

Some statistical measurements are affected in some way and can be very misleading, but the median
is not. In other words, it's ok

Even if the maximum number is 20 or 20,000, it will still be counted as one number. Consider the


Bribes, 14,] 2, 8, 6, and 4, sedans are 10 (12 + 8 = 20; 20/2 = ID).

One of the advantages of the Nile is that it is not sensitive to outliers. Outliers

Obadia at an unusual distance from other values in the sample. Bose} bans are significantly larger or
smaller than other bans in the sample

Some statistical measurements are affected in some way and can be very misleading, but the median
is not. In other words, it's ok

Even if the maximum number is 20 or 20,000, it will still be counted as one number. Consider the


Even if the median of distribution 2 is the same, the median of the two distributions is the same.

As we will see later, very large outliers will eventually distort the average significantly.


The average value is what people usually call the "average value". This is the best measure of central
tendency. In other words, that's all you can use.

Interval / ratio variable. The mean takes into account each observation and provides most information
on central tendency measurements. However, unlike the median, the mean is very sensitive to outliers.
| Najib

In other words, if the descendant value is very high (or low), the average value will increase (or
decrease) significantly. Mean value, usually displayed as anal or y view

There is a line above it (pronounced total q'and is the score divided by the total score? Invalid symbol,
\ ¢ b always writes it

A (4,'try to sum all scores. Unwrap cut, 11Yfes addition and division are after WierND or ordinal

Scale of variability

In addition to finding a measure of central tendency, it may be necessary to summarize the variability
of the distribution. In other words,

You need to determine if the observations tend to cluster together or spread together. Consider the
following example.


Sample 2: {5, 5, 5, 5, 5}

The mean (S) of the two samples and the number of observations are the same (n = 5), but the amount
of variation between the two samples is very different. Sample 2 remains unchanged (all scores are
the same),

And sample 1 is relatively large (one case is related to

The other four). This course introduces four volatility measures: range, interquartile range (IQR),
variance, and standard deviation. Range

Range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a dataset and is the simplest measure
of propagation. Subtract

Take the minimum value from the maximum value. For example. Consider the following dataset.

The maximum value of 23 is 85 and the minimum value is 23. This gives us a range

62 (85-23 = 62). The range of use as unmeasured variation does not tell us much, but it provides us
with some information (how to reduce the minimum and

The highest score is.

Quartile and quartile acid N

"Quartile" is another word that statistical geeks find important when using the ilium. It basically
makes "dl" the 4th soccer match with 4 players

The article (the distribution is like breaking the "lit quarter. Per foot" as a percentage of the whole.

Number of observations. The values that divide each pm are called the first, second, and quantiles.


Qi is a dataset of "hid Calum he first half" (sail) rank sort. Q2 is

Q4 w Purchased, terbic $ b: Largest lathe dataset, but ignored curl

(When calculating the range, we are already dealing with Si).

Therefore. The interquartile range is equal to Q3 minus Qi (or the 75th percentile minus the 25th
percentile). For example,

Consider the following numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, and 11. Qi is the median

'The first half of the dataset. The median value is the average of the two median values because there
are even data points in the first half of the dataset. That is, Qi = (3 + 4) / 2 or Qi = 3.5. Q3 is the
median for the second half

Data set. Again, the median value is the average of the two median values because there are even
observations later in the dataset. That is, Q3 = (6 + 7) / 2 or Q3 = 6.5. The interquartile range is Q3
minus Qi, so IQR = 6.5 -3.5 = 3.


Variance is a measure of variability and indicates how far each observation is from the mean of the
distribution. This example uses the following five numbers to represent the total number of comics
purchased each month in the last five months.

2, 3, 5, 6, 9
The formula for calculating the variance is usually written as such a good sample.

The giant sigma (F) is a summary symbol. It only ruins the addictive things we are with. X repeats
each observation, x uses a line

On top of that (usually called the mutation that presents us. The uppercase "N" at the bottom is a bat |
the number in this formula is

Using the example above, map the e-means from each neutron, calculate the difference in serum
squares, and instruct them to sum and divide by "NdiVeles". The: After this step, you can confirm
your work by adding all the values together. If their sum is zero, we know we are heading in the right
direction. If they are summed

In addition to zero, you probably need to check the math again (-3 + -2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 0, we are gold).

3. Third, square each answer and remove the negative numbers. (-3) 2

(4) 2 = 16

4. Fourth, sum them up: 9 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 16 = 30

5. Finally, divide by NL (5-1 = 4 because the total number of observations is 5)

30/4 = 7.5

After doing all these pretty tedious calculations, only one number remains. This allows you to quickly
and concisely summarize the amount of variation in the distribution. The higher the number, the
bigger our situation. Comfortable

Note: If the number of competitions you participate in is small, the difference will not be negative.
What did you make a mistake from zero?

Standard deviation

However, there are restrictions that are not the case. Optically speaking

Speaking of miles, I accidentally turned a unit into a "square mile". When talking about a bolt cone
book, I accidentally put down a unit

Measured scabies (this is not always

That makes sense). To solve this problem, we calculated the standard deviation. Fatal: For standard

The action is equal to the square root of 7.5 or 2.74. The interpretation does not change. A large
standard deviation indicates a large variation, and a small standard deviation indicates that the
variation is actually small. As with distribution the standard deviation is always positive.

Remember: The main difference between variance and standard deviation is the unit of measurement.
Calculate the standard deviation to return the variable to its original indicator. A "square mile" can be
traced back to just a mile, and a "square comic book" can be traced back to just a comic book. [1]

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