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Resumen Product Distribution

Gian Carlos Lara González
Liliana Vanessa Díaz Castilla
María Fernanda sosa

Liliana Solarte Navarro

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Centro de Teleinformática y Producción Industrial CTPI – Regional Cauca

Grupo Atlántico
14 de Agosto del 2021


During the course of a business it is necessary to transport products, choosing the

correct mode of transport means finding a balance between time and budget

When choosing the mode of transport, the budget must be considered as an

important factor, the speed of transport is also important, the transport of
dangerous products, the transport of expensive products is necessary to consider
insurance, in the transport of valuable cargo use the tracking of vehicles, damage
during transport is quite common and it is generally the responsibility of the
supplier to ensure that loads are properly packaged and labeled to reduce risk
during transport.

Road transport is cheap, convenient and one of the most flexible modes, for the
transport of products the restrictions of height, weight and length must be taken
into account, the railroad (rail) is fast when shipping products by buying rail
transport packages , freight shipments by train become economically viable
between sites connected by rail, air is the fastest way to transport products over
long distances, it is usually charged by the kilogram generating fuel surcharges,
customs duties, security fees , sea transport are relatively cheap especially if
shipped in large volumes, each ship consists of container ships, cargo, bulk
tankers, cargo and unloading courier transport are fast, reliable and safe.
Glosario de palabras

Baggage Equipaje

Budget Presupuesto

Businnes Negocio

Buyer Comprador

Constraints Limitaciones

Customers Clientes

Dangerous Peligroso

Decisión making Toma de decisiones

Goods-in-tránsit Mercancía en tránsito

Guideline Guía

Machinery Maquinaria

Manufacturer Fabricante

Perishabl Perecedero

Planning Planificación

Shipment Envío

Shipping Transporte

Shudele Calendario

Tracking Seguimiento

Truck Camión

Vehicle Vehículo

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