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1) Stuttering should not be isolated; it is genetic, neurobiological, hormonal, and environmental.

Seema Ahmed

2) Yes, stress will release cortisol hormone. It will give you fast heartbeat and you might have
dysfluent speech. But will it cause stuttering? NO!

Seema Ahmed

3) Stuttering can cause protracted stress, but stress can not cause stuttering to establish.

Seema Ahmed

4) Children who have a disposition to stutter will stutter differently from the very onset.

Seema Ahmed

5) Stuttering requires a lifestyle change!!

Seema Ahmed

6) “The more I stutter in situations, the more I will continue to stutter in those situations”. Then
let’s reframe the situation!

Seema Ahmed

7) People will try to pull your leg, no matter you are a stutterer or not a stutterer. Do not let it stop
you from moving ahead.

Shiraz Iqbal

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