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1. Admit : Admitting 31. Match : Matching

2. Answer: Answering 32. Open : Opening
3. Break : Breaking 33. Play : Playing
4. Bring : Bringing 34. Put : Putting
5. Buy : Buying 35. Rain : Raining
6. Build : Building 36. Refer : Referring
7. Clean : Cleaning 37. Rob : Robbing
8. Come : Coming 38. Run : Running
9. Cut : Cutting 39. Shop : Shopping
10. Cry : Crying 40. shout : Shouting
11. Die : Dying 41. Sing : Singing
12. Do : Doing 42. Swim : Swimming
13. Dream : Dreaming 43. Sit : Sitting
14. Enjoy : Enjoying 44. Stand : Standing
15. Eat : Eating 45. Srart : Starting
16. Enter : Entering 46. Take : Taking
17. Feel : Feeling 47. Talk : Talking
18. Forget : Forgetting 48. Turn : Turning
19. Get : Getting 49. Visit : Visiting
20. Go : Going 50. Vote : Voting
21. Hand : Handing 51. Wash : Washing
22. Heat : Heating 52. Write : Writing
23. Hit : Hitting
24. Jump : Jumping
25. Jog : Jogging
26. Lie : Lying
27. Live : Living
28. Lend : Lending
29. Make : Making
30. Meet : Meeting

Hello, my name is Jorge. Today is a holiday – May, 1 st –The worker’s day.
We’re havings a fantastic holiday! Sarah and Ana are sitting on park
benches – they are with their boyfriends. Artur is telling a joke to Lisa and
she is laughing. Peter is listening to the radio and reading. Mr. Silva is
selling ice creams at the beach. Mrs. Dantas is walking her dog at the park –
it is pissing at the light pole. Bob is riding a bike – he is having so much fun!
Mr Dantas is parking his car in a prohibited place. The traffic cop Eduard is
fining him. I’m sitting on the beach I’am eating an ice cream. Alice and Paul
are swimming in the sea. David is taking picture of his friends : here are
jumping! Tom is in the park. He’s playing soccer with his friends : John and
Robert who is the goalkeeper. Everybody is happy (exept Mr. Dantas and

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