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The book called "About Handsome Man", is structured like the first book

published by Dan Puric, “Who are we? ". It is made from interviews, lectures and texts,
with special focus on the theme so-called "being a Romanian". The author proposes the
rediscovery of beauty in everything around us, but mostly in ourselves, because the
extraordinary quality of being beautiful, is deeply rooted in our souls, ready to resist to
any ideology. This quality can come out using the memory of the man who knows his
history and religion.
Autobiographical style is recognized from the begining, Dan Puric starting to
rediscover beautiful with memories from childhood, having his father as the principal
example. As a child he was living in the profound Romania (he often made references to
the book of Ovidiu Hurduzeu and Mircea Platon), which he deeper understands it as time
is passing. The profound Romania are the peasants who do not fear the fury of nature,
and after the flooding they build fences on the riverbank, but those who remains terrified
by the Communists, people who have forgotten their humanity.
As the author says, the Communist regime created the sick man of today.
Annihilating the intelligentsia, and torturing valuable people, it pulled to the surface those
who are cowards, shallows and opportunistics. They have left a legacy inherited from the
nowadays people, and which can be cured only by returning to the martyrs of
Communism, people that are able to remind us who we really are.
Purely Christian character of Romanians came through our folklore, Dan Puric
giving as example a cosmological bucovinean story, the fairytale "Prâslea the Brave and
the Golden Apples" and also "Letter III " by Mihai Eminescu. These evidences of our
spiritual origin tells us that for romanians God is alive and indulgent, and faith in him is
In a world of “ugly man”, the author tells us that everything we have to do is to
recognize beautiful, without trying to define it (thing which would be impossible). He
starts from the ancient philosophers to reach the first beautiful man that has existed on
earth, Jesus Christ. With the help pf Plotinus he explains how we should perceive
ourselves: "... Plotinus says: What I see is beautiful, what I hear is nice, but there is
something else. These are measurable things, but there is somethingelse, something that
can not be measured, like the soul. How do we measure it? So he say that we perceive the
divine from the outside with the divine inside us. " Recognition of beauty starts from
assuming our true history and religion, this can be achieved only through referral to
martyrs and saints. He says that the saints are God steps which He use to go down among
people, and a country that has many saints, such as Romania, has so many steps that God
can use to descend to it. This makes us to hope for a peaceful future, so saints and our
traditional holidays should be held with reverence, not with indifference (a routine). For
people who currently live in a confusing way, the past has the most importance.
Understanding the historical facts of the holidays and symbolic objects helps us to return
to a purer state. Therefore, the past is the reality under which we must build the future,
and especially our children's future.
The solution offered by this book is the rediscovering of the history, of
Orthodoxy and, implicitly, of beauty.

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