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Hello, friends

In this modern era, English has an important role in all aspects of life. English is also the
most spoken language in the world. Of course, everyone certainly wants to be proficient in

Your English skills can be improved from various aspects, one of which is listening.
Some people may still be confused about how to improve their English listening skills. Even
though we are diligent in getting used to and keeping trying to practice listening to English, I'm
sure you will have good listening skills. On this occasion, I will tell you about a learning English
site for learning and understanding English, namely through the site ........

The British Council Web is the United Kingdom's International organization for cultural
relations and educational opportunities. This website can help you to check your grammar,
vocabulary, improve reading, writing, speaking and of course, your listening skills, which are the
topics of our discussion this time. This time I will do listening to English. I will try to learn to
listen to intermediate B1 and upper intermediate B2. Check this out.

In this listening assignment, first I chose intermediate B1 and I chose "Introduction to

Lecture". Of course, before starting learning, I did preparation first. I have to match the words
provided in the options according to the existing definition. On this test, I got perfect score :)

After working on the preparation task, I continue to listen to the audio on the theme.
The first lecture in the positive psychology course explained what true happiness means. A
happy life is a life where you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. If we want
happiness, sometimes we have to found it, but that doesn't mean we have to always seek for
happiness. Let that happiness come naturally.

After listening to the audio, there are two tasks that must be done. The first task is
about putting the available topics in the order they are mentioned in the audio. I got 100% on
the first assignment. yay! After that, I continued to work on the second assignment. In this
second test, I have to chose a right or wrong statement that given and we have to choose it
according to the available statements. I got 88% on the second assignment.
After working on the preparatory task, I continue to listen to the audio on the theme.
Someone explained the reviews of the two films that he had watched. In the first film, he didn't
like it and had low expectations of the film and it was even true that the film was disappointing.
Whereas in the second film he was very excited to watch it, especially because of the special
effects contained in the film.

After listening to the audio, there are two tasks that must be done. In the first
assignment, there are two choices, namely the first film and the second film. I have to give an
accurate description of both options. This is interesting task. I got 75% on the first assignment.
This is maybe due to not being careful in listening to movie reviews. After that, I continued to
work on the second assignment. This second task has a choice of right or wrong and we have to
choose the right one according to the choice of sentences provided. I got 100% on the second

So, I highly recommend this site to you because there is a lot of English learning in it.
Continue to be diligent in accessing this site and keep trying to improve your skills, so that over
time we will become proficient in English. Your listening skills will be useful in the future. Don't
give up!

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