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The death of Patroclus is enough reason for the actions of Achilles toward Hector.

Humanity, there is no such thing as that in the story of Iliad. Aside from the characters
being immortals themselves, they only value their honor and glory. Achilles considered
himself disrespected after what Agamemnon did. He was enraged because
Agamemnon had taken his treasure, his slave-bride Briseis, from him. I myself was
astounded, hearing that the strongest warrior of Greek refusing to fight because he
wants to let the army suffer and falter in order to prove his point. This is where Patroclus
comes in, Patroclus and Achilles also considered themselves as friends. That is why
Patroclus himself wore Achilles’ armor to intimidate the Trojans and lead the Greeks to
victory, sadly Patroclus was easily killed by Hector. Achilles immediately returns to the
war, distraught and eager to avenge his friend Patroclus’ death, and resulted in killing
Hector. Achilles was not contented with it therefore he drags Hector’s body behind his
chariot back to their camp and still continues to drag Hector’s body around Patroclus’
funeral bier. And yes, Achilles is the one to blame. Patroclus might not have died if
Achilles joined the battle from the start. His conflict with Agamemnon over the captive
slave Briseis caused him to refuse to fight in the war. Instead of leading his army he let
himself , Patroclus to take his place wearing his armor, and pay the ultimate price. Much
of the bloodshed and suffering could have been avoided if those involved, Achilles
rather, had chosen peace and wisdom.

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