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1. Honour, Chivalry, Merry and even pride are sometimes generated by war.

Let now war is without its share of atrocities and horrors, and in same respects

World War II surpassed in evil that had gone before the bloody annals of can find

the war is an experience that can bring at the very worst-as well as the very best

in man.

2. The book “horrors of war “ relates the darkens side of world war II, while

personal accounts bring to chilling life the experience of men suffered at the

hands of the Hitlers SS Army, witnessed brutal massacres or watched comrades

drop like files which bidding a railway through jungle. A heartfelt shock and

awareness can be experienced by going through the motive, true facts

supplemented with very rare collection of photographs included in this narrative


Karen Farrington is a written and former fleet street journalist who has

specialized in the study of compiling witness to world war II she has personally

interviewed scored of veterans from around the world, obtaining a unique insight

into the war through the eyes of the man on the front line among her previous

books is ‘fated destiny’, an historical post ponrri of the curious, shocking and my

sterious which include accounts of some of the greatest military blunders in


recent history. Karen Farrington is married with three children and lives in

Exmoor, Devon.


1. PART I –

(a) NANKING MASSACRE China and Japan shared much by war of

culture and history. Yet when hostilities broke out in. 1937 each country

fought the other with a tenacity on a battlefield. The scene of the horror

was making, a Chinese city serving as a makes shift capital following the

fall of Beijing, more population of some 200,000 was swollen with

refugees trying to escape the on slaught of the Japenese Army.

(b) NANKING ATTACK It was five months after the first shots of

the war were fired that the Japanese army came within sight of Nanking.

The Government led by Generalissino Jiang Jieshi, evacuated leaving a

determined Chinese army to send off the invaders.

(c) MULTIPLE RAPE For seven weeks, the women and girls of

Nanking were subject to repeated rape by rampaging Japanese soldiers,

often many times in a single night the soldiers knows no bounds and

picked on pregnant women, the elderly and children as young as ten.


Official estimates for the number of dead vary between 199,000 and

300,000. The orgy of raping and killing last for seven long week.

2. Part II – The Camp

World war II both Britain and the US used similar devices to curb the

movements of potential enemies on the none front. Concentration camps in

Germany were different entirety because of the barbarity that became

inextricably associated with them. Concentration camp became a covert fact of

life in Germany soon after Hitler came to power. The first was Dachan which

opened on 22 March 1933 just 12 miles outside the center of Munich.


Hitler gave his troops an amnesty for atrocities committed on the Eastern

front before they even left German soil. SS troops were encouraged to treat

Russian people, prisoners and Jews as nothing better than vermin. This unit

killed 90000 men, women and children in Southern Russia in a year. One of

Churchill’s famous quotes during the war was “If Hitler were to invade hell, I

should find occasion to make a favourable reference to the devil”.

4. Part IV - Doctors of Death

Dr. Joset Mengele investigation is carried out in notorious death camp,

Auschwitz. In one time using live humans, he would attempt to change, hair and

eye colours. Mengle, with the aid of his pistol or a fatal injection of chloroform to

the heart, could personally dispatch twins to their maker within moments of each

other – although frequently he got one of his faithful entourage to do the dirty

deed. In one time he opened up skull provides a hideous record of the obscene

method used by Nazi’s in their quest to discover the working of human brain. Dr.

Mengele was without any doubt dedicated to his work.


For the victors there was the dilemma of how to lay the foundation for

tomorrow’s world and build a lasting peace. Some believed that with Hitler,

Himmler and Goebbels dead (all three committed suicide) The arch villains were

already dispatched. There were a series of other trials taking place

simultaneously in Germany dealing with those at the dirty coal face of the

concentration camp. Their obscene activities amounted to murder of the worst

degree for which suitable charge and penalties already existed.


To smuggle themselves out of danger they used the services of the

sinister and infamous ODESSA – the organization of former members of the SS

– which provided the necessary cash and papers sometimes they donned the

robes of priests to avoid detection. There are even cases of submarines bringing

fugitives to the Coast of South America. Much of the finance came from

treasures looted up and down Europe and from the victims they had murdered,

converted through Swiss Bank accounts.



1. The presentation is impressive and authors are well versed with the

language. The chapters have been meticulously framed in a sequence of events

which speak of the glorious past of the military forces.

2. The book is in a paperback edition and is very reasonably priced. The

quality of the paper and the binding is excellent. The clarity of the print is



1. War is what a member of any defense force is trained prepared and made

for. So, the barberie consequences of the war of the largest magnitude ever took

place on earth possesses a great impact on military and studying them is a great

importance as well.

2. Due to the lack of discipline, lack of humanity, lack of supervision and

wrong commands of Officers, the World War II brought an immense dishonour to

the men in uniform. While good commands achieves some unique honours as

well. Therefore, any number of services will be excessively benefited by studying

this book, because it will definitely show him the vitality of observing strict

command discipline and awareness among subordinates to protect the innocent

civilians and armed people too.



During 12 years of the cold war between 1948 and 1960, nothing

happened. Both sides were more interested in harassing each other than the war

criminals. The only winners of the cold war were the Nazi’s. Simon Wisenthal’s

mission to bring fugitive Nazi war criminals to justice still goes on. The fact that

neo-Nazi groups are tolerated today by nations that ought to know better troubles

him greatly. He cannot understand why government allows them to exist. “This is

a step in the face for all the people who survived he says with deep feeling.”

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