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Hidden Races

{Dryad} +2 sense, +1 knowledge REGENERATE: They’re limbs will grow back, but they can
be set ablaze easier. ONLY NATURAL: able to use life magic no matter what class, WOODEN
FRAME: +5 to defense

{Xixstermen} +2 might, +1 sense JOLT: They have an internal body alarm when it comes to
surprise attacks. SHARKSKIN: +5 to defense, GROTESQUE: +3 to intimidate

{Mermen} +2 endurance, +1 flow GILLS: can breathe underwater, FISHMEN: +10 to

swimming rolls, DEEPSEA SKIN: They will have a -3 on thirst when out of water and infinite
thirst underwater along with +10 defense underwater.

{Harpy} +2 sense, +1 charm WINGS: have the ability to fly, ANARCHISTS: able to chaos
magic no matter what class, HOLLOW-BONED: -3 to defense for +3 to dodge

{Roman’s Son} +3 to your choice WEAPON FORM: become a weapon of typically Roman’s
choice, FAMILY: Roman typically takes care of and helps his family, COPYCAT: Able to
create enchantments.

{Draken} +1 charm +1 endurance +1 might DRACONIAN: Immune to fire, DRAGONSOUL:

able to use Heat magic no matter what vocation, DRAGON TONGUE: +5 intimidate with

{Argons} +2 to might, +2 to endurance, -1 from charm SCALES: natural +10 to defense,

STRONG GRIP: +5 to holding onto weapons, MECHANIC: +5 to repairing machines.

{Dwarves} +2 might, +1 sense TUNNEL FOLK: Can easily see in the dark, SMITHS: +5 to
creating equipment, GEM LUST: +5 to loot rolls.

{Orcs} +1 sense, +2 flow DIPLOMAT: +5 convincing monarchs or nobles, MOUNTAINEER:

+5 to climbing, HIKER: +8 to navigating mountains.

{Khalan} +2 charm, +1 intelligence, NIGHTSKIN: +3 to stealth, ARCANE HEIR: +5 to magic,

ANIMAL SPIRIT: Able to take form of a bear-man ATK: 15 DEF: 10.

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