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Liceo de Cagayan University

Master of Science in Information Technology

MSIT-200: Advanced Database Management

Student ID: 20215224867 Date of Submission (11-09-21):

Student Name: DAUMAR, ALLAN JAMES C. Professor: Dr. Amando P. Singun, Jr

1.What is a database management system (DBMS)?

A Database Management System (DBMS) is software designed to store, retrieve, define, and manage data in a database.

2.What are the properties of a DBMS?

Real-world entity − A modern DBMS is more realistic and uses real-world entities to design its architecture. It uses the behavior and attributes too.
For example, a school database may use students as an entity and their age as an attribute.

Relation-based tables − DBMS allows entities and relations among them to form tables. A user can understand the architecture of a database just by
looking at the table names.

Isolation of data and application − A database system is entirely different than its data. A database is an active entity, whereas data is said to be
passive, on which the database works and organizes. DBMS also stores metadata, which is data about data, to ease its own process.

Less redundancy − DBMS follows the rules of normalization, which splits a relation when any of its attributes is having redundancy in values.
Normalization is a mathematically rich and scientific process that reduces data redundancy.

Consistency − Consistency is a state where every relation in a database remains consistent. There exist methods and techniques, which can detect
attempt of leaving database in inconsistent state. A DBMS can provide greater consistency as compared to earlier forms of data storing applications
like file-processing systems.

Query Language − DBMS is equipped with query language, which makes it more efficient to retrieve and manipulate data. A user can apply as many
and as different filtering options as required to retrieve a set of data. Traditionally it was not possible where file-processing system was used.

ACID Properties − DBMS follows the concepts of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (normally shortened as ACID). These concepts are
applied on transactions, which manipulate data in a database. ACID properties help the database stay healthy in multi-transactional environments and
in case of failure.

Multiuser and Concurrent Access − DBMS supports multi-user environment and allows them to access and manipulate data in parallel. Though there
are restrictions on transactions when users attempt to handle the same data item, but users are always unaware of them.

Multiple views − DBMS offers multiple views for different users. A user who is in the Sales department will have a different view of database than a
person working in the Production department. This feature enables the users to have a concentrate view of the database according to their

Security − Features like multiple views offer security to some extent where users are unable to access data of other users and departments. DBMS
offers methods to impose constraints while entering data into the database and retrieving the same at a later stage. DBMS offers many different levels
of security features, which enables multiple users to have different views with different features. For example, a user in the Sales department cannot
see the data that belongs to the Purchase department. Additionally, it can also be managed how much data of the Sales department should be
displayed to the user. Since a DBMS is not saved on the disk as traditional file systems, it is very hard for miscreants to break the code

3.Provide three examples of a real-world database (e.g. the library contains a database of books).

On-Demand Online Video Streaming

Online streaming services, such as Hulu and Netflix, use databases to keep track of which TV shows and movies are available and your viewing
preferences, so it can provide better watching recommendations every time you log in to the service.

Social Gaming

Gaming done across social networks is extremely data-intensive. Gathering individual player information from around the globe and serving it to other
players on-demand requires high availability database software.

Personal Cloud Storage

If you save photos or documents to your smartphone or tablet, or even just to any online backup solution, your data is being transferred to the cloud,
a large central storage environment, where just a small portion of space is dedicated to you.
Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and iCloud are just some examples of personal cloud storage services available to you. All of them use
complex data models and powerful data warehouses to ensure your data is stored securely and is available to be called upon at a moment’s notice,
regardless of where you are.

4.What is data redundancy?

Data redundancy is a situation that occurs within database systems and involves the unintentional creation of duplicated data that is not necessary to
the function of the database. While redundancy is often a desirable trait in some situations, this is not true when it comes to the function of a
database. The presence of duplicated data can often have an adverse effect on the function of the system, resulting in returning information in
response to system queries that is less than helpful. One of the key functions of data management is the identification of duplicated data and the
removal of those duplications.

5.Discuss the disadvantages of file-based systems.

Disadvantage of Computer File-based Processing System

Although a computer file-based processing system has many advantages over manual record keeping system, but it has some limitations. The basic
disadvantages (or limitations) of computer file-based processing system are described below.

Data Redundancy

Redundancy means having multiple copies of the same data. In computer file-based processing system, each application program has its own
data files. The same data may be duplicated in more than one file. The duplication of data may create many problems such as:

1. To update a specific data/record, the same data must be updated in all files, otherwise different file may have different information about a
specific item.

2. A valuable storage space is wasted.

Data Inconsistency

Data inconsistency mean that different files may contain different information of a particular object or person. Actually redundancy leads to
inconsistency. When the same data is stored in multiple locations, the inconsistency may occur.

Data Isolation

In computer file-based system, data is isolated in separate files. It is difficult to update and to access particular information from data files.

Data Atomicity

Data atomicity means data or record is either entered as a whole or it is not entered at all.

Data Dependence

In computer file-based processing systems, the data stored in file depends upon the application program through which the file was created. It
means that the structure of data files is coupled with application program.

The physical structure of data files and records are defined in the application program code. It is difficult to change the structure of data files or
records. If you want to change the structure of data file (or format of file), then you have to modify the application program.

Program Maintenance

In computer file-based processing system, the structure of data file is coupled with the individual application programs. Therefore, any
modification to a data file such as size of a data field, its type etc. requires the modification of the application program also. This process of modifying
the program is referred to as program maintenance.

Data Sharing

In computer file-based processing systems, each application program uses its own private data files. The computer file-based processing systems
do not provide the facility to share data of a data file among multiple users on the network.

Data Security

The computer file-based processing system do not provide the proper security system against illegal access of data. Anyone can easily change or
delete valuable data stored in the data file. It is the most complicated problem of file-processing system.

Incompatible File Format

In computer file-based processing systems, the structure of data file is coupled with the application program and the structure of data file is
dependent on the programming languages in which the application program was developed.

6.Explain the difference between data and information?

The main difference between data and information is that data is a part and information is the whole. Explore how data and information differ through
definitions and examples.

What Is Data?

The term data is simply defined as “facts and figures”. Each piece of data is a little fact that doesn’t mean much on its own. The word data can
be used for a singular fact or a collection of facts. It comes from the Latin word datum, meaning “something given”.
The word datum is still the technically correct singular form of data but is rarely used in common language.

What Is Information?

Information is defined simply as “news or knowledge received or given”. It is what results when you have processed, interpreted, and
organized facts. The word comes from the Latin word īnfōrmātiō, meaning “formation or conception.”

Main Differences Between Data and Information

The terms data and information can mean different things in different contexts, but the main differences between them are:

Data is a collection of facts. Information is how you understand those facts in context.

Data is unorganized, while information is structured or organized.

Information is an uncountable noun, while data is a mass noun.

Data is not typically useful on its own, but information is.

Data generally includes the raw forms of numbers, statements, and characters. Information doesn’t have to.

Information depends on data.

Data vs. Information in Computers

In the world of computers, data is the input, or what you tell the computer to do or save. Information is the output, or how the computer interprets
your data and shows you the requested action or directive.

Data vs. Information in Statistics

In the world of statistics, data is still defined as raw information, but the term statistics is often used in place of information. The statistics interpret
and summarize the data.

7.How is a DBMS distinguished from a file-based system?

Difference between File System and DBMS

File System: 
File system is basically a way of arranging the files in a storage medium like hard disk. File system organizes the files and helps in retrieval of files when
they are required. File systems consists of different files which are grouped into directories. The directories further contain other folders and files. File
system performs basic operations like management, file naming, giving access rules etc. 


NTFS (New Technology File System), EXT (Extended File System).

DBMS (Database Management System): 

Database Management System is basically a software that manages the collection of related data. It is used for storing data and retrieving the data
effectively when it is needed. It also provides proper security measures for protecting the data from unauthorized access. In Database Management
System the data can be fetched by SQL queries and relational algebra. It also provides mechanisms for data recovery and data backup. 


Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL server.

8.What is data independence and why is it important?

Data Independence

Data independence refers to the property of DBMS through which we can modify the schema definition at any level without changing the schema
definition at any higher level. A database has three levels of abstraction as shown in the diagram below.
We have two levels of data independence that are defined on the basis of these three levels of abstraction.

Physical Data Independence

Logical Data Independence

Physical Data Independence

Physical Data Independence refers to the characteristic of changing the physical level without affecting the logical level or conceptual level. Using this
property, we can easily change the storage device of the database without affecting the logical schema.

Example: Suppose you want to replace the storage device form hard disk to SSD or magnetic tape then it should not affect the data stored at the
logical level.

The changes in the physical level may include changes like:

Using a new storage device like SSD, magnetic tape, hard disk, etc.

Using a new data structure for storage.

Using a different data access method or using an alternative file organization technique.

Changing the location (like changing the drive) of the database.

Logical Data Independence

It refers to the characteristics of changing the logical level without affecting the external or view level. This also helps in separating the logical level
from the view level. If we do any changes in the logical level then the user view of the data remains unaffected. The changes in the logical level are
required whenever there is a change in the logical structure of the database.

The changes in the logical level may include:

1. Changing the data definition.

2. Adding, deleting, or updating any new attribute, entity or relationship in the database.

9.What is the purpose of managing information?

The purpose of Managing Information is to provides data for both the big and small picture on operations, management, strategy and transactions.
Understanding the business’ data helps and plan for operations and resource allocation in an organized and systematic way. With the rapid
development of technology and data systems, Managing Information is a one step ahead to make a data secure and manageable.

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