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2. After the climbing activity (Do you remember last class?

), the kids watched a video about

animals. They made some drawings. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences

using superlative adjectives (pay attention to the example)

1.the tallest (example)

2. The hippo is smaller

3. The elephant is funnier

4. The lion more dangerous

5. The dog the most friendly

6. the monkey more intelligent

3. Complete the text with one of the following words in each blank:

all – than – the – more – of

1.than (ex.)

2. more

3. of

4. the

5. than

6. all

4. Do you remember that the kids watched a video about animals? Here is a part of an article

they found. Read and circle the correct answer.

1- B (example)

2. bigger

3. more

4. the cutest

5. warmer

6. the

5. Write sentences about animals using your own ideas and the words given. Go back to the

grammar chart if you need to.

1. Giraffes are nicer than monkeys

2. The hamster is smaller than dog

3. The Elephant is more intelligent than hippo

4. The funniest is the monkey

5. The most beautiful is the flower

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