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Wear the band. Be TRUE to yourself.


STRENGTH is the best way to describe the second week of TRUTH DIET
because you will be challenged. Most call it the toughest week, but I know you
will rise to the occasion. Wear your green band with pride—this is the week
that will separate you from ninety-nine percent of the people you know.

AFFIRMATION: I am strong. I am healthy. I can accomplish anything.

The ideas, suggestions and nutritional information written by Gregg Avedon are provided as general educational information
only and should not be construed as medical advice or care. Avedon’s nutritional experience for the Truth Diet plan is
provided as a sample guideline only. All matters regarding your health require supervision by a personal physician or other
appropriate health professional familiar with your current health status. Always consult your qualified personal health care
provider before making any dietary or exercise changes. Gregg Avedon and/or Gregg Avedon Enterprises, Inc. disclaims any
liability or warranties of any kind arising directly or indirectly from use of this material. If any medical problems develop,
always consult your qualified personal health care provider. Only your physician can provide you medical advice.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of
Gregg Avedon Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc.

All Rights Reserved
The goal is to boost mood, energy, productivity, clarify the mind, shed excess weight,
reset your metabolism and adrenals, support the digestive tract, reduce bloating, and
supercharge your hormones and your immune system.
We will rejuvenate, cleanse and support the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, colon,
intestines, lungs, blood vessels and skin.

Get sleep! Try to get at least 7 hours every night.

Meditate/Center yourself: sit quietly, palms up and on knees, breathe slowly and deeply
from your diaphragm. Quiet your mind by concentrating on your breath. Do this once or
twice a day for 5-10 minutes every day. I’ve implemented meditation breaks into the
daily nutrition charts next to the ⌘ symbol to help remind you.

Avoid overeating and eating too fast, not chewing properly, and drinking during the meal
(affects HCI effectiveness/digestion in stomach). In simpler terms, when you drink a
beverage during a meal it’s like putting water on a fire. You inhibit your stomach acid
from fully doing its job, which can lead to bloating and upset stomach.

We will eliminate sugar and processed foods (including bars), dairy (except for kefir,

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

which is a probiotic), limit gluten foods, cut out soy, eggs and corn due to allergies, limit
nuts (except what is on the plan), and grains (aside from oats in the morning shake).

We will eliminate acid forming foods like coffee (by mid-week) and all animal products
(eggs included), flour, pasta, artificial sweeteners (not including stevia because it is
naturally alkaline), vinegar like balsamic (except for Bragg’s apple cider vinegar), and

We will add fiber, flax seed, flax seed blends and/or chia seed, fresh lemon water,
organic cleansing and supporting teas, chicory (Teeccino as a prebiotic and for mild
laxative support), inulin (it’s in the Teeccino to help reduce fats and sugars in the body,
help digestive support and a host of other benefits), dandelion (for liver support), beans
(for added fiber, relax arteries and help reduce blood pressure naturally), Kefir (for
probiotic benefits), and bottled veggie juice or fresh pressed veggie juice (for cleansing
and phytonutrient support) and Lecithin granules to help break down fats and release
excess toxins.
Note: for brand suggestions see the FAQ section of the TRUTH DIET website
Protein powder (plant based)
Multivitamin/mineral (1 daily)
Fish oil supplement (as directed on bottle)
Greens powder (1-2 servings daily)
Probiotic (1-2 times daily)
Digestive enzymes (with breakfast, lunch and dinner as needed)
Psyllium husk powder
Milled Flax Seeds (including flax seed blends with chia, maca, and cacao for example)
Lecithin granules (add 1 tbsp in your protein shakes daily)
Bentonite Liquid (1 tsp mixed in water before bed)
Note: You can find bentonite at most health food stores. I like Great Plains Detox by Yerba Prima.

Oats (get organic regular cooking and not the 1-minute)
Kefir 32oz (3 bottles)
Vegetable broth Low Sodium (2 containers)
Beans No Salt Added (2 cans)
Unsalted Raw Almonds (1 bag or container)
Apples organic
Veggies assorted (broccoli, asparagus, onions, squash, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.)

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Leafy greens (like spinach, kale for your protein shakes or fresh pressed veggie juice)
Lemons (get whole lemons and squeeze them for your water)
Bottled Fresh Pressed Veggie Juices (4-6 bottles)
Oregano (dried)
Parsley (dried)
Olive oil
Guidelines: drinks must be under 12g carbs per serving
Bottled veggie drinks (assorted; must meet guidelines stated above)
Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drinks (Try: Mojita, Lemon Cayenne and Kale Lemon)
Fresh pressed veggie juice (no fruits added)
Herbal tea
Teeccino chicory tea (assorted flavors) (1-2 boxes)
Detox tea (which will have both liver and kidney support)
Nighttime tea (this is a good option to have available)
Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with ½ unsweetened almond milk, ½ water (or all water), Greens (1-2 servings daily),
probiotic (1-2 times daily), digestive enzymes (with breakfast/lunch/dinner meals), multivitamin/mineral, fish oil and bentonite
(before bed).
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal tea (1-2 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).
Water 12-16 oz.
*Goal: cut out coffee (and caffeine) by Wednesday and shift over to the Teeccino as a coffee substitute.
Coffee, Herbal Tea or Teeccino
1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia and add cream.
*coffee must be eliminated by Wednesday
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Add oats (2 tbsp), milled flax (1 tbsp), greens,
Protein Shake (plant based) mixed w/water 2 scoops
lecithin (1 tbsp), psyllium husk (1 tsp)
Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly
Kefir (organic plain) 8 oz. You can add stevia to sweeten.
LUNCH Pick 1
Protein Shake (plant based) w/½ water, Add spinach or kale, milled flax (1 tbsp),
□ 2 scoops
½ almond milk (or all water) & blend. greens, psyllium husk (1 tsp) in blender.

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Vegetable broth with ½ can of Beans 1 bowl Beans: fresh soaked or canned no salt added

Veggies (steamed or baked) up to 2 cups Prepare them baked or steamed.
Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Powdered Greens drink w/Phyllium Husk 16 oz. 1 tbsp phyllium and mixed in water only.
Organic Apple 1
Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 10
Vegetable broth with ½ can of Beans 1 bowl Beans: fresh soaked or canned no salt added
Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups Pinch of fresh sea salt for added minerals.
*Instead of having them separately, you can add the veggies to the broth (see Lifestyle Veggie Soup recipe)
Kefir (organic plain) 8 oz. You can add stevia to sweeten.
Herbal detox tea 1-2 cups

*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.

Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with water only, Greens (2 servings daily), probiotic (1-2 times daily), multivitamin/mineral,
and bentonite (before bed)
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal detox tea (2-4 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).

Have herbal and detox teas throughout the day as desired.


Water 16 oz.
Herbal Tea or Teeccino 1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Protein shake (plant based) mixed w/water 1 heaping scoop Add flax and/or chia, and tbsp lecithin.
Powdered Greens drink w/Phyllium Husk 16 oz. 1 tbsp phyllium and mixed in water only.
Can be: carrot, beet, parsley, dandelion,
Fresh veggie juice 16 oz.
spinach, and sweet red pepper (no fruit).
Powdered Greens drink w/Phyllium Husk 16 oz. 1 tbsp phyllium and mixed in water only.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Can be: carrot, beet, parsley, dandelion,
Fresh veggie juice 16 oz.
spinach, and sweet red pepper (no fruit).
Vegetable broth liquid Bowl Get the organic low sodium.
Herbal Fasting Tea 1-2 cups
*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.

* The Bentonite should not be mixed with a metal, silver or metallic spoon. Either use a shaker cup or mix
it using a plastic spoon. Let the drink rest for 30 minutes before drinking it.

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