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A human's daily routine.

People's routine are almost the same, the things that make difference between one
and others may be the hobbies. Anyway, a normal person's daily routine should be
looking like this:
We wake up everyday in the morning. First step is to go to the restroom, where we
brush our teeth and wash our face. Then, having a delicious breakfast or even
something to wake us up and fill us with energy for the rest of the day. Now, after
eating, it depends on who you are. If you are still studying, then you go check
your backpack and go to school. During the classes you need to be focussed but it
depends on how well rested you are.
After six hours of school, you come home, change your clothes, start eating and
then doing your homework and learning the lessons. When you finish, you can have
some spare time till you go to sleep. You spend your spare time how do you want
to... You can practice your hobbies, go out with friends or maybe doing something watching a movie or reading a book.
I have just written about MY daily routine, but I am a human too... so this should
work .

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