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Living in a different century

The 21st century is really nice, if I would have to choose in what century to live
in, I'd choose something closer to our present because I don't know what the future
prepares for us, it could be really bad. Why? Because we are still learning, we
want to discover new things and something could go wrong anytime possible, like
many events in the past, an example is the Chernobyl nuclear accident.. a disaster.
Who knows? Maybe in a really far future, we will move on another planet in order to
survive. Maybe there we'll be robots to help us with anything we need, flying cars,
new medicaments and cures for diseases.
Now, about the past, I would not like to live there, we already know that in some
places, there was no food, no civilization, no money and battles, fights or even
wars. If I could change something in this world, I would bring peace all over it. I
know that the late 19th century was a very tough time, but life back then was
simpler and the population wasn't that lazy.
Just how I said, I prefer the present, I think is the best so far.

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