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Class number 4 

Activity 1 : Wallace and Gromit’s living room

 Take the correction.

1) Who can you see in the video ?

a) Queen Elizabeth b) Gromit c) Mickael Jackson d) Wallace e) Prince William

2) Where are the characters ?

a) the kitchen b) the bedroom c) the living room d) the dining room

3) What are the characters doing ?

a) sleeping b) dancing c) reading d) talking e) watching TV f) eating

Class number 5 :

Activity 1 :

 Copy the Lesson Summary.

In the video, we can see Wallace and Gromit. They are in their living room. They are

both reading. Wallace is talking to Gromit but Gomit is already sleeping.

Activity 2 : Wallace and Gromit’s living room.

 Watch the video (part 2) and circle the correct answer(s).

1) Where is Wallace ?

a) the bathroom b) the garage c) the garden d) the kitchen e) the dining room

2) What can you see ?

a) a plate b) some crackers c) a teapot d) a fork e) a fridge f) a cupboard

3) What is Wallace doing ?

a) making tea b) looking for cheese c) playing videogames d) taking crackers

e) singing

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