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I am Rafael Quintero and I was born on May
12th, 1994. When I was born, I wasn’t tall and
fat as I am now; instead, I was short and skinny.
My hair was short and black, and my eyes were
big and brown. I was shy but very energetic and
I was a very good student. My favorite food was
Hawaiian pizza with coke. My favorite toys were
my hot wheels cars and my soccer ball. My
favorite movie was “Finding Nemo” and my
favorite games were “Yeimi” and soccer of
course. My best friends were very energetic too,
but they were not good students as I was. They
weren’t very fan of soccer, so our most common
games were always Yeimi, chase and hide-and-
seek. Their names were Alex and Camila, but I
don’t know where they are now.
Juanes G. Cardona

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