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Matta Britian Santos \ioooiygz06ti2 United Mauions Feeambie WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED * Fo sour succeding genecations From. the Scourge oF war, wich Hwice in our tigetimme thos brought. untold gorvow Lo mankind, ond * EO TFET Foikn im. qundoreNtol humon Fights, 0 the dignit Ona worth of the humo PeSON, in the equal Fights of men ond Women ona of notions large ond smal, and + te esxoviish conaitions under which Price ond spect For ‘the obvigptions orising Fiom treaties ana other * to promote sociol progress and better standards oF kige iN larger Freedom, AND FOR THese Enos * bo Practice OWKCONCE ofd Nive Aogexher in peace with one opother 65. good nesdNbours, an + AD Udike, oUF Strength to mointoin international peaceahd secur and - cart + to ensure, by the acceptonce oF principles oft the institukion oF methods, that armed Forces shall not be Used, Sove in the common interest, afd *t0 ampioy international machinery yor the promotion of the econo Mic and” social advancement of oll peoples. LIE PesolveD To COMBINED CUR EFFORTS To AccOMeNSH Tite- Se MONS Accordingly, our tesprective Governments, through. representatives. assem- bled inthe citty of SonAtansisco, who have exhibited their full powes fould 40 bein good and due form, hove ogteed +o the present Charer ef the United Nations and do hereby establish on international ce gpaizotion to be KNOWN aS the Unites Nations. Se ILo Preambie, Whereas universal and lasting Peace can be. established only fr it 1S. based upon social justice; hd whereas conditions of labour exist. involving such ingustze, howsip and privation to large number oF frople ais to produce Unrest Se great that the Peace and harmon of the world. ore im. Perilked ; ond an improvement of those conditions is urgently requ: Wed 4 a5, for ecompley by the requiation oF the hours of work, Truding the establishment oF > Tarimum working dey ate week the regulation of he labour supply. the. prunsion oF unemplcyment the provision of an adequate fiving wage, the protection oF the as: Ker agpints sickness, dizase and iojury arising out of his empoy- ment, the ki0N oF ChifSreN, yuna, Persons ans Wome, proviion fOr ald age amd injury, Protection oF the interest OF workers when Empoyed “in countries ‘other Shon eheit owN, recegnit von. oF thesprin- CApfe oF equat value, yemuNeration of Ene piaciple oF Freedom OF association, bre organization of vocational ond technical e- ducation ond other measures Wheros alse the Failure ef ony nation to adopt wumane Con- ditions of labour is on obstacle In the way of other nations Which desire to Improve the: conditton Tn End own Countres;* The ti9h Contacting, Parties Moved by) santimens of justice Nd humanity aS urilOs by ne desite to secure ne permoment peace OF the worid fs with view to aetaining the object? yes Seb forth in ehis Preamble, agree to bhe Fouowin! Constitution of the -|nter national (abour. Organization WTO PRENMBLE OF THE WTO hOREGMENT \iext of the Preamble. The Parties to this Royeemen t , Pecognizing thay breir mations in tre field oF trade and Scomomic_endenvour Should be conducted with c View to rar~ Si, stints Snes. espe ten And a lacge Oo Ly,_gewing Moline oF FeAl Income and eFFective demond, od eAPONLING Lhe PIOACKION OF and Erode. IN, goCdS ond services, whit Al\owing For Le opkiMMal Use oF the WOTTS'S resources in accordane Witt the Cbigctive ond to entonce the means For doing So inamon EX Consistet with LnciT TeSPECLIVE needs od CONCES of drpFeRE lewels oF economic. development, Recognizing urtner Anok there 1.0 need FOr POSTHVEH er gorts éesignad Lo ensure that deveoping countries, Od especiatty tne. \east developed among them, Secure o share iM tregrowth of tt | termosional trode Commensuiate wit kre needs oF reir economic deve opinent. Being desirous oF contributing to these objectives by a- Kering nko reciprocal od cmukualy advantageous ATONQEMENLS di- Fected to bhe SUDstONbil Reduction of torfFES ond other barries to trode od bO tre elimiMationS oF discrimina tory treatment 70 - teMOLioNol bide {eOLKONS, Fesoved, Brerefore, $0 develop aN integrated, mor vabLe and dure multilateral ape) System encompassing the ge- MeO GQreeMeM ONAOTIEFS ONS ESE, the TPE oF POSH Ware TBUOKION offorts. od all OF tre result OF EM Unguay Round OF MW) biloketel Trade Negotiations, Decerenined to preserve tne basic Priciples and to fur Ener tne objectives Undertying AMS MUI Eilokeral, boating Sys: tem

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