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Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is an applied science that includes the technology of

designing, constructing, and maintaining and repairing buildings.The
buildings referred to here are very diverse, ranging from simple
houses and high-rise buildings, bridges, dams, to transportation
facilities and infrastructure buildings, bridges, dams, irrigation,
production infrastructure, to offshore buildings such as oil drilling
facilities. offshore, as well as various energy generation and
transmission facilities. In short, every time when we pass on the
highway, while walking in the shopping area or when visiting the
airport, everything we see and take advantage of is the work of Civil
Engineering graduates.

Civil Engineers, generally known as Civil Engineers, are initially tasked

with designing a complete building structure; starting from the
foundation to the entire building is complete and ready to use. During
the design process Civil Engineers work in a construction team to
research, measure and determine if the soil strength is adequate. At
the same stage the Civil Engineer will also make a building design and
calculate the dimensions and strength of the building parts so that it
is ready to be used as a reference for the contractors to build.

The next stage is the construction or construction stage. The

construction phase of a simple house or building, for example, begins
with the installation of the foundation, the preparation of the building
framework, and continues with the construction of the floors and
walls. At this stage of development, Civil Engineers must work
together with experts in other fields to install the building's electrical
system, security system, and piping for clean water and sewerage. In
the construction of buildings that are much more complicated, of
course, the construction process will consist of a lot of work and more
and more involved parties and other related experts.

In addition to new construction, the duties of a Civil Engineer also

include the maintenance and repair of existing buildings. An
infrastructure, may experience a change in function or a decrease in
condition during its service life. Civil Engineers must be able to plan
repairs / retrofitting of the structure so that the structure can function
properly or can withstand major earthquake forces that may occur.

In addition to studying technical sciences for the purposes of

designing, constructing and maintaining building structures, the Civil
Engineering study program will also study various aspects of
construction management. We will be learned how to manage the
implementation of construction. Well (such as: managing work
schedules, managing workers, materials and equipment), in
accordance with the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in the
use of various resources, as well as maintaining and complying with
environmental regulations.
Answer subject and verb in the text :

1. Civil Engineering is an applied science that includes the technology

of designing, constructing, and maintaining and repairing buildings.
Subject : Civil engineering
Verb : Is

2. In short, every time when we pass on the highway, while walking

in the shopping area or when visiting the airport, everything we see
and take advantage of is the work of Civil Engineering graduates.
Subject : We
Verb : Walking, visiting

3. Civil Engineers, generally known as Civil Engineers, are initially

tasked with designing a complete building structure; starting from
the foundation to the entire building is complete and ready to use.
Subject : Civil engineers
Verb : Designing

4. During the design process Civil Engineers work in a construction

team to research, measure and determine if the soil strength is
Subject : Civil engineers
Verb : research, measure, determine
5. The construction phase of a simple house or building, for example,
begins with the installation of the foundation, the preparation of the
building framework, and continues with the construction of the
floors and walls.
Subject : The construction
Verb : Installation, preparation, construction

6. At the same stage the Civil Engineer will also make a building
design and calculate the dimensions and strength of the building
parts so that it is ready to be used as a reference for the contractors
to build.
Subject : Civil Engineer
Verb : make, calculate, build

7. In addition to new construction, the duties of a Civil Engineer also

include the maintenance and repair of existing buildings
Subject : Civil engineer
Verb : maintenance, repair

8.Engineering study program will also study various aspects of

construction management.
Subject : Engineering study program
Verb : study
9. We will be learned how to manage the implementation of
Subject : We
Verb : Learned

10. Civil Engineers must be able to plan repairs / retrofitting of the

structure so that the structure can function properly or can
withstand major earthquake forces that may occur.
Subject : Civil Engineers
Verb : plan repairs

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