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The main goal of this study is to assess the effects of compulsive internet shopping during a pandemic
among Emilio Aguinaldo Colleg-Cavite grade 12 ABM students. It aims to answer the following questions
in particular:

1. Is there a massive impact on Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite ABM students who hastily engage
in virtual store shopping?
2. What are the various factors that influence Emilio Aguinaldo's ABM pupils' online purchasing
3. How many Emilio aguinaldo college-Cavite ABM students make impulse purchases from online


The global pandemic that is currently wreaking havoc on the economy is causing panic buying. The
public makes large purchases in anticipation of a pandemic, which can cause price fluctuations and
result in a market with an empty product supply because it has been purchased by the community.

Meghna Verma, B.R. Naveen. (2021). COVID 19 impact on Buying Behaivior.

Retrieved from

Harahap et al. (2021). Emerging Advances In E-Commerce: Panic And Impulse Buying During The Covid-
19 Pandemic Retrived from

Review Related Study:

According to Harahap et al. (2021). Emerging Advances In E-Commerce : Panic And Impulse Buying
During The Covid-19 Pandemic is about the is about global pandemic that is currently wreaking havoc on
the economy is causing panic buying. The public makes large purchases in anticipation of a pandemic,
which can cause price fluctuations and result in a market with an empty product supply because it has
been purchased by the community.

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