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Respiratory System (upper)

Respiratory System (upper)

hay-fever, laryngitis, sinusitis

(F) Flower Essence, (G) Gem Essence (H) Herbal Remedy (Hom) Homeopathic

Aconitum (Hom) Monkshood - Laryngitis with sudden onset of hoarseness. Husky,

crowing or squeaky voice. Voice loss after fright, shock, or after chilling from dry, cold
winds. Fever and hollow, croupy cough with dry windpipe. Restless and fearful. Worse:
night, touch, breathing in, cold air, talking.

Allium cepa (Hom) Red Onion - Hayfever with violent sneezing, watery acrid discharge
that corrodes nose and lips. Worse on left side. Lump feeling at bridge of nose. Hayfever
in August. Eyes: burning, red, sensitive; rubs them. Much watery, bland discharge.
Anxiety, headache, laryngitis; cough causes splitting pain in the larynx. Worse: warm
room, evening, damp, cold, flowers. Better: open air.

Ambrosia (Hom) Rag Weed - Hayfever with red, swollen nose, sneezing and acrid,
watery discharge or stuffed up nose and head. Sneezing. Nosebleed. Tickling, irritated
trachea. Eyes: stringy mucus, itching lids, smarting, burning, tearing. Difficult
breathing, wheezy cough. Whole respiratory tract feels stopped up. Asthma.

Argentum nitricum (Hom) Silver nitrate - Laryngitis with chronic hoarseness, loss of
voice, laryngitis in singers. High notes cause a cough. Soreness of larynx and throat pit.
Thick mucus in airways. Feeling of splinter in larynx on swallowing. Tickling in throat.
Worse: a.m., anticipation anxiety, sugar, warm room. Better: cool air.

Ars iod (Hom) Arsenicum iodatum - Hayfever with sneezing and watery discharges if
acute, thick and green if chronic. Hot irritating discharges with red upper lip, raw nasal
passages. Post nasal drip. Short of breath, hacking cough. Hoarse or loss of voice.
Burning sensations. Restless, weak and chilly, but hates heat. Worse: dry, cold or windy
weather, warm room, smoke. Better: open air.

Causticum (Hom) Caustic Soda - Chronic laryngitis. Sore, rawness, burning, dryness.
Tender larynx, throat. Hoarse, hollow, husky, cracking. Weak voice, paralysis of vocal
cords. Mucus accumulates, hard to expel with hawking, sense of constriction. Pressure
in larynx on blowing the nose. Worse: dry and cold, inspiration, coughing, a.m.,
speaking, voice strain.

Hepar sulph (Hom) Calcium sulphate - Sinusitis with thick yellow-green, foul discharge,
like old cheese. Sneezing in drafts. Blocked nose in cold air. Sinuses and bones tender to
touch. Nosebleeds. Nose is red, inflamed, swollen with burning pains. Loss of smell.
Aching at root of nose. Irritable, chilly. Worse: cold, drafts, dry winds, pressure. Better:
warmth, wrapping up.
Hydrastis (Hom) Golden Seal - Sinusitis with watery acrid discharge, becoming thick,
offensive and yellow or bloody. Burning, smarting, rawness. Crusts in the nose. Constant
blowing. Severe frontal sinus headache and post nasal drip. Free nasal discharge in the
open air, relieving the headache, blocks up in a warm room. Worse: inhaling air, cold
air, dry winds, night, left side. Better: pressure.

Kali bich (Hom) Bichromate of Potash - Laryngitis with chronic hoarseness, total loss of
voice, worse evening. Tickling, causing hawking, coughing, clearing of throat. Dry,
constricted. Sore and raw larynx, burning extends up into nostrils. Rattling cough.
Accumulation of tough, stringy mucus that is hard to expel. Croup. Worse: cold, damp,
weather changes, speaking, laughing, coughing, a.m.

In Sinusitis: Bursting pain or pressure in sinuses; at the root of the nose or cheeks. Thick
yellow-green, stringy mucus. Post nasal drip, may hawk mucus, but hard to expel.
Stuffed up; loss of smell, nasal voice, hoarseness. Thick scabs in nose, raw when pulled
off. Sinusitis with colds or coughs. Worse: cold, damp, morning, beer. Better: warmth,

Mercurius (Hom) Quicksilver - Frontal sinuses. Thick or runny yellow-green, foul

discharge. Bad odors in the nose. Foul breath with gray coated tongue and metallic taste.
Raw nostrils, may form ulcers. Swollen cheeks. Sneezing, nosebleeds. Frequent colds,
end in sinusitis. Hurried, suspicious, weak memory. Worse: night, both hot and cold
weather, damp or cloudy, drafts, touch.

Napthalinum (Hom) Coal Tar - Hayfever with sudden allergy attacks, constant sneezing,
acrid discharges. Eyes inflamed, painful, acrid discharges, acrid saliva. Full, hot head.
Chronic hayfever. Eruptions around mouth, eye problems. Anxiety. Spasmodic cough
with choking; constricted sore chest. Asthma; mucus difficult to expel. Worse: night.
Better: open air, loosening the clothing.

Phosphorus (Hom) - Laryngitis with hoarseness, loss of voice. Sore, raw, burning larynx
causes tickling cough. Talking causes intense sticking pain into trachea. Constriction.
Expectorates thick mucus. Cough or croup causes sharp pain in throat. Worse: entering
cold air, talking, laughing, touch a.m. and evening, eating warm things, lying on left,
weather changes. Better: cold things.

Pulsatilla (Hom) Wind Flower - Sinusitis with dull, heavy frontal and maxillary sinuses.
Stuffed nose and loss of smell. Thick yellow, non-irritating discharge at the end of a
cold. Red, teary eyes. Moody. Clingy or dependent, passive type. Wants company,
sympathy. Nose drains on lying down, stopped on rising up. Worse: going from cold air
to warm room or indoors, rich foods, evening. Better: fresh air.

Sabadilla (Hom)Cervadilla Seed - Hayfever with much sneezing and runny, watery
discharge, ithcing and tingling in nose and mouth. Eyes: red, burning, tearing. Chilly,
cold sweats. Sinusitis with frontal headache in a.m. Left sided sore throat. Obsessive
thoughts about health; worse thinking of problems. Worse: smell of flowers, mown
grass. Better: warm room, food or drink.

Silicea (Hom) Pure Flint - Sinusitis with frequent colds or hayfever (Low immunity)
with chronic sinus infection. Alternately dry and blocked, or profuse thick, yellow
mucus. Crusts, pimples, ulcers, fistula in nose. Gnawing pains, swollen glands. Violent
sneezing. Chilly. Sour sweats. Lack of confidence yet stubborn. Worse: cold, damp,
drafts to head. Better: warmth, wrapping up.

Spongia (Hom) Roasted Sponge - Acute and chronic laryngitis. Hoarseness, with sore,
burning larynx. Tickling in larynx. Dryness, Hawking constantly. Constriction of larynx,
worse midnight or during sleep with suffocative feelings, anxiety. At the beginning or
during croup with barking cough. Worse: touch and pressure, talking, swallowing
sweets, dry, cold wind. Better: warm food or drinks, sitting, lying with head low, eating a

Wyethia (Hom) Poison Weed - Hayfever with violent sneezing, profuse flow. Dryness in
back part of nose. Itching, crawling in back of nose, throat, and soft palate, scratches it
with tongue. Throat is dry, burning, swollen with constant need to swallow. Mouth feels
scalded, uvula feels swollen. Hoarseness. Dry hacking cough. nervous, dizzy, weak,
headachy. Worse: afternoon, flowers, roses.

Respiratory System (lower)

Respiratory System (lower)-
asthma, cough, croup, emphysema
(F) Flower Essence, (G) Gem Essence (H) Herb, (Hom)

Homeopathic Remedy


Arsenicum (Hom) -

Cuprum (Hom) Copper -

Ipecac (Hom) Ipecacuanha

Kali carb (Hom) Potassium bichromate -

Lobelia (Hom) Indian Tobacco -

Nat sulph (Hom) Salicylate of sodium -

Bryonia (Hom) Wild hops -

Causticum (Hom) Potassium hydrate -

Phosphorus (Hom) -

Rumex (Hom) Yellow dock -

Spongia (Hom) Roasted sponge -

Sticta pulmonaria (Hom) Lungwort -


Ammoniacum (Hom) Gum ammoniac -

Antimonium tart (Hom) Tarter emetic -

Hepar sulph (Hom) Calcium sulphate -

Lycopodium (Hom) Club Moss -

Pulsatilla (Hom) Wind Flower -

Senega (Hom) Snakeroot -


Ambra grisea (Hom) Whale secretion -

Coccus cacti (Hom) Cochineal -

Corallium rubrum (Hom) Red coral -

Drosera (Hom) Sundew

Hyoscamus (Hom) Henbane -

Ignatia (Hom) St. Ignatius Bean -

Colds & Flu

colds, fever, influenza, sore throat, stuffy nose

(F) Flower essence (G) Gem Essence (H) Herb (Hom) Homeopathic Remedy

Achillea millefolium (H) White Yarrow - One of the best herbs for
fevers; promotes sweating to bring down a fever.

Aconitum (Hom) Monkshood - Sudden high fever. First stages of cold. Colds from
drafts, chilling, shock, fright. Nose is stuffed up, burning hot, dry, but no discharge; or
hot and watery discharge. Tingling and burning nose with sneezing. Throbbing head.
Dry, hot throat. Choking with swallowing. Croupy cough, worse in cold winds. Anxiety
about illness or of dying. Burning thirst for cold drinks.

Allium cepa (Hom) Red Onion - Colds with profuse, dripping, watery, acrid discharge,
irritating the upper lip. Violent sneezing fits. Dull head pains with discharge. Hot and
thirsty. Eyes burning and smarting, red, light sensitive, watery with non acrid discharge.
Tickling, hacking cough in cold air, hurts the larynx. Constricted throat. Worse: damp,
cold, evening, warm room, lying. Better: in open air.

Ammon carb (Hom) - Nose blocked at night, mouth breathing. Hot, acrid, watery
discharge. Sniffles or nasal blockages in children. Starts from sleep. Pressure, fullness at
root of nose. Nosebleeds after stooping, washing. Swollen glands. Tickling cough,
asthma. Cracked burning lips. Chilly, dull and listless Worse: cold, damp, 3-4 a.m.,
exertion. Better: open air, lying, pressure.

Arsenicum (Hom) - Colds: nose watery, acidic, dripping discharge, burns the upper lip,
yet nose feels stuffed up, feeling not relieved by sneezing. Burning, dry, nostrils. Dull,
throbbing headache with sensitivity to light. Restless, chilly, anxious and nervous.
Frequent sips of cold water. Fear of serious illness, death. Worse: open air, cold, after
midnight. Better: warm room, warm drinks. Fevers: dry, burning, worse: 2 a.m.. Chiils
with shivering. Face hot, body and hands cold. Cold sweats. Anxiety, restlessness,
despair. Total exhaustion. Thirst for small sips.

Arum triph (Hom) Jack in the Pulpit — Stuffy nose, mouth breathing with much acrid,
watery, fishy discharge. Crawling sensation in nostrils, constant desire to bore at nose,
causing bleeding. Nose runs only in morning. Nasal crusts and scabs. Roof of mouth
raw, sore. Sore, raw nose and upper lip. Picks at lips until they bleed. Burning tongue.
Worse: cold, wet, winds, talking, night, lying, motion. Better: open air.

Baptisia (Hom) Wild Indigo - Influenza with sore, heavy, aching muscles. Rapid
exhaustion, weakness and toxicity. Feels very ill. Foul odor of body, breath, sweat,
discharges. Bleary eyes. Heavy, numb head, sore eyes, dusky face. Falls asleep while
talking. Completely dull and confused. Delirious, restless, feels double, or in pieces.
Worse: open air, cold, fog, indoors, hot and humid, pressure, waking.

Belladonna (Hom) Deadly Nightshade - Fever with sudden onset, after getting chilled or
overheated. High fever, delirium. Bright red, flushed face, hot and dry skin, glassy eyes,
dilated pupils. Dry skin, sweaty on covered parts. Few chills. Hot head, cold hands.
Throbbing head. Thirst for cold or lemon drinks. Worse: light, noise, motion, 3 p.m.,
touch, night. Better: warm drinks, heat. Sore throat with sudden onset; burning hot, dry,
bright red throat, swollen and tender. Constant need to swallow, hawk. Feels
constricted, plugged, suffocated. Choking spasms on trying to drink. Painful swallowing;
worse from liquids. Worse: swallowing, turning head, right side, cold air, touch. Better:

Bryonia (Hom) Wild Hops - Fever with gradual onset. Shivering with chills
predominates over fever. Heat on one side only. Heat in head; face. Body cold. Sour
sweat night and a.m. Thirst for large quantities. Bitter taste. Dizziness, headache. Dry
cough. Worse: morning, 9 p.m., least motion. Better: rest, quiet, open air. In Influenza
with slow onset, heat and sweating. Dry, obstructed nose, pain at root of nose. Dry
mouth, intense thirst. Chapped lips, tongue coated dirty white. Bitter taste. Bursting
frontal headache, dry hacking cough. Irritable, worry about business, desire to be left

Chamomilla (Hom) Matricaria recutita - Intense fever with long-lasting heat, followed
by sweats. One cheek red, one pale. Sweaty on covered areas. Hot, sweaty face, head.
One part hot, the other cold. Thirsty. Alternate chills and heat. Irritable, demanding,
capricious. Worse: anger, uncovering, night, coffee.

China (Hom) Peruvian Bark - Recurrent fevers. Frequent chills with thirst. Prickling
heat all over. Drenching sweats, exhaustion. Indigestion, bloating. Feels persecuted,
irritable. Before chills: anxiety, palpitations, thirst, violent headaches, hunger. Worse:
drafts, open air, motion, uncovering, slight touch. Better: eating.

Dulcamara (Hom) Bittersweet - Influenza sneezing, much discharge, but stuffed up

completely in cold air or rain. Stuffy at rest, better during motion. Thick yellow mucus,
green crusts. Summer colds and flu. Colds affect the bowels, bladder, eyes, or throat.
Rattling mucus in chest. Swollen glands. Chills in back. Domineering. Worse: cold and
damp, rain, rest. Better: motion, walking, indoors, warmth.

Echinacea angustifolia (H) - Effective against both bacterial and viral attacks. It is
especially useful for infections of the upper respiratory tract. Dried root can be used in a
decoction or tincture.

Eup perf (Hom) Boneset - Influenza with intense thirst for cold drinks that precedes
chills and fever. Deep aching in bones and muscles, as if broken. Aching in eyes, back,
limbs. Heavy aching head. Restless but worse from motion. Nausea. Rough sscraping
cough, sore chest, must support it with hands. Watery discharge. Moaning with pain.
Worse: cold air, motion.

Eupatorium perfoliatum (H) Boneset - The best herbal remedy for relief of symptoms
associated with influenza. Relieves aches, pains and fever. May also be used to clear the
upper respiratory tract of mucous congestion. Eases constipation. Infusion or tincture.

Euphrasia (Hom) Eyebright - Colds with acrid constant discharge from eyes with
scalding tears that burn the skin, light sensitivity. Swollen lids. Headache. Pressure
under sternum. Tickling larynx. Non irritating discharge from nose, violent sneezing.
Profuse runny nose in a.m. with hacking cough and much expectoration. Frequent
waking. Worse: morning, indoors, evening, night. Better: outdoors, eating, dark.

Ferrum phos (Hom) Phosphate of Iron - First stages of fever. High fever with flushed
blotches on face or paleness. Less intense or sudden than Aconitum or Belladonna with
no anxiety or restlessness. Irritable, talkative. Sore throat, coughing. Headache. Worse:
night, late afternoon, right side. Better: cold compress, lying.

Gelsemium (Hom) Yellow Jasmine - Influenza with gradual onset and dizziness.
Weakness, chills, dullness, lethargy. Muscle aching, chills in spine. Trembling. Blurred
vision, heavy eyelids. Heavy, dull pain in back of head. Dusky, flushed face. Yellow
tongue. Violent sneezing in a.m., stuffy nose or watery thin discharge. Drowsy. No thirst.
Worse: motion. Better: sweating, profuse urination.

Hepar sulph (Hom)Calcium Sulphide - Sore throat with splinter-like pains, like a fish
bone in the throat. Sensitive to touch. Stitching pain into ear on swallowing. Hawks up
lumps of foul mucus. Hearing blocked, speech affected. Solids difficult to swallow, liquid
ok. Irritable; angry impulses. Very chilly. Hypersensitive to pain, suffering. Worse:
touch, drafts, warm food, night. Better: warm drinks, craves sour.

Hyssop (H) Hyssop officinalis - Good for use in chronic sinus conditions, fevers from
cold and flu. Antiviral properties. Infusion or tincture.

Jasmine Officinalis (F) Jasmine - This essence regulates the mucous system. It clears
the nasal passages, the sinuses, the throat, and the lungs. It can also be used to improve
the sense of smell; therefore it increases the ability to quickly assimilate through the
skin any nutrients or remedies used in aromatherapy. Do not take this remedy just
before retiring it may be too much of a stimulant.

Kali bich (Hom) Bichromate of Potash - Sore throat with splinter-like pains, better by
swallowing, but also pain on empty swallowing. Thick, yellow or jelly like mucus.
Hawking, choking and constriction. Pain on protruding the tongue. Swallowing difficult,
sensation of lump in throat. Ulcers on throat, uvula. Worse: sticking out tongue, talking,
cold, damp. Better: open air, warmth.

Lachesis (Hom) Bushmaster Snake - Sore throat, dark red, raw, constricted feeling.
Worse, slightest touch. Left sided. Painful to swallow saliva or hot drinks, but solid
foods, cold drinks ok. Feels like a lump or crumb in throat, swallowing relieves for only a
second. Talkative. Tongue quivers when protruded. Choking and Regurgitation. Worse:
pressure, heat, after sleep. Better: cold drinks.

Lycopodium (Hom) Club Moss - Nose completely blocked. Dry at the back of the nose,
though discharge in the front. Grayish mucus in afternoon, evening. Nursing children.
Obstructed during sleep, with mouth breathing, snoring. Sensitive, or lost smell. Worse:
warmth, right side, 4-8 p.m.

Mercurius (Hom) Quicksilver - Throat is raw, burning, dark red, swollen. May be pus or
ulcers in throat. Constant need to swallow with stitches on swallowing. Like an apple
core stuck in throat. Hawking up lumps of mucus. Burning. Much salivation; worse at
night. Night sweats. Swollen glands and tonsils. Foul breath; metallic or putrid taste.
Flabby, cracked tongue. Worse: night, warm drinks r compress, hot or cold. Weather

Nat mur (Hom) Chloride of Sodium - Colds with watery discharge from nose becoming
thick and whitish. Sneezing fits in a.m. Nose alternately runs or blocked, sores inside.
Hawks up salty mucus. Eyes watery in the wind. Cold sores. Dry, cracked lips, much
thirst. Sensitive, depressed. Desires solitude, avoids sympathy. Feels weepy. Worse: mid
morning, sun warmth. Better: fresh air, sweating, cool bath.

Nepeta cataria - (H) Catnip - a traditional cold and flu remedy used in feverish
conditions to promote sweating and bring down fever. Infusion from dried or fresh herb
or tincture.

Nux vomica (Hom) Poison Nut - Colds with dry, stuffed up nose; runs by day, stuffed at
night. Feels stuffed in open air, runs in warm room. Sniffles in children. Sneezing,
nosebleeds. Aching all over, chilliness, dull headache. Irritable, impatient, driven. Colds
from chilling, loss of sleep, overwork, overindulgence, alcohol. Worse: open air, cold,
drafts, noise, light. Better: rest, damp air, heat.

Pulsatilla (Hom) Wind Flower - Late stages of cold with thick, yellow green discharge
from nose, non irritating mucus, bad smelling. Sneezing. Nosebleed. Loss of taste, smell,
appetite. Loose cough a.m., dry cough night. Little thirst. Greasy taste in mouth.
Changeable symptoms and moods. Weepy, craves sympathy, Snappish. Worse:
morning, evening, heat (but chilly) stuffy room. Better: open air.

Rhus tox (Hom) Poison Ivy - Influenza with fever and chills from drafts, uncovering.
Tickling cough. Cold sores. Sneezing, thick yellow-green, foul mucus. Tip of nose red;
nose bleeds. Influenza from getting wet, chilling after overheating. Dry, coated tongue,
red tip. Severe aching, stiff muscles, must stretch. Anxiety, extreme restlessness. Worse:
cold, after rest, p.m. Better: warm drinks, heat, gentle motion.

Sambucus (Hom) Elder- Nose dry or obstructed by thick, tenacious mucus. In newborn
infants. Starts from sleep. Child unable to nurse. Mouth breathing. Suffocative cough or
asthma, shortness of breath. Profuse sweats. Worse: dry cold air, lying down, midnight,
2-3 a.m. Better: sitting up.

Sambucus nigra (H) Elder flower - The elder tree is an herbal medicine chest in and of
itself. The flowers and berries are ideal for colds and influenza and any inflammation of
the upper respiratory including hayfever and sinusitis. The leaves help bruises, sprains
and wounds. Infuse or make a tincture from fresh or dried flowers. Berries can be made
into juice.

Viola tricolor (F) Pansy - An exceptional remedy to prescribe against most forms of
viruses. Sudden tiredness may sometimes be the initial effect of interaction of viruses
with the immune system.

Women's Health

amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PMS, vaginitis

(F) Flower Essence, (G) Gem Essence (H) Herb (Hom) Homeopathic Remedy

AMENORRHEA - the absence or abnormal cessation of menstruation.

Graphites (Hom)-

Kali carb (Hom)-

Nat mur (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Senecio (Hom) -

Sepia (Hom) -

DYSMENORRHEA - menstruation accompanied by painful cramps.

Belladonna (Hom) -

Chamomilla (Hom) -

Cimicifuga (Hom) -

Cocculus (Hom) -

Colocynthis (Hom) -

Nux vomica (Hom) -

Viburnum opulus (H) Cramp bark - relaxes muscular tension and spasm in ovarian and
uterine muscle problems.

PMS - PRE MENSTRUAL SYNDROME; in the days leadingup to menstruation can

experience tension, anxiety, agitation, depression, water retention, breast sensitivity.

Calc carb (Hom) -

Kali carb (Hom) -

Lachesis (Hom) -

Lycopodium (Hom) -

Nat Mur (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

Sepia (Hom) -

VAGINITIS - An imbalance in the intricate mix of bacteria and fungi that make up the
complex, acidic environment of the vagina. Imbalances are caused by bacteria, yeast,
hormonal imbalances. Conflicts in the area of sexuality also relate to infection
susceptibilty in this area.

Alumina (Hom) -

Borax (Hom) -

Calc carb (Hom) -

Kreosotum (Hom) -

Nitric acid (Hom) -

Pulsatilla (Hom) -

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