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Our competitor are people that selling also a facemask. There is so many
seller that also create a mask and they sell it. The benefits of our competitor
can offer is a safety for everyone. Costumer buy to them because, their shop
is easy to find they have a shop of place in the market they promote their
product by displaying the mask in their shop, they also call the people that
walking in front to their shop to buy their product they pricing their product
by their own.
We all know that facemask is the most important now because of the virus all
the people in this world is wearing a mask to protect their self this my
competitor is selling also a mask I know that we are competing in the product
but also in costumers. We both want to success our business.
There is a thing that our competitor can’t give or supply in the clients or
costumer is that the quality of the mask our product , also our product is
surely safe it is comfortable to wear, our mask give the costumer more
confidence, our product is don’t have any chemicals it is antibacterial,
antiviral and it is customize that the costumers want this is our advantage in
our competitor and also our product is affordable they can have a mask that
make their safety secure and make them happy with our second smile mask

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