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Women and Economics

It is pretty ironic that the word ' economy 'comes from Greek word 'oikos' which implies
household work, has never considered household work as an economic activity.In her book
'Who Cooks Adam Smith's Dinner 'Marça rails against an economy of 'Economic Men' which
discounts women work and her contribution as an intangible and invisible hand . It is truly an
astonishing fact that only one woman has recieved Nobel prize in economics since it is
introduced. This fact give us reality of gender inequality in economics. Unpaid labour is not the
only issue with economics. Women also struggles for equal representation and equal pay.
Adopting solely a 'Women economic empowerement' approach is a merely a temporary
means,To integrate women deeper in economy we need to plant the seeds of interdependent
relation between productive and reproductive sphere , between paid and unpaid work ,between
learning and caring for family to makep another world possible of equality.

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