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The difference between university and college in the UK

Navigating an unfamiliar educational system that has its own processes,

customs and vocabulary can be one of the most challenging parts of being
an international student. For those studying – or hoping to study – in the
UK, the difference between different types of institution can be confusing –
for example, high schools and colleges.
The first thing to note is that in most parts of the UK, high school is referred
to as secondary school. The term high school is more frequently used in
Scotland, which is where the term originates. The main difference between
high school and college in the UK is that one is part of the statutory
education system and the other is part of the optional further education
(FE) system.
Another key difference between high school and college is the age of the
students. For the most part, high schools offer statutory education for
students from ages 11 to 16, although some also have sixth form centres,
which offer courses for students aged 16 to 19. At a further education
college, most of the students have already completed their statutory
education and are over the age of 16. The colleges also offer adult
education courses and therefore will also have adult students of all ages.
They give students over the age of 16 the chance to take A Levels or GCSEs
they may not have had the opportunity to pass at high school.
High schools typically only provide students with the opportunity to study
for GCSEs and A Levels, although some may also offer alternative
qualifications such as the International Baccalauréat. Further education
colleges offer a far wider range of qualifications and often focus on less
academic courses of study, such as skills-based courses in areas such as
computer skills and craft skills.
Whereas high schools are focused on the needs of students and their
parents, FE colleges tend to be a hub for community learning and will offer
services such as taster courses and evening courses to get more adults
interested in continuing their education.
More recently, some FE colleges have begun to offer degree-level courses in
partnership with universities, for students who want to access higher
education in a more relaxed environment that is local to them.
A different experience

There are some distinct differences in the learning experience offered by

high schools and colleges. High schools are mainly focused towards the
education of minors and as such have a more prescriptive atmosphere in
which students often have to wear a uniform and are not permitted to leave
the school site during the school day. Additionally, while high school
students have some say about the subjects they take, they also have to take
a number of core subjects, such as english, maths and sciences.
In contrast, FE colleges offer a more relaxed environment in which students
are encouraged to take more responsibility for their education. FE students
choose their own study programme and are only expected to be on campus
during class times. Students can choose from GCSEs, Higher National
Diplomas and A Levels to BTEC courses and skills diplomas. People come to
FE colleges at all stages of life to gain new skills or pursue hobbies, from
learning to speak a new language before going on holiday to cake
Knowing the difference between high school and college is very useful
when it comes to choosing the next phase of your study in the UK, or filling
in application forms in which you have to describe your education history.
It’s definitely worth taking note of the differences and keeping them to
hand as you do your research.

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