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Question #1

They are so popular because of the branding of the franchise and knowing it came internationally
and was franchised here in the Philippines a lot of the masses prefer to buy products there even
if some products cost more than what we can buy in normal sari sari stores plus the fact that it
has a wide variety of product sold there from school supplies, food, drinks and etc.
There is always a mindset for most Filipinos that imported products are good and will last longer.
This has been an habitual perspective to many. Though it is half true and half lies and of course
will depend to the products itself and the origin of it. We all believe that imported products are
worth to buy than the local ones. And maybe most of you will agree with me on these.
But not all imported products are real and worth it with the money we spent for. We have local
products that are worth buying for and if we believe on that we are not only patronizing our very
own yet we are giving opportunities to our countrymen having them for a living which means we
are helping them too.
Hence, in the current market now there’s a lot of fake products visible and awareness must be
observed so that we will not be a victim of it. As a consumer and responsible buyers we must
make sure that our money are spent well regardless if it is imported or local made. At the end of
the day, what is important is that we were satisfied to what we need and whatever we want as
long as these products are safe and valuable into our daily necessity.

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