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Question # 8

Non-store retailing is a form of retailing in which a firm sells its products without a physical retail
store/space. The firm sells its products via online platforms and delivers the product to
customer’s doorstep.
Although companies have been doing non-store retailing for the past three or four decades, it
rose to prominence during the 21st century. However, non-store retailing is not an average line of
business by any means. Firms nowadays are switching to non-store retailing because of its
“unlimited” benefits.

The categories of Non-store Retailing are :

Direct selling
Online retailing
Automatic vending
Direct marketing
Electronics retailing

Direct Selling
Direct selling is the oldest form of non-store retailing. Door-to-door selling is one of the most
common practices in direct selling. Salesmen usually do cold calls to homes or offices to sell the
products. Some salesmen prefer making an appointment with a potential client and then visit
later. Salesmen also use other options such as promotions, standees, etc.

One-to-one selling
One to one selling includes targeting a single or multiple customer directly. They may visit
different homes and offices to sell the products. Moreover, sometimes, the salesman finds a host
who invites his/her friends or neighbors to one place, and then the salesmen demonstrate the
product in front of a small gathering.

Multi-level Marketing
Multi-level marketing is a large-scale form of direct selling. is a common example of
multi-level marketing. The firm started this mode of selling in 1994 when they used to hire
independent businesses as their distributors. The company generally targeted the Asia Pacific
region and Japan.

Telemarketing is still a common practice in stockbrokers; they often approach their potential
clients through telephones, etc. Moreover, bankers often sell their promotional offers,
credit/debit cards, etc., via telemarketing.
Online Retailing
Online retailing is one of the latest and most common forms of non-store retailing. Companies
sell their products either on their websites or through social media platforms. A firm displays all
the available items on its website so that the customer has multiple options to choose from.
Customers select a product, make the payment, and the firm delivers the product at the
customer’s doorstep.

Automatic Vending
Automatic vending includes selling products with the help of machines. Mostly, FMCG companies
operate with automatic vending machines. Firms install automatic vending machines in public or
even in private places.
For instance, beverage companies such a coca-cola, Pepsi, Nescafe, etc., install their vending
machines at public places such as stadiums, banks, roads, or even private offices. In fact, pizza
sellers are now selling their products via vending machines.

Direct Marketing
Direct marketing is a blend of different non-store retailing practices. Companies used to do direct
marketing through coupons, newspapers, magazines, and mails (letters). However, with the
advent of the internet, companies now use emails, e-newspaper, websites, e-magazines, etc.

Electronics Retailing
Electronic retailing is more of online retailing as sellers interact with the customers on digital
platforms. These platforms may include the seller’s website or social media profiles. Customers
select their desired product and may order through telephone, website, email, or send a direct
message on the company’s social media accounts. Common examples include Etsy, eBay,
Amazon, Alibaba, etc.

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