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TEKNIK KULTUR JARINGAN, Pengenalan dan Petunjuk Perbanyakan Tanaman


Ir. Daisy P. Sriyanti Hendaryono, M.Si. & Ir. Ari Wijayani

Keefektifan Bahan Sterilisasi Dalam Pengendalian Kontaminasi Pada Pertumbuhan Kultur Zygotik Surian
(Toona Sinensis Roem) Yayat Hidayat, SHut, MSi. Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kehutanan Unwim-Jatinangor-
Jawa Barat 2008

Sterilisasi peralatan Alat-alat logam dan gelas disterilkan dengan otoklaf, sedangkan alat-alat tanam
seperti pinset, gunting, skapel, disterilkan setiap akan dipakai dengan dicelupkan pada alkohol,
pembakaran di atas bunsen, dan dicelupkan pada air steril. Alat-alat yang akan disterilkan dengan
otoklaf dibungkus dengan alumunium foil, lalu disterilisasi pada suhu 1210C pada tekanan 1 atm selama
15 menit. Laminar air flow cabinet disterilisasi dengan cara menyalakan 38 Volume 6 No. 1. April 2008 ;
35 - 44 Jumlah eksplan (benih) terkontaminasi Jumlah eksplan (benih) yang ditanam Jumlah eksplan
(benih) sehat tak berkecambah lampu ultraviolet selama 30 menit, dan permukaan meja kerjanya
disterilkan dengan alkohol 70%. Alat-alat yang akan dipakai kerja seperti sarung tangan, gunting dan
pinset juga dibersihkan dengan alkohol 70%.

There are several types of sterilization processes, including:

1. Dry heating sterilization
2. Sterilization by wet heating
3. Sterilization by the addition of certain substances
4. Gas sterilization
5. Sterilization by irradiation
6. Sterilization by using a bacterial filter


1. Autoclaved 

The working principle of autoclaves is actually quite simple. First, when the heat source is turned on the water
in the autoclaves will boil gently. The presence of boiling water vapor is finally able to urge the air contained in
autoclaves. When the air has been replaced by moisture, the air valve or steam valve will be closed so the
pressure increases. Secondly, when the pressure reaches the set temperature, the sterilization process can begin.
Timers in the autoclaves will count them backwards.

The autoclaving of the items to be sterilized must be separated to allow the vapor to penetrate the load evenly.
Make sure the medical product or device is heat resistant. Because, there are certain medical equipment that
does not withstand the heat temperature. The equipment can melt and can make autoclaves become damaged.

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