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A significant contrast between me and my parent is the concept of ''suitable alliance".

In marriage, my parents always think that there is a need for a registration subject.
They believed that to get married, husband and wife must have the same frame of
reference to have a lasting harmony. People who do not have the same social status
and economic conditions are likely to have disagreements, causing conflicts, causing
problems in marriage, and becoming a burden in life. In addition, for the big marriage,
they will look at the horoscopes of the two sides to consider the compatibility of life
with each other or not. As for myself, I disagree that marriage should be based on this
concept. Nowadays, most young people like me are much more independent, we are in
control of our finances and our lives. We were independent earlier, so we were able to
decide on our marriage without considering family background. Marriage and love are
built on affection, coordination, and sympathy for long-term attachment. Material and
status I can try to achieve, but love is not so easy. I believe that everyone has the right
to love and decide for themselves the object of their marriage without family

My parents were the people of the previous generation, saying that it was
unacceptable. If they find their children tend to be different from normal, they' ll be
shocked and deny the truth. Parents always believed that same-sex marriage would not
have a baby, so if we were same-sex marriage we were being undutiful with our
parents. On the other hand, we represent the youth, so we agree with the issue of
same-sex love and marriage because society is growing and human rights are
becoming more and more important. No matter who is of any gender, you have the
right to marry and to seek happiness as everyone else. Customs are created and
developed by humans, not customs that bind people and nurturing the breed for the
next generation, there are many ways today thanks to advanced technology such as
artificial insemination, transplantation,... That's why it's no longer a big,
serious problem.
Furthermore, the mindset of parents and their children about teen dating is very
different. For parents, who were born and raised in the last century, their views are
somewhat old-fashioned. they always feel that their children are too young and want
their children to focus on studying and complete it well, they think teenage love is
inappropriate, will affect their children's learning and lead me to the fallen path.
Contrary to parents' thinking, being born in the new century somewhat affects the way
I think, I thought I am old enough and need own space to do as i want. Love will help
me more motivated to study and develop ourselves together.

In conclusion, there are many different attitudes towards love and marriage between
me and my parents. Although many parents have improved, there are still a majority
of parents who are always opposed to the concept of same-sex marriage, the concept
of teenage dating, as well as the concept of suitable alliance. With the development of
mankind today, we should have more progressive ideas about love and marriage to
live a harmonious life between children and parents. What the children needs is some
advise, not coercion from their parents. So parents must advise but still respect their
children’s opinions about love and marriage.
A: The contrast between me and my parents about the suitable alliance
1. My parents views on the concept of suitable alliance
a. Perspectives on an arranged marriage
b. The concept of age matching when getting married
2. My opinion about the concept of suitable alliance
a. Perspectives on an arranged marriage
b. The concept of age matching when getting married

B. The contrast between me and my parents' views on same-sex love and marriage

1. My parents’s views on same-sex love andmarriages
a.Views of the partner’s gender in marriage
b. The problem of having a baby when married to the same sex
2. My views on same-sex love and marriages
a. Views of the partner’s gender in marriage
b. The problem of having a baby when married to the same sex

C: The views on teenage love between parents and children are far different
1. Parents' perspective on teenage love
a. their views are somewhat old-fashioned because they live in the previous generation
b. They think teenage love is inappropriate and affects their children in many ways
1. Children's perspective on teenage love
a. have a better view of love and think that I'm old enough to make a decision about
b. They think love is their motivation to try harder

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