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A Qualitative Research
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Davao City

Adrian G. Bernardo
Sarah Jo R. Dinapo
Kyrelle Mae B. Lozada
Russel Vinz C. Sumalinog

May 2019



A Qualitative Research
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Practical Research 1 Course

Adrian G. Bernardo
Sarah Jo R. Dinapo
Kyrelle Mae B. Lozada
Russel Vinz C. Sumalinog

May 2019


Gen. Douglas MacArthur Highway, Matina, Davao City



This research paper entitled “BROKEN HOMES, BROKEN HEARTS:

Mindanao, prepared and submitted by Adrian G. Bernardo, Sarah Jo R. Dinapo,
Kyrelle Mae B. Lozada, Russel Vinz C. Sumalinog, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Practical Research 1 course, has been examined and is
recommended for approval and acceptance.



APPROVED by the Panel Committee on oral examination with a grade of





Member Member

ACCEPTED and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Practical Research 1 Course.


SHS Principal
May 2019


Honestly, there are so many people to thank for helping us make the

success of this study a reality. But we shall start by thanking our respective families

for being always there to support and understand us as we sometimes are unable

to do our usual chores and activities at home. Also, another bout of gratitude

specifically to our parents for helping us finance the payment required for printing

this study.

We would like to thank most of the teachers who had helped us out a lot in

making this research most especially our Practical Research 1 teacher, Mr. Ivan

N. Gallegos. Seriously, he had been there for us since our first and second

research proposal defense and had really encouraged us to push through

regardless of the circumstances. We wouldn’t have gotten a clue on how to restart

our study from scratch without the help of Mr. Gallegos.

We would also like give our utmost gratitude to our panelists, namely: Ms.

Flora Mae C. Yparraguirre, PhD, Ms. Luzviminda Onor, EdD, and Mr. Darryl Shane

Gravador, MAEd-ELT, for the constructive criticisms they gave for our study. We

really appreciated their honesty as it helped us determine what we needed to

improve and what best course of action to take. And, we would like to give a special

word of thanks to Mr. Gravador for always helping and giving us tips along the way

which made conducting our study a tad bit easier.

Of course, we would never forget our ever-supportive research adviser, Ms.

Rosemarie M. Gestopa, for her constant words of advice and support. After being

under her care for the whole second half of the semester, we can definitely say
iv 4

that she’s a very nice and approachable research adviser, one that you would

never hesitate to approach and ask for assistance. We thank her for being there

since the very first consultation we had with her.

But definitely, it’s our participants who are the real heroes here. They totally

helped us out in gathering necessary results for our study. We would like to thank

them greatly for their laudable courage in complying to our request to become our

research participants despite the very sensitive topic we had, which was about

their experiences being in a broken family. It was very kind of them to share their

very personal experiences to us, knowing that these experiences will be shared to

the public eye under the fields of research.

Last, but absolutely not the least, we would like to thank and show our

gratitude to the Lord, our God for becoming our uttermost support during the

making of this research paper. We would like to thank Him for answering our

constant prayers and for continually encouraging us researchers to push through

until the end.

Adrian G. Bernardo
Sarah Jo R. Dinapo
Kyrelle Mae B. Lozada
Russel Vinz C. Sumalinog


We dedicate this study to our family and friends, for they had never failed

to shower us with unending support and love. Through the several rounds of

sleepless nights and countless cups of caffeine, you all encouraged us to do better

and to realize that everything will be worth it by the time we finish this study. You

guys were right.

We also dedicate this study to our participants under the codenames of

Chocolate, Blueberry, Vanilla, Strawberry, and Cheese; through this study, your

voices will be acknowledged and heard. Hopefully, you are able to become

inspirations for other children who come from broken families and for parents

coming from these families as well.

Lastly, we dedicate this study to Almighty God, for giving us the drive to

successfully finish our study without much ruckus. To the greater glory of God,



This study sought to know the experiences faced by senior high school

students who are members of broken families. The study utilized the multiple case

study approach and so it had determined the lived experiences and challenges

faced by those who have come from broken families. The participants of this study

were five senior high school students in Malayan Colleges Mindanao who are

members of broken families. The study made use of thematic analysis and cross-

case analysis in analyzing and evaluating the data collected. With the use of 3-

week observation period, personal journal logs, and comprehensive interviews, it

helped build the foundations in discovering that the following factors, namely:

parents’ shaky relationship, spectator during parents’ arguments, the existence of

half-siblings, lacking both parental figures as a constant, becoming precocious,

and mixed feelings towards their parents are the emergent themes found to be

common within the participants’ lived experiences and challenges relative to being

a member of a broken family. The findings of this study can benefit future

researchers in further improving the scope of the study and investigate other

possible factors surrounding the experiences and challenges faced by students

from broken families.

Broken Families, Experiences, Challenges, Students, Children



Background of the Study 1
Purpose of the Study 3
Research Questions 4
Theoretical Framework 4
Importance of the Study 11
Limitations of the Study 12
Organization of the Study 14
Research Design 38
Research Participants 39
Data Sources 40
Data Collection Procedure 40
Trustworthiness of the Study 41
Ethical Considerations 42

Implications for Members of Broken Families 98
Recommendation for Future Research 101
Concluding Remarks 102



Background of the Study

Not every family is perfect. A family that is constituted by a mother, father,

and a child is not yet considered a perfect one, for in every family—there will

always be challenges that they will encounter. Problems may arise due to some

misunderstandings but these eventually get resolved (Ewherido, 2017). However,

there are circumstances when a family cannot be able to solve a certain problem

which may lead to a bigger problem. Disputes and feuds are to be expected; but

in worst case scenarios, parents will decide to separate (Saikia, 2017).

Parental separation does not only primarily affect the wife and the husband

but the children as well. Children are considered to be the collateral damage when

a family separate. It will damage the child’s life in every aspect including his/her

way of growing up (Chirban, 2017). In the short term-impact, the child will suffer

emotionally and it could possibly cause various emotional behaviors such as anger

or sadness (Coulson, 2017).

Family has been defined as the basic unit of the society wherein every child

is in a complete and happy family. There might be no such perfect family, since

the completeness and happiness of a family is what makes it an ideal one. If a

family is capable of overcoming each circumstances of their lives, there would be

no such thing as broken families existing (Saikia, 2017). Families are considered

to be the foundation of children for they are the first people to shape their children's

development in order to adapt to its environment when they grow up (Pickhardt,

2009). In the most ideal situation, if parents do not separate despite their

preexisting complications and instead sort things out, the chances of such event

affecting the children's behavior is low. Their children’s daily experiences would

not be affected and they will continue to develop like how other children with normal

families do. Problems might possibly occur, but it will not cause any serious

psychological/emotional damage that is in relation to them being in a broken family.

There are a lot of people who suffer from numerous predicaments just

because of their standing as a member of a broken family. Suffering from these

kinds of situation might break down their own productivity, especially the children.

Children mostly have good memories of their parents being together and they

usually can feel the concept of love from their parents. The children are the ones

most affected in a broken family because most of them would not understand why

their parents separated. Some might even redirect the blame the reason of this

situation happening to themselves that might place the child in an exceedingly

delicate psychological state.

With these in mind, there are discernible gaps: the experiences of students

from broken families in Malayan Colleges Mindanao, and the trials they come up

against in their lives as someone with a broken family background.

Most broken families exist because of long-term unresolved conflicts

between the two parents, unknowingly causing their own children to suffer from

psychological and emotional damage. This can be damaging to the children’s

development as they are used to the notion of having a complete family, most

especially if their family relationship was broken from a young age. With the

sudden loss of either one or both parents, they could suffer undergoing some

circumstances that other children with normal families would have not usually gone

through. This leads us to the question: what might have been their experiences as

a member from a broken family?

On the other hand, there is also the difficulties that students from broken

families have faced. Since most of children had their family relationships shattered

since they were young, that would either mean they have had already started going

to school are about to start so. As students affected by such predicament, bullying

and/or personal probing from peers might even be inevitable to them at school. Or

they could also have their personal challenges, perhaps feeling different in a

manner that they are different from their peers who have normal families and

complete family members.

The gaps stated above are used as bases for starting our study. Our study

sought to know the experiences of selected senior high school students of Malayan

Colleges Mindanao who are from broken families and determine the challenges

they face as persons under the said circumstance.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this multiple case study is to discover the lived experiences

and challenges of children from broken families by interviewing 5 selected senior

high school students who are members of broken families at Malayan Colleges

Mindanao. At this stage in the research, the lived experiences and challenges of

children from broken families is generally defined as the participants’ personal

experiences taken from their personal accounts.


Research Questions

This study sought to know the experiences faced by senior high school

students who are members of broken families. This study specifically focuses on

answering the following questions that are needed and relevant for resolving the

problems stated in the study:

1. What are the lived experiences of students from broken families?

2. What are the challenges/concerns encountered by the participants relative

to being a member of a broken family?

Theoretical Framework

It is important to place how students from broken families overcome

challenges in life within a theoretical framework so as to provide further

understanding and a more detailed conceptualization of the problems that are

present within the study. The theories used as bases for this study are the

Attachment Theory by John Bowlby, Psychosocial Development Theory by Erik

Erikson, and Behaviorism/Behavioral Theory by John B. Watson.

It is natural for children to feel attached to people they feel most safe and

comfortable with—John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory sheds light to this statement.

The Attachment Theory, a term originally coined by John Bowlby, was then further

developed by Mary Ainsworth during the 1970s. According to Psychologist World

(2019), Bowlby’s work during the late 1960s established that childhood

development will heavily rely on a child’s capacity to form bonds with "at least one

primary caregiver." It is heavily understood that this “primary caregiver” refers to

the parent/s of a toddler.


Bowlby based his work from one of the earliest behavioral theories which

suggested that attachment, as a behavior, can be developed. Also, since he used

to work as a psychiatrist at a Child Guidance Clinic situated in London, he was

exposed to children who were emotionally disturbed (McLeod, 2017). This

exposure and the experiences he had accumulated at the said location sparked

his curiosity. This curiosity then led him to investigate on the potential relationship

between separated infants and their mothers, whom he hypothesized to have

brought upon a significant influence on their infants’ cognitive, emotional, and

psychological development.

His hypothesis was not unfounded, as results from his study show that

these separated infants were indeed affected (e.g., feeling distressed, crying

loudly, thrashing around) by the loss of their mothers whom they were attached to

for a long period of time. Bowlby then concludes that these behaviors serve as an

evolutionary function and are present within all infants who had someone to take

care of them during their early stages of development (Fraley, 2018).

The attachment theory is applicable in terms of grief and trauma as well,

although it is influenced on the attachment style an individual has (Positive

Psychology Program, 2019). Bowlby, with the help of his colleague, Colin Murray

Parkes, broadened the scope of the attachment theory in which he identified four

stages of grief in connection with attachment:

Shock and Numbness. In this stage, the situation may not have sunk into

the suffering person’s mind. As a result, he/she might feel confused and will be

unable to communicate his/her emotions in a manner that he/she desires so.


Yearning and Searching. In this stage, the suffering person is already aware

of a missing presence in his/her life and is now trying to fill the void that

something/someone had left behind.

Despair and Disorganization. In this stage, the suffering person now

accepts the absence of something/someone and the possibility of this presence to

never come back again. He/she begins to feel negative emotions such as anger,

sadness, and disappointment and will begin to questioning himself/herself for what

had happened.

Re-organization and Recovery. In this stage, the suffering person is in a

clearer state of mind and will be able to look on the brighter things in life. He/she

is now able to establish new objectives in life and eventually move on from the

incident. His/her feelings of grief will slowly dwindle until it reaches the point where

it is no longer in the center of the suffering person’s mind.

Another one of Bowlby’s associate, Mary Ainsworth, also had findings that

greatly contributed on this theory. Following his preceding hypothesis, he

suggested that there also might be differences among children who had varying

levels of attachment towards their “caregiver.” However, it was Ainsworth who

further expanded on this hypothesis and proved its credibility.

Through a study conducted by her students and herself, children aged

between 12-18 months were based on the level of attachment they had towards

their mothers. They discovered that children who had strong bonds of attachment

towards their mother did not complain after being separated from them since they

were convinced that their caregiver will come back and return to them. This bears

a heavy dissimilarity among children with weak bonds of attachment towards their

mothers as they immediately showed signs of distress upon separation from their

respective caregivers. Using the results, she had found, she concluded that there

are three major types of attachment: secure attachment, insecure-avoidant

attachment, and insecure-ambivalent attachment. A fourth major type of

attachment, the disorganized attachment, was added by Main & Solomon during

the late 1980s.

To get further results, Ainsworth and her students then devised a second

situation (under the same study) in which the children from both categories were

intentionally placed under stressful situations in hopes of eliciting their reactions.

The results show that the children from both categories display almost similar

reactions upon being placed in the said situation. This had resulted to them

drawing the attention of their mothers for assistance. This, as Ainsworth

concluded, is a concrete example of an “attachment behavior.” According to

Ainsworth, “attachment behavior” is a kind of behavior in which children exhibit to

either establish or reestablish a bond towards a presently absent caregiver

(Psychologist World, 2019).

Following this study, multiple studies have emerged in relation to the

attachment theory. Rudolph Schaffer & Peggy Emerson both identified that there

are four stages of attachment among young children: asocial stage (0-6 weeks),

indiscriminate attachments (6 weeks-7 months), specific attachments (7-9

months), and multiple attachments (10 months and onwards). But upon realizing

that this theory had only been studied using young children as participants, Cindy

Hazan & Phillip Shaver conducted a study based on their hypothesis that the

attachment theory can also be applicable to the development of the entire human

organism which includes people older than young children. Their study drew the

attention of many people since it was found to be credible.

This theory is in relation to our study since it delves upon the attachment

that children have towards their parents, the “primary caregivers.” Some children

from broken families had an initially complete family before arriving to the former

situation, leading them to grow up with the presence of only one parent. This opens

the possibility that: they still hold attachments towards their missing parent; or they

do not hold any sort of attachment towards their missing parent. On the other hand,

other children might have had grew up with the presence of only one parent and

without any prior memories with their other parent. Some plausible possibilities

are: they hold a very strong attachment towards their present parent and none

towards their absent parent; or they hold a very strong attachment towards their

present parent and a longing desire (in other words, a sense of attachment) to

meet their absent parent.

Either way, this supports the fact that a child’s development is

interconnected with the presence or absence of a “caregiver” they are attached

with and that they can feel grief when suddenly placed in a situation that causes

separation from the said “caregiver”. This theory will help us in understanding the

participants’ circumstances on a higher level, most especially if the reason for them

being in this circumstance caused them to feel grief towards an absent parent or

stronger attachments towards their present parent.


The second theory that we will be making use of is the Psychosocial

Development Theory, another kind of theory that talks about human development.

This theory was first put forth by Erik Erikson, who had heavily based his theory

on Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory. Erikson’s theory postulates that people

get to face a conflict in each development stage he identified; in these conflicts,

we either resolve it for us to develop a psychological quality or fail to do so. As

cited by Psychology Notes HQ (2017), Erikson states that failure to overcome said

conflict would bring a profound impact on our psychosocial development.

Erikson, like Freud, believed that human personality is developed through

various stages. But in contrast to Freud’s theory, Erikson focused more on the role

of social interaction and human relationships in the development of an individual’s

personality throughout his/her lifespan. He identified eight stages of psychosocial

development, namely: trust vs. mistrust; autonomy vs. shame and doubt; initiative

vs. guilt; industry vs. inferiority; identity vs. confusion; intimacy vs. isolation;

generativity vs. stagnation; and integrity vs. despair.

This theory is applicable for our study as it touches upon human

development, which includes child development as well. A child from a broken

family would grow up differently since in most circumstances, they lack one

parental figure to guide them as they develop. Since parents are important figures

that should be present during the development of a child, the absence of even only

one parent would cause a huge impact on the child’s psychological development.

He/she might face problems that are present only because of his/her

circumstance. Thus, Erikson’s first five stages of development can allow us to


discern the inner troubles of our participants during the point their family bonds got

broken. These will also let us understand their thoughts regarding the topic better,

and how they have arrived to such conclusions.

The last theory, Behavioral Theory/Behaviorism is as important as the

others as well. Behaviorism or behavioral psychology is a branch of learning

supported by the concept that behavior is a learned response (Lipoff, 2011). It is a

broad branch in psychology, but we will only be discussing what John B. Watson

discovered within this theory.

Watson is said to be the one who first established behaviorism through his

classic paper entitled Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It (Cherry, 2018). His

theory is primarily focused on childhood development and is very famously known

for his statement in which he said that he can condition “...a dozen healthy infants,

well-formed...” so long as he places them in an environment, he is able to control

and that he can “...train him to become any type of specialist I might select...” In

other words, he believes that human behavior can be conditioned and that we will

be able to act in a certain manner through this conditioning. He based this work on

Ivan Pavlov’s conditioning experiments (Gilles, 2018).

It is said that there are two major types of conditioning. The first type is the

classical conditioning, wherein we react naturally the moment we are exposed to

a certain environmental stimulus that we experienced or had been conditioned

with. An example of this is when an acrophobic person exhibits fear and anxiety

when high off the ground, or when a person is feeling nauseated upon the sight or

smell of a particular food which caused an upset stomach in the past. This type of

conditioning stemmed from Pavlov’s experimentation with dogs, and was

eventually applied by Watson in human behavior and development.

This theory is relevant to our study as it mainly tackles about childhood

development in terms of behavior and it also suggests that parents are the primary

reinforcers of these two types of conditioning to their children. Since our

participants come from broken families, they may have been conditioned to behave

in a different manner from other children with normal families. This conditioning

may be either through the reinforcement of one present parent. Or they might have

had conditioned themselves to behave in a certain manner based on the

environmental stimuli he/she had witnessed through childhood (i.e., separation of

his/her parents, broken bonds within the family). Through this theory, we might

have a further understanding on how their current behavior came to be, and how

their family can cause them to behave in a certain manner.

Importance of the Study

The Children from Broken Families. Since they are the most affected ones

regarding the problems stated, they can learn what other children who underwent

through same circumstances as them had experienced. This study can also let

them learn more about these other children’s personality and their social,

emotional or educational functioning.

The Other Members of Broken Families. Since families are connected to

one another, their bonds cannot just be simply broken. Through this study, they

can be aware of how its shattered bonds can affect their relationship within the

other members of the family and on how they interact with them.

The Students from Malayan Colleges Mindanao. Through this study, the

students from Malayan Colleges Mindanao can be enlightened of how the issue of

a broken family can influence how a fellow peer can act and behave. This study

will help them to be always mindful of others and be understanding especially if

they do not really know what a person has been going through or been through.

Other Researchers. The other researchers can benefit from this study by

being informed about different kinds of broken families present in the community.

They can be aware of how the child involved can be affected in various ways. They

can also use this research as a reference material to be used in their own study

and look up for the results we will have found by then. Using this information, they

can expound the results we may not have found during the conducting of this study.

They can broaden the limits of their study up until they see fit.

Limitations of the Study

This study covered what circumstances the selected senior high school

students from Malayan Colleges Mindanao encounter as members of broken

families. These factors were the limiting aspects of this study, and were quite

influential in the outcome of this study:

The number of participants. We had five participants in the study, so the

issue of reliability may come to pass. During this time, the number of children from

broken families is increasing and has become a serious matter which makes the

topic relevant.

The time frame. To set down the concerns and response of the participants

prove to take up much of time and with the time allotted for the accession, it gives

a big challenge.

The accuracy of responses. While we had asked data from the participants,

we cannot fully assure to get the accuracy of responses as we are not acquainted.

But we can insure to provide the results that will support this study.

One-sidedness. This study only covered the perspectives of selected senior

high school students in Malayan Colleges Mindanao who come from broken

families. Hence, the results of this study may be considered biased in a manner of


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined are to attain a common understanding

whether it is used conceptually or operationally in this study. Here are the following:

Children. In this study, it refers to children coming from broken families. It

does not necessarily refer to very young children since our participants are senior

high school students. We will be referring our participants as children as it is a

more appropriate term to be used in our study.

Broken Family. In this study, it refers to a situation wherein family bonds are

shattered due to varied reasons. This term can also be interchangeable with

“broken homes” which will be constantly present throughout the course of our study

as well.

Lived Experiences. In this study, it refers to the children’s experiences as

they grew up living in a broken family household. These are real-life experiences

that have gotten from our participants and serves as important information to get

the answers we sought through this study.

Challenges. In this study, it refers to the difficulties the children from broken

families might have faced throughout his/her life. These are also real-life

experiences which are essential for getting the results we had in this study.

Organization of the Study

This section discusses the description of what to do in every chapter,

emphasizing on its content and the characterization of each part. This study is

composed of five chapters, specifically: the introduction, review of related

literature, methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion.

Chapter 1 (Introduction) includes the discussion about the background of

the study, purpose of the study, research questions, theoretical framework,

importance of the study, limitations of the study, definition of terms, and

organization of the study. The background of the study provides context to the

identified research problem and correlation in this study, is given direction using

the next section, the purpose of the study. The context given and the direction set

is supported by existing theories, stated in the theoretical framework. Aside from

the context, the first chapter also features the study’s stakeholders, as seen in the

importance of the study. The limitations of the study then follow as well as the

definition of terms. Eventually, the organization of the study indicates the

breakdown of every chapter in this study.

Chapter 2 shows the review of related literature which features the different

supporting data acquired from the different sources. These data are used to

provide additional information to the analysis of the data collected at the end of this


Chapter 3 features the methodology employed by the proponents who took

action into this study. It includes the research design, as well as the following

description of the research interviewees as well as the sampling method. The main

source of our data (locality of the study) is also included in this chapter as well as

how the proponents collected our data. Lastly, the adherence of the study,

including its four components are explained along with the proper considerations

undertaken by the proponents.

Chapter 4 shows the thematic analysis we had of our participant, Chocolate.

This chapter shows a brief background of Chocolate, in which we present three to

five traits that portray him. It also covers the experiences he faced from being in a

broken family as well as the challenges/concerns from being in one, in which we

gave descriptive traits that fit these types of experiences along the way which most

of the data is from our interview.

Chapter 5 shows the thematic analysis of Blueberry. This chapter shows a

brief background of Blueberry, in which we present three to five traits that portray

her. It also covers the experiences she faced from being in a broken family as well

as the challenges/concerns from being in one, in which we gave descriptive traits

that fit these types of experiences along the way which most of the data is from

our interview.

Chapter 6 includes Vanilla’s thematic analysis. This chapter shows a brief

background of Vanilla, in which we present three to five traits that portray her. It

also covers the experiences she faced from being in a broken family as well as the

challenges/concerns from being in one, in which we gave descriptive traits that fit

these types of experiences along the way which most of the data is from our


Chapter 7 features Strawberry’s thematic analysis. This chapter shows a

brief background of Strawberry, in which we present three to five traits that portray

her. It also covers the experiences she faced from being in a broken family as well

as the challenges/concerns from being in one, in which we gave descriptive traits

that fit these types of experiences along the way which most of the data is from

our interview.

Chapter 8 is about Cheese’s thematic analysis. This chapter shows a brief

background of Cheese, in which we present three to five traits that portray him. It

also covers the experiences he faced from being in a broken family as well as the

challenges/concerns from being in one, in which we gave descriptive traits that fit

these types of experiences along the way which most of the data is from our


Chapter 9 includes the cross-case analysis of all our participants. This

chapter was made to identify the similarities in all the participants by analyzing all

the data in the thematic analysis. While we compared them to each participant to

find common traits, these comparisons were also solidified by incorporating the

gathered review of related literature and studies found in chapter 2.

Chapter 10 shows the presentation of the collected data. The collected data

were gathered according to the major themes identified by the proponents. The

supporting literatures will accompany the discussion of the data in order to provide

justification and depth to the analysis. Furthermore, the theoretical approach will

also be implemented in order to prove or disprove the appropriateness of the said

theory in this study.




An appraisal of the following composition was conducted to furthermore

enhance and recognize a variety of literature and studies relevant to the topic. The

review of the related written works focuses on four general topics: the definition

and nature of a broken family, causes of broken families, challenges of children

from broken families, and the lived experiences of children from broken families.

Several publications from the internet and other various sources have been used

as mediums to get the necessary facts and information in the study.

Definition and Nature of a Broken Family

Broken families are those families where parents do not live together or are

separated. In this situation, the child might either live with one of the parents,

oftentimes looked after by one of the grandparents. Shakira (2014) mentions that

this term can be interchangeable with “shattered homes.” Many a time, children

suffer from this inwardly and might look for some sort of release for these pent-up

emotions during the later stages of their lives (Bangera, 2018).

Children from broken homes tend to grow up with issues that are left

unresolved. Little boys may need their mothers for validation as men while little

girls may also need their fathers’ presence for validation (Canty, 2018). Several

studies show that children from broken-home family have complex problems.

However, not all children are said to have enforced these negative effects as

members of broken families. In fact, some of these children are able to build

resilience in the midst of facing their family problems. (Widyastuti, 2017).


According to CPC Acts (2014), a family break-up is usually difficult for every

family member. It is like a death—in which the situation brings with it the feelings

and grief and loss. During this period of time, parents will be in the midst of

grappling their own feelings while they make practical and very important decisions

for the sake of their children. The children, on the other hand, will be needing their

parents’ support and love more than before.

Causes of Broken Families

A broken family could not benefit for anyone due to the loss of love, trust

and the amount of misery around each individual that is affected. Holborn (2011)

states that nine million kids in South Africa grew up with no dads and that not

having a parent could seriously change the outcomes or expectations that the child

has to live up to. He also states that students who have enrolled in a university

during 2002, more than half that enrolled had dropped out as well as having

prisoners are aged 18-25. Then, he states how the moral values are being taught

to these children and who can teach them to be responsible or guide them a clear

path or goal.

The also article tackles the claim that broken families are one of the causes

of the problems in the country due to who is keeping track with whatever the child

is doing as well as who will teach the child some moral lessons which would leave

the child clueless and wonder what is the right path in life. In which it is clearly

shown that a child is experiencing the most difficult portion in his/her life so the

child is mostly affected here.


At the end of this article he mentions that young people with no parents as

well as living in poverty are most and with a few prospects of life are more likely to

go on and have unplanned children or to have multiple offspring from multiple

partners and leave them be without a father or mother to help them. This is most

likely to happen due to the insufficient amount of funds they have as well as having

a poor history in parenting.

In the All Research Journal titled Broken family: Its causes and effects on

the development of children, Saikia (2016) states that the family is the basic unit

of society and is the most essential component of a country and that it would be

sad that one day, one of the family members would give up and the partner has to

accept it and let go which would cause a broken home and that a child would have

the difficulty of understanding what is going on. Most likely, the child is trying to

understand what is going on and why is such action taking part in his/her life.

She then adds that the most causes are due to financial issues, sexual

misunderstanding, early marriage and teen pregnancy. It is the hardest challenge

once the parents are separated, most especially if the couple has mature children

in which becomes more painful for the children and their loss of both parents. There

are at least three causes that are most commonly found in broken families: first is

money, once a person receives too much money they tend to forget about love

and move toward greediness. People start to think that their spouse will be the end

of their life of luxury so it will eventually result in separation. Second cause is

unfaithfulness, in a marriage each partner has to be faithful with each other and

cheating on another person is the cause of unfaithfulness. Cheating is a big impact


on any person due to the loss of respect and love for the partner. Loss of trust is

when the partner is unfaithful to the other partner and tends to disbelieve in their

relationship and leads to a broken family. Lastly is the inability to manage or

resolve conflict which is to continuously argue about multiple or certain topics

without any side agreeing with each other which leads to the separation of a broken


In addition, not agreeing with a single topic would eventually annoy the

partner and make each other angry with one another due to mutual

misunderstanding. These factors highly affect the child the most since the parents

are most likely the most significant people in the child’s life and life in family

provides the child with the feeling of security and warmth. Look Upgrade (2018)

states that a Filipino family becomes a broken one when two parents don’t live

together as families and the child has to live with one of the parents. The husband

and wife have their own way of living and the child is the most to suffer out of this

and that it would give many negative results in the children’s attitude.

The article adds that a broken family may also become a broken home due

to the other member having another family on their own with their original child with

the other partner. It states many usual reasons like money, faith and loss of love

but there are some present-day problems like a couple having a child at an early

age and arranged marriages which leads to a bad type of marriage and an even

worse childhood for the child.

Another current day cause is the influence of family and friends that breaks

the marriage resulting to a broken family. This usually happens when the friend or

family starts to see negative sides of the partner which make them wonder if the

partner is suitable for the other partner and start to talk about these negative sides

and exaggerate it enough for these things to become problems that the partner

starts to consider. It makes each life of the couple tiring to the point that they

separate and mind their own life without regard of the other people they affect due

to breaking the family.

Challenges of Children from Broken Families

When a family becomes broken, all relationships between the family

members go awry. While the parents are busy arguing, the children are left either

observing them confusedly or left unaware until the problem’s only solution is

separation. According to Wallace (2018), a child who suffers from separation from

a parent, regardless of the reason, will feel intense all sorts of negative emotions.

She adds that a child may feel like he/she had lost a “lifeline,” since children are

known to heavily depend upon their own parents.

In an article published in BabyGaga, Patel (2016) believes that regardless

if the parents’ separation went well, it is impossible for the children in these kinds

of households to not hold any negative feelings or be negatively affected regarding

the matter. She then enumerates fifteen negative ways a child from a broken family

may get affected.

Health. Children suffering from this circumstance would most likely

encounter problems within their mental health, but they could also suffer from

varying episodes of headaches due to overthinking about something they aren’t

really supposed to be thinking about at their age. According to HealthTalk (2017),


some cases of asthma are triggered due to a person’s immense stress or anxiety.

Patel (2016) justifies this by stating that asthma within children is connected with

their parent’s divorce, even more so if a child previously suffers from asthma. In

situations that take a huge toll on a child’s emotional and psychological state,

his/her asthma may be further aggravated.

Shyness. Some children are shy by nature, but being placed in a situation

such as parental separation may cause them to regress further and become very

hesitant to speak to other adults. According to Pickhardt, Ph.D. (2018), shy and

quiet children are more likely to experience problems in verbally expressing their

thoughts regarding their parents’ separation as compared to children who are more

verbally expressive.

Lack of Self-Confidence. Again, due to confusion, some children tend to

blame themselves because of happened with their family. At this point, they begin

asking themselves questions like: “What could I have done to make mom and dad

get so angry with each other?” With thoughts like these spiraling in their minds,

they will reach the conclusion that they might be the reason behind their parents’

discord. This will in turn make them doubt their capabilities as a member of the

family, and will cause them to feel guilty.

This inner conflict is present in Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial

development, initiative vs. guilt, wherein a child’s failure to overcome this stage will

cause them to feel like they are a bother to others and thus will lack the initiative

to do things by themselves (McLeod, 2018). Morin (2018) states that studies show

kids from divorced families score lower on achievement tests and that divorce is a

reason interconnected to a students’ dropout and absenteeism, thus suggesting

that children might still be affected by their problem even at school.

Irrational Fears and Anxiety. This could stem from the frequent disputes a

child witnesses coming from his/her parents, and may very well continue to linger

on his/her mind especially after the separation. If not noticed by a parent, said child

might eventually succumb to a psychiatric disorder clinically known as Separation

Anxiety Disorder. Robinson, Segal, Ph.D., & Smith, M.A. (2018) suggests that the

cause for this might be a traumatic experience (in this case, parental separation)

rather than simple separation anxiety.

Depression. Although adults are the primary victims of depression, the

possibility of children becoming affected by depression cannot be dismissed, albeit

it could manifest in a manner that is unexpected. Depression within children in a

broken family household is typically prevalent among teenagers. As cited in an

article published at Elements Behavioral Health (2018), studies have shown that

children who witnessed their parents’ divorce during the age of 15 experienced an

acute increase in symptoms of depression, as compared to teens with normal


Suicidal Thoughts. This one is a rare case among young children, but

certainly not to be dismissed easily. These thoughts are often influenced by a

child’s bleak perspective of life after being placed in a predicament such as this.

Most often, however, suicidal thoughts are most commonly found in adolescent

children going through emotional stress. As cited by Macrae (2011), research


shows that children from broken families are more likely to be afflicted by suicidal

thoughts through later stages in life rather than during their childhood.

Academic Development. One of the most known challenges that children

from broken homes face is the sudden drop in their academic performance.

Because of the problem they are facing, there is a tendency that they will disregard

other things that may seem trivial compared to their problem, and that includes

school. Green (2014) states that this poor academic progress originates from

several factors which can include financial instability within the household and

other problems that could have started because of the parental separation.

Distrusting Adults. When a child feels betrayed by his/her parents’

separation because they were left unaware of the family issue, he/she may grow

to distrust adults that remind them of their parents. As cited in Fagan and

Churchill’s (2012) related literature, a study in 1996 showed that lower than half of

children from broken families living with their mother hardly see their fathers in

more than one year. Another related literature from Anderson’s (2014) states that

divorced mothers are less able to provide emotional support to their children; this

could possibly be one of the factors that can destroy a child’s trust from his/her


Stops Kids Being Kids. Some children, because of the predicament they are

in, tend to become more mature than their actual age. This may be due to a varying

amount of reasons, most especially if the child is the eldest among the parents’

children since they will be the ones assuming responsibility for their siblings.

Elmore (2012) states that a child who takes in information that they are not mentally

prepared to hear and take in yet has a negative effect on his/her emotional state.

Emotional Turmoil. Thorp (2019) defines emotional turmoil or emotional

distress as being carried away by negative emotions when an accumulation of

stress is present. Being placed in a situation where two of your loved ones are

arguing to the point of separation, it is inevitable to feel emotional distressed.

These thoughts, if not immediately treated, could possibly lead to more negative

behavior within children like the reasons stated prior.

Poverty. Raising a child can be taxing for both parents—physically,

mentally, and financially. In an article published in the Association for

Psychological Science’s website (2011), parenting demands a lot professional

sacrifice as you would have to invest your time with your children. If it is hard for

two parents to handle one child, how much more difficult is it for only one parent

to take care of everything? Edwards (2014) states that children living with single

mothers have a higher likelihood to live in and financial hardship than children

living with both parents. Thus, children from broken families either grow up in

poverty, or experience poverty at some point during the separation of their parents

during their childhood.

Has to Make-Do. Some children, on the other hand, can easily accept the

situation and just make do with what’s available or with what their current

circumstance can offer them. They do not get to be privileged like other children

with complete families and unfortunately becomes mentally mature at a very young

age, forced to accept and acknowledge their shattered family bonds. Patel (2016)

adds that it could also affect a child’s perspective when it as they grow older—

being content with what they’ve got and not striving to better themselves.

Sleeper Effect. Patil (2017) defines ‘sleeper effect’ as a psychological

phenomenon that does not have any effect to the receivers of the message initially

but will become more persuasive to the receiver at a later time. She adds that when

applied to children from broken families, it would show that these children will

initially exhibit no signs of emotional distress as a result of their parents’ divorce

but will eventually have difficulties regarding their own relationships, trust, and

intimacy when they reach early adulthood. Patel (2016) states that this is more

common among female children than male children, with the former having a

higher tendency to bottle things up rather than verbally expressing their thoughts

and feelings on the matter.

Anti-Social Behavior. As cited by Seifert (2019), author and pediatrician Dr.

William Sears states that some children’s behaviors will regress after their parents’

separation because of their uncertainties. In some circumstances, a young child

will act aggressively towards an adult or with his/her peers. This can be a simple

way of releasing pent-up emotions, but if resolved immediately could lead to worse

behaviors (Patel, 2016).

Nightmares. In an article published in Raising Children Network (2018), it

states that nightmares among children is a common occurrence. Most night terrors

they might have witnessed are about realistic dangers, like being kidnapped by

strangers; imaginary fears, like monsters crawling under their beds—or it could be

about distressing events they’ve seen or experienced, like witnessing their parents’

arguments and separation right after. An article in Cleveland Clinic (2013)

suggests that the type of nightmare a child may encounter will depend on the

child’s development stage.

Although some children are able to eventually get over of the situation and

recover from emotional stress, Burton (2012) states that it might not be the case

for others. In his study, he cites that results from a study conducted by University

of Notre Dame and the University of Rochester show that parents’ marital problems

can leave a heavy influence on their young children. The researchers discovered

that these formerly young children faced numerous mental issues as they

underwent adolescence, and these include depression and anxiety.

Lived Experiences of Children from Broken Families

There are some scenarios when children would think how different they are

from another child coming from a complete family. Student Edge (2016) stated that

children from broken families dislike the idea of school’s activity that includes the

presence of their parents. They become embarrassed with the thought of other

parents fetching up their child at school.

In a post in Youth Voices (2017), an anonymous user stated that although

she is staying with her mother, it seems that her mother is not present which led

her to cause irregular emotions towards her mother. Most of the time, she felt angry

whenever her mother seemed not to be paying attention to her life but sometimes,

she would also feel happy every time she is with her mother. She then mentioned

that due to her being negative to her mother's attitude, it can “often [lead] to even

more behavioral problems,” as stated by Moges and Weber (2014).


Another user named Aaron on Focus on the Family Singapore (2018) stated

that living with only one parent was difficult for Aaron to cope up with his emotions

since at the age of 10, his parents separated and he has to take care of his one-

year old sister, Delia. As he was growing up and undergoing puberty, he had to

balance his studies as well as his responsibility to her sister. He was still in the

moment of understanding what was really happening and how his family suddenly

changed overnight as he also tried to sort out his emotions about the situation. But

regardless of his experiences at the young age, Aaron was able to grow and stand

up along with her sister and finally understood all of those misconceptions they

had about relationships.

When Delia reached the age of seven, she once feared being into

relationship and even just meeting up someone as she was not able to experience

of having a man standing up before him aside from his brother. She was only able

to meet her father at the age of seven but neither she felt any attachment towards

his father.

Seaton (2016) shared similar experiences with Delia wherein her parents

also broke up when she was still young. The divorce between her parents gave

her a hard time and her sisters to continue living for they were separated from their

father. She experienced doing Sunday night phone calls with her father during

summer vacations and even every holiday. It was chaotic and often depressing

which made her vow that when the future comes, she would never let her children

experience what she had experienced and provide them a home where they will

feel safe and secure.


In World Vision (2019), a seventeen-year-old girl named Carls Jane was

casted to share her experience after her parents decided to live separately. She

used to be a religious person but her faith grew weak when her father left them

which made her to stop attending church services and even lost her motivation to

study. Fortunately, she started sharing her experiences which help her feel at ease

for someone can relate to her struggles. After all, her sadness and anger slowly

faded away as she started to continue growing up even without the present of her


As a product of a broken family, sharing your experiences to another

person is never an easy task. Ali (2017) said that being asked about her family

background is not avoidable; this is when the feeling of her struggles strike up.

Because of this, she started to learn how to cherish even the single moments of

her life and never let the negativity affects her as she also stated that people might

not let even just small things change their life and start to grow up again.

When other children are struggling growing up without a father, Anonymous

(2017) stated that it was difficult for him to maintain a normal relationship with her

father. As the oldest child, he experienced to be a shelter to his siblings where he

felt relieved that his siblings were still young to understand what was really

happening. One of his experiences is having two separate homes—mother and

father’s home—to live on and it was not easy. Every time he visited her mother, he

would then witness her crying as well as when he’s with her father.

The same goes with ONeal (2017) where she also experienced living with

her father and mother every after three days. Although she thought if everything is

normal and it never happened, it is a fact that what happened became her normal

life. Being a child from split family, she realized that she was somehow lucky to

experience it at the young age because it was devastating for children to

experience it as they are growing older. Nevertheless, she also liked the idea of

having two celebrations in every occasion, she added.

Hollowniczky (2016) shared one of the unforgettable moments she had with

her family when they were on a trip in the Disney World. She witnessed how she

thought her parents loved each other but then she found them screaming and

crying. She was six-year-old when her parents divorced and even had no idea

what divorced was all about. For her, living in a broken family was difficult. It is not

merely the hardest part of living in a broken family, it is seeing other families eating

together, innocently laughing, and simply sharing what happened this day and that

day which for her, will never happen, thus it will make her feel incomplete.

She adds that many questions crossed her mind and would sometimes think

how other children would see divorce an easy thing when in fact, it is not. For her,

having two families and two celebrations in each occasion is not something to brag

about. For her, it is still too hard to start a new transition in life considering the

thought of her parents being happy with their new spouses. Nonetheless, she

learned how to accept the situation and why divorce was necessary for her parents

to do so.

Moreover, Neelis (2017) states that children from broken families has the

tendency to hide their real family background to their loved ones. They would try

to blend in as if nothing is missing for, they do not want to be a burden. It has never

been easy for people from broken family to share their life and they would feel

uneasy talking about their childhood and families since they have not experienced

it before.

Related Studies

Our research paper bears several similarities with other studies conducted

by other researchers. The studies Effects of Family Breakup on Children: A Study

in Khulna City by Aktar (2013), Effects of Family Structure on Mental Health of

Children: A Preliminary Study by Behere, Basnet, & Campbell (2017), Resilience

of a Child from Broken-Home Family: A Phenomenology Study by Widyastuti

(2017) and The Impact of Family Structure on the Health of Children: Effects of

Divorce by Anderson (2014) will be used as references for this study in regards to

its results and contents.

A study by Aktar (2013) focused on conducting a comprehensive study

regarding on how the children are being affected by their family breakup. She

sought to determine the overall consequences of parental separation among the

children in these aforementioned families. To gather the results in this study, the

researcher emphasized on the following: the socio-economic background of the

children of breakup family; the consequence of family break-ups on achieving

education; the health care facilities of the respondents; the pattern of relationship

with the family members; the pattern of psychological alienation faced by the

respondents; and the future plan of the respondents. The results show that among

those that are mentioned in which in most cases, the situation of the children is

seriously affected. This included the education of the children wherein the study

shows that due to family separation. They are engaged on working at a young age

since their family can no longer afford their education.

Children are more likely to be influenced on misdeeds resulting them to no

longer want to be in school. In other cases, children prefer to live with their mother

after their parents separate because their stepmothers might not treat them well.

In general, the effects of family breakup on children are big and a serious matter

for it also affect their everyday life.

The study Effects of Family Breakup on Children: A Study in Khulna City is

found to be relevant since it sought the effects of family breakups on children and

how these effects impact them on a daily basis which is then similar to our study

for, we also determine the challenges/concerns and experiences of children being

a relative member from broken families.

Behere, Basnet, & Campbell (2017) conducted a study that probed the

possible significant relationship between family status and hospitalizations that are

in relation to mental health as an indicator for behavior problems in children, as

they believed that such study has never been done before. They also seek to

discover any connections between these factors and if a certain type of family

status is shown to have higher rates of hospitalization, trauma, or specific

diagnoses as compared to others. The respondents of the study involved 154

patients with the following criteria: aged 12 and below; admitted between July and

December of 2012; had a psychosocial assessment done within 24 hours of

admission by a therapist; and were all residents at Lincoln Prairie Behavioral

Health Center (LPBHC) inpatient unit.


Results in their study show that out of their respondents, only 11% of the

children came from a normal family status (i.e., living with biological parents) while

89% had some sort of dispute within their families (i.e., living in a broken family

household). Also, two-third of the respondents were discovered to have been

exposed to trauma with physical abuse while seventy-one percent were shown to

have either a parent or a sibling suffering from a psychiatric disorder.

Most importantly, their results also show that while children coming from

single/divorced families were less likely to have been exposed to sexual abuse,

they were more likely to have a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

(ADHD) compared to other types of families. Meanwhile, they found that children

coming from intact families were less likely to have been exposed to trauma, as

they had lower rates as compared to other types of families.

With these results on hand, the researchers hold the conclusions that: there

is a significant relationship between exposure to trauma and certain diagnoses in

respect to hospitalization that are in relation to mental health; a significant

difference was found between the identified family statuses in terms of

hospitalization and trauma rates; and the presence of trauma and genetic

psychiatric history within the respondents shows a higher chance for them to be


We find this study related to our study since it probes on one of the

challenges a child from a broken family may face in light of the situation—

disturbances in his/her health, particularly in mental health. Since one of the

researchers’ conclusions mentioned that there is a significant relationship between


a family’s status and hospitalization rates related to mental health, it is heavily

implied that children from broken families are more likely to suffer from mental

disorders compared to children from intact families.

This study can also serve as an eye-opener for the possibility that our

participants might be suffering not only physically, but mentally. This goes to show

their situation is not to be taken lightly; it is indeed a topic that brought upon a

heavy impact on their lives and their way of thinking. Although we cannot ascertain

the likelihood of our participants suffering from such psychiatric disorders, this

study can prove as basis for the fact that children from broken families indeed do

face many difficulties in life that does not just manifest in forms of experiences that

are only exclusive to them.

In Widyastuti’s (2017) study, she questioned how some children from

broken-home families manage to have good achievements is still able to grow with

a positive outlook. Her main aim for this study was to understand how a child

coming from a broken family can stay positive and achieve resilience in light of the

situation. To get the results for her study, she gathered only one participant for the

interview: a 25-year-old female who is a member of a broken family.

Results in the study show that the participants’ parents divorced when the

participant was four years old. The participant is said to have witnessed their

parents arguing and even the physical abuse of their stepfather. The participant is

said to have gained resilience when they became a young adult. What helped the

participant cope up with the situation is when they became open with their thoughts

regarding their problem to other people. The participant is said to have gained

resilience from their openness in communication and support coming from their

significant others. The factors that are said to be linked with their resilience are

acceptance, religiosity, cognitive ability, social competencies, and social support.

This study is found to have relativity with our study since it discusses the

inner thoughts of the participant regarding their own situation as the child in the

broken family. It also provides a fresh perspective: not all children from broken

families turn out to be negatively affected as they grow up. Some children might

have immediately dealt with their own feelings by sharing their personal

experiences to people they deem trustworthy, which might be a factor contributing

to their current positive outlook.

Anderson (2014) believes that children living with their married, biological

parents generally have better physical, emotional, and academic well-being as

compared to children who do not. To further prove this, she conducted a study

which intends to know the effects of divorce towards the overall health and welfare

of the children affected by the situation.

Results in her study show that divorce brings about numerous effects on

the children, parents, and society. The effects of divorce towards children are: the

child may lose time with each parent; the child may lose economic security; the

child may lose emotional security; the child may have decreased social and

psychological maturation; the child may change his or her outlook on sexual

behavior; the child may lose his/her religious faith and practice; the child may lose

cognitive and academic stimulation; the child may be less physically healthy; and

the child may have a higher risk of emotional distress. With these results on hand,

she concludes that divorce indeed has long-term effects on every family member

involved, most especially the children.

This study bears some similarities with our study since it discusses what a

child might encounter and feel upon the separation of his/her family. The effects

mentioned above will give us an idea as to what our participants might have

experienced upon discovering their family break-up and a deeper understanding

as to why they may have thoughts regarding families that vary from children who

live with their biological parents and have intact families.




This chapter discusses the research design, research participants, data

sources, trustworthiness of the study and also the ethical considerations

considered by the researchers in the conduct of this study. This chapter expounds

on the manner by which data was explicated by the proponents. In this chapter,

the used research design that will be used to address the research problem will be

given elaboration. This chapter contains the discussion of methods carried out by

the researchers of this study to know more of the lived experiences of senior high

students from Malayan Colleges Mindanao who come from broken families.

Research Design

This study is classified as a qualitative type of research. It also used the

multiple case study approach in gathering data from the participants. Qualitative

research is used primarily for understanding of reasons, motives and opinions.

This is the best way for identifying as well as understanding opinions in a deeper

perspective of participants. The use of multiple case study is in order to gather

data from all the participants by interviewing them one at a time during the allotted

time given to the proponents. By interviewing the participants one at a time, the

information that would be given to the proponents would gather the most accurate


The multiple case study approach is characterized by Creswell and Poth

(2018) as this study explores real life experiences of an individual. This systematic

approach is pertinent to the goal of this study due to it using the most efficient way

to generate the best results for this research which is to determine the views and

perspective of the participants regarding on their experiences on being in a broken

family. Their insights of a broken family being shared through the minds of a

student will bring new information to people and understand how these people feel

and cope up with their day to day life.

This approach was also carried out to best suit the questions that the

participants answered by making the answers of the participants more insightful to

the readers. It is to sight similar aspects in what the participants would discuss

during the experimental period. This approach is as well highly relevant to the goal

of this study which is to explain why did the participants answer such question.

Research Participants

This study used purposive sampling as its method of selecting its

participants. According to Crossman (2018), purposive sampling is a non-

probability sampling style that is selected on the characteristics of the population.

It is also known as selective or subjective sampling in order to get the right

information we need for our study.

For this study, the participants that were gathered took part in this research

as the primary data source which will be purposively selected based on certain

criteria. Firstly, they are senior high school students who go to school in MCM.

They should come from a broken family where the part of the family which is the

mother or father is separated from each other.


Data Sources

This study has two data sources: the data the proponents had collected

from the participants recorded through transcription as well as discussions that

were discussed with prominent proponents and professional opinion that would

give insight to the topics of the proponents gathered from articles in the web.

The primary data source would come from the data that the participants had

given. Data of the participants are most likely from their own opinion towards the

topic. The data that the participants provided are answers that led us to know what

direction this research is going in.

The secondary data are the information that the articles given us from the

web which gives us more context to the study. Furthermore, these literary texts

would give great insight to the answers of the participants. The professional

opinions given by researchers and journalist will also be taken into consideration.

These data will be collected from the participants coming from senior high

students in MCM, which the participants have experiences from being in a broken

family and this information would provide insight about students who undergo the

experience of a broken family. These participants were selected due to having the

information we desire in order to understand how these students’ experience with

issues of being in a broken family.

Data Collection Procedure

To get the data needed for the study, the proponents will start with

introducing the participants about their topic and then guide questions to start the

discussion. There are five guide questions that help in creating answers for the two

research questions in Chapter 1. Upon giving the participants guide questions, the

proponents shall provide permission letters to the participants before the interview

to make sure they gained their approval of the shared data. Once the permission

letters are signed the proponents may start the interview which will be carried out

with all the members of the research group.

After the interview sessions are over, the data gathered by the proponents

was then be added to the research in which it was arranged in forms of narration.

Trustworthiness of the Study

To maintain the integrity and consistency of this study, its trustworthiness

must be established. This section contains the discussion on this study’s

trustworthiness in terms of its credibility, transferability, dependability and


Credibility. To make sure the data is credible and not made up of hearsay,

nonsense and or presumption, data triangulation was carried out by the

proponents. Data triangulation means using more than one method to collect data

on the same topic which will include: personal observation, journal, recording. As

mentioned in the data sources, there are two types of sources which are primary

sources which comes from the participants of the research and the secondary

sources which comes from expert opinions from the web which gives insight to the

study to strengthen everything mentioned in the study. Common stipulations was

then utilized as the emergent themes in this study.

Transferability. The appearance of transferability could be seen both ways:

the transferability in gathering data as well as the transferability in data results. In


terms of gathering data, the level of transferability is a bit high considering that the

same method of gathering data could be applied in in other forms of studies. The

transferability in data results is also high due to it being able to apply this research

opportunity to males as well.

Dependability. The interview questions of the proponents were checked by

a third-party evaluator to make sure that the results that will be collected from

repeated administration of the interview questions are consistent and if its

dependable or not. The interview question had undergone numerous stages of

checking and editing to avoid biases and vagueness of the proponents.

Confirmability. In confirmability, the raw data that was collected by the

proponents was submitted to the participants for them to check the transcribed

statements before they were published. The data are subject to abjure and change

if considered by the participants.

Ethical Considerations

There were multiple ethical considerations considered in this study. Firstly,

the personal information of the participants was protected and kept private. There

were codenames given to the participants. The codenames are all random so as

to ensure complete anonymity.

Second, the proponents provided letters and distributed them to the

participants to inform them of their rights as participants in this study such as the

right to abjure their statements and participation in this study, and the right of being

anonymous. Since the participants are minors, letters were provided to their

parents/guardians. This was to affirm that they approved of their children’s

participation in this study.

Lastly, the interview transcription was resubmitted to the participants in

order for them to check if there were errors in their statements.




Background and Character

Chocolate is one of the participants we searched for who has met the

criteria for our study. The participant is a 17-year-old student in ABM from Malayan

Colleges Mindanao. He is quite sociable and along with his jolly personality, gets

along with many people. His tendency to crack jokes during class makes him the

class clown. Despite this, he is a hard worker and is quite determined in finishing

the workload set for him.

Beneath this cheerful personality, there is a side to Chocolate that only a

few is privy to. Chocolate also has problems like any normal person, but it is never

noticed because his brighter, more cheerful side overshadows these. When he is

sad, he just distracts himself by making other people laugh. However, it is not like

he does not want to share his problems. When asked about it, Chocolate would

answer these without any reservations at all.

Extroverted Person. Chocolate is someone who is willing to have a

conversation with any type of person. He hangs out with his friends most of the

time and casually talks to different people as well. The participant is very fond and

not shy of meeting new people. This is why a lot of people know and like him for

his personality.

This was quite evident across numerous observations:

Chocolate shows a friendly attitude to everyone in the class.

Chocolate probably had business with the people in the class that he had
to settle with (P1, RO1, S3-S4).

Chocolate has been wandering around with his friends. It seems

Chocolate prefers to stay close to group of people rather than being alone
(P1, RO5, S1-S2).

Chocolate takes a break and does his homework with his friends at
the classroom. Chocolate likes to work in groups and it helps him progress
further (P1, RO11, S3-S4).

A Jolly Facade. Chocolate could easily pass off looking as happy as ever

through his most difficult of times. We believe that it is because of his mentality

which moves more toward optimistic ideas. The participant could ease his hard

problems by relieving himself a little by taking a small break and he does not bother

other people with his own problems.

This was quite evident across numerous observations:

Chocolate seems a bit upset but once someone talks to him, he

instantly changes his facial expression to converse in a well manner.
Something must have been bothering him but he was still able to adapt to
his surrounding (P1, RO11, S1-S2).

Chocolate looks like he is sad but he still responds properly. There

must be something bothering Chocolate but he is still functioning as active
as possible. Chocolate is trying his best to stay positive through his rough
time right now while he converses with his friends. This is simply amazing
since Chocolate was trying to maintain being calm and focused (P1, RO14,

An Avid Listener. Chocolate is a good person when it comes to hearing

out anyone’s concerns. He is willing to listen to some to stuff you have to say even

though it is not worth his time. It might be due to his struggles before and that he

wants to be a person who can be there for other people so he listens.

This was quite evident across numerous observations:

Chocolate is listening to his friends converse with a serious face

while waiting for them to end. I believe he is listening to a serious discussion
at the moment so he listens carefully. Chocolate seems to be giving a
response to such discussion he had with his friends a while ago. It seems

that he was willing to listen carefully and answer promptly. (P1, RO10, S1-

Chocolate was busy but I asked him about something in class and
he had the time to listen and answer my question. I was going to leave
since he was busy but it shocked me that he still had time to answer my
question (P1, RO12, S1-S2).

Lived Experiences being a Member of a Broken Family

Always Alone at Home. Chocolate has a simple yet profound insight as to

what an ideal home should be. It is the idea of having a complete family, by seeing

“everyone” as he returns back home. This is something he ideally wants. However,

due to his current circumstances, he is not able to actualize this ideal in reality

since he is always left alone at home.

This is what he had said during the interview:

Home for me is when I can see everyone by the time I arrive at home
(P1, I1, Q1, S1).

Chocolate also mentions this in one of his journal logs:

The environment here, at home, is peaceful. No messy fights, no

chaos. Just peace. Who would even fight here when I’m here all alone? (P1,
J1, Q1, S1-S4)

It is peaceful. As usual, alone at my house (P1, J2, Q1, S1-S2).

Lack of Trust and Intimacy between Parents. Chocolate began to be

thrown off in his current situation ever since he was a child. He does not know the

exact roots behind his parents’ separation, but he was already aware that

something wrong had been going on the moment his father got kicked out of the

house and his mother began going home late and bringing another man whenever

she returned back. He knew it was weird, but he did not realize the intensity—that

his mother had committed infidelity against his father.


These are what he had said in the interview:

If you say separation of parents, it’s sort of their lack of trust towards
each other so that’s where, what do you call that? The cheating ordeal
happened... Yes... I don’t know. I guess they got fed up with each other? Or
miscommunication or something?... Because from what I heard,
sometimes, dad returns late from his work. And that’s where mom started
to doubt, you see. Then that was where dad got kicked out of the house and
was left to sleep at where he works, that’s it. (P1, I1, Q2, S1-S9).

So actually, they separated when I was at grade one. So, the

situation was sort of, they separated and got back together again, separate,
get back, separate, get back—until they finally did separate. At first I still
didn’t know that—I wasn’t used seeing dad at home back then so... Yes,
he’s usually at his work. So, that’s where it started—back at the time, dad’s
business was still new so he had to work really hard. Then, eventually I
noticed my mom going out late at night. So, that’s where eventually until—
she always goes out at night and I asked her, “What?” And, as time passed
by she started bringing a man at home and that’s where it started... Well, I
felt nothing, I just called him tito (P1, I1, Q3, S1-S9).

Neglected during Childhood. Throughout Chocolate’s childhood, his

parents’ marriage had already been treading on a shaky, thin line. Along with the

situation with his father being kicked out of the house and his mother becoming

occupied with her extramarital affairs, Chocolate had been left alone on his own

with no one to really take care of him properly.

Despite this, he kept a positive attitude, like what he had stated in the


Well, I got sad because my mom and dad couldn’t keep me

company. Let’s say example, at school a long time ago there’s always
someone picking me up and usually it’s my nanny. So, my mom rarely does
that. Sometimes, well long ago, school was already dismissed so I waited
at the school to be picked up until si—the dismissal time was five pm since
I was still grade one. So, I waited—I fell asleep until nine pm just to wait and
that’s where my mom picked me up around nine... I left it be, I was happy
anyway because at least I was picked up (P1, I1, Q3, S14-S19).

I got sick because of my ears. It used to hurt all the time. Every night,
and then they didn’t really mind at the time because I was just directed to
the hospital every time it would hurt... Well mom and the others, they just
put me in the hospital. And when mom and dad separated, I was
immediately—it was my grandmother who got me out of there (P1, I1, Q3,

I still haven’t known. But sometimes, I got angry at mom for leaving
whenever she goes out at night, because I didn’t want to be left alone at
home with the nanny and as I was still quite young back then (P1, I1, Q3,

Extended Siblings from Both Parents. Chocolate has three families now,

the one with him and his sibling, his mother and her new husband with their kids,

and his father with his new wife and their kids. Even with this bizarre circumstance,

Chocolate does not hold any bitter feelings against his siblings. Instead, he is

grateful that they can get along together and that they look up to him as a big

brother, being him as the eldest.

This is what he stated in the interview:

I don’t see a problem with it, I think it’s nicer if they just get back
together but it seems impossible now since they already have children from
other families. So, yeah, that just means that I have three families. My
family, my family from my mom’s, my family from my dad’s (P1, I1, Q4, S1-

But what can I do, it had already happened and I already have my
half-siblings?... I do. They’re even nice to me. And of course—it would be
bad if I don’t like them since I’m the eldest so I really have to… Yes—err
well, I guess you can call it close. But we seldom see each other because
we don’t live together. Currently, I live with my dad because I’m ol—I’m
already a grown up, I already have dec—well, since I can already decide as
to where I want to live. So, I’m already at my dad’s place. Meanwhile, my
younger sibling is still at our grandparents (P1, I1, Q4, S9-S17).

Challenges/Concerns Faced as a Member of a Broken Family

Absence of a Parent as a Constant Fixture. One of the most essential

things a child needs as they grow up is constant parental guidance. Unfortunately,


Chocolate, for the most part, did not get to experience this. Chocolate’s father was

not around most of the time when he was little. His mother rarely picks him up from

school as well in the past. Later on, it became a problem since they both separated

in the end.

These are his statements in the interview:

So actually, they separated when I was at grade one. So, the

situation was sort of, they separated and got back together again, separate,
get back, separate, get back—until they finally did separate. At first, I still
didn’t know that—I wasn’t used seeing dad at home back then so... Yes,
he’s usually at his work. So, that’s where it started—back at the time, dad’s
business was still new so he had to work really hard (P1, I1, Q3, S1-S5).

Well, I got sad because my mom and dad couldn’t keep me company
(P1, I1, Q3, S14).

Lack of contact, we only see each other once a month, twice a

month... Long ago, I had. Of course, we were the ones left behind so I really
used to have ill feelings. But now I have accepted it (P1, I1, Q4, S29-S32).

Yes, because there was one time, the birthday—my cousin’s

birthday so I went there, my mom was there too. I really wanted to be with
my mom, sort of. But she eventually escaped from me and left me there.
And she didn’t come back. That’s why I really don’t want to go back. Sort
of, it’s tiring (P1, I1, Q5, S36-S41).

Still Longs for a Complete Family Again. Chocolate has clearly

entertained the thought of having his family complete again despite knowing that

it might as well be close to impossible. This reality did not halt him to feel what he

really feels deep inside, though. Even when his separated parents met each other

again, it made him happy instead of feeling awkward. It gave him hope, even for

just a little while, that there is still a chance for things to go back the way it used to

be. He does not want to think of his family being truly separated, seeing as he does

not agree with his parents’ annulment.


These are his experiences and feelings as he had stated in the interview:

There was a time when, because there—I had gotten in a problem,

and I got operated because I always felt pain in my ears, my eardrums got
bored into holes. Then, that’s where my mom and dad came together, so it
felt like we were united or something... Happy. Because they were there
together... Not at all. Why would I feel awkward? When it’s my, well, birthday
wish that seemed very impossible to happen (P1, I1, Q3, S43-S49).

I am happy because they are happy. But it’s not okay as well
because my grandmother from dad’s side wanted to annul my parents’
marriage, so it means their marriage would have to be cut off so I am against
this because at least, I have a family that’s valid only in paper, in written
form I have a family. At least, even if I don’t have a family in real life, I have
a family that’s valid by law or on paper (P1, I1, Q3, S61-S63).

By restored, you mean them getting back together? I don’t see a

problem with it, I think it’s nicer if they just get back together but it seems
impossible now since they already have children from other families. So,
yeah, that just means that I have three families. My family, my family from
my mom’s, my family from my dad’s (P1, I1, Q4, S1-S4).

Not Wanting a Repeat of the Past. Chocolate mentions that he would love

to have a family in the future but he wants to have make things right with them This

means that he wants them to experience nothing like he had experienced in the

past with his family. Chocolate is clearly forging a path to greatness with his

eagerness to start anew now which could possibly lead to a better future.

This is evident in his interview:

I want to have a family where my children won’t face the problems

that I used to face. They won’t get to experience things like I had, who knows
what’s it like, so I prefer having a family than having none. So, I’ll make them
feel the essence of a complete family (P1, I1, Q5, S67-S69).

Assuming Responsibility as a Child. With his parents’ constant absence

even before and after their separation, Chocolate was forced to guide himself on

his own. This means that since he was forced upon this situation, he had to adjust

accordingly even though he is not supposed to do so yet. As the eldest, he had to


become mature even as a child and assume responsibility in taking care of his

younger sibling. He did the job which was supposed to be done by both of his

parents and he knew it. Despite feeling very sad about the situation he is in, he set

that feeling aside because he thought of his brother before of himself—indeed a

very mature thing to do at his young age.

This is Chocolate’s full take on the story based on the interview:

I have a younger sibling, and we’re separated, so back then, even as

a child I had already felt bearing the responsibility of, I should be the one to,
well, shoulder the burdens of the family because it’s gone, mom already has
a different family, and so does dad. So, I feel like I’m the only one left to
assume the responsibility of being a parent to my younger sibling because
we’ve got no choice, we’re the same, we were left behind. So that’s where
I felt responsible for protecting my younger sibling from, I should be the to
protect my sibling instead of my parents (P1, I1, Q3, S21-S23).

I was depressed, but I didn’t think about killing myself. Because if I

commit suicide, I had something to think: what would become of my younger
sibling? Nobody would—if I die, if I disappear from this world, what would
become of my younger sibling who has no, you know, family or something.
So, why would I kill myself because of them when I still have my sibling?
What if I just understand the situation instead? I’ll do anything just to protect
my sibling, instead of my sibling becoming upset, or become lonely when I
die. I won’t kill myself either, since I know what my parents are doing isn’t
easy and yet they still manage to sustain us with our needs and love us still.
(P1, I1, Q5, S54-S60).



Background and Character

Blueberry is someone who values her interpersonal relationships with the

significant people in her life a lot. She always exerts a huge amount of time and

effort in nurturing these relationships she has with them. Whenever she is with her

friends, she is always seen laughing and cracking jokes. During the time her

mother visited school, she made it a point to treat her mother to her favorite

restaurant just so they both can enjoy each other’s company. In moments like

these, it would seem that nothing can ever put a damper on Blueberry’s sunny


However, there are times when Blueberry does not feel like interacting with

anyone else. Whenever she feels this way, she somehow becomes lost in her own

world, either in deep thought or preoccupied with her cellphone. She does not

isolate herself, per se, but these are the times when we would observe her having

zero interpersonal communication.

Father Complex. Despite being very attached to her family, especially

towards her mother, it becomes a different story when it is about Blueberry’s father.

During rare occasions when we would talk about her father, her face would always

contort into a grimace, a stark contrast when compared to talking about her mother

and sister. News about her father was always bad news, this we have learned

through the times she had shared bits of information about him. Based by the

observations the researchers have gathered, we have observed that the behavior

of Blueberry towards her mother and sibling is characterized with great concern

and love. However, her relationship with her father is somehow distant and shaky

since her parents’ separation.

This is evident in this observation:

During lunch at the cafeteria, Blueberry tells me about how her father
had once again made her mother cry and how it made her sad and angry.
She shares how she is angry because her father had only sent an
insufficient amount of money for them to use for the month. Blueberry must
care a lot for her mother to feel hurt for her, and thus feels a lot of
resentment and anger towards her father for making her mother feel this
way (P2, RO10, S1-S3).

Blueberry is seen with a box of cake on hand. When asked about it,
she responds by saying that she is giving this to her mother because she
promised to buy her one. This shows that Blueberry really gives a lot of
thought for her mother’s happiness (P2, RO13, S1-S3).

The Brooding Type. Blueberry has a tendency to be always deep in

thought. During classes, she would often have this faraway look on her face which

clearly shows that her focus is not within the class discussion. She also has this

habit of listening to music in her earphones while staring at nothing particular

whenever she is alone. It is like she always has things to think about whenever

she has no company and suddenly loses these thoughts when she preoccupied

interacting with other people.

Here are some observations of this behavior:

Blueberry is listening to the teacher, albeit with a faraway look on the

face. I think she is distracted and may have other things in mind during the
class discussion (P2, RO1, S1-S2).

Blueberry is immersed in reading a fiction on their cellphone while listening

to music via earphones. It seems that Blueberry’s favorite pastime is to read
and listening to music (P2, RO2, S1-S2).

Blueberry is sitting beside a classmate during lunch while spacing out.

Blueberry seems very lost in thought, seemingly thinking of things that might
not be associated with school (P2, RO5, S1-S2).

Attached to a Fault. Like we have mentioned, Blueberry values her

relationships with the people she is close with. Probably too much, as she very

much prefers to spend her time with them over people whom she is circumstantially

always with as much as possible. If she is with someone that she is close with, she

would almost always never separate from said person. They would be attached

from hip to hip. During the observation period, we have observed that her friends,

or at least the people she is always with, are not her classmates. They are

frequently together during our observations.

These are the said observations:

Blueberry is seen joking and laughing around with friends that are
not Blueberry’s classmates after class. Blueberry seems relieved because
class is over and might be more comfortable with the company of friends
(P2, RO1, S3-S4).

Blueberry goes home with a friend that is not their classmate.

Blueberry is joking around with said person. Blueberry must feel very
comfortable with this person than being with Blueberry’s own classmates
(P2, RO3, S1-S2).

Blueberry is seen hanging out with friends on the school garden

during lunch time; they are immersed in a conversation with serious looks
on their faces. Blueberry and friends may have been talking about
something serious and confidential (P2, RO7, S3-S4).

A Facebook story shows Blueberry eating dinner with friends from

different clusters. Another story follows an hour later showing Blueberry and
friends at a cafe. It was already past 9PM when both FB stories were
posted. It seems that Blueberry went home late because of spending time
with friends. Blueberry must really cherish time with friends since Blueberry
is willing to go home at a late hour (P2, RO7, S9-S13).

Lived Experiences being a Member of a Broken Family

Home Does Not Feel Like Home. Blueberry believes a home cannot be

called a home if it does not have a complete family. Since she is someone who

has experienced having a broken home, this is something she is still longing for

but does not currently have. This is the perfect image painted in her mind, her

picturesque home. In Blueberry’s perspective, a home is not just a place for

comfort. Instead, it is a place where you and your whole family should be present

for each other or else it would not feel like one at all. For her, no amount of play

pretend can cover up for the fact that if you do not have a complete family in your

household, you cannot really call it a home wholeheartedly.

Here are the statements she gave in the interview:

Let’s say, a home is where you have a family that is always there for
you, waiting for you to come home. Always there for you in times of
problems and also in times of needs (P2, I2, Q1, S3-S4).

I believe that a home consists of a mother, a father, a sibling and

that’s all. It does—the proper, let’s say a house, that won’t be considered a
home if you don’t have any family, I believe (P2, I2, Q1, S7-S8).

Blueberry also mentions this in one of her journal logs:

Even if my dad does not live with us, our home still doesn’t feel like
home. Even if I have a home it still doesn’t feel like one. Reasons: first; we
are not complete as a family, a part of me still hopes. Second, problems like
financial, it always makes me remember. Lastly, the atmosphere, though I
can say that us three (mom, sister and me) are happy (not in my part) there
is still that “aura” that makes me feel like there are still secrets, loneliness,
anger, awkwardness and the likes (P2, J1, Q3, S6, S8-S11).

Blood is Thicker than Family. Blueberry’s parents separated when she

was still young to fully know the details, but old enough to understand the whole

context. Her parents’ separation was a case of having to choose between one thing

or another. In her father’s case, it was either to side with his wife, who he was

having constant arguments with, or his siblings who were telling him bad stuff

about his wife. Blueberry believes that her father’s preceding choice to side with

his siblings is what made her family fall apart, because he chose to break his own

family’s bonds and the relationship, he had with his wife just because of a few

spouted stories coming from people who are not a part of their own family.

Here is Blueberry’s full take on the story based on the interview:

Because long story short, usually, when it’s a problem between a

husband and a wife, they should be the only ones involved. Though they
can ask for advice, but that should be kept to themselves because it’s their
problem so they must be the ones to solve it. But, in my family’s case—in
our case, the siblings of my, uh, father, they were the ones who made things
worse. Because they involved themselves in… They meddled with my
parents’ arguments (P2, I2, Q2, S2-S6).

So, my parents were fighting, right? Then they appear and were the
ones telling my dad stuff like: “Hey, *Blueberry’s mother’s name* is doing
this and that.” They were spitting out lies. Then, unfortunately my dad is too
stupid that he believed in his siblings. I guess blood is thicker than water, I
don’t know. But yeah, he’s too stupid. He believed in the lies that his siblings
were saying and that’s what caused a very messy situation that I am in (P2,
I2, Q2, S7-S12, S14).

Witness to Third-Party Verbal Abuse. Although Blueberry has not been a

direct victim of verbal abuse from her father, she had directly heard her mother

taking the full brunt of his harsh and hurtful words. It is one of the most

unforgettable moments Blueberry has in her childhood that struck her hard to the

point that she can still remember almost every detail vividly. Any previous

reservations regarding her father had been disposed the moment she witnessed

this kind of abuse inflicted on her mother. She may have only clearly seen this

happen once, but it really brought about a big impact on her life.

These are what she had said regarding this issue in the interview.

And then, I heard mommy crying and then, since, the speaker was,
he was on loud speaker. So, I could clearly hear the things my dad was
saying. Then that was where I also got hurt by—I was hurting for my mom.
Because he was telling my mom things like, “You know, you’re a slut,” non-
verbatim. That, “You have two guys with you,” like that and, “You do nothing
but do drugs and drink nonstop,” And of course I didn’t believe a word he
had uttered because my constant companion has always really been my
mom. And I know for a thing that nothing he had said was true because
there was no basis for it. The only thing I see that my mother had actually
done was her watching over me, that’s it. She watches over my younger
sibling, watches over me and nothing else. I got really hurt by what he said.
So, what I did out of anger and realization, I got angry. I screamed, yeah,
then I turned off the—it was probably the first time I swore out loud. So that
was it, that was when I—when I reached my breaking—it’s not really
breaking point, but that was what made me realize that it’s not mommy’s
fault—it was because of daddy (P2, I2, Q2, S79-S93).

Awkward Family Get-Togethers. During rare occasions when Blueberry’s

father would return home, their family-get-togethers would not become exactly as

joyous as one could expect. The atmosphere would be stiff and the tension would

always become palpable. No matter how much they try to sweep things under the

rug, Blueberry always feels like no one can just successfully do it, particularly her


This is evident in her experiences she had shared in the interview:

Also, when, you know, recognitions, you want, what do you call this?
For once, it’s when you want your family to be complete and forget about
what happened for just a little while. But, um, it’s hard to achieve because…
And you know, I totally didn’t feel that we were complete that time because
you know, the awkwardness (P2, I2, Q3, S55-S57, S62).
As much as I want to, it’s impossible, no? Like recognitions, before,
he can’t really go because of his work. But there are times that he can
attend. But that’s that—the point is, still. I can’t feel the perfect family that
I’m wishing because of the situation because it’s awkward. Every time
that—as I—every time my mom and dad would talk, it—they—it would end
up in an argument (P2, I2, Q3, S64-S69).

Challenges/Concerns Faced as a Member of a Broken Family

Financial Issues. Even before the separation, it was Blueberry’s father who

provided the family their financial needs. So, when her parents separated,

problems regarding money had suddenly become a somewhat permanent fixture

on her life. This, in turn, affected Blueberry a lot as she grew up since this is a

problem that she is constantly reminded of every time her father sends out money

they need for the month. Even if this allowance sent is to be combined with her

mother’s, Blueberry believes it is barely enough to cover off their expenses for day-

to-day life.

This is what Blueberry had said in regards to this concern during the


Hmm. So, *Interviewer’s name* already knows that we are struggling

financially. Because what is given is, the financial support that’s given to
me—to us by my father is insufficient (P2, I2, Q3, S26-S27).

Now before, just recently after the situation, to get our allowance,
yeah, we still need to go to my auntie, his sister in siblings. “Tito, um, we
ran out of groceries.” Before, they are the ones buying groceries for us and
all our needs. That’s why every time—like, every month, if we ran out of
basic necessities, there’s nothing left, so we need to write it in a long bond
paper. All the expenses that—all the things that we need, yeah. So, they
are the ones buying for us, which is really, hmm. I don’t know how to explain
this but it’s really unbecoming. Really rude (P2, I2, Q3, S27-S34).

It really was a hard pill to swallow. Because like, hello? We’re the
family, right? My mom was the one he married, but why is someone else—
precisely. Why are they the ones doing, yeah. But eventually, my mom and
dad talked about it. So, they opened a joint account of me and my mom
then that’s where he puts our allowance for a month, so yeah. That was it
(P2, I2, Q3, S35-S41).

In our—in my part, in my part really. It’s, well, it’s really the financial
state because, yeah. Though my mom has work but she’s—it’s just, the
pay’s not that high. It can’t—it’s just not enough. It’s—her salary cannot last
for a month’s worth of expenses (P2, I2, Q5, S1-S5).

Wistfulness and Longing. Even in her adolescent stage, Blueberry still

feels that there is still something missing in her life—and that is having a complete

family. She feels envious whenever she sees a complete family together; not of

the members, but of the fact that they are still intact as a family. She also does not

want other children to experience the same thing she had gone through since she

knows how it feels firsthand. Deep inside, Blueberry has this wish for her family to

get back the way they used to be—for them to just forget it happened, to start

anew. However, her pragmatic side stands out more and her anxiety shows. Even

if she wants to have a family of her own where there are no problems, she is having

her own reservations because of what happened during her childhood.

These are the statements she had given during the interview:

Whenever I see—let’s say, whenever we go to church, I see a

mother, a father, their children, and they’re happy. (S26) I feel really wistful.
Because, “Oh, would you look at that, a complete family,” and here I am
with a messy life, you know. Sometimes, I see this young couple with their
baby and I always wish that, Lord, I hope this baby will grow up with his/her
parents together. And, you know, I don’t—I don’t want another child to
experience—for other children to experience their parents’ separation
because it’s a really heavy feeling to bear with. I pity them for it because I
don’t want them to suffer what I’ve been through (P2, I2, Q3, S26-S31).

So actually, up until now, there’s this little side of me that’s still hoping
that everything would get okay. That the problem would be resolved, that
once again we would become a happy family (P2, I2, Q4, S1-S2).
From—you know I grew up being a member of a broken family.
Obviously, I want to have a family of my own that’s perfect. Err, not perfect
but rather like ide—err, not ideal but something that’s… Happy. Yeah,
happy. I mean, perfection does not, I mean, perfection’s nothing if the
family’s not happy, right? So, I—that’s all I want to have. I want to have a
happy family of my own. But at the same time, because of what I
experienced, it’s hard for me, there’s this part of me that does— Yeah,
scared. That it will happen again. That what happened to my mom will
happen to me as well…I mean, like—for a child who grew up in a broken
family, I really want to have a happy family of my own. But that’s it, it’s—at

the same time, holding me back from that my imagination or my dream—

err not dream, but you know. Um, well yeah, if there’s—will it even happen?
What if it—what happened before happens with my own family? What if it
will happen again to me? Like that. What if it’s worse? What of my future
offspring? (P2, I2, Q5, S28-S39, S50-S57)
Blueberry also expresses these sentiments in her journal log:
Being part of a broken family, who wouldn’t feel longing for having a
happy family? I always feel envious of others who have a happy and intact
family, but I’m only envious of the fact that they have a happy family. Despite
my envy, I always wish and pray that their family will stay as it is. Happy
and intact (P2, J1, Q2, S1-S4).

Dislike Towards Her Father. Due to the circumstances surrounding her

parents’ separation, Blueberry had grown to resent her father for the things he had

done to them. Aside from having almost zero communication with him unless

completely necessary, she blames her father for a lot of things that has happened

to them; from the reason why their family broke apart, and to why her mother got

her heart torn from pieces to pieces. She cannot seem to fathom why her father

had done the things he did before, and believes that he has an ugly personality

deep inside.

This is evident in her statements during the interview:

So, it was also difficult, because as of the moment, still, um, my father
is the one who’s paying for my tuition. So, every time there’s something that
needs to be paid at school, or tuition, I need to reach out to him. And
reaching out to him is a very difficult task to do… It’s more like a task rather
than—because he’s very hard to talk to. He has a lot of intricacies; he asks
a lot of questions before you can have what you’re asking. And, you know,
he has a lot of requests. So, it’s really—he’s not straight to the point. So,
that’s very difficult. (P2, I2, Q3, S47-S49, S50-S55).

Right now? I loathe him. Honestly. I know hate is such a big word.
It’s really, hate is some—it’s like a taboo word. Because it speaks, uh, it’s a
really wide word. Wide word. But yeah, I do. I loathe him. (P2, I2, Q4, S40-

And now—especially right now, that I’ve seen through the lies my
dad is feeding me. Though I don’t believe it. But still, you know. I can finally
see his real intentions. His true personality. So, that really is impossible for
my parents to reconcile. To be back again (P2, I2, Q4, S8-S14).

What I can’t accept is, why did my father do it? Yup. That’s it. I have,
lots of questions to…Yeah, that haven’t been answered yet. And lots of
questions for him to answer. But I know that he will not, because he’s a very,
he’s a prideful man. A total freak, too! Haha. And then, hahaha, he’s um,
he’s manipulative and controlling kind of man. He’s a bad man. Haha. Bad
boy. Haha!... He’s a boy, because he’s immature as **** (P2, I2, Q5, S73-

Becoming a Grown-Up Child. As the eldest child, Blueberry was more

exposed to the arguments her parents had. This means she knows a lot of it and

feels suffocated because of it. She feels like she is the grown-up within their family

because she is the one witnessing her parents arguing like kids when supposedly

it should have been otherwise (with her and her younger sibling while their parents

pacify them). She also feels that talking with her father is like talking to someone

hard to understand. She has to compromise and comply to every single thing her

father says just to properly come to an understanding, which she should not be

doing in her very young age.

Here are the statements she gave during the interview:

It’s difficult because, I am the child and yet I feel like they are the
ones acting like my age, playing that tug-of-war and I am the one who is in
the middle. So, they are like—they—It really was a struggle as a child, yeah
(P2, I2, Q3, S13-S14).
I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s difficult because I was really
young when I experienced it. I was forced to be mature because of the
situation. I didn’t get to experience my childhood, in a—oh yeah (P2, I2, Q3,

Conflicting Feelings. Despite what she had said about her father, there

were times when Blueberry felt conflicted on what she really feels towards her

father. Although she generally hates her father, there were some other feelings

that she had not really sorted out yet.

These are her given statements during the interview:

But of course, as a kid you get easily confused, easily fooled, right?
And at the time I was also wondering if the things my dad told were actually
true (P2, I2, Q2, S76-S77).

Well, he’s...he’s the first man that I loved. (S6) And the first man who
broke my heart. That’s it. And, you know, I looked up to him like he,
my superhero, like that. And then...You know suddenly, he suddenly was,
nah (P2, I2, Q3, S6-S10).

But there’s this still, um, part of me that, you know. Since he’s my
dad. Of course, there’s… Just a tiny part where, I don’t know. (S52) I love
him because obviously, he’s my dad. So that’s why— Yeah, in the end of
the day. (S54) But, that’s it. (S55) Most of the part, yeah. (S56) (P2, I2, Q4,



Background and Character

Vanilla is the kind of person who does not talk unless when asked or talked

to. Mostly, she stays on her seat while scrolling on her mobile phone. When during

classes, Vanilla stays alert when she likes the subject or when she is in the mood.

Vanilla usually do things on her own but also asks for help especially in group

activities. She goes to school early but at the same time, there are days where

Vanilla would come to school late. Vanilla is a positive thinker who shows great

performances in her own possible way, accept things right away and she always

finds happiness even just in little things.

Vanilla mostly has girls as family members. She has two younger siblings

as well as three elder siblings. She is currently living together with her three elder

siblings and a guardian while her father is in work. She is closer to her father for

after the separation of her parents, she left her mother and lived with his father.

She grew up with her father’s support from the moment the misunderstanding

between her parents started until today’s time.

A Selective Solitary Individual. Vanilla is the type of person who prefers

to be alone than to talk to others. She usually stays on her seat while scrolling on

her mobile phone and when someone will approach her, like other people, she

immediately responds. Although Vanilla has some introvert tendencies, she still

openly communicates with other people.


However, when Vanilla is with her close friends, she shows a different

personality. She becomes a total opposite of what she is inside the classroom.

Vanilla is more inclined to be with her old friends’ company rather than her new

classmates because she does not have the same level of attachment, she has with

them compared to the former.

Here are the following observations of this behavior:

Vanilla remains seated on the corner throughout vacant time. Maybe

she does not feel like being energetic (P3, RO1, S5-S6).

Vanilla is sitting on the floor while scrolling on the phone. Maybe

Vanilla is bored and does not have anything to do. Vanilla is repeating the
statement “memes nalang talaga nagapatawa sakin”. Something might
happen that made Vanilla uttered the statement many times (P3, RO2, S3-

Vanilla is seated on their cluster together with Vanilla’s close friend.

It may seem like Vanilla only wants to be with the people Vanilla is close to
(P3, RO6, S3-S4).

Vanilla’s having a video call and is quite loud. Vanilla may seem
bored as well as happy (P3, RO10, S3-S4).

Driven and Productive. Vanilla is the type of person who works hard when

given a task. She prepares good quality of works and assures that she can be of

help. For her, it is quality over quantity thus in some cases, she tends to finish

certain task late. In addition, she is a reliable one for if someone asks her to stay

late, she will do so as well as she is truly dedicated in everything she is supposed

to do.

This is evident in her observation log:

Vanilla is helping in the preparation for Banner Making. Vanilla might

be one of the students’ assigned for the preparation; therefore, Vanilla is
present during the making. Vanilla silently works on the assigned task.

Maybe Vanilla does not want to be distracted and so Vanilla can finish early
(P3, RO3, S1-S4).
Vanilla is not in the classroom. Vanilla might be at the other
classroom helping the other students. Vanilla is busy preparing for the
things needed for Intramurals. It may seem like Vanilla is eager to help in
preparing for Intramurals. Vanilla stays late at the school for the preparation.
Maybe Vanilla is not still finish with the things needed to be prepared for
Intramurals (P3, RO4, S1-S6).

Withdrawn and Reticent. In some circumstances, when Vanilla does not

feel at ease or if she is not in the mood, she barely talks with other people. She is

not the type of person who easily shares personal things with people she is not

close with which can make other people hard to tell what she truly feels. There are

moments where she will not attend classes for the reason that she might not be

feeling well.

However, even if she does, it still seems she is not present. When attending

programs, she is in attendance but she is silent. It appears to be that she has a lot

of things in mind and she cannot get through all of it.

The following are the entries that support this action:

The program is held at the auditorium and Vanilla is present. Vanilla

might be supporting the cluster. Vanilla did not really talk or laugh
throughout the program. Maybe Vanilla is not comfortable with the crowd.
As the program ended, Vanilla immediately exits the auditorium with other
people. It may seem like they have plans to do after (P3, RO7, S1-S6).

Vanilla did not come to school. Maybe Vanilla is not feeling well or
Vanilla might still be tired from the Intramurals (P3, RO8, S1-S2).

Lived Experiences being a Member of a Broken Family

Contentment and Satisfaction. With all the challenges that happened in

Vanilla’s life, she still finds happiness as well as she is contented on what her

current life is. She learned how to be contented on everything that has given to her

as well as on her father’s support. With the presence of her father’s support, she

feels happiness within it.

As a matter of fact, Vanilla is happy and contented even being a part of a

broken family because even without the presence of her mother, she does not feel

being incomplete because of what her current family is providing her.

This is evident in her interview:

like it crossed my mind and suddenly I feel envy that they are happy
and having fun like that but I never really envy that would come to the point
where I can say that I hope I would be like this and that, I hope this didn’t
happen to me because at the end of the day, I still have a daddy and a
stepmom that.. that… she’s not trying to replace my mom but somehow,
she’s trying to fill that void it’s like that so it’s okay (P3, I2, Q4, S2).

Today seemed so peaceful and fun. It was super laid back which
gave my stepmom and I a chance to bond together with my two older sisters
(P3, J7, Q1, S1-S2).

Later that night, we had the chance to bond with my stepmom and
talk about things and just simply enjoy the night. I felt safe and attacked that
night and that I could be myself without any judgements (P3, J7, Q3, S4-

I liked how this day turned out. It was spontaneous and everything
seemed so nice. I felt happy and I had fun (P3, J8, Q3, S1-S3).

Lack of Communication. Vanilla believed that the only thing that kept her

relationship with her dad is through financial support. In terms of financial aspect,

she did not have any struggles for her father consistently providing them. However,

since they seldom meet each other, Vanilla felt that her dad is trying to fill his

absence through money in which for her, was not effective.

Nevertheless, she got used to with these types of situation considering what

she uttered during the interview:


What I feel right now is like it’s only the money that is keeping our
connection with daddy like we’re not always seeing each other then,
because of that I can feel that the money is really the reason (P3, I2, Q3,

But at the end of the day, I do realize that the support given to me by
my dad is nothing to be compared to the love and attention that I really need.
Yes, I do feel a sense of longing towards my parents because at the end
the day, money can’t fill the void which I know only a parent’s love and
attention can fill (P3, J1, Q2, S3, S5).

Longing for Complete Family. From the moment Vanilla was born, she

never experienced having a complete family. Her parents already had

misunderstandings even before she was born. Although the presence of both her

parents is vivid, she never witnessed any intimate relationship as if they were not

together at all. Vanilla realized that they might be the reason of why her parents

cannot be separated, but days were gone and they did.

Further, she emphasized that sometimes she would feel envious whenever

she saw a happy and complete family as well as in some circumstances, she would

miss her mother but not to the extent that she would love to meet her again.

She gave these statements during the interview:

I never miss her like okay sometimes I can feel longing like oh I need
a mom but never it’s like I can’t seem to miss her and it’s like I never look
for her again (P3, I1, Q2, S16).

What I know is ever since I was a kid, they already broke up like there
are a lot of issues like for example, factor is money then it’s like they are not
really into each other it’s like that (P3, I1, Q2, S1).

Yes broke I feel like it’s already been so long since they aren’t
together but what keeps them together is us their children then because of
support they cannot separate with each other because it’s my dad who
supports us it’s like we’re living together with my mom but the support is
coming from daddy so it’s like that their ties to each cannot be severed (P3,
I1, Q2, S3).

Like it crossed my mind and suddenly I feel envy that they are happy
and having fun (P3, I2, Q4, S2).

I am a teenager; many things are currently going through my life and

sometimes I do long for a parent that could guide me through everything
that I’ll be going through. Yes, I do feel a sense of longing towards my
parents because at the end the day, money can’t fill the void which I know
only a parent’s love and attention can fill (P3, J1, Q2, S4-S5).

Now that I’ve already spoken to my dad about the issue that
happened to me recently, I think that I am longing for assurance that my
dad still trusts me and that I am still worthy of his love. I am currently longing
for his love and attention for me to feel that it did not make me less of a
person when I did something that they never imagined I could do (P3, J2,
Q2, S1-S2).

I longed for my dad’s attention ever since I’ve been in trouble. I

wanted to feel loved by him. When I hugged my dad tonight, I didn’t want to
let go. It’s like I haven’t hugged him for so long and I felt like his hug was
what I needed to fill a void (P3, J3, Q2, S1-S4).

Challenges/Concerns Faced as a Member of a Broken Family

The Absence of Parents. The relationship between her parents were no

longer vital. Vanilla already noticed the gap between her and her father as well as

she could no longer feel any attachment to her mother. In her own perspective,

money could never replace and fill the emptiness of the children because it is

indeed the love and attention that can only fill that emptiness and would make them

feel complete despite the absence of one of her parents.

This are her statements during the interview:

I would feel like sometimes he’s trying to fill the void but I know that
the money cannot really fill that void for it is only love and attention which
can fill that void, like that (P3, I3, Q3, S24).

However, I felt how distant I am with my dad (P3, J7, Q2, S2).

Difficulties in Studying. One of the struggles that Vanilla experiences are

the situation of her family affects her studies. Vanilla realizes that sometimes it had

a great emotional impact wherein her mood rapidly changed whenever a sudden

news or problem occurred even how interested she got in studying. She easily gets

distracted thus whilst this cycle repeats, it was indeed difficult for her to be back in

good condition again.

This is evident in her interview:

like for example there’s a problem it’s it seriously affects me like it’s
not really affect but in my mood let’s say sometimes I am interested to rea—
really—study then suddenly let’s a problem will occur or an issue it’s like it
somehow affect my mood sometimes I lose motivation it’s like that so like
in that way it affects me like when I loses my mood or if I’m in a bad mood
because of the problems it (P3, I2, Q3, S12).

yes emotiona—I’ll become emotionally affected (P3, I2, S2-S6).

Apathetic Feelings towards her Mother. Even before Vanilla was born,

misunderstandings between her parents have already risen. While she is in the

custody of her mother, she always had the thought of leaving her mother. The day

comes where she had finally lived together with her father and never did she come


In addition, she learned that her mother was still keeping in touch with her

sibling thus she complained how it would make her feel distracted. Vanilla made a

stand about not meeting up with her mother anymore even if she would be forced

to and her siblings would go see their mother. Further, Vanilla seemed to be

reluctant and eager to end their connection.

This is evident in her interview:

she contacts her sometimes then like she wanted to meet up like that
but I don’t know if they are meeting up but for me, no I don’t really care
anymore and if she wanted to meet up like just let her be… if they will meet
up then okay I don’t care but for me, I won’t not anymore (P3, I2, Q4, S15).

Not anymore... like they are pushing me to visit her like they told me
to visit her but I don’t really like it anymore then my stepmom is telling me
that it’s my mom so I need to understand her... no one can replace your
mom but for me it’s like I don’t really want it to do anymore then like I never
miss her like okay sometimes I can feel longing like oh I need a mom but
never it’s like I can’t seem to miss her and it’s like I never look for her again
(P3, I1, Q2, S16).

I felt toxic it’s like she was using me for money it’s like that it’s like a
legal stuff that I didn’t understand then it’s like I was fooled into signing a
docuto sign a document then I didn’t know anything then little did I know
that it’s like (P3, I1, Q2, S7)

Independent and Optimistic. The moment Vanilla opened her eyes in the

reality, she thought that slowly by slowly it became normal to her as how she got

used to her current situation. Having only one parent, it led her to think more

differently that other children with the same age as her.

The following are what she had said in the interview:

what I feel is like I’m already used to it like I don’t really have both
parents with me like I should only choose one it’s like that so it’s like I’m
already used to then my life after it is I learned how to be independent then
yeah it’s like I’m already used to it (P3, I2, Q5, S12)

I never thought that because like my mindset is like I don’t blame

everything to my surrounding let’s say in my surrounding... i don’t know..i
feel this mindset is weird because my mindset is every problem that will be
given to me is like a way of God for me to understand better and in order
for the situation to get better. I never thought like I wish I was not born like
that (P3, I2, Q3, S7).

for me, there’s no really like challenge or I never see it as a challenge

because as I’ve said like I’m already used to it like since I was a kid it’s
already broken so like for me, it didn’t really become a challenge but it’s like
I noticed that since it’s broken it’s like since I was young, I was used to it
already like being independent ay it’s not like independent in a way that it’s
like I don’t rely to people but somehow I’ve become conscious in the reality
in reality of life then it’s like it made me strong so it’s like there are little
problems that I face and it’s like for me, it’s nothing so it’s like it trained me
somehow to be strong and it’s like being truly ready in life and it’s like for
example in school, it’s like what I told you like for example, there is a

problem... in family it distracts but it’s like for me, it doesn’t really matter (P3,
I2, Q5, S4).

Longing for a Safe Zone. Ever since Vanilla was a kid, she never

experienced having a complete family. As a type of person, she loves to be in a

place where she can express herself freely. There are times where Vanilla faces

several problems in a day and she just want a place to stay in.

However, neither her home can be that place. She feels that her home is

no longer that ideal home she was thinking of. Vanilla longs for a place where no

one will judge her. Further, she is the type of person who prefers to stay where

could she feel loved.

This is evident in her journal log:

Since the past few weeks, I’ve been trying my best to wake up early
and leave my house as soon as I possible could to go to school because I
hate the feeling that I get when I am at home. It used to be my safe zone,
but now I feel like there is a lot of negative energy surrounding it and the
only thing that I can do to save myself from it is to leave the house. I try my
best to stay away from my house and keep myself busy because I know
that I’ll only end up overthinking my present problems and I’ll end up being
sadder that I already am. I feel safe when I’m in school because I know that
I can keep myself busy there and there are a lot of people with positive vibes
who will surround me (P3, J1, Q3, S1-S4).

I still try to go out of the house as early as possible to go to school

but I felt a little ray of positivity when I went home today and maybe because
my sisters weren’t home when I arrived (P3, J2, Q3, S1).

I was so distracted in school today. I was so excited to go out

because I knew that I was going to meet up with my friends and my house
didn’t feel like a safe zone today. When I got home, I felt empty again so I
just took a nap and when I woke up, I took a short walk around our
subdivision and I ended up writing poems to put my thought into words (P3,
J4, Q3, S1-S3).



Background and Character

Strawberry is a very easygoing person. She is someone who just goes with

the flow whatever might happen. She does not complain whenever something is

thrown in her way, and instead accepts the situation as it is. Because of her

friendliness, she has a wide circle of friends. However, with her constant go-with-

the-flow personality, she does not seem to mind whether if she is alone or with

company although she is almost always never alone at school.

Despite having grown up without a father figure for the most of her

childhood, Strawberry is contented even with just her mother’s support and love.

She does not seem to be affected that much by the prospect of having a broken

family as she does not let this situation of hers define who she really is as a person.

In fact, Strawberry is a very independent person.

Always the Rainbow After the Storm. Regardless of the circumstances,

Strawberry tends to look forward to the brighter things in life. She does not dwell

on the negative, preferring to move on and forget about it rather than moping for

the rest of the day. This is how she coped up with her situation as a member of a

broken family, and it worked out well for her.

This is evident in the observations we have noted:

Strawberry performs their power dance presentation alongside other

cluster members. After the performance, Strawberry smiles. Strawberry
might be satisfied with how their performance went out (P4, RO6, S1-S3).

By the time the results for the power dance competition was
announced and they were hailed 1st runner-up instead of champion,

Strawberry was leaping with glee with her cluster mates. She does not seem
to mind even if they did not win as champions, and is thinking more of the
fact that they won a place (P4, RO6, S4-S5).

Quickly Takes Initiative. Compared to most people, Strawberry itches to

move first. She believes that if no one is going to start doing something, nothing

will ever be finished. With this in mind, she is usually the first one to take initiative,

and this is where her companions follow suit. Having this kind of trait makes

Strawberry a good team member; she can even become a capable leader if she

so desires.

Among these are the observations evident of this behavior:

Strawberry is seen practicing for the power dance with other cluster
members. It seems that she plans on going home late. Strawberry does not
seem worried by this. She might be allowed to go home late, as she shows
no signs of worry despite the late time. I can also sense her determination
to do a good performance with her cluster members. (P4, RO3, S1-S5).

Strawberry is helping cluster members finish the banner to be

submitted by 6PM. There seems to be no practice yet for power dance.
Strawberry is a very helpful person regardless of the busy schedule
Strawberry has (P4, RO4, S1-S3).

A Stickler to Details. Along with being an initiator to things, Strawberry can

be quite the perfectionist—this she had openly admitted. Her desire to have things

as flawless as possible is one of the reasons why she wants to be the one initiating

things. She wants to make sure everything is perfect, and she wants to set an

example to others by showing them how it is done.

This is the observation of this behavior:

Strawberry practices with other members of their cluster’s power

dance and does not seem to be tired. During break, she is correcting her
co-performers’ steps by teaching them the correct version. Strawberry might
be looking forward for their performance tomorrow and is giving all that
they’ve got (P4, RO5, S1-S3).

Lived Experiences being a Member of a Broken Family

Feels Comfortable at Home. Strawberry believes that you can find solace

in a home when you are comfortable enough to have no problems in general. She

also thinks that you do not have to necessarily have a complete family to have a

home, which brings a message that Strawberry, as someone who is from a broken

family, is most probably fine with it and is not affected by it anymore in this stage

of her life.

This is what she had said during the interview:

It’s just simple. It’s like a place you can return to. Where you’re
happy, your family’s there doesn’t have to be complete. But it’s where you
feel comfortable, like you have no problems, it’s where all of your comfort
zone is, where your home is…Yes. Comfortable, peaceful, no problems (P4,
I4, Q1, S1-S6).
One of her journal entries also back up with this statement:

Still the same, but I prefer a peaceful home. I like it when people are
quiet. My home is my comfort zone where no one can disturb me (P4, J3,
Q1, S1-S3)

Clueless About Parents’ Separation. Up until now, Strawberry still does

not know the real reason why her parents decided to separate from one another.

She can only second-guess why, but in the end, it is nothing more than just her

hunch. As she grew up, she decided to just leave it be. She is not really that

curious, and thinks that nothing much will really change even if she does know of

the truth.

This is evident in her interview:

This is where they, I was at grade 1, so I really don’t know anything

the reason why. I guess it’s because of a third party?... No, I decided just
not to ask. Since growing up, I just understood the fact that, “Eh, they
separated.” It’s just, one of the things you are as a child, being clueless… I
also don’t know about that… I haven’t. I guess I haven’t asked him about

why they separated. But I really think it’s because of, what’s that called? I
guess it’s really because of a third party? I think. That’s just my hunch. But
I’m not really sure, like, they don’t really tell me—they don’t really open up
things about that. About their separation (P4, I4, Q2, S4-S17).

Witness to Parents’ Fights. Strawberry does not remember much of her

childhood, but the one memory that had stuck to her most was when her parents

fought twice in front of her and her older brother. During the time when Strawberry’s

family was on the verge of falling apart, her parents’ fights had become not exactly

private. It slowly escalated in terms of intensity until it arrived to a point where

Strawberry and her older brother had had it flashed right before their eyes. As

children, they were forced to see things that were still not supposed to be seen

and thought about by them.

This is her full take on the story, as what she had stated in the interview:

Well, I think the only thing I can remember is that first time I saw them
fighting, the second time I saw them fighting. It’s...Hmm. We really
witnessed it…That was the first time I saw them do it because the second
fight I saw was really legit intense...It was really legit intense, really because
it really went physical. That’s all that I can remember from my childhood
(P4, I4, Q3, S4-S9).

Mother as the Sole Parental Figure. After her parents’ separation,

Strawberry grew up with only her mother taking care of all of her needs. Although

she sees her father from time to time, he is not constantly present all throughout

her childhood and early stages of adolescence. Despite that, her mother has

provided her more than enough of her needs. She did not face any problems

regarding financial issues because her mother did not lack anything in that sector

of her life. She is also contented with the way her mother treats her since she never

left Strawberry feel any less different as compared to others with intact families.

These are her statements during the interview regarding this experience:

We lived with mom... (P4, I4, Q3, S27)

My mom, I guess, I’m very happy that she’s here in my life. Since,
she was the only one who provides me with my needs now. I think, I wouldn’t
have been able to make it out were it not for her. As in, she’s the only one—
she’s the only one I’m depending on (P4, I4, Q5, S17-20).

I didn’t feel any, um, any less different, that, since my mom really
provided me with everything I needed. She didn’t lack with giving me what
I want at all. So, she’s really enough, so, I didn’t face pro—if we’re talking
about that, well, there’s this feeling that hopefully, what’s the feeling of being
complete while growing up? That’s it (P4, I4, Q3, S31-S34).

Siblings from another Mother. After her parents’ separation, Strawberry’s

father had formed a new family. She currently has siblings from his father’s new

family, most of which are younger than her and her older brother. Despite this

setup, Strawberry is fine with this. She treats her half-siblings like she would with

her brother—normally. She does not think of them any less just because they have

different mothers.

This is her statement from the interview:

Actually, I’m fine with his side of the family since, they were really we
are really close with them since they are really kind people. It’s just that I
also have younger siblings that I visit from time to time (P4, I4, Q5, S16-

Challenges/Concerns Faced as a Member of a Broken Family

Best Left Forgotten Memories. Like we have previously mentioned,

Strawberry does not remember much about her childhood. It seems that she is

contented to leave things be rather than to unearth it. Strawberry seems to not like

her childhood that much as it filled with memories that is best left forgotten.

These are her statements in the interview:


Maybe it’s just that, throughout the years my childhood was a blur.
Because, I don’t—as in, it’s just that I don’t want to remember. Since, it’s,
those things were just a part of my past so I don’t really want to remember.
Really, you mean my past before, um, the broken family? I guess it’s, I don’t
remember anything. Things like what, being happy? (P4, I4, Q3, S1-S7).

Those happy moments, I can’t remember my birthday, I guess. I

cannot remember any semblance of my happy times. Whenever they, they
recall things about, you know, memories like, “You used to this and that.” I
can’t remember, as in. It’s all a blur. I also don’t want—don’t want to
remember (P4, I4, Q3, S10-S15).

Pleased with the Way Things Are. Despite being a part of a broken family,

Strawberry is contented with the current setup. The idea of having her family

complete again is certainly something she had entertained, but have not really

wished for. She is happier for what had happened as a result of her parents’

separation rather than when they were still together as a married couple. In fact,

she believes that her parents were not meant to be together at all and are better

off as acquaintances, friends at best.

These are her given statements in the interview:

It’s not, because I think they’re really not compatible for each other.
It’s just, they’re not really for each other, that kind of people for each other—
as in, I really don’t feel their love for each other. As in, even as a kid I had
already felt that there was truly something wrong, that the two of them don’t
hold any feelings of love for each other (P4, I4, Q4, S14-S16).

Yes, I think this situation is better. The way I see things right now, I
think they’re happy for each other. Since they separated, they already have
their respective partners—my father has a different family, my mother also
has a boyfriend. So, if you compare the both of them to my mother’s current
relationship with her boyfriend, it’s totally different. I can totally see that my
mother is happier with him right now, compared to the previous one she had
with my father (P4, I4, Q4, S17-S21).

Hmm. I want to wonder, what if, we weren’t a broken family?

However, things are okay now. I’m contented (P4, I4, Q3, S35-S37).

Longing for a Father Figure. What Strawberry missed out during her

childhood was someone who could act as her protector, a person who could, along

with her mother, help her as she grows up—a father figure. She does not long for

her father as she does prefer the both her mother and him separated, but someone

who could act as her father figure sans the arguments between him and her


Here is what she had said in the interview:

I think I’m only feeling the longing for a father that—you know, a
father figure, that you can, well. Since you were just a child, confused on
top of that, “Why is my dad not here?” It’s like, um, you’re very clueless—
still clueless until now actually. Why didn’t they—um, didn’t they, “Why did
they separate?” you don’t know a thing. Since, you know, it’s sort of, I guess
it’s just confusion, a longing for a father figure because I never had anyone
to act as a father figure it was just my mom throughout the years of my um,
she really was the only one who took care of me (P4, I4, Q5, S3-S7).

Love and Neutrality Towards the Father. Despite being not a fixture in

her whole life, Strawberry does not hold any feelings of resentment and bitterness

towards her father. Quite the contrary, actually, as she still does in fact love her

father. It’s just that there are some circumstances holding her back from visiting

him. Although Strawberry does indeed miss her father, this feeling is not that

intense to the point that she desperately longs for his presence. She loves him and

misses him, but not to a high extent.

Here are the statements she had said during the interview:

I guess right now, I still do miss him however there’s not much—I
really don’t want to go there anymore. I guess it’s nothing, I just don’t want
to (P4, I4 Q5, S14-S15).

Depression and Loneliness. As someone who was used with a lot of

people in her first house, Strawberry was very much unused to having literally no

company at her new home with only her mother and sibling as its inhabitants. She

felt lonely and sad because she had no one to talk to about her new situation.

This is her narrated experience during the interview:

I guess if you talk about depression, since before—I was always, um,
during my childhood I was always left alone at home. It started when we,
um, since we moved homes, so I’m quite far away from my cousins. So,
there really were times I guess around grade 4 to 6—those were my darkest
times, low. I remember during grade 4 I, I uh, cried. It was about my dad.
That time, something about ‘father’ was mentioned. Those were really
intense. Those were really the darkest times. I think...during grade 6 I was
a bit suicidal? (P4, I4, Q5, S25-S33)

Yes, “What if I kill myself?” something like that. It was like, I was a
grade 6 student so I didn’t know anything about suicide, things about
depression and stuff. The feeling that you don’t know a thing, that you don’t
have any knowledge, unlike now. It was like when you feel very depressed,
it was like...“Sigh, it’s like, nobody cares about me.” This feeling that you’re
alone. So, what’s the point? (P4, I4, Q5, S46-S52)

I felt very isolated from all—it’s like I isolated myself from world.
Before, as in, I was so fond of making new friends and I had a lot of friends
from my, since our neighborhood was just within one compound, so all of
my cousins were there, a lot of us were there. Then, when we started to,
uh, since, “Ay, I don’t want to, uh, with people anymore.” I think when the
time that I started to become not so distant to my cousins was when around
high school (P4, I4, Q5, S55-S58).



Background and Character

Cheese is the type of person who is outgoing and easy to talk with. He

usually makes things easier for the sake of other people and as much as possible,

he stays away from any incidents for he was able to experience how it seems to

be. Cheese is not hard to deal with for his action reflects himself. However, there

are circumstances where other people misunderstood him. Whenever he is with

his friends, he is as loud as a riffle. He talks and talks whenever he wants. Indeed,

Cheese only wants happiness in life as he continues to grow in this developing


Opposite to children who’s the only girl in the family, Cheese is the only boy.

Her mother left hom in his grandparents when he was still a baby as she goes

abroad to work. As a young boy who lives together with his grandparents resulted

him to experience the opposite of what other children experiences. He lives for a

good long year in their province which made him witness the life in a province at a

young age. It was only when he reached seven years old that he was able to meet

his father. The grandparents of Cheese became his guardian as he grew up.

Extrovert and Social Person. Cheese is the person who loves to hang out

and spend time with his friends. He does not waste even a single moment when

he has the chance to go out. During his classes, he becomes more talkative than

he already is. Cheese is trying not to isolate himself in a place where he feels he

will not be comfortable with as well as when his friends invite him to go somewhere,

he immediately responds.

However, there are circumstances wherein he will refuse due to some

errands he needs to do and things he must finish to. Despite being a person who

loves to always go out, he is still aware of his limitations and boundaries. When it

comes to school purposes, it always his first priority before anything else.

This is evident in his observation log:

During his break time, Cheese is sitting on the floor outside the
classroom, laughing together with his classmates. It seems to be they are
talking about something funny. He rolls on the floor every time his classmate
utters a word. Maybe Cheese finds it really funny (P5, RO3, S1-S4).

Cheese refuse to spend the night with friends in Wednesday night.

Maybe he has something more important to do. His friends persuaded him
but he refuses. It seems like Cheese is not in the mood to have fun (P5,
RO4, S1-S4).

I found Cheese again outside their classroom persuading his friends

to spend the Friday night. He is insisting to make fun and he succeeded.
Maybe Cheese is tired for the whole day and he only wants to relax (P5,
RO5, S1, S3-S4).

No Man is An Island. Cheese realizes that he needs someone to talk to.

He is the person who talks even someone is not asking him and he always finds a

way to communicate with other people. Cheese loves to socialize and performs

interpersonal communication. He does not stop unless someone asks him to.

Nevertheless, even how talkative he is, he still knows how to behave himself in

certain places.

This is evident in his observation log:

Cheese suddenly keeps quiet after he is reprimanded by his

classmate. Cheese opens his mobile phone and stay with it until the clock

ticks on 3:30. Maybe Cheese realizes that he must already shuts up (P5,
RO1, S1, S3-S4).

Cheese is in the cafeteria. He is with his friends talking while eating.

It seems Cheese and his classmates needs a break (P5, RO6, S1, S3-S4).

Cheese is singing together with his classmates outside the

classroom. After he sings, he laughed. Cheese went back to the classroom
as soon as the teacher arrived (P5, RO10, S1, S3, S5).

Cheese is so loud near the elevator together while he is holding his

phone. Maybe he is watching something funny (P5, RO7, S1-S2).

Prioritizes His Study. Cheese believes that more than anything else,

studies must always be prioritizing. He appreciates the efforts that his

grandparents and mother provide him thus he wants to exchange it with good

grades. Although for him, he is not that smart but he believes, to get a passing

grade is enough to exchanges the efforts he has received. Even how he loves to

hang out, he still finds himself holding a pen and a paper and finishing the works

he needs to finish.

This is evident in his observation log:

During break time, along with his classmates, Cheese is inside the
classroom finishing his school work. Maybe the given task must be finished
already (P5, RO9, S1-S2).

Today, Cheese is in the ground floor in the admin building answering

his assignment. It seems like Cheese wasn’t able to do his homework at
home, therefore he finishes it at school (P5, RO2, S1-S2).

Cheese is going to the library while he is holding his cellphone and

paper. He is with his classmates. Maybe they have something to finish in
the library (P5, RO8, S1-S2).

Lived Experiences being a Member of a Broken Family

Sister as the Only Companion at Home. Cheese defines a home as a

place where you go home, where you can spend the night comfortably, and where

your family is present. He never experienced having a complete family as neither

one of his parents was physically present beside him for since day one, he is

already living together with his grandparents. When the time came where he was

already aware of the reality, he came to realize that all throughout his life, he was

incomplete. His home never once became complete.

Currently, Cheese is staying to where his sibling is and he finds it very

different. He wonders what it is seems to be when he has a complete home. A

place like home, indeed.

This is evident in his journal and interview:

As usual, my home is peaceful today. No one is shouting nor talking.

My siblings weren’t home yet and it is still the same this morning (P5, J1,
Q1, S1-S3).
Ah, for me, I define a home as somewhere you go home, where you
sleep, where you, where your family is. And for me, for me having a
separated family, I find a home as it is where my sister is (P5, I1, Q1, S1-
I went home late today. I was with my friends. As usual my home is
peaceful. I still wonder if how is it like to go home and your parents is there
to welcome you (P5, J2, Q1, S1-S4).
I don’t like the ambiance of my home today. It is peaceful yet I feel
like it is not a home. Maybe because I feel like we are not complete,
therefore this home may seem peaceful, yet incomplete (P5, J4, Q1, S2-

Busy and Workaholic Parents. One of the causes why the parents of

Cheese separated is because they are busy in their own works. The father of

Cheese chooses his work over his family which is a cruel thing for a child to

experience. Way back then, a lot of misunderstandings arise every time his parents

were still together which results to separation.


Although he was not able to witness how his parents quarrel, he thinks that

it is done for good, that it is better for them to separate if they can no longer be

together for the sake of their children. Cheese believes that it is up for his parents’

decisions and their decision to break up is a good idea.

This is evident in his journal and interview:

Nah this one I really don't find it a good idea because they already
made their choices and I think that idea is the idea of being restored kind of
bad because if it didn't work for the first time then I think it wouldn't for the
second time (P5, I2, Q4, S1).

Ah, the main reason of the separation of my parents. Ah, they don't
have time for each other because they're so busy at work. And, a lot of
misunderstanding (P5, I1, Q2, S1-S3).

It is when I learned from my Lola that they separated because they

are not married at all and my dad chose his work over us. It is sad. I was
sad. How could a father left choose his work over his family? I always think
of that and I think it is already for good haha (P5, J4, Q3, S3-S7).

Optimistic Regardless of the Situation. Although Cheese comes from a

broken family, he never thinks that he is different from the others. He never blames

his parents about the kind of life he has right now, instead he thinks of it as a good

thing that ever happened in his life. Indeed, he is the type of person who thinks


This are some evidences that support this action:

I always think of it whether my situation is okay or not okay with me.

But I always end up saying, yes, because there might be a reason why this
is happening to me (P5, J4, Q2, S2-S3).

Challenges/Concerns Faced as a Member of a Broken Family

Parental Guidance. Cheese grew up without the guidance of his parents.

The time he was born, both of his parents had already broken up which resulted

him to be under the custody of his grandparents. His mother went abroad to work

in order to support him and his sibling financially.

However, he neither feels any attachment towards them. He is aware that

his parents are already separated for his grandparents are there to tell him. Even

he has his grandparents to guide him, he believes that it is still different when it is

your biological parents who will guide from the first day until the end and this is

what he has not experienced.

The following entries are the evidence for this action:

so, there's no one to guide me on how I should grow yeah without

my father so I kind of found it sad because without my father, there's no one
to guide me (P5, I2, Q3, S4)

So that was the challenges, there's no one to guide me and if I have

a lot of problems, there's no one really to answer my problems, to listen to
my problems I mean that's it (P5, I2, Q5, S1)

I miss my mother today. I wish that she was here to advise me on

my problems. I wish that also my father is here to guide me. I miss them a
lot (P5, J3, Q2, S1-S2, S4, S7)

I’m having a hard time in school today. I wish that my parents are
here to guide me. I need the guidance of my parents right now. I don’t know
what to do now (P5, J1, Q3, S1-S3)

I have problems in school today. I don’t understand my feelings. It

seems like I need someone to guide me aside my grandparents. It must be
my parents (P5, J5, Q3, S1-S2, S3-S4).

Lack of Financial Support. Although the mother of Cheese goes outside

the country to work in order to provide him and his siblings financially, for him, it is

still not enough. Sometimes he faces minimal financial problems because his

mother cannot provide his needs and wants especially in school on time.

He sometimes gets sad how financial issues could affect him, but he never

let it through him. Although his parents lack of financial support, he still tries to

understand them.

This is supported by the following:

Today, we had to contribute and my money is not enough so I only

paid half of it. I find this hard because I cannot ask always to my
grandparents and siblings. Because I know that there are still things they
need to spend on (P5, J1, Q2, S4-S6).

I ask for money in my sister but she only gave me less than what I
wanted. And now I have to budget the money I have. I want to laugh, this is
quite challenging (P5, J2, Q3, S3-S5).

Absence of a Father Figure to Emulate From. Cheese is the only boy in

the family and sometimes, he finds it hard. He grew up without a father in his side

and he always wanted to have one. For him, it is the father to whom you can first

to learn manly things and activities. It is the father who will first hone you to become

a boy and to become a man.

However, in his situation, it is not. He was not able to experience playing

basketball with his father and he always wants to witness how it is seeming to be.

These following entries supports this action:

To guide me on how I grow up as a because my family is, they're all

girls my sisters, yeah, my sister yah. And so, I'm the only boy in the. Family
so there's no one to guide me on how I should grow yeah without my father
so I kind of found it sad because without my father, there's no one to guide
me (P5, I2, Q3, S2-S4).

Why don’t I have a brother or an elder brother? Why do I have to be

with all girls? Why do I have to grow up with all girls? They scolded me
because I’m like this, I’m like. But they never asked me how I feel. It is so
unfair (P5, J3, Q3, S3-S8).



In this chapter, we presented a cross-case analysis of all the themes that

carried out in relation to the research questions. This chapter is made to identify

the themes common among the participants. The themes presented in the lived

experiences and challenges/concerns as a member of a broken families are

merged. As these themes are presented, we made used of the existing review of

related literature of our study.

Lived Experiences Being a Member of a Broken Family

The lived experiences of a person are one of the factors that mold them into

a better version of themselves. Indeed, it is the experience who is the best teacher

for it trains you how to act on the daily basis of your life. It is the experiences that

will allow you to take a better grasp of the situation and realize that not all people

encounter the same experiences. Basically, not all individuals have similar lived

experiences, and the daily experiences that a member of a broken family

encounters is not easy to tell. These people have already experienced having an

incomplete family where either a mother or father is not present. Worst, they grow

up without both of them on their side. Children in this situation encounter way more

different experiences than kids who have complete families.

Parents’ Shaky Relationship. One of the causes why married couple

happens to break apart is because of their lack of trust and intimacy with each

other as well as having a third party in amidst of their relationship. It is evident that

it is impossible for a married individual to still feel any sort of intimacy feelings

outside of their marriage which eventually will lead to separation. Due to this, the

product of their marriage will be the ones who will suffer at the young age. The

children are the people who will be at the cliff to have an unacceptable experience

that will ultimately leave a scar on their memories.

In the case of our participants, they were able to determine the cause of the

separation of their parents however they are in the state wherein they do not tend

to mind for they believe that they broke up for the better as well as they are fine

with the decision for the reason that their parents are happier without each other.

In the All Research Journal titled Broken family: Its causes and effects on the

development of children, Saika (2016) states that the second cause of shaky

relationship is unfaithfulness. In a marriage each partner has to be faithful with

each other and cheating on another person is the cause of unfaithfulness.

Cheating is a big impact on any person due to the loss of respect and love for the

partner. Loss of trust is when the partner is unfaithful to the other partner and tends

to disbelieve in their relationship and leads to a broken family. Lastly is the inability

to manage or resolve conflict which is to continuously argue about multiple or

certain topics without any side agreeing with each other which leads to the

separation of a broken family.

In addition, not agreeing with a single topic would eventually annoy the

partner and make each other angry with one another due to each partner not

understanding each other. These factors highly affect the child the most since the

parents are most likely the most significant people in the child’s life and life in family

provides the child with the feeling of security and warmth.


Spectator during Parents’ Arguments. What is common in the issues that

our participants have experienced is being able to witness how their parents argue

with each other. At their young age, they only believed that it is only normal for

married couple wherein little did they know that it may become serious and utmost

their parents will separate. Having to encounter situations like this, resulted them

to widen their knowledge when it comes to this kind of situation.

Hence, the moment has come wherein they are able to understand what

their parents arguing. With this moment of time, they come to think that it is unripe

for them not to act accordingly in their age. Hollowniczky (2016) shared one of her

unforgettable moments with her family when they were on a trip at Disney World.

She witnessed how her parents loved each other, until she found them screaming

and crying. She was six-years-old when her parents divorced and even had no

idea what divorce was all about. For her, living in a broken family was difficult.

The Existence of Half-Siblings. As children who has his/her own family,

no one expects to meet another set of siblings. In the case of a broken family,

having a sibling from a mother or father’s side is evident since the couple decided

to separate and lived on their life they chose. In the case of our participants, having

new siblings is one of the unique experiences they never imagined would happen.

This gives them another feeling of reaching maturity whereas being aware that

they have a sibling on the other family would lead them to act as a grown-up

individual. With this type of experience, it is never easy for them to adapt and adjust

onto the situation for they are circumstances where conflicting feelings will occur

between them and the new siblings.


Along with adjusting to the situation, our participants may feel

uncomfortable around unfamiliar people unless they were able to meet their sibling

earlier. When a child feels betrayed by his/her parents’ separation because they

were left unaware of the family issue, he/she may grow to distrust adults that

remind them of their parents. In an article published at Look Upgrade (2018), it is

stated a broken family may also become a broken home due to the other member

having another family on their own with their original child with the other partner.

Challenges/Concerns Being a Member of Broken Family

Everyone has experienced carrying their own burdens and problems at

some point in their lives. Some may seem insignificant, while some may seem to

be very difficult to overcome. For children coming from broken families, it is a

mixture of both. They have had their fair share of struggles, downfalls, and

breakdowns, and usually, the main catalyst for these difficulties is the problems

they have regarding their families. These challenges are mostly situations that

children from complete families cannot fully relate to even if they try as they had

never gone through things that children from broken families were practically

forced to encounter. As someone who came from a broken family, our participants

had mentioned several challenges/concerns they had encountered because of

their predicament. And as it turns out, some of these factors emerged because of

the commonality among them.

Lacking Both Parental Figures as a Constant. Without the presence of a

parent, it is difficult for the children to build attachments with each other. It brings

many negative effects to a child when a parent who is ought to discipline, guide,

and support their children failed to maintain contact with the child. In that case, the

child will be having a hard time creating bonds to either one of their parents. As

they continue to grow up, the absence of their parents would either make them feel

incomplete or suffer emotionally. As cited in Fagan and Churchill’s (2012) related

literature, a study in 1996 showed that lower than half of children from broken

families living with their mother hardly see their fathers in more than one year.

Another related literature from Anderson’s (2014) states that divorced mothers are

less able to provide emotional support to their children; this could possibly be one

of the factors that can destroy a child’s trust from his/her parent.

Becoming Precocious. At a young age, our participants experienced had

already thought of assuming responsibility to do things that kids their age do not

usually think of. Because of their unique experiences, they were forced to cope up

by becoming mature. Majority of our participants have siblings and the moment

their parents separated; they felt a sense of responsibility on their part that is a

must. Our participants thought that due to the situation, they need to protect their

younger siblings for they are more capable to understand the situation. This,

unfortunately, is not a good thing for them as they are not yet ready to face this

kind of situation yet they are facing it anyway.

Becoming mature and different from other kids hinders them to witness how

others at their age act. Elmore (2012) states that a child who takes in information

that they are not mentally prepared to hear and take in yet has a negative effect

on his/her emotional state. Indeed, they were able to face the reality earlier than

others. Further, one of our participants experienced being the sole boy in the family

and even without a father beside him, it made him realize how his situation is in

contrast from the others. However, it resulted him for better results wherein he is

able to understand the girls more.

This is proven in when other children are struggling growing up without a

father, Anonymous (2017) stated that it was difficult for him to maintain a normal

relationship with his father. As the oldest child, he experienced to be a shelter to

his siblings where he felt relieved that his siblings were still young to understand

what was really happening. One of his experiences was having two separate

homes—mother and father’s home—to live on and it was not easy. Every time he

visited his mother, he would then witness her crying as well as when he’s with his

father. Another statement from Elmore (2012) says that a child who takes in

information that they are not mentally prepared to hear and take in yet has a

negative effect on his/her emotional state.

Focus on the Family Singapore (2018) said that living with only one parent

was difficult for Aaron to cope up with his emotions since at the age of 10, his

parents separated and he has to take care of his one-year old sister, Delia. As he

was growing up and undergoes puberty, he had to balance his studies as well as

his responsibility to her sister. He was still in the moment of understanding what

was really happening and how his family suddenly changed overnight as he also

tried to sort out his emotions about the situation. But regardless of his experiences

at the young age, Aaron was able to grow and stand up along with her sister and

finally understood all of those misconceptions they had about relationships.


Mixed Feelings Toward their Parents. Our participants built various

emotions towards any of their parent which is evident for they are all in the same

ground which is a member of a broken family. Prominent to their situation, the

participants are expected to feel emotions due to the impact of the situation to

them. Some of our participants have shown their hatred towards their parent and

some just neutrality. What is common to all of them is despite of how cruel their

situation is, they still possess even a little sense of longing and love to their parents.

However, even there is still love left in their heart, it does not neglect the

fact that they have been hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally. For Youth

Voices (2017), although she is staying with her mother, it seems that her mother

is not present which led her to cause irregular emotions towards her mother. Most

of the time, she felt angry whenever her mother seemed not to be paying attention

to her life but sometimes, she would also feel happy every time she is with her

mother. When other children are struggling growing up without a father,

Anonymous (2017) stated that it was difficult for him to maintain a normal

relationship with her father. As the oldest child, he experienced to be a shelter to

his siblings where he felt relieved that his siblings were still young to understand

what was really happening. One of his experiences is having two separate

homes—mother and father’s home—to live on and it was not easy.


Table 1 Comparison of Cross-Case Analysis

I. Lived Experiences Chocolat Blueberr Vanill Strawberr Chees

e y a y e

a) Parents’ Shaky ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

b) Spectator during ✓ ✓ ✓
Parents’ Arguments

c) The Existence of ✓ ✓ ✓

d) Positivity Beyond ✓ ✓

e) Always Alone at ✓

f) Home Does Not ✓ ✓

Feel Like Home

g) Contentment and ✓ ✓

h) Feels Comfortable ✓
at Home

I) Sister as the Only ✓

Companion at Home

j) Neglected During ✓

k) Witness to Third- ✓ ✓
Party Abuse

l) Longing for ✓ ✓
Complete Family

m) Witness to Parents’ ✓ ✓

n) Optimistic ✓ ✓
Regardless of the

o) Awkward Family ✓ ✓


a) Lacking Both ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Parental Figures as a

b) Pining for a ✓ ✓
Complete Family

c) Becoming ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

d) Mixed Feelings ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Toward their Parents

e) Difficulties in the ✓ ✓
Financial State

f) Difficulties in ✓

g) Pleased with the ✓

Way Things Are

h) Not Wanting a ✓ ✓
Repeat of the Past

i) Independent and ✓ ✓

j) Longing for a Safe ✓


k) Depression and ✓



This study presents the lived experiences and challenges/concerns faced

by five Senior High School students in Malayan Colleges Mindanao who come

from different broken families. Generally speaking, the circumstances experienced

by the participants which include their parents’ shaky relationship, being a

spectator during parents’ arguments and the existence of half-siblings are the

personal experiences that most of them had undergone through.

In addition, the participants have also identified several

challenges/concerns relative to being a member of a broken family, namely lacking

both parental figures as a constant, becoming precocious, and having mixed

feelings towards their parents. For them, the lack of both parental figures as a

constant fixture in their lives affected their childhood in a very profound way. There

were times when they cannot help but compare themselves from children living

with both parents. While usually, both parents in a complete family are present and

active as their children’s role models, the participants’ parents were not. Because

of this, most of the participants desire to have a complete family again, even if it

means putting everything behind the past. The reflections our participants had

made us see how the Attachment, Psychosocial Development, and Behavioral

theory supports this study, but the assertion that these are the definite factors for

how the participants currently behave given their situation is still up for question.

Consequently, we would like to review the results we have gotten based from the

cross-case analysis we constructed in the previous chapter.


Implications for Members of Broken Families

When a family’s relationship gets shattered, it is usually because of both

parents’ unresolved conflicts. However, it is the child who gets affected with this

problem the most since they are the ones in the middle of the conflict. This situation

can damage the child’s life in every aspect including his/her way of growing up

(Chirban, 2017).

Since most people are not exactly privy to what the experiences of these

children are, we had deemed it necessary to share some of these children’s

insights and personal experiences so as to raise awareness and further

knowledge. The voices of these children deserve to be heard, after all. Based from

the experiences of our five participants, we will be drawing our conclusions that

may help those who need to know more about the situation of children from broken


Parents’ Shaky Relationship. All five participants agreed that if the

marriage of their parents had withstood the problems they had, they would not

have had separated. It seemed that the lack of assurance in their parents’

relationship led them to take another path. On the understanding that both of their

parents have surpassed the challenges in life, our participants, Chocolate,

Blueberry, Vanilla, Strawberry, and Cheese would not have to experience being in

a broken family. This suggested that the outcome of their parents’ association

would also affect the lives of our participants.

Saikia (2016) stated in the All Research Journal titled Broken family: Its

causes and effects on the development of children that the second cause of the

separation of the parents is unfaithfulness. It seemed that the married couple

should have built faithfulness with each other however circumstances were bound

to happen and the outcomes suffered the five participants of our study. This

suggested that the unfaithfulness of the parents towards each other and their

desire toward other made the couple separated and the family to be destroyed.

Spectator during Parents’ Arguments. Based on our study, three of our

participants had experienced seeing their parents fight over problems they could

have not yet understood due to their young age. Although despite not

comprehending the full situation, they knew well enough that seeing their parents’

fighting—in front of them, no less—was not a good thing. In Hollowniczky’s (2016)

story, she shared one of her unforgettable moment with her family wherein they

were on a trip in the Disney World. She witnessed how her parents loved each

other not until she found them screaming and crying. She was six-year-old when

her parents divorced and even had no idea what divorced was all about.

Because of this issue, they might also be undergoing through emotional

turmoil, which, according to Patel (2016), is one of the negative ways a child from

a broken family get affected about the matter. Thorp (2019) defines emotional

turmoil or emotional distress as being carried away by negative emotions when an

accumulation of stress is present. Being placed in a situation where two of your

loved ones are arguing to the point of separation, it is inevitable to feel emotionally


The Existence of Half-Siblings. Most of the participants’ parents had gone

their separate ways after they both separated, and one of the things that occurred

right after was them having a new family of their own. Chocolate, Blueberry, and

Strawberry mentioned having half-siblings as an experience that happened right

after their parents’ separation, all coming from their father's’ new family. This

proves that one of the causes behind a broken family is that it may also be due to

the other parent having another family on their own with their original child with the

other partner (Look Upgrade, 2018).

Lacking Both Parental Figures as a Constant. Ever since their parents’

separation, all of the participants either only had one parent or no parent at all to

guide them as they grew up. They all agreed that having only one parent really

affected them throughout their childhood and that their parents would either make

them feel incomplete or suffer emotionally. As cited in Fagan and Churchill’s (2012)

related literature, a study in 1996 showed that lower than half of children from

broken families living with their mother hardly see their fathers in more than one

year. Another related literature from Anderson’s (2014) states that divorced

mothers are less able to provide emotional support to their children; this could

possibly be one of the factors that can destroy a child’s trust from his/her parent.

Becoming Precocious. Majority of our participants became mentally

mature when they were still children because of their predicament. They did not

get to enjoy the luxury of acting their age as they were thrown into a situation they

were not yet prepared to face, ideally speaking. Instead of playing and thinking

about childlike things, they thought about how to take care of their siblings (as with

Chocolate’s case) and how to sort out their feelings and make things better for

themselves. According to Elmore (2012), a child who takes in information that they

are not mentally prepared to hear and take in yet has a negative effect on his/her

emotional state. Indeed, they were able to face the reality earlier than others. This

means that they are used to think and act maturely.

Mixed Feelings Toward their Parents. Majority of the participants

explicated their situation having mixed feelings toward their parents. It seemed that

because they had experienced being incomplete at the young age, various

emotions had built during the process. The sudden happenings made them to feel

several feelings that is unusual for kids who have complete family. In the forum of

For Youth Voices (2017), a girl who lived with her mother felt that her mother is not

mentally present although they lived under the same roof. Due to this, sometimes

she felt irregular emotions such as hatred and anger but considering that she still

has her mother made her happy at the same time. This implies that our participants

happened to build various feelings toward their parents for the reason of their

family status.

Recommendation for Future Research

Even though broken families had existed since as long as civilization could

date back due to the falling out of two parents, it does not mean that this study

could easily be understandable by all. However, it is possible for future researchers

to take whatever we had put into this research to further the study of accepting and

realizing how or what it feels like to be part of a broken family. These researchers

may also opt to use a quantitative approach to this concept in order to get the

perceptions of even more students, in contrast to the rather limited experience

approach in this study. The more data they could gather the more this study would

be fruitful of information that could allow us to have a deeper understanding on

such topic. This alternative approach is also going to cement the experiences of

the participants in this research as more people can now relate their experiences,

though in a more numerical method, in order to prove or disprove the experiences

of the few. Future researchers may try to bond with the participants in a closer level

to initiate more information out of them and to further understand these feelings

that the participants had felt at the time till now.

Furthermore, it would also be beneficial for future researchers to look into

the experiences of the people in their lives during their hard times as well in order

to gain different sides or opinions the story of their hard times. This is to create a

proper vantage point for institutions in evaluating the effect and potency of this

adopted approach in their institutions. To gather the thoughts from different people

and to evaluate the amount of information to make sure to reach a level of

understanding through these different types of information.

Concluding Remarks

We have discussed the lived experiences and challenges faced by students

from broken families in this study, and most of what had been discussed are

circumstances that they had gone through which had all started since their parents’

separation. As young children back then, they were forced to face the ugly side of

reality and grow out of their innocent stages in life. They became prematurely

mature, in a manner of speaking, and this had brought upon a huge impact on their

lives. These experiences they had led them to live lives that were entirely different

from children who grew up under intact families, and although some of the

participants are satisfied with the way things are, some are not as well. This implies

that not all children from broken families feel a sense of longing to have their family

complete again and that this entirely depends on how they feel about the situation.

However, because of the difficulties they have confronted, these children cannot

help but feel various feelings towards their parents, who were the main catalysts

of their unfortunate family break-up. May it be hatred, love, confusion, or apathy—

they all feel some sort of intense emotion to both of their parents. Also, it can be

said that the feelings they have for one parent contrast to what they feel for

another, and this had entirely depended on which parent they were or were not

attached to throughout the years.

The situations that these children from broken families were put into were

no mere walks in the park. But despite their unusual circumstances, they managed

to make do and cope up in their own ways. Now, in their current age, they had all

arrived to the same thought—that when they grow up and have a family of their

own, they want to make things right this time. For them, these experiences molded

them to become the person they are today. Hopefully, through the realizations we

had brought to light, other children from broken families will be encouraged to feel

proud about themselves and realize that their background do not define who they

are as individuals, and that they may find it within themselves to share their

experiences about family relationships.



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Interview Guide Topic: Experiences and Challenges of Students from Broken


Time of Interview:






1. In your own perspective, how do you define a home?

2. What caused the separation of your parents?
3. What was your life after the separation of your family? If the question does not
apply to you, your life like as a member of it?
4. Do you find the idea of your parents’ marriage restored a good idea? Why or why
5. What are the challenges that you have faced being relative to a member of a
broken family?




P1 P2 (Blueberry) P3 (Vanilla) P4 P5 (Cheese)

(Chocolate) (Strawberry)
Q2 If you say So, very, uh, this one’s a very What I know is This one Ah, the main
separation complicated separation of theirs, this part ever since I was a happened reason of the
of parents, (S1). Because long story short, they— kid, they already when I was separation of
it’s sort of um, in a—usually, when it’s a problem broke up like when I was my parents
their lack of between a husband and a wife, they there are a lot of in kinder (S1). Ah, they
trust should be the only ones involved (S2). issues like for (S1)?... don't have
towards Though they can ask for advice, but that example, a factor Kinder time for each
each other should be kept to themselves because is money then it’s around that other
so that’s it’s their problem so they must be the like they are not time (S2). because
where, what ones to solve it (S3). But, in my family’s really into each That was they're so
do you call case—in our case, the siblings of my, uh, other (S1). But I when began busy at work
that (S1)? father, they were the ones who, um, the know the part to separate (S2). And, a
The rea—made things worse (S4). Because where it’s the (S3) I was at lot of
cheating they involved themselves in (S5)… They most recent, grade 1, so I misunderstan
ordeal meddled with my parents’ arguments latest issue is really don’t ding (S3).
happened (S6). So, my parents were fighting, right when we were know
(S2)... Yes (S7)? Then they appear and were the involved, us anything the
(S3)... I don’t ones telling my dad stuff like: “Hey, sisters because reason why
know (S4). I *Blueberry’s mother’s name* is doing this there was an (S4). I guess
guess they and that (S8).” They were spitting out lies ongoing legal it’s because
got fed up (S9). Then, unfortunately my dad is too lawsuit that they of a third
with each stupid that he believed in his siblings filed against the party (S5)?
other (S5)? (S10). I guess blood is thicker than water, other lawsuit But I’m not
Or I don’t know (S11). But yeah, he’s too about money too sure (S6)…
miscommun stupid (S12). And so, that was it (S13). it’s like that so No, I
ication or He believed in the lies that his siblings more or less decided just
something were saying and that’s what caused a about money and not to ask
(S6)?... very messy situation that I am in (S14)… child support (S7). Since
Because So I was from school and then, on my (S2)… Yes, growing up, I
from what I way home, the one who fetched (S15)… broken I feel like just
heard, I’m was grade 1, I guess (S16)? Grade 1 it’s already been understood
sometimes, or Grade 2 (S17)? Something like that so long since they the fact that,
dad returns (S18). Yeah, I already had my younger aren’t together “Eh, they
late from his sibling at the time, *Blueberry’s younger but what keeps separated.”
work (S7). sibling’s name* (S19). And I was from them together is (S8) It’s just,
And that’s school, fetched by my nanny and then, I us their children one of the
where mom was shocked (S20). Because instead of then because of things you
started to going home to where we lived at which support they are as a
doubt, you was at my father’s side, we went straight cannot separate child, being
see (S8). to my grandma’s house (S21)… My with each other clueless
Then that mother’s side (S22). They happened to because it’s my (S9)... Yes
was where be neighbors (S23). The only boundary’s dad who supports (S10)… I
dad got a school, a public school (S24). So, I got us it’s like we’re also don’t
kicked out of shocked when—but I initially sensed living together know about
the house nothing wrong—ahh, okay since as a with my mom but that (S11)...
and was left child I thought, “Ahh, just a visit to the support is I haven’t
to sleep at granny!” just like that (S25). But I got coming from (S12). I
where he more surprised when I went inside daddy so it’s like guess I
works, that’s grandma’s house and saw all of our that their ties to haven’t
it (S9). things there (S26). So, of course, you’ll— each cannot be asked him
of course as a kid, I was still a kid, severed (S3)… about why
thinking of nothing much (S27). Only Yes (S4)… Yeah, they
thinking about playing and toys, right but it’s my dad separated
(S28)? Of course, you’ll be surprised why who supports us (S13). But I
all of your things just happened to be at (S5)… It was really think
the house of your grandma (S29). So, around grade 6, it’s because
okay, I initially thought of it as nothing after grade 6 of a third
(S30). But I asked questions: “Why here, graduation (S6)… party (S14)?
yaya?” “Lola, why are there—why are our Because she a— I think (S15).
stuff here?” or something along those ah that’s the part That’s just
lines (S31). So, I guess it was a few that’s what I mean my hunch
weeks, maybe (S32)? Um, I’m not really, from last time that (S16). But
as a—since as a child, you can’t really the most recent I’m not really
ask questions like that, especially to issue because sure, like,
mommy (S33)… It was out of hesitation that was the time they don’t
because I can see, you know, you can when there’s really tell
see it in in my mother’s eyes (S34). That already a case me—they
it’s dull, lifeless, and it’s always red then it becomes don’t really
because of crying (S35)… She did not, complicated then open up
um, let it show but I could definitely see I felt toxic it’s like things about
traces of her crying (S36). I decided not she was using me that (S17).
to ask (S37). Because at first, I hesitated for money it’s like About their
because if I ask, she’ll get even more hurt for legal stuff that separation
(S38). So, I just kept it to myself (S39). I didn’t (S18)...
And then, perhaps a few weeks, I don’t understand then
know, I guess I woke up—char (S40). I it’s like I was
woke up to face the reality, that it’s over fooled to sign a
(S41)… No, sin—I just noticed it by document then I
myself since it was becoming evident that didn’t know
we weren’t returning home, I said, “When anything then little
are we going to go home (S42)?” I was did I know that it’s
asking—I asked her but it was asked in a like. (S7)
hesitant manner (S43). Since I didn’t Because in order
want to hurt her feelings (S44). I didn’t to ask a certain
want to reopen wounds that was still amount of money
fresh—that still hadn’t been healed, let’s from daddy every
say (S45). It was just out of the blue, um, month in order to
this idea of a broken family, their cut, (S8) The
separation, crossed my mind (S46). It connection
was like, “Ah, they might have broken between me and
up,” for me (S47). I had another few daddy it’s like
weeks after I also realized (S48). I sort of (S9) The money
asked—uh, it was explained by my mom will be given to
(S49). And, of course I didn’t know much, mama then she
I was a little bit confused though I knew, will be the one to
“Ah, they really have broken up (S50).” It give it to all of us.
was only explained to me (S51). Since (S10) No it’s like
my sibling was still young, *Blueberry’s it’s not in their
younger sibling’s name* was still a baby agreement it’s like
(S52). I guess months old, something like she just let me
that (S53). Err no, probably 1 year old sign it it’s like let’s
(S54). Yes, therefore she wouldn’t say i wanted to
understand (S55). So, that’s it—that was cut the ties it’s like
where I began to understand that, “Ah, that but (S11) It’s
my parents have separated. (S56).” And not like cutting the
then, my mom was really honest because ties but it’s like all
she told me everything (S57)… She hid money will be
nothing from me (S58). Though there are given to mama
some that she, I wouldn’t call it hid, but directly and it
things she didn’t say because it might would not be
hurt—so that I wouldn’t be hurt (S59). So, (S12)… Yah and I
she just withheld some information about think she’s asking
their separation (S60). So, as I grew up, money like it’s for
as time passed by, she discussed these example I can’t
things to me (S61). She slowly opened remember the
up the information she had withheld amount but it’s
(S62). And there came a time when my like one hundred
father also told me the reason why they thousand every
separated (S63). Which is another month or more
version—it’s his—his version (S64)… I from daddy for
guess, um, I don’t remember (S65)… A mama will only,
few weeks also (S66)? Since that time, (S13) To handle
we were still communicating via video the money for our
call (S67). You know, talk by asking needs like that it’s
typical questions, the usual (S68). So like it’s like that so
that was it (S69). Ay, actually, I really was more or less if that
at the time, because, I woke up to a noise would happen our
(S70). I guess it was around 3 am (S71). connection with
It was then I realized that it was my mom our dad will be cut
and dad talking causing the noise, they it’s like that but
were arguing through video call (S72). that is not the
Then that’s when I thought, “Oh no, main reason why
they’re arguing (S73).” I then pretended they separated
to be asleep because I wanted to know but that is the
what really caused it (S74). And I was still reason why I was
confused because there were two separated with
versions of the story so I didn’t know who mama like why I
to believe but I was took my mother’s left her. (S14)…
side more because I always, uh, we were No this incident
always together (S75). But of course, as happened after
a kid you get easily confused, easily grade 6 then it’s
fooled, right (S76)? And at the time I was like I was
also wondering if the things my dad told brainwashed and
were actually true (S77). But I was more all so it’s like I felt
inclined to side with my mom (S78). And toxic so I left her
then, I heard mommy crying and then, and transferred to
since the speaker was on loud speaker daddy’s house.
(S79). So, I could clearly hear the things (S15)… Not
my dad was saying (S80). Then that was anymore, like
where I also got hurt by—I was hurting for they are pushing
my mom (S81). Because he was telling me to visit her like
my mom things like, “You know, you’re a they told me to
slut,” non-verbatim (S82). That, “You visit her but I don’t
have two guys with you,” like that and, really like it
“You do nothing but do drugs and drink anymore then my
nonstop (S83).” And of course, I didn’t stepmom is telling
believe a word he had uttered because me that it’s my
she’s my constant companion, has mom so I need to
always really been my mom (S84). And I understand her
know for a thing that nothing he had said since no one can
was true because there was no basis for replace your mom
it (S85). The only thing I see that my but for me it’s like
mother had actually done was her I don’t really want
watching over me, that’s it (S86). She it to do anymore
watches over my younger sibling, then like I never
watches over me and nothing else (S87). miss her like okay
I got really hurt by what he said (S88). So, sometimes I can
what I did out of anger and realization, I feel longing like
got angry (S89). I screamed, yeah, then I oh I need a mom
turned off the video call (S90). It was but never it’s like I
probably the first time I swore out loud can’t seem to
(S91). So that was it, that was when I miss her and it’s
reached my breaking—it’s not really like I never look
breaking point, but that was what made for her again.
me realize that it’s not mommy’s fault (S16)… No more.
(S92). It was because of daddy (S93). (S17).
P1 (Chocolate) P2 (Blueberry) P3 (Vanilla) P4 (Strawberry) P5 (Cheese)
Q3 So actually, they So, before their I’ll become Maybe it’s just So the question
separated when I was separation since I was a emotionally that, throughout really doesn't
at grade one (S1). So, child, it was happy. (S1) affected. the years my apply to me
the situation was sort Because, you know, (S1) Yes childhood was a because my
of, they separated and happy family (S2). My because it’s blur (S1)… parents
got back together parents were there, my my dad who Because, I separated when I
again, separate, get younger sibling was there supports in don’t—as in, it’s was still young I
back, separate, get (S3). We go to church everything just that I don’t think I was still a
back—until they finally together, like that (S4). like he is want to remember baby at that time
did separate (S2). At And, what else, and then really (S2). Since, it’s, so it doesn't really
first I still didn’t know every time that we have generous those things were apply to me and I
that—I wasn’t used our outings, the two of like he’s just a part of my don't know what
seeing dad at home them are always present giving all of past so I don’t was their life all
back then so (S3)... to—eat out, so (S5)... our needs really want to about so as a
Yes, he’s usually at his Well, he’s...he’s the first and wants remember (S3). member of a
work (S4). So, that’s man that I loved. (S6) And but ever Really, you mean separated family I
where it started—back the first man who broke since my my past before, still find it kinda
at the time, dad’s my heart (S7). That’s it dad is really um, the broken sad because
business was still new (S8). And, you know, I the one family (S4)? I there's no one
so he had to work really looked up to him like he supporting guess I don’t there to (S1) To
hard (S5). Then, was my superhero, like us in remember guide me on how I
eventually I noticed my that (S9). And then he everything anything (S5). grow up as a
mom going out late at suddenly was, nah. (S10) like all wants Things like what, because my
night (S6). So, that’s Apparently not? (S11) in home. being happy family is they're all
where eventually Haha. (S12) Na-wrong? (S2) it’s all (S6)? Well I think girls my sisters,
until—she always goes (S13) Haha. Na-joke—so because of the only thing I yeah my sister
out at night and I asked it was a joke? (S14) Yeah. money? can remember is yah. (S2) And so
her, “What?” (S7) And, So, my life before the (S3) Yes the—that first I'm the only boy in
as time passed by she separation of my parents. wait I’m in time I saw them the (S3) Family so
started bringing a man I guess I could say (S15)... an fighting, the there's no one to
at home and that’s It’s not perfect. (S16) It interview... second time I saw guide me on how I
where it started (S8)... was ideal, in a way. what I feel them fighting should grow yeah
Well, I felt nothing, I just Because you know, my right now is (S7)… We really without my father
called him tito (S9)... I parents were there, like it’s only witnessed it so I kinda found it
still haven’t known happy—we were happy, I the money (S8)... That was sad because
(S10). But sometimes, I think (S17). But that is the first time I saw without my father,
got angry at mom for apparently there were keeping our them do it there's no one to
leaving whenever she already some things that connection because the guide me (S4)
goes out at night, were—(S18) So that was with daddy second fight I saw
because I didn’t want to it. (S19) Naa na diay like we’re was really legit
be left alone at home merlet-merlet (S20). not always intense (S9). It
with the nanny and as I Turns out there was— seeing each was really legit
was still quite young things had gone awry. other intense, really
back then (S11)... I (S21) So, that was my life because of because it really
think they had already before. I could—it’s not that I can went physical
separated during this perfect but rather, uh, feel that the (S10). That’s all
time because dad ideal. And life after...(S24) money is that I can
doesn’t return home Up until now? (S25) really the remember from
anymore (S12)... What Whenever I see—let’s reason my childhood
I have felt back then say, uh, whenever we go example if (S11). Those
(S13)? Well, I got sad to church, I see a mother, you’ll cut the happy moments, I
because my mom and a father, their children, allowances can’t remember
dad couldn’t keep me and they’re happy. (S26) I our my birthday, I
company (S14). Let’s feel really, uh, wistful connection guess (S12). I
say example, at school (S27). Because, “Oh, will also stop cannot remember
a long time ago there’s would you look at that, a for there’s any semblance of
always someone complete family,” and already a my happy times
picking me up and here I am with a messy low (S13). Whenever
usually it’s my nanny life, you know (S29). possibility they, they recall
(S15). So, my mom Sometimes, um, I see this, that we’ll things about
rarely does that (S16). uh, young couple with see each memories like,
Sometimes, well long their baby and I always other more “You used to this
ago, school was wish that, Lord, I hope this often then and that.” (S14) I
already dismissed so I baby will grow up with we’re not can’t remember,
waited at the school to his/her parents together really that as in, it’s all a blur
be picked up until si— (S30). And, you know, I close so I (S15). I also don’t
the dismissal time was don’t want another child to could feel want to remember
five pm since I was still experience—for other sometimes (S16)... What
grade one (S17). So, I children to experience that it is happened was
waited—I fell asleep their parents’ separation really the sudden, the fact
until nine pm just to because it’s, um, a really money that we
wait and that’s where heavy feeling to bear with what’s immediately left
my mom picked me up (S31). I pity them for it keeping us (S17)... From our
around nine (S18)... I because I don’t want them connected house (S18). It’s
left it be, I was happy to suffer what I’ve been then I would where—they
anyway because at through (S32). So, my life feel like decide—so there
least I was picked up right now after the sometimes they decided to
(S19)... Oh that (S20). I breakup of my parents, he’s trying to finally separate
have a younger sibling, let’s say a rollercoaster fill the void (S19)... They
and we’re separated, ride, ups and downs. but I know didn’t, they didn’t
so back then, even as a (S33) I would say there that the tell us anything
child I had already felt are times that it’s money like, “We’re
bearing the excessively down, like it cannot leaving.” of the
responsibility of, I would take a few more really fill that sorts, or, “We’re
should be the one to, days before it would void for it is going to
well, shoulder the become just average. only love separate.” (S20)
burdens of the family (S34) (S35) And then it and Zilch, nothing at
because it’s gone, would go down again, and attention all (S21). As in,
mom already has a then a long time again, or which can fill my mom just
different family, and so something like that. So that void like decided that—we
does dad (S21). So, I yeah, that’s life after that. (S4) were surprised,
feel like I’m the only (S36)... Obviously, I lived Let’s say I when we, uh,
one left to assume the with my mom because my get sad? suddenly moved
responsibility of being a dad is not always in the (S5) What? out of the house
parent to my younger Philippines because he’s like I wish I (S22)... We lived
sibling because we’ve working abroad. (S37) didn’t? (S6) I with mom (S23).
got no choice, we’re the Though if there are never Then, at first, I
same, we were left occasions at my dad’s thought that used to not visit
behind (S22). So that’s side, usually he, um. because my my dad because I
where I felt responsible (S38) He gets me and my mindset is was really scared
for protecting my younger sibling to like I don’t of him (S24)...
younger sibling from, I celebrate it with them, you blame Hmm (S25)... It’s
should be the to protect know. Birthday, death everything because as in, he
my sibling instead of anniversaries of my to my can be really
my parents (S23)... grandparents from my surrounding scary (S26). He’s,
Health background, father’s side. (S39) let’s say in he gets angry
something like that Sometimes, Christmas my easily, like that
(S24)? I got sick Eve but we don’t surrounding (S27). It’s, he’s
because of my ears celebrate Christmas with I feel this very hotheaded
(S25). It used to hurt all them. (S40) We always go mindset is (S28). So, that’s
the time (S26). Every home before midnight weird it—then, since
night, and then they because we always because my there wasn’t
didn’t really mind at the celebrate important mindset is anymore, so I
time because I was just holidays with my mom every can’t really, I
directed to the hospital because she deserves problem that really didn’t want
every time it would hurt more that—than them, will be given to (S29). Then,
(S27)... Well mom and that’s why. (S41) Uh, it’s to me is like the time when
the others, they just put difficult because, you a way of was I was forced
me in the hospital know, I am the child and God for me to go there, things
(S28). And when mom yet I feel like they are the to were already fine
and dad separated, I ones acting like my age, understand (S30). So, I
was immediately—it playing that tug-of-war better and in transfer houses
was my grandmother and I am the one who is in order for the frequently (S31).
who got me out of there the middle. (S42) So, they situation to During weekends,
(S29)... My are like—they—it really get better I I was at my dad’s
grandparents from my was a struggle as—as a never (S32). But when
dad’s side (S30)... My child, yeah (S43)... Yes thought like I it’s weekdays, I
younger sibling was (S44). Yes. (S45) It really wish I was stay with my mom
taken there (S31). My has a big effect—to the not born like (S33)... Me, the
younger sibling and I children, the separation of that (S7) two of us with my,
sort of separated since a couple, really (46)... So, And I never well, older brother
we were taken one by it was also difficult, blame it in (S34)... Hmm
one—me at dad’s side because as of the my parents’ (S35)... I think
and my younger sibling moment, still, um, my situation of there’s none
at mom’s side (S32)... father is the one who’s why the (S36). I think
No (S33)... Yes (S34)... paying for my tuition. situation is there’s this
Dad used to, I also (S47) So, every time happening. (S37)... I didn’t
don’t know, well he was there’s something that (S8) I never feet any, um, any
still single or something needs to be paid at it never less different,
(S35). And I’m sure school, or tuition, I need to crossed my that, since my
mom already had a, reach out to him (S48). mind to mom really
during that time a—her And reaching out to him is harm myself provided me with
lover (S36). So yeah, I a very difficult task to do like that everything I
call him, well as a sign (S49)... It’s more like a because needed (S38).
of respect, I call him tito task rather than— even I have She didn’t lack
(S37). And he was because he’s very hard to low pain with giving me
introduced to me talk to. (S50) He has a lot tolerance what I want at all
formally so I hold no of intricacies; he asks a lot and when it (S39). So, she’s
grudges (S38). It of questions before you comes to really enough, so,
seemed like they had can have what you’re wounds I didn’t face pro—
some kind of closure asking (S51). And, you then I get if we’re talking
where, “Let’s just know, he has a lot of scared with about that well,
remain friends,” requests (S52). So, it’s blood so there’s this feeling
something like that really—he’s not straight to even me it that hopefully,
(S39)... It can’t be the point (S53). So, that’s didn’t cross what’s the feeling
called bad terms, but very difficult (S54). Also, my mind like of being complete
it’s not good as well when, you know, even how while growing up
(S40). It’s like they’re recognitions, you want, complicated (S40)? That’s it
strangers to each what do you call this my situation (S41)... Hmm
other, that sort of thing (S55)? For once, it’s when is I never (S42). I want to
(S41). They just meet you want your family to be thought like wonder, what if,
with each other when it complete and forget about that. (S9) we weren’t a
comes to me (S42). what happened for just a That would broken family
There was a time little while (S56). But, um, come to the (S43)? However,
when, because there— it’s hard to achieve point that I’ll things are okay
I had gotten in a because (S57)... It take my life now (S44). I’m
problem, and I got already happened. (S58) and all? contented (S45).
operated because I Though, there are times, (S10)
always felt pain in my like my recognition
ears, my eardrums got (S59)... This, um, last year
bored into holes (S43). (S60)... Yes, he was
Then, that’s where my there. (S61) And you
mom and dad came know, I totally didn’t feel
together, so it felt like that we were complete
we were united or that time because you
something (S44)... know, the awkwardness.
Happy (S45). Because (S62) Yeah. (S63) As
they were there much as I want to, it’s
together (S46)... Not at impossible, no (S64)?
all (S47). Why would I Like recognitions, before,
feel awkward (S48)? he can’t really go because
When it’s my, well, of his work (S65). But
birthday wish that there are times that he
seemed very can attend (S66). But
impossible to happen that’s that—the point is,
(S49)... It happened still (S67). I can’t feel the
thrice because I perfect family that I’m
underwent operations wishing because of the
three times (S50)... situation because it’s
Hmm (S51). Whenever awkward (S68). Every
there’s problems time that—as I—every
(S52)... No, impossible time my mom and dad
(S53)... Dad (S54). But would talk, it—they—it
whenever I say that it’s would end up in an
my birthday so they argument (S69). So, that’s
should be there, they why, no (S70)? That’s
respond by saying, “It’s what it is. (S71) Um,
not possible, if your it’ emotional state,
mom’s there, well I my emotional and mental
won’t go.” (S55) It’s like state? (S72) Um...messy?
that and if dad’s there, (S73) Because there are
then my mom won’t go times it’s depressing,
as well (S56). But there there are times where I
was this one time when don’t care (S74). There
I managed to force are times that, well not to
mom to go (S57). She say—um, it’s not happy
went during my (S75). I’ve never been
fourteen years—my really genuinely happy
birthday during my after what happened
fourteenth, yes (S76). I’m happy but at the
fourteenth birthday end of the day, I—nothing,
(S58)... N—it’s fine— sad (S77). But, yeah.
it’s okay and not okay (S78) I don’t know how to
(S59). Something close explain it, but it’s difficult
to that (S60)… I am because I was really
happy because they young when I experienced
are happy (S61). But it (S79). I was forced to be
it’s not okay as well mature because of the
because my situation (S80). I didn’t get
grandmother from to experience my
dad’s side wanted to childhood, in a--oh yeah.
annul my parents’ (S81) That’s why (S82)...
marriage, so it means Got sick? (S83)... Or got
their marriage would sick that (S84)… So,
have to be cut off so I *Interviewer’s name*
am against this already knows that we are
because at least, I have struggling financially.
a family that’s valid only (S85) Because the
in paper, in written form financial support that’s
I have a family (S62). given to me—to us by my
At least, even if I don’t father is insufficient
have a family in real (S86)... Now before, just
life, I have a family recently after the
that’s valid by law or on situation, we need to go to
paper (S63). get our allowance, yeah,
we still need to go to my
auntie, his sister in
siblings. (S87) “Tito, um,
we ran out of groceries.”
Before, they are the ones
buying groceries for us
and all our needs. That’s
why every time—like,
every month, if we ran out
of basic necessities,
there’s nothing left, so we
need to write it in a long
bond paper. All the
expenses that—all the
nece—uh, food, things
that we need, yeah. So,
they are the ones buying
for us, which is really, I
don’t know how to explain
this but it’s really
unbecoming. Really rude.
(S93) Because—it—yeah.
(S94) It really was a hard
pill to swallow. Because
like, hello? We’re the
family, right? My mom
was the one he married,
but...why is——why is it—
someone else—precisely.
(S98) Why are they the
ones doing, yeah. (S99)
But eventually, my mom
and dad talked about it.
So, they opened a joint
account of me and my
mom then that’s where he
puts our allowance for a
month, so yeah. That was
it. (S102) That time, it was
resolved, but just for a
little while. (S103)
P1 (Chocolate) P2 (Blueberry) P3 (Vanilla) P4 (Strawberry) P5
Q4 By restored, you So actually, up until For me is no I can’t really feel that Nah this one
mean them getting now, there’s this little because I think that they’re compatible I really don't
back together? (S1) side of me that’s still they’re better off for each other (S1)... find it a good
I don’t see a problem hoping that everything without each other As in, I can feel it idea
with it, I think it’s would get okay. (S1) and it looks like they (S2). Because, that because
nicer if they just get That the problem would became successful time, it’s like this, they already
back together but it be resolved, that once after they separated okay (S2)? When I made their
seems impossible again we would then it looks like it’s was a kid, I didn’t choices and
now since they become a happy not really happy but feel their love for I think that
already have family. (S2) But this somehow I’m each other (S3)... idea is the
children from other bigger part of me, this already happy and Yes, yes (S1). It’s idea of being
families (S2). So, logical side of me, contented of what I probably because of restored
yeah, that just thinks it’s really have in my life right the lack of affection kinda bad
means that I have impossible for my now and it’s look like (S2). It’s, from what I because if it
three families (S3). parents to be daddy is happier this remember there didn't work
My family, my family reconciled again (S3). time like there are really was no for the first
from my mom’s, my Because of the really some people affection (S3). My time then I
family from my dad’s situation and also who aren’t meant for mom wasn’t fond of think it
(S4)... Yes, a half- because of the each other to stay being, um, to my wouldn't for
brother and I also situation (S4). Because longer so I think that father (S4). I feel like the second
have a half-sister of—you know, my mom it’s now impossible my mom was mad time (S1).
(S5)... Not really, was really hurt (S5). It’s and also it never because of my dad,
since they’re with like the time when it crossed in my mind you see, while my
their mother, at happened it’s like her that someday they’ll mom was rather very
dad’s mistress world has been go back together. workaholic (S5).
(S6)... No (S7)... I crushed, like that (S6). (S1)… Like it Something like that,
think it’s nicer if it’s Then, it was like she crossed my mind then I guess, as in,
just exclusive within was stomped over and and suddenly I feel things went downhill
our family (S8). But over again—it’s like envy that they are (S6). Whenever we
what can I do, it had she’s cement, always happy and having eat dinner, it’s very
already happened being stomped over fun like that but I quiet (S7)... Hmm.
and I already have (S7). And now— never really envy It’s like there’s no
my half-siblings especially right now, that would come to (S8)… Hmm (S9)...
(S9)?... I do (S10). that I’ve seen through the point where I can Yes, but it’s like
They’re even nice to the lies my dad is say that I hope I everyone’s very
me (S11). And of feeding me (S8). would be like this distant because no
course—it would be Though I don’t believe and that, I hope this one’s talking (S10)...
bad if I don’t like it (S9). But still, you didn’t happen to me I think, last time I can
them since I’m the know (S10). I can because at the end remember that we
eldest so I really finally see his real of the day, I still have were complete as a
have to (S12)… intentions (S11). His a daddy and a family was, it’s
Yes—err well, I true personality (S12). stepmom and that’s nothing like it seems
guess you can call it So, that really is that she’s not trying but it was during my
close (S13). But we impossible for my to replace my mom graduation in grade
seldom see each parents to reconcile but somehow she’s 6 because I invited
other because we (S13). To be back trying to fill that void my dad so it was
don’t live together again (S14)... It’s really it’s like that so it’s only for that day but
(S14). Currently, I actually hard for my okay. (S2)… It’s it still didn’t warrant
live with my dad sister since she’s a okay so it’s really for anything (S11). I
because I’m ol—I’m daddy’s girl (S15). Up okay. (S3)… guess if you talk
already a grown up, I until now, she still Because ever since I about being
already have dec— wants to my parents to was young, I’m “complete” complete
well, since I can reconcile. (S16) Yes, already used to so it was when I guess
already decide as to because that’s it (S17). that I get really used around my
where I want to live She’s also still a baby to it already (S4)… kindergarten years,
(S15). So, I’m before—ah, after it What if they’ll be that or preparatory,
already at my dad’s happened (S18). She together again? (S5) around that time
place (S16). was just a year or two There’s nothing I can (S12)... It’s not,
Meanwhile, my old (S19). So, it’s much really do. (S6)… Yes because I think
younger sibling is more confusing for her like it’s now really they’re really not
still at our than painful. (S20) It impossible since compatible for each
grandparents was more painful for there are already a other (S13). It’s just
(S17)… Mhmm, me since I already have lot of things they’re not really for
Davao (S18)... witnessed what happening and it’s each other—as in, I
Permanent (S19)... happened. (S21) And, like they’re already really don’t feel their
Well I—it entirely it’s more confusing for happy in their life love for each other
depends on me her because she did separately because (S14). As in, even as
(S20). But I’m more not witness it (S22). So the issue has been a kid I had already
comfortable with my yeah, I know she has a so long already like felt that there was
father because he lot of questions running it’s already truly something
lives alone (S21). in her mind (S23)... impossible that they wrong, that the two
And it’s also Before, since I’m also, will come back of them don’t hold
because he doesn’t uh, retired—haha. together again. (S7) any feelings of love
live with his, well, (S24) Retired daddy’s Then like I already for each other
mistress (S22)... girl. (S25) Hahaha have younger (S15)... Yes (S16).
She lives at Digos (S26)... Haha (S27). siblings so like it’s As in the situation’s
(S23)... My mom Apparently, it is, truly impossible (S8) better now—the way
lives with her lover, haha—no. (S28) Yes. (S9)… Family? I see things now, I
and they already Before, I was obviously I am not sure but if can see that they’re
have a house (S24). closer with my dad, I’m like significant other happy living their
I wouldn’t want to close to him. (S29) But, is I don’t know own lives (S17). As,
impose since I also after what happened, maybe yes but I you know, separate
feel awkward (S25). you know, it was more, don’t really care at from each other
But it’s fine, we’re of course towards my all. (S10)… I no since they already
friends with tito mom (S30). My mom longer have news I have—my father
(S26)... Mom, then and I became closer don’t have already has a
after it’s dad (S27)... (S31). Our relationship communication with different family,
She’s the only one was further her I don’t have the while my mother has
looking after me strengthened because contacts. (S11) That a boyfriend too
before since my dad of what happened is for me but my (S18). So, you can
was still, at, at work (S32). And today, in other sibling, yes clearly see it—if you
(S28)... Lack of this time, we get to they have contact compare the
contact, we only see open up more but not with each other but relationship my
each other once a really haha. (S33) But for me, none (S12) mother has with her
month, twice a at least we already No my mom is the new boyfriend, it’s
month (S29)... Long open up to each other. one contacting my totally different
ago, I had (S30). Of (S34) And she— sibling. (S13) Her because you can
course, we were the especially her (S35). “Name of sister”. see that my mother’s
ones left behind so I Because she’s been (S14) She contacts happy with her new
really used to have ill keeping it inside her. her sometimes then relationship, as
feelings (S31). But (S36) So right now, like she wanted to compared to the
now I have accepted where she’s able to meet up like that but previous one she
it (S32)... I don’t hold freely open up things I don’t know if they had with my father
any ill feelings about (S37)... Ah, yes are meeting up but (S19)... They don’t
towards my dad (S38). Because I’m for me, no I don’t communicate with
because I feel like more mature now really care anymore each other anymore
he’s doing (S39)... Right now? and if she wanted to (S20). I guess they
everything to make (S40) I loathe him meet up like just let only talk when it’s
us happy despite (S41). Honestly (S42). I her be… if they will about me (S21)...
him having—I’m know hate is such a big meet up then okay I Yes (S22)... Well,
really grateful word (S43). It’s really, don’t care but for every time I go at his
because despite hate is some (S44). It’s me, I won’t house, he does give
having different like a taboo word (S45). anymore. (S15) It’s me money, but only
families they still Because it speaks, uh, not really constant if I go there (S23).
didn’t leave us it’s a really wide word. communication But I don’t really go
behind (S33). You (S46) Wide word. (S47) (S16) Yes like out of there that often
know, something But yeah, I do (S48). I the blue suddenly (S24)... It’s just my
like he handles loathe him (S49). But she would let her mom alone
paying for us to go to there’s this still, um, presence feel. shouldering all the
school even with his part of me that, you (S17)… I think it’s school fees (S25).
new family (S34)... know (S50). Since he’s okay with her My dad doesn’t
My mom doesn’t my dad. Of course, because she’s really provide any
provide financial there’s just a tiny part answering it money for that
support for me where, I don’t know. because if you don’t (S26)... Yes, zero
(S35). But I guess (S51) I love him want to you won’t. (S27).
she’s providing because obviously, (S18) She won’t
support to my he’s my dad (S52). So answer it. (S19)…
younger sibling that’s why in the end of Nope. (S20)
(S36). But most of the day. (S53) But,
the time it’s my dad that’s it. (S54) Most of
who handles and the part, yeah. (S55)
supports me
financially (S37).

P1 (Chocolate) P2 (Blueberry) P3 P4 (Strawberry) P5

(Vanilla) (Cheese)
Q5 I guess, nothing much (S1). In my part, in my part What do I’m thinking, if we look at it, So that
The challenges are, I guess really. (S1) It’s, you mean if we talk about challenges, was the
it’s accepting reality, that’s well—our financial like what there’s nothing much since challenge
the hard part (S2)... It was state because, yeah are the I previously said I was s, there's
when I was a child (S3)... No, (S2). Though my (S1) what already contented with the no one to
I still wasn’t aware at that mom has work but are the way things are, right (S1)? I guide me
time (S4). I was still a child the pay’s not that challenges think I’m only feeling the and if I
then (S5)... Well, it’s just, it’s high (S3). It’s just not that I’ve longing for a father that— have a lot
nothing really because it just enough. It cannot— faced? you know, a father figure, of
seems normal for me that her salary cannot (S2) that you can, well (S2). problems,
they go out because they last for a month’s Because Since you were just a child, there's no
don’t really tell me about it worth of expenses it’s like I’m confused on top of that, one really
and I didn’t know about their (S4). Although, broken “Why is my dad not here?” to answer
thing back then (S6). So, and—emotionally, family? It’s (S3) It’s like, um, you’re my
because of that I didn’t doubt yeah (S5). It’s really that it? very clueless—still clueless problems,
them at all (S7)... It was difficult, really hard (S3) for until now actually (S4). Why to listen
when mom came in with (S6). Um, because me, there’s didn’t they—um, didn’t to my
her—you know, tito, into our you know, that’s it no really they, “Why did they problems
house (S8)... When they (S7). You still have like separate?” you don’t know I mean
eventually told me that they this tiny hope--I still challenge a thing (S5). Since, you that's it.
really were going to have this tiny hope in or I never’s sort of, I guess (S1).
separate, the time I arrived at me that if I could— see it as a it’s just confusion, a longing
my grandparents’ place, and what do you call that challenge for a father figure because I
the time when mom left with (S8)? If I could go because never had anyone to act as
her lover (S9). And from back time (S9). if I as I’ve said a father figure it was just my
what I had perceived before, were given a chance like I’m mom throughout the years
mom had a lover, and dad to, travel back in already of my um, she really was
had no one (S10). That was time, I would do used to it the only one who took care
where I got really upset with anything (S10)... like since I of me (S6)... What did I feel
mom because of what she Just to prevent the was a kid (S7)? Well, as in, I was
had done, because of what situation to happen it’s already really scared of him (S8)...
she had done with dad who (S11). But that’s just broken so Hmm (S9). As in, he was
was just simply working hard wishful thinking, you like for me, intense, easily gets angry
(S10). And someone told don’t always get it didn’t (S9)... I guess right now I
me, my grandmother— what we want. (S12) really still do miss him however,
mommy, she told me that So yeah, it’s really become a there’s not much—I really
father was kicked out of the hard (S13). challenge don’t want to go there
house and was left to sleep Um...especially if at but it’s like anymore (S10). I guess it’s
on the mah jong playing school, for example, I noticed nothing, I just don’t want to
quarters, where the billiard when there’s some that since (S11)... Actually, I’m fine
board was, by the chairs events that, you it’s broken with his side of the family
(S11). Until gradually know, needs the it’s like (S12). Since, they were
mommy noticed this and presence of your since I was really—we are really close
questioned why he was family, you know. young, I with them since they are
being kicked out and left to (S14) And, ok—I was used really kind people, it’s just
sleep outside the house mean, it’s fine if, my to it that, then I also have
(S12)... My grandparents mom is—only my already like younger siblings that I visit
from my father’s side—they mom and sister being from time to time (S13)...
are close terms with my attend it (S15). But, independe My mom, I guess, I’m very
mom, because my dad and you know, you see nt ay it’s happy that she’s here in my
her had been in a your schoolmates not like life (S14). Since, she was
relationship since college with their complete independe the only one who provides
(S13). So during college, my families, yeah. (S16) nt in a way me with my needs now
dad didn’t manage to You—you feel that it’s like (S15). I think, I wouldn’t
graduate college because, envio—I feel I don’t rely have been able to make it
he was sort of an envious. (S17) And, to people out were it not for her (S16).
undergraduate or at the same time, but As in, she’s the only one I’m
something, he became a thankful (S18). somehow depending on (S17)... We
father at his young age and Because they didn’t I’ve haven’t (S18). Since it was
mom got pregnant early get to experience become only my mom who was
(S14). Because of this, they what I experienced conscious really, um, more into
married each other (S15)... (S19)... Before, I feel in the working (S19).... Yes
My mom got pregnant early discomfited to open reality in (S20)... I guess if you talk
(S16). But they go back way up about my family reality of about depression, since
then (S17). Probably since situation because, life then it’s before—I was always, um,
kids (S18). My mom is very yeah. (S20) It’s not a like it made during my childhood I was
close with my dad’s family good thing. It’s an me strong always left alone at home
(S19)... They still talk to each ugly situation. (S21) so it’s like (S21). It started when we,
other (S20). My dad’s And at the same there are um, since we moved
siblings especially, they talk time, I am ashamed little homes, so I’m quite far
to each because they have (S22). Since they, problems away from my cousins
the same business, my classmates, their that I face (S22). So, there really were
agriculture (S21)... Yes, they happy family is— and it’s like times I guess around grade
still handle business they have a happy for me, it’s 4 to 6—those were my
transactions with each other family while I (S23)... nothing so darkest times, low (S23). I
(S22)... They don’t (S23). Well, they did not it’s like it remember during grade 4 I
They actually like her better make fun of me trained me cried (S24). It was about
than my dad’s mistress because of my somehow my dad (S25). That time,
sometimes because she’s family situation. to be something about ‘father’
not really talkative, they feel (S24) But, well strong and was mentioned (S26).
awkward around her, it’s, (S25). It’s more of it’s like Those were really intense
what do you call that (S24)? me being envious of being truly (S27). Those were really
It’s just that mom was really them having a happy ready in life the darkest times (S28). I
known to help despite having family (S26)... and it’s like think during grade 6 I was a
no money, she provides Obviously, duh? for bit suicidal (S29)? Yes,
financial support (S25). I (S27)... From—you example in almost (S30). I guess, let’s
know that the reason why know I grew up school, it’s say it was I felt a huge
mom is unable to provide being a member of a like what I emptiness within me,
financial support is because broken family. (S28) told you almost like (S31)... Yes,
she doesn’t have any— Obviously, I want to like for nothing at all (S32). Haha,
because it’s dad who has have a family of my example, as in, I almost did it (S33).
money (S26)... In my own that’s perfect there is a Almost (S34). It was a good
perspective, no (S27)... I (S29). Err, not problem... thing I was a kid—as in, a
don’t know (S28). I once perfect but rather in family it kid, because you’d think, oh
heard my grandfather say like ide—err, not distracts this will change your mind
that, don’t let my dad go to ideal but something but it’s like will think, “Never mind.”
their house or else he might that’s. (S30) Happy. for me, it (S35) Something like that
just shoot him (S29)... No, (S31) Yeah, happy doesn’t (S36). Yes (S37)... Exactly,
I’m close with both my (S32). I mean, really it—and to think I was still a
parents’ side of the family perfection does not, I matter kid that time (S38). Then, I
(S30). But I don’t really visit mean, perfection’s (S4)… yes still haven’t known—I really
my mother’s side of the nothing if the family’s (S5) It’s didn’t have any knowledge
family that much (S31). Only not happy, right? like I’m about these kinds of
if there are gatherings or (S33) So, I—that’s already (S39)... Yes, “What if I kill
something (S32). I only go if all I want to have used to it myself?” something like
there are really special (S34). I want to have (S6) I think that (S40). It was like, I was
occasions (S33)... It’s not a happy family of my there’s no a grade 6 student so I didn’t
awkward at all (S34). I just own. (S35) But at the more (S7) know anything about
don’t like it (S34). I just find it same time, because Since I’m suicide, things about
tiring with them (S35)... Yes, of what I already depression and stuff (S41).
because there was one time, experienced, it’s used to it The feeling that you don’t
the birthday—my cousin’s hard for me (S36). (S8)… Yes know a thing, that you don’t
birthday so I went there, my There’s this part of that’s all have any, um, knowledge,
mom was there too (S36). I me that does—yeah, (S9)… It’s unlike now (S42). It was like
really wanted to be with my scared (S37). That it like it when you feel very
mom, sort of (S37). But she will happen again. continued depressed, it was
eventually escaped from me (S38) That what then like it like...“Sigh, it’s like, nobody
and left me there (S38). And happened to my became cares about me.” (S43)
she didn’t come back (S39). mom will happen to constant. This feeling that’s like
That’s why I really don’t want me as well (S39). Is (S10) Yes you’re alone (S44). So,
to go back (S40). Sort of, it’s there even a guy no more what’s the point (S45)? Like
tiring (S41)... I didn’t really who. (S40) Is there (S11). that (S46)... Somehow
tell them about my situation even such thing as a (S47). I felt like it’s because
(S42). They didn’t know, so kind guy anymore? I felt very isolated from all—
they didn’t make fun of me (S41) A guy who it’s like I isolated myself
because of it (S43)... When isn’t a womanizer, from world (S48). Before,
my dad found out that my yeah? (S42) No? as in, I was so fond of
mom was pregnant, he sort (S43) Too many. making new friends and I
of (S44)… I still wasn’t born Like, hah! I cannot! I had a lot of friends from my,
during that time (S45). That can’t even count since our neighborhood
was my older brother and, them anymore! was just within one
he, um, died, because of a Yeah. Then, that too. compound, so all of my
miscarriage (S46). After (S49) I mean, like— cousins were there, a lot of
eight years, it was when I for a child who grew us were there (S49). Then,
came to exist (S47). up in a broken when we started to, uh,
Financially speaking, we family, I really want since, “Ay, I don’t want to,
didn’t really—we didn’t face to have a happy uh, with people anymore.”
any problems when I was family of my own. (S50) Since that time I no
born (S48). It was because (S50) But that’s it, longer wanted to—with my
they had this savings it’s—at the same cousins, with my mom’s
earned, dad had a business time, holding me side and my, uh, I became
that time (S49). He had a, back from that my so distant (S51). Super
something that time, a imagination or my (S52). I think when the time
connection that he managed dream—err not that I started to become not
to get at Manila (S50). There, dream, but you so distant to my cousins
he began with the know. (S51) Um, was when around high
transactions (S51). His well yeah, if school (S53). Prior to that
business operations became there’s—will it even time, as in it was very, I
firmer and became a formal happen (S52)? What didn’t talk to them, I didn’t
business with a strong if it—what happened want to play with them, it
foundation (S52). He before happens with was like I hated to do things
currently has a partnership my own family like that, to become happy
concering vegetables (S53)? What if it will (S54). As in, I really hated
(S53)... I was depressed, but happen again to me that, playing games, I really
I didn’t think about killing (S54)? Like that didn’t want to (S55)… Hmm
myself (S54). Because if I (S55). What if it’s (S56). It was, if you sa—I’ll
commit suicide, I had worse (S56)? What just call it a phase but it
something to think: what of my future wasn’t—I really didn’t want
would become of my offspring? to mingle with people
younger sibling (S55)? (S57)…Yeah, you (S57). I had this feeling that
Nobody would—if I die, if I really should. (S58) you would, what do you call
disappear from this world, Like, heh (S59)! that, you’ll be—I didn’t want
what would become of my Hahahaha (S60)! I to become attached,
younger sibling who has no, really need—I don’t because of the feeling that
you know, family or know (S61). I mean, they might disappear
something (S56). So, why it depends if it will be (S58)… I think I still have
would I kill myself because of given to me, yeah, that a bit of that feeling, but
them when I still have my that’s that (S62). not like before since I’m
sibling (S57)? What if I just What I believe is, more open to people now
understand the situation that’s it for me (S63). (S59)... I think I’m okay now
instead (S58)? I’ll do That yeah, to have a compared before, as in
anything just to protect my happy family of my (S60). All of my dark times
sibling, instead of my sibling own (S64). That disappeared, so, it’s like
becoming upset, or become hopefully what (S61)… Yes, it’s like I
lonely when I die (S59). I happened before will should revel in the happy
won’t kill myself either, since not happen again. times now (S62). I’m more
I know what my parents are (S65) Yeah? (S66) open to my friends, more
doing isn’t easy and yet they Err...somehow? open to my cousins, we’re
still manage to sustain us (S67) I was forced to closer now (S63)... I really
with our needs and love us accept it (S68). I don’t—actually, open up
still (S60). Because before I mean, I don’t have that much to her because
was naughty, then now I’m any choice (S69). I’m not an affectionate kind
not as naughty as before, What else do I have of person (S64). It’s like, I’m
like the kind of naughty you (S70)? Yeah (S71). not—really, really into
see in children from broken That’s it (S72). What affection, I feel weird about
families (S61)? It’s what you I can’t accept is, why that (S65). I think those
call—but I was like that did my father do it? kinds of things are cringey,
before (S62). Yes, when the (S73) Yup (S74). but I do want to, but I can’t
separation happened, That’s it (S75). I because I’m (S66)... Hmm
definitely rebellious (S63). I have lots of (S67). I get—I get shy
didn’t know any of my questions to (S76)… (S68)... Hey! (S69)
relatives that time so I used Yeah, that haven’t
to always talk back (S64). I been answered yet
even curse at them (S77). And lots of
sometimes (S65)... But now, questions for him to
I guess I’m now kind (S66)... answer (S78). But I
I want to have a family where know that he will not,
my children won’t face the because he’s a very
problems that I used to face prideful man (S79).
(S67). They won’t get to A total freak, too
experience things like I had, (S80)! Haha (S81).
who knows what’s it like, so I And then, hahaha,
prefer having a family than he’s um, he’s
having none (S68). So, I’ll manipulative and
make them feel the essence controlling kind of
of a complete family (S69). man (S82). He’s a
bad man (S83).
Haha (S84). Bad boy
(S85). Haha! (S86)
He’s a boy, because
he’s immature as
****. (S87) Hahaha
(S88)! Sorry. (S89)
Hahahaha (S90)! So
yeah. Well, just
asterisk (S91). So
yeah, that’s your,
well (S92). It’s me,
Blueberry (S93).




Participant:_________________________________________________ Date: _____________

1. What is the current environment of your home? Is it peaceful, or is there any messy fights?
2. Do you feel any longing towards your missing parent/s?
3. How do you feel today in regards to school and being at home?


Interview Guide Topic: Experiences and Challenges of Students from Broken


Time of Interview:






1. In your own perspective, how do you define a home?

2. What cause the separation of your parents?
3. What was your life after the separation of your family? If the question does not apply to
you, your life like as a member of it?
4. Do you find the idea of your parents’ marriage restored a good idea? Why or why not?
5. What are the challenges that you have faced being relative to a member of a broken
Participant 1

Participant 2

Participant 3

Participant 4

Participant 5



Participant 1


RO11 - April 3, 2019 (Objective: To observe Chocolate on a normal school day.)


• Chocolate seems a bit upset but when approached • Something must have been bothering him but he
him, he instantly changed his facial expression to was still able to adapt to his surroundings.
converse in a well manner.

• Chocolate takes a break and does his homework with • Chocolate likes to work in groups and it helps him
his friends at the classroom. progress further.
Participant 2

RO13 - April 5, 2019 (Objective: To observe Blueberry on a normal school day.)

• Blueberry is seen with a box of cake on hand. When • This shows that Blueberry really gives a lot of
asked about it, she responds by saying that she is giving thought for her mother’s happiness.
this to her mother because she promised to buy her one.

Participant 3
RO2 - March 21, 2019 (Objective: To observe Vanilla on a normal school day.)
• Vanilla is present during Practical Research time. • Vanilla might have finished all the other
• Vanilla is sitting on the floor while scrolling on the phone. • Maybe Vanilla was bored and does not have
anything to do.
• Vanilla is repeating the statement “memes nalang • Something might had happened that made
talaga nagapatawa sakin”. Vanilla utter the statement many times.
Participant 4


RO8 - March 29, 2019 (Objective: To observe Strawberry on the third day of Intramurals.)
• Minutes before the start of the afternoon event, • She must have been looking forward to cheer for
Strawberry sits down with cluster members. their own cluster.
Strawberry is seen holding balloons as a form of
support for their own cluster.
• Strawberry, along with other cluster members, cheers • Strawberry is a very supportive person who wants
very loudly all throughout the event. This happens their cluster to win the afternoon events.
especially when the candidates of their cluster are
• Strawberry is seen taking footage and posting said • Strawberry might be wanting to share the events
footage on their social media platforms. that happened at school to her other friends.
• After the event, Strawberry calls out a friend and tells • Strawberry wanted to celebrate the success of the
said person to eat dinner with them and other friends. events with friends and hang out with them.
She then immediately goes out of the venue with said
Participant 5
RO1 - March 20, 2019 (Objective: To observe Cheese on a normal school day.)
● Cheese suddenly keeps quiet after he is reprimanded ● Maybe his classmate got annoyed.
by his classmate.
● Cheese opens his mobile phone, kept mum and just ● Maybe Cheese realized that he really must keep
used it until the clock ticked at 3:30. quiet.


11 - JOBS

Personal Information:
Birthdate: September 8, 2001
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Davao City
Home Address: Blk 12 Lot 6 Seaside Subdivision, Matina Aplaya, Davao
Mobile Number: +639288452087
E-mail Address:

Educational Background:
Senior High School:
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Junior High School:
Philippine Womens College of Davao
St. Mary’s Initial Learning Experience

11 - JOBS

Personal Information:
Birthdate: October 24, 2001
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Davao City
Home Address: Blk 2 Lt 11 Samantha Homes, Matina Aplaya, Davao City
Mobile Number: +639066168499
E-mail Address:

Educational Background:
Senior High School:
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Junior High School:
Philippine Womens College of Davao
Teodoro L. Palma Gil Elementary School


11 - JOBS

Personal Information:
Birthdate: January 3, 2002
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Davao City, Philippines
Home Address: Blk 11 Lot 36 Calle Sta. Ana, La Verna Hills Subdivision,
Brngy. Angliongto Sr., Davao City
Mobile Number: +639184811021
E-mail Address:

Educational Background:
Senior High School:
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Junior High School:
Assumption College of Davao
Davao Jones Academy
St. Patrick Math Science School

RUSSEL VINZ C. SUMALINOG Insert 2x2 Pic here (soft

11 - JOBS

Personal Information:
Birthdate: August 20, 2001
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Davao City, Philippines
Home Address: 55-2, J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada St., Davao City
Mobile Number: +639179124467
E-mail Address:

Educational Background:
Senior High School:
Malayan Colleges Mindanao
Junior High School:
Stella Maris Academy of Davao
Stella Maris Academy of Davao

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