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Taurus Horoscope For October 2021

APR 20 - MAY 20



Dear Reader:

I am so happy to send you my October forecast because it is an unusual one. Despite the fact that Mercury will be
retrograde until October 18 (almost always an annoying aspect causing delays and mix-ups), you can nevertheless look
forward to a splendid month, filled with many magnificent aspects sprinkled throughout October. I feel these coming
jewel-like aspects will be so strong, you may not be ruffled too much by Mercury retrograde. After all, you do have
experience with little Mercury and can outwit many of his antics.


October will start with plenty for you to do. You will likely have a full schedule, and work could be
busier than any other time this year. You might say that September was hectic for you, but last month,
you also had time for fun and romance, if you took full advantage of the opportunities on tap. In
October, there will be more work to be done, as well as the chance to be highly productive. Four
heavenly bodies are moving through your sixth house of work-a-day matters, causing a flurry of
activity, but you seem to be happy to be valued and appreciated. Libra, the dominant sign this month,
is the partnership sign, so you may work with someone one-on-one.

On October 6, the new moon in Libra will arrive and bring new work assignments. You may
immediately realize that the new projects represent work that could turn out to be useful for
establishing your reputation in your field. You are in a fortunate situation now that you have both
lucky Jupiter and teacher Saturn in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement in 2021.
This is another indication that opportunities to make a name for yourself are bubbling up in your
professional life. This month’s new moon of October 6 will establish a direct link between the work
you are doing now and your eventual rise to a higher status in your firm or field. Work hard, for you
should be ready to make your move in February.

The new moon in Libra on October 6 will put Venus front and center, and here, Venus will have a
second function—she will rule the new moon in Libra, as well as Taurus. One special day, coming
several days before the new moon, October 2, will bring Venus and Pluto into a friendly conversation,
linking your seventh house of close, committed partnerships to your ninth house of long-distance
travel. This makes the weekend of October 2-3 ideal for a trip with your one and only. This aspect
moves slowly, so it will be operative during the October 6 new moon, too.

You will have Jupiter sending Mercury helpful signals during the first week of October too, suggesting
that business will be brisk and that you could make good money this month. Saturn, at the pinnacle
point of your horoscope, will be close enough to send a significant, beautiful, stabilizing beam to the
new moon, October 6. This is an aspect that could easily make you feel calm and secure when you see
opportunities pop up like bright red poppies in a meadow.
Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde until October 18, a trend that started last month on
September 26. There could be several changes to the projects you are working on at the office, so be
flexible when those changes show up. It is alternatively possible that a member of your staff will
announce a departure, causing a bit of mayhem until you find a suitable replacement. In anticipation
of this, keep résumés on file or a list of temporary workers you can call on if you need to hire someone

You should not make any new hires while Mercury is retrograde, but you can interview candidates
and allow for a trial employment period. Avoid signing a contract or buying electronic items during the
retrograde. Leave a space of days after October 18, the date Mercury goes direct, as you need to give
Mercury a little time to regulate its direct orbit.

Important changes could occur in your life as present situations wind down to make room for the new,
and those changes may be coming sooner than you might think. Before you get to February, your best
career month of 2022, you will need to get through a difficult new moon next month in your opposite
sign of Scorpio, November 4, and you’ll also experience two eclipses. The first one will be a lunar
eclipse in Taurus on November 19, and after that, a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius on
December 3.

“ Circle October 28 when Venus, your ruling

planet in Sagittarius, will receive shimmering
beams from good-fortune Jupiter in Aquarius.
This should bring a fantastic opportunity to
elevate your career. ”
For now, keep your eye on the troublesome new moon in Taurus next month, November 4, that will
ask you to decide about a close relationship in love or business. Sometimes an eclipse will take the
decision out of your hands if you or the other person in the relationship is unhappy. Eclipses tend to
cleanse situations, doing for you what you may be hesitant to do for yourself. This eclipse will directly
touch you if your birthday falls on or within five days of May 17.
The solar eclipse of December 3 will fall in Sagittarius, so you may make adjustments to your
investment portfolio. It might be best to do your research first, especially at eclipse time—don’t rush,
and be sure you have thought things through carefully. The economy may rock and roll in November,
so stay clued in. I am not a financial astrologer, so I am simply saying that November will have lots of
cross currents, and it will be hard to tell truth from fiction. Rely on your financial advisor for advice.

No doubt about it, change is in the air for you, including the source of your income. You already had
several eclipses in your income houses in 2020 and two eclipses affecting your income this year in
May and June, so you may have already received messages from the eclipses, or you may see the
source of your income change before the year is out. Although as a Taurus, you tend to like things to
stay “as is,” you will find that change is good, and you are ready for it.

The house that is being so strongly spotlighted now by the new moon October 6, your sixth house,
also rules your health. Several parts of your chart cover health—the first house, for example, which
covers strength and vitality. Your Sun is also a good indicator, and as a Taurus, you tend to have a
robust constitution. The new moon this month will stimulate your sixth house, which rules the
measures you take to stay healthy. They might include seeing your doctor and dentist for checkups,
having major screenings done, streamlining your nutrition, or hiring a trainer (or joining an exercise
class in real life or on YouTube). You might be motivated to do one or more of these options to be sure
you stay in top shape.

One of your happiest days this month will be October 15 when Jupiter trines the Sun, connecting your
two career houses. This is a rare aspect that only happens twice a year, and often loops in other
houses. This will be a Friday, making it an ideal day for a client presentation, job interview, or to take a
trip to see a client face to face to negotiate a deal.

The full moon of October 20 will fall in Aries, your twelfth house, which is a private, hidden part of
your chart. The twelfth house symbolizes both the end of a cycle and the impending start of a new
one. At this full moon, you may hear details of someone’s secret that had not been revealed to you
previously, or it may be that a secret of yours may come out in the open. You may be dragging your
little feathers on this day, perhaps tired after weeks of meeting deadlines at work. Allow yourself time
to kick back, putter around the house, and treat yourself to extra sleep. Next month on November 19
you will have a full moon in Taurus, and it will be a lunar eclipse, so that will be a more important
There will be another sterling way to use this full moon on October 20, for the twelfth house is one of
great creativity when working in solitude. It is also the place where much research can be
accomplished if you are working on a book or thesis. Depending on what you have on your agenda,
you can use this full moon to your advantage if either of these two areas resonates with you.

No matter what comes up at the full moon October 20, the praise from clients or employers will be
lavish as this full moon will receive some scintillating golden beams from Jupiter. With your career
going so well, you may want to take a handful of vacation days and drive into the countryside to get a
change of pace at a resort. With the full moon in athletic Aries, you might want to have access to
sports, such as mountain climbing, biking, horseback riding, tennis, or basketball, or you may wish to
hit a few rounds of golf.

I like October very much, even with the usual garden variety frustrations of Mercury retrograde. If
you slow down and become more deliberate in all your actions, you will do fine with Mercury. There
will be so many sweet aspects this month that may continually distract you with lovely news. Mercury
retrograde will always be a little frustrating, but October is unusual in that there will be so many
shining aspects. November is another story, and all signs, not just yours, will likely have some
difficulties with it.

As noted above in your October report, the November 4 new moon might bring turbulence to a close
relationship, and later, on November 19, we have a full moon lunar eclipse that may bring news and
final choices for a relationship. The financial markets may go up and down in November, but stay calm
until the dust settles—rely on the advice of your financial broker.

Circle on your calendar three stand-out days in October. The first will be October 18 when Mars
trines Jupiter—clicking off a big opportunity for you to get ahead. Mars is the action planet, still in
your work-a-day sector, and when Jupiter gets involved, you could earn more points for your rising

The last week of October has some of the best days of October, so find a way to use them.

Next comes October 28 when your ruling planet Venus in Sagittarius will receive shimmering beams
from good-fortune Jupiter in Aquarius. Together, these two planets will create a sextile, indicating a
fantastic opportunity for elevating your career. You might negotiate your compensation for a new job,
including benefits. If you work in sales (and in actuality, we all do in one way or another), this will be
your day. Your ruling planet is Venus, so when she meets with Jupiter, Venus’ stardust falls directly on
October ends with another spectacular day, October 31, when Mercury will trine Jupiter. Mercury
rules your house of money, making this a great day for any financial agreement or negotiation, and
because October 31 falls on a Sunday, it would also be a good time to take a busines trip. You could
even try for a romantic getaway over the weekend.

While we are on the topic of October 31, will Halloween be a fun night out? Your chart will be so
centered on your work and reputation that this month’s romance, fun, and friendship will take second
place (but an opportunity could present itself). Your best shot at love comes earlier in the month while
Venus, your ruler, tours Scorpio until October 7. One of my favorite days for you will be October 2
when Venus and Pluto will be in sync—you may want to take a fun trip with your one and only over
that weekend.

One day before Halloween, on October 30, Mars will move into your opposite sign of Scorpio, and
that will start to draw you away from heavy-duty office work and turn you toward your established
romantic relationship or a business partnership, and a lot will be sorted and settled once and for all.


As you begin October, you will need to hit the ground running. Assignments will flow onto your desk in
rapid succession, and you’ll have to be ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in. Remarkably, Jupiter, the
giver of gifts and luck, will be back in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement (after a
brief exit from May 13 until July 28) and will send shimmering rays to your sixth house of work
projects, where the Sun and new moon will appear on October 6.

Jupiter has been in retrograde for months, so you may have been frustrated with the lack of growth in
your career, despite working hard and smart. This situation was brought on by a weakened Jupiter
that began June 20. Happily, Jupiter will turn direct this month on October 17. This is good news, for
you will start to see professional progress after Jupiter starts moving forward.

That new moon in Libra on October 6 will offer you fresh work opportunities almost immediately.
Mercury (ruling news) and his big brother Mars (energy) will also be orbiting close to the Sun and new
moon. These celestial bodies will draw your attention to your to-do list. It will be fun to work on
something new and different. If you give all your energy and attention to these projects in October,
you will be able to elevate your reputation and career status. Voice your ideas without hesitation.
Mercury will be retrograde in your work-a-day sector during a large portion of October, a trend that
started September 26 and will end October 18. This could mean a project you wanted to work on
earlier that had to be put aside might now jump to life this month. With Mercury retrograde, don’t
rush or become distracted. You need to hover over details more deliberately than ever.

All those celestial bodies—new moon, Sun, Mars, and Mercury—will be in Libra, the sign of
partnership, so you may need to collaborate closely with another person to get your projects done.
You seem so happy to do so, for your interaction with this person will likely be smooth and enjoyable.
You might notice pressure from Saturn, the stern teacher, because Saturn will be well-positioned to
the group of Libra celestial bodies in your work sector. This month, Saturn will motivate you to
continually do better. You may impress clients and management, and if you are self-employed, you will
later bring in new business based on what you learn.

Fitness and health will form part of the new moon’s message (October 6 and beyond). You might feel
encouraged to refine your diet and gently add a little more exercise, such as hiking, bike riding, power
walking, or lifting weights, and when you can, exercise with a friend. (Ask your doctor before you start
a fitness regimen to make sure you don’t overdo.) While you are determined to improve your health,
it’s also a good time to check in with your general practitioner for annual tests, see your dentist for a
cleaning, and ask your eye doctor if you need a new prescription

You will have had an active month, so by the full moon, October 20 in Aries, you will want to slow
down and give yourself some tender loving care. You may want to hibernate and perhaps want to
sleep in over the weekend. Follow a leisurely pace. If you have small children, that may not be easy to
do, so you might want to hire a babysitter to get a few hours of rest.

This full moon will light your twelfth house of secrets, so you may hear of a secret that someone has
not shared with you or may have hoped you’d never discover. Or, conversely, you may have a secret
that you need to keep under wraps—if so, be careful.

The twelfth house also rules the subconscious mind, so if you have been going to a professional
therapist, you may now have a breakthrough and view a current dilemma with a more upbeat
perspective. That eureka moment might help you find a sense of peace and calm. If you have been
battling an addiction to a substance, this full moon may be the moment you reach out for help. Above
all, at this point in the month, be good to yourself.
There is one more way that this helpful full moon may bring news. You may be asked to work on a
strategy for a new product or service that will come out soon. For now, you will be drawing up plans,
doing estimates, and so forth. Be mindful that you will have to keep what you’re doing away from
prying eyes, lest a competitor gets wind of your project. It seems you will be ready to show the world
this new item or service very soon, possibly by next month.

When it comes to love, Taurus who are attached will have the edge, for Venus will tour your solar
seventh house of committed relationships until October 7. If you are attached, use this time to lavish
attention on your partner. Until October 7, Venus will glide through your opposite sign of Scorpio,
making your interaction with your partner smooth.

On Saturday, October 2, Venus and Pluto will work together to generate exciting passion. See if you
can take a trip into the country together, and if you have children, see if your mother will babysit. Your
planetary ruler is Venus, so this aspect seems tailor-made for you and will bring you over-the-top

Two other magical days will happen near month’s end, October 28 and October 31. Both should boost
your reputation. Either would be great days for a job interview, client presentation, and for generating
praise for work well done earlier.

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