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Samo Vidic

Play on string D
Tuning that is different than normal - Mahler 4th
Move the first finger to the third note

Two notes played together

1. strings are not together and too much in between

2. to close to high
3. to close to low
4. neighbour strings, but too much distance to cover

1. Too far apart, not neighbour strings

2. Too close too low
3. too high and close

1,2. Too close in different registers

3. Impossible fingering.
Black part, beginning of the hair
Ending of the bow

Slide the fingers fast to the next note, just as a transition in legato

More as an effect, it is bigger and longer, more noticeable

Pluck strings with your fingers

Pizzicato with left hand, an + on top of the note

Con sordino
Senza cordino

Overtones produced by softly touching the strings

Harmonics that are not in the overtone series

Sequence of notes that exist in nature and are in real intonation.

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