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General Education Reflection

General education classes are critical in the learning process. For starters,
they assist students in becoming well-rounded individuals by providing them with
information from numerous fields. The general courses offer learners critical
thinking abilities by a solid foundation in the humanities, sciences, and arts.
I have taken five general education classes, which are HD FS (Human
Sexuality), JL MC 101 (Mass media and society), JL MC 477 (Diversity in the
media), SOC 134 (Introduction to society), and SOC 340 (Deviant and crime
First, I have learned Human sexuality in the context of family, culture, and
society, including behavioral, biological, and psychological elements—sexuality's
role in human growth. Media and research are subjected to critical examination—
communication and decision-making abilities in the context of sexuality and
Second, I have learned how the media has affected US history in mass media
and society over time. The acts were published over the years to maintain healthy
media platforms; however, there are still some issues in the public media. Second
Third, I have learned the media's portrayals of ethnic groups, gender, sexual
orientation, and socioeconomic class in news, advertising, information, and
entertainment; the influence of the media on social issues and demographic
Fourth and fifth, I learned social interaction and group behavior focus on the
scientific study of current American society, including concerns of socialization,
inequality, and changing rural and urban communities. Relationships between the
institutions of family, religion, political involvement, employment, and leisure are
examined. I learned the theory and study on the genesis of many forms of social
deviation, concerns concerning crime, antisocial conduct, and social policies aimed
at controlling deviant behavior.
Finally, the general courses allow students to improve their problem-solving
abilities by employing critical thinking skills. General education is essential in
providing learners with extensive and deep education. This, in turn, strengthens
students throughout their academic and professional careers. General education
assists new students in identifying their areas of interest before deciding on a field
of specialty.

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