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• What´s the best time to go on holiday?

The best time is in January because you can go to the beach and the slides.
• What´s the best time to wake up on a day when you aren´t working?
On Sunday is the best time because you can get up until 8 o'clock
• What´s the best time to do homework or study?
The best time to study is at night because it is quieter.
• What´s the best time to visit your hometown?
The best time to visit is on a holiday because I am not studying.
• What´s the best time to watch television for films or series?
The best time to watch a movie is at nigth because Nobody bothers you
• What´s the best time to get married in your country?
I think it's in February because in that month the day of love and friendship is celebrated.
• What´s the best time to do exercise?
The best time to exercise is in the morning because there are few people.


My favorite pets is are cats, rabbits, budgie and dogs because they are beautiful and playful. But
my favorite pet are cats because they have very beautiful fur, they have beautiful eyes, they have
a long tail, they are affectionate, they like to drink their milk, they like to play with a ball of wool,
they are quiet, they are silent, they are interesting, they are sleepy and I like to pamper them a
lot with their food. This is the animal you like. Thank you.

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