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 Bahasa Inggris : Sit down, please. Bahasa Indonesia : …

a. Silahkan duduk
b. Silahkan berdiri
c. Angkat tanganmu
d. Silahkan berputar
2. … is for writing.
a. Book
b. Eraser
c. Pen
d. Bag
3. What is the Second month of the year?
a. January
b. February
c. March
d. April
4.   I wear … to school.
a. uniform
b.  pajamas
c. T-shirt
d. short
5.   I’m thirsty. I need …. glass of water.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. a
6. Mrs.Ramli is my aunt. she is my mother’s …
a. son
b. brother
c.  sister
d. nephew
7. Class is over. Where do the students go?
a. Sleeping in the yard
b. They play around
c. Walking to the mall
d. They go home
8. It is rainy. you need…
a. botle
b. Umbrella
c. bag
d. book
9. A : Do you like orange?
B : ….., I don’t.
a. yes
b. do
c. is
d. no

10. cabbage, broccoli, bean are kinds of …..

a. fruits
b. animals
c. vegetables

 Soal Essay
Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini denngan benar!

1. My father is my…… brother

2. Sebutkanlah 3 anggota tubuh  dalam bahasa Inggris  ?
3. Buatlah kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris dari kata:
– run
– sit
4.  Mango, avocado, apple are kinds of ………………..
5. 1st dibaca….

Kunci jawaban
 Soal pilihan ganda

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. C

 Soal essay

1. Uncle’s
2. hand, had and foot (and others)
3. – I run from my house    – Rina sit there
4. Fruits
5. First

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