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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !


Example : What does _CACA_ do? She’s a nurse.

Where does she work? She works at the DOCTOR’S OFFICE.

1. What does Nicky do? He’s a dancer.

Where does he work? He works at the studio.

2. What does Azka ? He’s a mail carrier.

Where does he work? He works in the post office.

3. What does Naya ? She’s a police officer.

Where does she work? She works at the police office.



EXAMPLE : the hospital is next to the _police office_

4. the park is next to the studio.
5. the police office is between (diantara) the hospital and the studio.
6. the studio is between the police office and the park.

B. Complete the days of the week below !

Example : s_n_a_ = Sunday
1. S a t u r d a y
2. S u n d a y
3. M o n d a y
4. F r i d a y

C. Write the time !

Example : 12 :05
It’s twelve five

13 : 15 08 : 00 02 : 30
It’s thirteen fifthteen it’s eight a clock it’s two thirty a clock
D. Translate into English !
1. Kelas matematika : math
2. Kelas pengetahuan : sains
3. Kelas musik : music class
4. Kelas komputer : computer class
5. Pagi : morning
6. Siang : afternoon
7. Sore : evening
8. Kelas seni : art class
9. Melukis : paint
10. alat musik : musical instrument

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