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Nama : Imelda Elisabeth Monica

Prodi : D3 Fisioterapi

NIM : 202003012

Why is Ambulation Important to Recovery?

Ambulation is an exercise to walk from one place to another place independently, with or
without assistive devices for postoperative patients. Ambulation is also defined as an increase
in the provision of assistance by walking to maintain bodily functions during the patient's
treatment and during the healing phase. Early ambulation is an important component in
postoperative care because if the patient restricts movement in the bed and does not ambulate
at all the patient will be increasingly difficult to start walking.

Benefits of early ambulation :

 to improve circulation
 reduce complications of postoperative immobilization
 accelerate recovery of postoperative patients.
 elps stop the progression of stroke caused by blood clots
 increase muscle strength after surgery

Problems that can occur when there is no ambulation :

 Pressure ulcers (bed sores) are much more common when patients are stationary for
long periods of time.
 Patients who do not walk after surgery are more susceptible to urinary incontinence
and infection.
 Non-walking patients are more likely to develop venous stasis and deep venous
thrombosis which is a risk factor for forming blood clots caused my immobility.

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