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Bregje de Kort - COMEBACK CHALLENGE – Day 5

1. We have talked about the importance of live, energetic foods. So write down everything
that’s passed your lips in the past 24 hours and the amounts.
2. Circle all the items that are healthy, natural, live foods on your list (see below, underlined).
Herbal tea (300 mL), nettle tea (300 mL), diner: 2 bowls of home-made soup (containing 2
zucchini’s, 1 broccoli, 1 onion, some potatoes, 1 part of garlic, seasoning) with bread,
camomille tea (200 mL), breakfast: hot water with lemon (650 mL – first time thanks to CBC
Day 6), 1 slice of bread with cherry jam, cold lemon water (300 mL) lunch: home-made pastry
little pie (10 cm diameter, with onion, broccoli, tomato, cheese, seasoning), herbal tea (300
3. What percentage of your diet is made up of water based foods?
With the soup from yesterday included i guess 70%. Other days I guess less.
4. What are 3 simple things you can do to improve your health every day that can stack and
create the mega human in you? What is your Daily Consistency Plan?
- Start the day with hot water and lemon juice before breakfast
- Do a 10 min meditation every morning
- Perform the exercises from Brian (chest opening, abs training for better posture) every
morning and evening
- Take a long walk (>1 hr) at least 2x/week

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