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Activity Book

Saroh Phillips
Peter Redpoth OXTORD
Activity Book

The Notionol Chollenge 2

tr At the nohrre pork 4

At the theme pork
At the oirport
Units 1-3 Revision 2a

E At the weoilrer centre 32

E On the film set 40

E At the concert in the pork 4a

Units G6 Revision 56

V At the survivol comp 60

ts At the plonetorium 6E

tr At the museum
Units 7-9 Revision
Grommor reference 88
Wordlist 93

Soroh Phillips
Peter Redpoth

Hos she ever been I've been to o theme pork.
Hove you ever met o fomous person? to o concert?
I've never won o
\No. t hoven't. Yes,she hos. No, she hosn't. competition.

Reod qnd motch.

1 o competition 2 o prize 3 o noture pork f //-
4 o plonetarium, 5 o concert 6 o rock stor
7 o fomous octor 8 o theme pork w


2 Write questions. 3 Ask your portner the questions.
Answer Yes,I have or No, I haven't.

I Reqd. Write the teom nome.

Th? ", ,;,',;,:.Ts,aml'h86',,x0n

a sriitnfffut$,.4
to a thamapairbutlhal'vansrygr boanio'a,planatariu .ma.concprJ,$&,t'w mcIa
fama;s'aclorbut thal'vonevermcta rorE*ar.lhajttv goodai sportr**{,.sftoamVnr?,i.
@,,Eqto Nawbridge

2 Write o profile of onother teom. Look ot Closs Book poge 4 to help yo{t.

3 Complete your profile. Then write qbout yourself.



Good ot:

I've met...
Dmw yourself here.

How long is it? t's 10 metreslong. How wide is the Cleorwoter River?

Greenwoy Lqke is
Grovel Hill is 30Ometres high. How deep is itl
How high is Grovel Hill? 20 metres deep.

t Listen qnd number. .r)r.n 3 Look ond write the questions.

O :$Gtj{#Sg

1 How deeo is the lake? 1Om.

2 15m.
3 3Om.
4 5m.
5 2m.
6 2OOm.
7 72m.
8 1m.

4 Usten ond repeot. .))r.s Nlez

Howhigh is Mount
2 Listen ogoin ond circle the correct uow deepis the uediterranean
onswer. o) r.r How wide
is the
1 WestfordBridgeis 2Ol30metreslong. Grand
2 EostHill is 400/600metreshigh.
3 The RiverWhitewoteris 5/15 metres
Write some questions qbout nature
feqtures in your country. ff
4 The RiverWhitewoteris 214metres
deep. Ask your portner. Con your portner
qnswer your questions?

Hobits (always, sometimes, often) Actions (today, this morning, this week)
(Present simple) (Present continuous)
Whot time do you usuolly get up? | Whot ore you hoving for breokfost todoy?
Affirmotive I usuolly go to school by bus. , I'm ploying footboll this week.

4 Write sentences.
We con use time expressionswith the Present
continuous to describeo period of time (for exomple:
this morning, today, this week, this month, this year). Meg

Listen ond 'D)r.e




Moke sentences. Mqtch them to the hove sl€ee hove wotch

pictures in Activity 1.. sl€€p hove wotch hove
L wotch TV . You in the evenings usuolly
Youusuoll,UwatchTV ln the evenincs" itt-e*ed o hot shower eggsfor breokfost
Picture d the stors in+*eep*ng+og o cold shower
cereolfor breokfost TV
2 You usuolly for breokfost cereol hove
t Sheusualtusleepsr n a bed.T hi sw eek
Picture- in a sleepr na
she' ssleeoino boo.

3 hoving every doy . climbing lessons



4l'm . in o tent sleeping

Picture -

3 Now listen ogoin ond check. .r) r.a

5 Write questions for the pictures. corry weor go trovel corry
go trovel weor

I Whot does she usuatIqr,trear?

2 Wh a t ' s s h e we a rin q t o d a u ?

Now write the onswers to the questions.

to the office in o big cor ewhiHress
by bus o bog to church teons flowers


7 Reod the story ogoin. l-csp"e"tl ')) r'o

8 Motch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the story.
I The Incredible Redsore competing o they con seeo river.
2 First they run up b his leg.
3 When they orrive ot the top of the steps c they rescuedthe mon.
4 They heor somebody colling d the rescueteom.
5 A mon hos hurt e the stepsby the woterfoll.
6 The Incredible Redsphone t to find the onswer.
7 T}:e Brilliont Yellows ore the f,rst teom I for help.
8 The Incredible Redsget two points becouse h in the Notionol Chollenge.

9 Complete the story ployscript. [pMBp"r" g-l

I Listen ond repeot .r))t I

2 Listen. Which sound do you heor? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .r)

3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

-r9: d o i, ,:,,11
"€€+ d'

S =c a* o 4
,>i I ,;,,,0...,,,.,,
J *J F
. r\. ** Jt n
breod coke pototoes eggs loke weother e9 roin friend troiners

4 Listen qnd check. Then listen ond repeot. .l))

5 Listen to the chqnt. Then soy. .r)

I'm sitting on the stepsof o cove neor o loke.

I come to have o picnic with my best friend, foke.

We've got some boked pototoesond breod ond coke ond eggs,

But the weother'sreolly bod ond now it's roining on my legsl

We often spell the /er/ sound with c + consonont+ e or with ci.

I Reod ond complete the concept mop.

.r-:; I'-'al-
tVy grandparents live Lvt. ,.",- _i' -,'l$i
t4;9 tLJ
svnall towvt. -fhzre are savne .gx**r*frP'^'
- wrads nzar thr, tawn.'fhrre *""'r
-,;;4;, M r tive-in a b$ citg' - &n
i ..""-',^)tu The-re-'sa reattg nice- u a wa,terfallin tLte v,Joods.
l- - l]re wqter goes tnta a deep porl ntt thz bottayn
- ,, ,,.",s *.f parK nea. m9 home.lout
o v '-'; l'L'
can warK o. liau
gou. of the waterfqLl. Thzyt thz Nater goesfravn thz
biKe- on the- paths in the, parK. Hg lavourite, poal tntc tlte river. Ivt the srLyvLynLr We dtve LWo
place- is the- laKe. I-t's got an tsland in the tlc tc:.. i',te swivn tw thz rLver owd the wqter
rniddte-.lou can't swim in the- taKe-, but goLt iJ ver',,,-:.t'. Tnere are table.t Lvt,the Noods. We
c-an hire- a boat and rou to the- island. It's cftev. ttk t ::cnic aC eat Lt at the tables.
lutn. I liKe- 1e-e-d"inq the duc,Ks too. ]. !: , e ::.r.: .:.s t,;e afterwovt,tvt"the ulaads.
trrl tllenan

aQor-/lL"'' {""1r
t*'idlot, r'il,
Hn?or1'o"JPottnls F*1l^e
z isfonJ

l"Ll*,ri -ploces lok
ycllow tl t J,"[s
clcan i:,la^J

,..1/ )r'- 9t{ttn

2 Complete the text. Use the concept mop. Write obout o ploce you know
I Mokeo conceptmop oboutthe ploce.
' a'! Wesomettmes go on holiday -
2 Writeoboutthe ploce.Add interesting
nearthe sea.Thisis m/
]rtk favourite1
3 Checkyour writing ccrretullr'.
Weoffen go fo this beachin 4 Draw o pictureof the pioce.Copy your
fhe 2-. Wsnotvery text neotly.
Dig,but it is 3 .Thesandis
andthe wateris s R ememberthe posi ti onoi odj ecti ves:
Thereis a 6 nearthe beachwitha a small stream.

smallstreamin it tfs -7 in the wood. fhe stream is small.

There'san 8 in lne sea.YoLican

to the island.


L Look qnd complete the sentences. 7 Where ore the Angel Folls?

foctory port flood ploins upper€€irfie 8 In which country does the River Tigris
middle course lower course stort?
streoms hydroelectricplont
3 Reqd. Then drow.

The first port of o river is cqlled the

| ,-.,:, a 59

The woter in 2 runs fost.

The 3
is neor the woterfoll. Drqw o foctory on the left bonk of the
The a is on the s middle course.
of the river. Drow o form on the left bonk of the lower
There ore 6 on the course.
7 Drow o church on the left bank of the
of the river.
upper course.
The 8- is ot the mouth
. Drow o sportscentreon the right bonk
of the river.
of the middle course.

Do the quiz. Then listen qnd check Find the words.

your onswers. .t) r.rz
woterfoll streom foctory flood ploin
the Thomes Turkey the*tlentie form seit port ship bridge
the Zombezi the Nile Venezuelo
w o f b r i d I e d
the Gonges the Amozon
L Which oceon d6esthe River Congo flow o m o o k b I w f r
in ls? l he A llnntic p d r w c o t o s s
2 Which river wos very importont in the
history of Egypt?
f e m F h t s t o h

3 Which river flows through London? S t r \ o .ffi

o e V

n e t \.. i\ v r Z p
4 Which South Americon river is the second N \-,N
p h p m k t v
longest in the world?-
5 Which river ore the Victorio Folls on? f I o o d p o I n

x r r m e h u I t n
6 Which is Indio's holy river? i p t u t I q I m e

., questions. {7
5 Reqd ond onswer the tJ

I. live- near the Rive-r De-rue-nt.The narne me-ans

"the rive-r uhe-re- oaK tre-e-s qroa". It is aboutt
4Okm tong.The soLLrce is in DLsterham anc)
then it flous through som€- vittage-s.The water
is cte-an arrl clear at 4rst.Then the river
{lows throuah Dartlord..The-re are- lactories in
Dartlord. oA thu utater chanaes its cotour. It
looKs tiKe-m;tK! A|te-r Dartlori the- river 4oas
throuqh {tood pta:r,s.The- tard, is flat ancl there-
aren't ang tree-s.The-re- are .ous and she-e-p
in the lre-ld.s .e-ar the r,ve-r. F,ra.llyJ,the, Rive-r
Deruent {touts ir,to th,e Q,:v€r Thane-s - this is
the mouth o4 the- k-ru-te-r,t.

I How long is the river? 3 Whot con you see on the flood ploins?
z Where doesthe woter chonge colour? 4 Where is the mouth of the River Derwent?

6 Write about o river you know. f

Look bock ot the unit. Whot con you do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll Very well

I I cqn remember the words for noture feotures

from CB poge 5.

I I con tolk obout size.

a I con moke sentencesin the Presentsimple ond ---

the Presentcontinuous.

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con soy some words with these sounds:
letl and lel.
I I con do o role ploy obout preporing for o wolk
in the mountoins.

I t con write obout o ploce I know.

t I con remember the river feotures from
C B p o g e s1Oond 11.
I con identify ports of o river.

1, Number the pictures. 3 Find the people ond write sentences.

1 o prize 2 o roller cooster buying eoting 're on 's on

3 bumper cor 4 a woterslide
5 o merry-go-round 6 obouncycostle
7 abig wheel 8 condyfloss 9 o toffee opple

ff i G M
t rheu're


S h e ' so n t h e b ig wh e e l .

2 Write the words.

Attroctions I like:
Attroctions I don't like:
Things you cqn buy or win ot o theme
Sholl we go on the bumper cors? Why don't we go on the big wheel?

No, I don't wont to.

How obout going on the roller cooster?

Let's hove on ice creom! Good ideo.

Write mini-diologues. Use different

Listen and number. .t))nr
woys to mqke suggestions qnd replies.
o b

Listen ogoin qnd motch the sentence

holves. .r)r.zr

I Sholl we o hove some condyfloss.

Why don't we b go on the big wheel?
c go on the bumper cors?
d going on the roller

Listen ond repeot .r)r.zz

* *:::
rA shorr goon::
*hu aon'twe
about going
on thewaterslide?
Ask ond qnswer.
haue I Imogine you ore ot o theme pork.
a bffee
appte 2 In your notebook, write three things you
wont to do, ond one thing you wont to eot.
3 Suggestyour ideos to your porlner.

Tolking obout the recent past (Present perfect)
Affirmotive I've olreody tidied my room.
l!g:glr!:l9d-Tr letgTev+'
Question rg:: rgl ig""yj:. Eln:t^ro'\y+?
Short onswers Yes,I hove. / No, I hqven't.

I Listen ond number. .Dr.2s 4 Complete the toble. Then write

a b questions qnd onswers.
Infinitive Post porticiple

.4rt A*o**'t/
Moke sentences.Mqtch them to the l'tr,y' lo'leltol,
' . oyt a nofelookx
pictures in Activity 1.. ''!'* n1 6ile /1
I hoven't I finished yet . my Maths

Picture -

2 olreody I've my bed . mode 1 Hqsshedoneher homewor ku et?

Y ps shp hoc
Picture -
3 you Grondmq Hove yet ? phoned
4 you ? your room Hove tidied yet
Picture -

Now listen qnd check. 'r) t'zs

5 lt's three o'clock. Whqt hos Oli done? Meg's sister is in Poris. Whot hos she
bosketba}l the cor his grondod done? Write.
o hat his homework
thpn tP^
o Visit the- mxsex'n' /
. Aave- t*nch in the ParK' /
o See- the- Ei4{e-tTouer /
c DalK bg the' river '
o{ the
'Ta<e Photos
Cathe'c\ral' /
t Br"9 a Pre-ye'^t lor neT'

I 5 h e ' so t re a d gv is it e dt h e mu s e u m.
1 H e ' sa[r ea d up io,ac caske:boiI 4
2 5
3 6

7 Reod the story ogoin. tEBp"r" 14-l't) r'za

E Motch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the story.
1 The secondchollengewos o of the woterslide.
2 The Cool Greensthought the onswer b he sow o costlewith five towers.
3 The Brilliont Yellowswent to the top c toffee opples.
4 The ExcellentBlues d in o theme pork.
5 But the highestride in the pork e got onto the roller cooster.
6 The IncredibleRedswent to f wos the bouncy costle.
7 Rov looked through his binoculors ond I wos the big wheel.
8 At the end they hod h the top of the big wheel.
9 Complete the story ployscript. [pMfi"F8

L Listen ond rePeot. .D r'26

2 Listen. Which sound do you heqr? Hold up your left hond or your right hqnd. .r) L'27


Write the words next to the correct picture.

l Fw wffiry ffi
d+ ffiw-,
ffffi Btt

&ft ff
phone bottle rope goot doctor top boot oronge dome clock


4 Listen qnd check. Then listen ond repeot. 'r) t'zs

5 Listen to the chqnt. Then soy. 'E r'ze

I'm on the roller cooster,going up ond down.

Oli's got some cocoo ond fo is with the clown.

Mum's drinking coffee,but look ot Dod - oh no!

He's pointing ot the clock ond he soys...'It's time to go!'

We often spell the /ao/ sound with o + consonont + e or with oc.

1 Look of the pictures. Write a or b next to 3 Number the phroses.

rocksl-nl r"o ! tia.r I octopus

interestingl---l hght ! roiler coosterl---l
condyflossl---l ex€rtmgl tighthouseI
hotdogl-l woterslide
l-l il I.ow
Complete the postcords. Usewords from
Activity 1.. .ffig ErE
lst ociobcr
anI exciting iimohcre.
M1favouritc2- are'lno3-
andthebigwhcal. l'voalroadlbscnonths
4-twicc. I gotvonlwot.Mum's bought
mg6omg candyfloss.
lt wasgrcen.l'vcncver*yn tffim*"
grven isdelicious.Tomhad
a 6-. t*

a'th Augqst
Hi Mum.
. Wearespendinglhe dayhere61fis z llghthouse 4 Write o postcord from o ploce you
lfs really8 We'vedimbedthe lQhlilouse know.ff
andwe'veseenthe e- Hs enormous L Write the text ond checkit corefully.
Wehaventhadlunchyef. We'regoingto havea gicnic 2 Draw the postcard.
on the 10 andthen were gcingto swim 3 Copythe text on the bock of the cord.
inthe11- withmasks andsnoriels l've
neveruseda snorkelbefore.I hopeI dontseean Remember:
12-- Idontliket'lrem/ - Write the dote ot the top of the postcord.
Lovefrom, - Stort your cqrd like this: Dear
Julie - Finish your cord like this: Lwe from

Chqrts ond grophs
1 Write the words.
3 Look ot the line groph. Write the doy of
pie chort line groph bor chort the week by the sentences.
eirfogrem sections bors
Number of children in Enqlish clqss
crosses syrnbols 20
I A Plctogrom uses- to show doto.
2 A- is drown inside o circle. !14
.= 10
3 The of a pie chort con be
different colours. Ea
4 A- con show how something d4
chongesover time.
5 You join the on o line groph to
o,ro"d"J ao".a'J*"ao"tdlaoo"ad tlldo'j
moke o line.
6 A- usesbors to comporedoto. There ore twenty children in Closs68.
7 lhe on bor chortscan be
Ten of the children ore in the school
differentcolours. ploy. There is o reheorsol todoy. Whot
Look ot the toble qnd complete the doy is it? -
pictogrom. AII the children ore in closstodoy. Whot
Fovouritesubjectsin Closs68 dov is it? -
Everybody is wotching the school ploy
Subject Number of children
todoy. Whot doy is it?
Moths 2 4 18 children hove gone on on outing
English 4 todoy. Whot doy is it?
Music 3 5 The weother is bod ond two children ore
Art 2 ill. Whot doy is it? -

P.E. 5 Complete the bor chqrt.

Science 3 o Sevenchildren in the clossgo to school by bu
b Three children go to school by bike.
Geogrophy 1
c Eight children go to school by car.
d Two children wolk to school.

'r'liiL S
children car bi ke

Key Q =2

5 Look ond read. Circle tht mistokes in llre text. Then correct then- [f

Thisis.@of n'iesprrs
sports in closs 6B
playedbythe childrenin dass tzB.
footbo[L I askedallthechildrenaDouttheir
@&@@@ @@ @@ @
@s s o
bqst<etbq.LL@@@@@ Thereare 25 childrenin the
SsJminton @@@@@s € 0 one sporf. Mypictogramshowsthat
te nnis @&soo is themostpopular
football sporl
andbaseballis theleastpopular
bosebalt O C sporf.Morechildren liketennistiran
@t= 2 chiLdren C=1 child badminton

6 Make o pictogrom about y i closs.Describeit. ilf

Look bock qt the unit. Whot cqn you do? Think qnd colour.
Not ot oll Very well

I I con remember the theme pork words from

CB poge 13.

I I con moke suggestionsin different woys.

a I con use the Presentperfect wlthyet / already.

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con say somewordswith thesesounds:/at-r/andlol

I I con do a role ploy obout things I did on


I t con write o postcord obout o holidoy.

I I con remember the chorts ond grophs words

from CB poges 18 ond 19.

I con reod ond understond chorts ond grophs.


i\i -rrle tdr ? O T T

3 Whqt do you do first? Write 1 or 2.

1 Number the pictures. Then write.

I orrivols 2 get your boording cord I J:--

3 go through security 4 show your possport !466
5 go to your gote 6 boord the plone
7 deportures 8 checkin your luggoge
9 possenger l0 pilot 11 flight ottendant
12 securityguord

2 Write the words.
I Actions ot on oirport:


People you cqn see of on oirport:

this is fulio. Hi, it's Petro. Hello, who's thot?

Sorry, he isn't here.

Listen ond motch. OK. I'll seeyou at orrivols ot three o'clock.

I Oh, hello Dono.
Thonks, bye.
Hi, it's Dono.
I'm orriving tomorrow of three o'clock.

3 Oh, hello. Where ore you?

1 Hi, it's Petro.
Oh, OK. Seeyou ot gate 24 then.
, L-] We're going to the gote.
| | We're at possport control. Where ore you?

Motch the sentences.

I Hello, who's thot?\ o OK. I'll seeyou ot

the exit.
2 Can I speok to |one?\ b It's Pete.
3 Con vou meet me c I'm of possport
tomorrow? control.
Where ore you? Sorry,she'snot here
Order the diqlogues. Then listen qgqin
of the moment.
ond check. .l) r.rz
5 Goodbye. Bye.
1| I Yes,of course.Let's meet of the cof6
of eleven o'clock. Listen ond repeot. .r)
,. tnor?
At the cofe? Fine. Seeyou there. v'Jho' "'
/n He\\o' "-
Bye. ,n't isJulio'
Oh, hello. Where ore you? Can I speakto Frank,please?
1 Hello, this is n, isn,t
|ulio. here.
,t Coll
I'm of the oirport. Con you come back
ond get me?
f sy..
5 Write o phone conversotion. Prqctise it
with o friend. f

5 Ask your pqrtner. 6 Write obout your pqrtner.
Yes,I have.
Whendid you breakit? hasbrokenherarm'
Shebrokeit lastsummer'
Haveyouetterriddena horse?
No,I haven't.
Shehasneverriddena horse'
yesterdoy lost week lost month lost yeor
last summer lost |onuory two yeorsogo

Yes/No When?

7 Reod the story ogoin. FB p"r"rrl 'r)

t Motch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the story.
I The teoms hod to speokto o on his luggoge.
2 The IncredibleRedscouldn't seeBenny b becousethere were o lot of people.
3 Oli sot on Rov'sshouldersond c wos Argentino.
4 The ExcellentBluescouldn't d o trolley with Benny's luggoge.
5 BennyBrovoisn't very cleverbecouse e Benny Brovo ot the oirport.
6 They sot down ond then they sow f osk the question.
7 The looked ot oll of the country lobels g he thought Africo wqs o country!
8 The onswerto the chollenge h Meg iumped up ond down.

9 Complete the story ployscript. FMBp"e"rt-l

1 Complete the story mop for the story of Icorus.
o How doesthe story end? h
Where qnd when doesthe storv toke nloce?

c Whot is the problem? d e

Who are the chorocters? Whot is the solution?

ll,el(1"t C'.t
|dk ,,.1'll.eseo
"!*z tle islotJ "{

wihqg DaeJafu
{iall,ers or.J wox priron
Complete the story. Find the informotion on the story mqp.

Lastsummarr- andhisoisierwarron
sloryendl JJ. holiday'? Onedaythel wen.i
fir.Jotrr.*|. Theylumped
off a highhr\\over
therr rrasa
landon jha beach
. Theycou\dn't
WL"t,is tL"
goluTion andthel s- in Iho sea.
Thaywareveq scared
thal reache.d
a 1Ln1
isla^d WJ^"t is 6-.Iha1 couldn't
seeanlbodlor:lrr bezch,
I[" p'"blc-?
bui suddon\1 in ihi s:r:C''-lorl
thel sawsomething

brtk lomeonehas\osttheir'/-l' ,+:riI:re


f;i:i LucKi\1
i'twarworKing 'i[':
ftrj phone.d
I Th:1can:azndre;cuodlhem.

3 Write o story. {
1 Chooseone of thesetitles for your story: 3 Write your stor,v.Check it corefully.
An adventure 4 Copy your story neotly.Add on illustrotion.
Rescue! at the airport
An exciti ngday
Checkthe verbsin your story corefully.
2 Moke o story mop. Look ot the
Rememberto use the correctpost forms.
questionsin Activity 1.

Reod ond circle the mistokes in the texts. Then correct them.

This is a picfvre- of ay school. Yot,

ce.r1 see sor\e feachers in fhe-
foregra.trtd. 5o62 of the- chi/dre-r't
are- play'irtg te-nnis. ofhe-r chi/dre-r't
are- p/ayirg base-ba//. TAere-'s a. wrood
in fhe- foregro'.'nd of the- picfvre- ard dL
fhe-re- are- sor^e- hil/s ort fhe- hodzon-*KP
This is a pic*uve d school.I.t s
near the rnoqntains. Yql can see
*he sea in the forEromd. Th*e's
a whale on +he horizon. Th*e are
sornechildren in the
are doing P.E.trere is a.gate and a
fence in the foreqrocmd +oo.

5 Dfaw o picture of o ploce. Write about your picture.


Look bock ot the unit. Whot con you do? Think ond colour.
Not ot all Very well

I I con rememberthe oirport wordsfrom


I I know how to hove o phone conversotion.

a I con usethe Presentperfectond Postsimple.

A I con oct out my versionof the story.

I I con soysomewordswith thesesounds:lgl and|fl.

I I con do o role ploy obout flying.

f t con write o story.

I I con rememberthe wordsto describeperspective

from poges CB 26 ond 27.
I con drow o picture using perspective. - tl
| | ----

11 Solve the riddle.
school luggoge costle norrow steep bridge circus Sundoy se$ritf ploy
woterfoll boord fishing cave hill pilot house islond check-in shollow

My fifth letter,,,n i) plag ond in securitg

My sixth letter is in ond in {f

My first letter is in ond in

My eighthletteris in 6 orrair,

My tenth letter is in Jr"k ondinffi

Myfourthletterisin ffi ond in f)

My secondletteris in t/ ond in

My third letter i, ir, ondin A

My seventhletter l, in ondin nf

My ninth letter is in ond in J**;

Whot om I? J-

12 Look ot the picture. Find, circle ond write.

4 things beginning with b 2 things beginning with w
na, t nr "
u uunLJ Lu)
- ^. + l r l€

1 thing beginning with c

2 things beginning with r 1 thing beginning with s

13 Now do the octivities in the PMB. PMB6 poges 15 ond L6

I Motch the words. Then number the 3 Look ot the mop. Then write obout the
pictures. weother in eqch country.
I heovy o weother
2 strong b lightning
3 heovy c clouds
4 high d roin
5 thunder ond e winds
6 freezing f temperotures
7 dork g weother
8 sunny h snow
9d r y i temperotures

w"(h{n ,t,ft


M cnd sunnu.Thereare high temperotures.

2 (Sweden)
2 Write the words from Activity 1.
strongwinds (Englond)
., 5 (Fronce)
( 6 (Germony)

It's getting colder. I think it's going to roin.

It's getting dorker. I think theret going to be o storm.

Listen ond number the pictures.

Number sentenceso-e.
Then listen ogoin ond circle the
Then motch f-i.
correct sentences-l)z.z

o She loves

She hotes hot


He's scored of =fhe wrnd rs gettjngshonger. I

It's gdtng hotter.

She loves storms. o <.the snot js qffing trrorr.

The cloudsare getting da*er. I
She'sscored of
thunder ond
t think it's goingto snow.
I think there'sgoing to be a bliz.ard.
They hoven't
I think i(s goingto rain.
got coots.
| fiank there'sgoingto be a storm.
They hoven't got
| fiink there'sgoingto be a heatwave.
on umbrello.

4 Complete the pictures to show the

2 Listen ond repeot. .Dr.t weother chonging. Then wnte. ft
n'l s gettrnq
tr'inr,there's going6 be
I think ;*,^
. ,. r going 5 Ask your friends obout their pictures.
b rain
in yourpictures?

5 Look ot Activity 4. Ask ond onswer. Write sentences. Use verbs from Activity 6.
on owl o deer the dinner
WhothappenedwhenRavand Oli
wereswimmingin the sea? the woshing up tetlaepa* in o river
to school o plote her foot ffiiends

6 Complete the verb toble.

Theysawa dolphin.

Infinitive Post simple -ing torm

9o going
do did
see seeing
cut cutting
wolk wolked
met meeting
breok breoking

I Reod the story ogoin. I ce poe"3o-l')) z.r

! Motch. Then cover the sentenceendings ond tell the story.

1 The IncredibleRedsweren'tvery hoppy o Meg wos writing the onswer.
2 Firstthey went into b the other teoms phoned in the clnswer.
3 When they were hoving o drink c the blizzord room.
4 Then they went into d get o signal on the mobile.
5 The Brilliont Yellowswere ploying e becouse they come lost.
6 They found the onswerbut they couldn't f the heotwove room.
7 Rovpushedo red button when g The Incredible Redsron post them.
8 They wereholding the treewhen h the Cool Greensron post them.

lO Complete the story ployscript. FMBp.e"rs-l

L Listen ond repeot. .r) t.'

2 Listen. Which sound do you heqr? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .r) ,'"

Write th e words


1 n/t


gross donce toes trocksuit

4 Listen ond check. Then listen and repeot. ), t'n

5 Listen to the chont. Then soy. .:;)
ln ablizzard, when we're freezing
from our nosesto our toes,
We weor our zigzag trocksuits, we
ski ocrossthe snow.

But people ore omozed when the

clouds go owoy,

And we donce the tongo in the

summer sun oll doy.

We spell the /z/ sound with the lettersz or s.

We spell the /s/ sound with the letterss or c.

I Reod the texts qnd qnswer the questions.

't'I Hi,myname's
Anna.I livein Scotland.
Hi,myname's Kylie.
I liveinColorado in I wasdoingmyhomework onedaylastwinter.
theUSA. Onedaywewerespending thedayatthe Suddenly therewasanenormous stormwiththunder,
Theriverisina steep washotandwe lightning andheavy rain.Thelights
wereswimming. Suddenly it startedto rainveryhard wedidnthaveanyelectricity. MyMumfoundsome
anda hugewaveofwatercamedowntheriver.We candles andweplayed gamesallevening.
couldn'trunawayandweclimbed atreeto escape the really happy
Ii r :- ^11., +L^.. because
I couldn't
I wasreally
scared. Luckily a helicoptercame j Finally
^- l ^- .1
^l ^- r - :- :.., t: 3 ^
- - Lt^- and
^- t lifewas i
andrescued us. normalagain. I

Who wrote the weother story? Anno

Where does she live? Colorqdo,USA

What kind of weother wos it? roln

Whot wos she doing when it storted?

Whot hoppened? the lights went off

Whot did she do? climbed o tree

How did she feel?

How did the story end? they mended the cobles

Look ot Activity 1.
Circle the verbs in the Post continuous. StoryQuestions
Look ot Activity 1,. o What'syour name?
Underline the verbs in the Post simple. o Wheredo you live?
o What kind of extreme veather is in your stoty?
I Write o post to the Kids'Weother Web. fi o What wereyou doing when the extreme
1 Write o reol story or invent o story. weather storted?
2 Answerthe story questionsin note form. o What didlou do?
3 Useyour onswersto write your story. . How didpufel?
Checkyour writing corefully. c What happened in the end?
Copyyour story neotly.

You con introduce the extreme weother with words ond phroses llke:. Suddenly ... , All at once ...
You cqn end your story with words ond phroses llke: Luckily ... , In the end ... , Finally ...

5 Look ond reod. Motch the mops to the texts.

o I The weotheron
this mopisn,tgoodfor me.Iti
o j--" very windyand I
, \a @ there'san dreo of low pressurenearby.
I wont to qo soilino I
0$ "C lhis weekend,but I think there,sgoing "
to be a sto-rm. n I

it warm
'\hitmap theperfoci i':-:o -thetemperaturo
2 showt
-w''l* u:.o::"*:fiff;il:1il:1^
and Nind
the' utions
lrr, -rr''msant :1:::'i:i':*1.''.iHt
i:*;il;a's''.thorain t F
sood "'-' iln'g;J't';u '*t-"i:lH,;lffffiil;
Thrs mapuho*, the perfect weatherfo,
| | r- ' , ,
,.. There,sa
cc-r:Jtrcrnt and the air te mperature is
.old. fh;u means
rt,sproL,aF,ltlqoingtosnow.This is qood
I rrantto qcrskringthis weekend.

6 Drow o:tmap of the perfect weother for you. Write obout it. *
I .,"91t*r* c sport or outdoor octivity you wcnt to do.
2 Draw,o mop showing the perfectweother for your sport.
3 Writ8i'oboutyour mop.

Look bock ot the unit. Whot con you do? Think ond colour.
\ot ot ol l Very well

I I con remember the extreme weother words

from CB page 29.

I I con tolk obout chongesin the weother.

a I con moke sentencesusing the Postsimple

ond the Postcontinuous.

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con soy somewords with thesesounds:lz ond s .

I I con do o role ploy obout extreme weother.

I I con write o weother story.

I I con remember the weother feotures from

CB poges34 ond 35.

) I con reod and understondweother mops.

1 Number the pictures. Look ond find. Write questions ond
1 octor 2 reporter 3 bodyguord
4 stuntmon 5 comero operotor 6 extro sit sigrft iump out shoke
7 fan 8 director 9 shokehonds cleon eot
10 sign on outogroph 1L wove qn €utogreph on o choir o window

' honds o comero lunch


'e rul t F- l
W hat' sthe actoriliLngi
He' ssionr ncon cr ^ttoc r c nh.
2 Write the words. KCH
People who work on the film:

People who don't work on the film:

Actions on o film set:

Whot's he like? He looks intelligent.

Whot does he look like? He's got o moustoche.

3 Listen qnd complete the lobels. .r)z.rr

stuntmon octor comero operotor

I Put the words in the correct box.

toll overogeheight short fot thin

beoutiful good-looking pretty ugly
o moustoche o beord bold o ponytoil

nice kind meon intelligent fit

Whot does he/she look like?

(oppeoronce) ldi'e.tdl
He's/She's... t-r.p*t"f
Fa*-l @
fr ffi fl
Whqt's helshe like? (personolity)
Write R (reporter), A (octor)
or D (director) by the sentences
I She'soveroge height ond she'sfit. :
2 She'spretty ond she'sgot o ponytoil. L--l
3 She'sshort ond she'sgot o hot. E
4 She'sgot o big smile ond she looks kind. L-J
""0 ":t:""j1T:#
5 She'stoll ond she'sgot long hoir. :
6 She'spretty with wovy hoir. L--l
ff \j.1, gooa-tookinO'
He'sgot a moustache.
5 Write obout one of the men in the
picture. ff
n,, Describe o fomous person. Con your
friends guess the person?

Giving opinions qbout the future (think + will)
Question Do you think people will live on the moon?
Short onswers Y es,Ido./No, I d o n ' t .
Affirmotive I think people will be very toll.
Negative I don't think people will trovel to different plonets.

4 Whot does Rqv'suncle think obout the

. Usewill + infrnitive when vou ore certoin

future? Write sentences.
obout the future.
. Use I think + will + infinitive when you live be hove trovel live hove
ore giving on opinion qbout the future.
in citiesunder the seo ve{tdl
on the moon holidoys on other plonets
Listen ond number. .l) z.zz
in time mochines flying con

I 2
x x
3 4
,/ ,/

Mqke sentences. Mqtch them to the

,/ x
pictures in Activity 1..
I lr'ill live I under the seo people .
don't think


think ? people Do you on other plonets

will live


holidoys in spoce Do you will hove

people ? think

Picture -

4 . will be think electric cors I

Picture -

Now listen ond check. .t))z.zz

5 Write questionsobout the future. Use Reod the sentences. Write I think or
the words from Activity 4. I don't think.

1 D r : U ':u th in k p eoplewiil ir'",con the moo n ? When I'm 20,

I'll be morried.
When l'm 22,
I'll hove my first cor.
3 When I'm 40,
4 I'll hove o big house.
When I'm 50,
I'll be rich.
When I'm 35,
I'll hove three children.
6 When I'm L7,
I'll speokthree longuoges.
7 When I'm 18,
I'll live in the USA.
6 Now qsk ond onswer.
Doyou think peoplewill liveon the moon? When l'm 25,
I'll be fomous.


t Reod the story ogoin. F p"r" 381'X)z'zo

9 Mqtch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the story.
I The teoms went to the film set to get o were greot.
2 The Incredible Redsdecided to b his outogroph.
3 They sow o mon jump c but he wosn't Vic Ricordo!
4 They thought the mon wos Vic Ricordo but d be extros for the doy.
5 They sow onother mon fighting with swords e wos greot.
6 Finolly Vic Ricordo gove them f he wos o stuntmon.
7 Oli thought Vic Ricardo g onto o horse.
8 Meg ond Rov thought the stuntmen h Vic Ricordo'soutogroph.

lO Complete the story ployscript. FMBp"e"rt

Listen ond repeot. 4)) 2'23

Listen. Which sound do you heor? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .D)z-z+

3 Write the words next to the correct picture.


outogroph korote squclre

w W&8 stoirs choir porty scored foirytole

4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repeot. i)) 2.2s

5 Listen to the chont. Then soy. .,, 2.26

I reod o foirytole obout o beor

Who went to o costle in o pork for o porty.

The bodyguord wos scoredond forgot to closethe door,

Becousethe beor wos weoring oll his clothesfor korote!

The queen wosn't scoredwhen the beor come through.

She loughed o lot ond then she soid, 'l do korote too!'

We often spell the /el sound with the letterscir, eer or are.

Bffi w
I Complete the Spy Kids review. Use the 2 Complete the toble for Chicken Run.


film,tt is likeaJames
3py Kidsis a brilliant Bond LhicYcnVun
filmfor children.loveditbecause thechildren ia oneof m1
in thefilmhavesomeamazing advenfures. lt is all-timafavourits animaisd films.the characlers
Floopis the bad in thafllm aramadvof modalling cla1.
tha fllm
is raall1,
raall1 tellsthestoryof eome
childrendiscoverfhatlheir parenfsare missing chicKvns on a chicYyn farm.Theldocide to
oiLapv fromthafarm.Firotthel wantto laarnio
AnfonioBanderas asthefatherwasgreatbut ft, bufthol can't.Thanthel meotFocKy ,hy is a
AlexVegaasthesonwasnTvery good.Butdont pilot.'the1builda fiing machinvhogyIher.
missthisfilmbecauseof that/
M1favourite characlvr He'srealllcool,
is FocK1.
andho'tfunnltoo.Mal&ibsonis FocKy's

3 Write q review of o film you hove seen. 7:f

_ ." l_ 1 Chooseo film.
wnoYiipeciotltit [il;a fltrn 2 Answer thesequestionsobout the hlm.
guqqlllus !_ttltf-*i rql Sbiiaren -------'------..1
i . Why do you like this film?
Whot's the film I o fomily of spies i l
. What is the film about?
obout? li
. What happensin the film?
Whot hoppens the children
. What do you think of the actors?
in the film? rescuetheir
. What is your opinion of the fiIm?
porents from
3 Useyour onswersto write oboultthe nlm.
Check it corefully.
4 Find illustrotions for vour hlm rerier.''.
Copy your text neotlr-.
Whot doesthe
writer soy obout reollygood - brilliont os
l- Usesome oi thest i\€:i- n\::t\Stt-!tSio
the octors? jAlex Vego- not Rocky'svoice your rerierr':
very good ... is one of mt oll-time faourite films.
It is obout ...
My favourite charocter is
Whot'sthe go to seeit
... wasn't ven gd.
opinion? Don't mbs it!
Go to see this fiIm!

The history of films

Reod the text. Circle the dotes qnd 4 Reqd. Motch the pictures to the text.
underline the importont informotion.
Hollywood is in Colifornia, USA. Mony North
Americon fllms ore mode there. Americon
Indions lived in the oreo for o long time ond
then the Europeonsorrived in the middle of
the 19th century.They stortedto build houses.
In 1853,there wos one smoll house,but ot
the end of the 1870s,there were villoges ond
forms. The oreo wos colled Hollywood in
1886.At the beginning of the 20th century,
Hollywood wos o smoll town with 500 people.
The first film wos mode in Hollywood in 1910.
It wos o short film colled In OId California.

Now complete the timeline.

Americon Indions
EodweordMuybridgewos o photogropher.
He lived ot the end of the 19th century.He
wontedto know how horsesrun. Do they
everhove oll four legsoff the ground?He
one smoll house
neededto toke somephotosof o horse's
end of legswhen it wos running. It was difficult
1870s becousehorsesrun very fost.

oreo colled Hollywood

He hod o clever ideo. He put twelve
1900 comeros with switchesalong o race trock.
first film mode: In OId California He put strings from the comero switches
to the other side of the trock. The horse
ron olong the trock ond broke the strings.
now Every time the horse broke o string, the
comero took o photo.
3 Put these events in the right order.
I The onswersore oll on CB poges42 and 43. /
The photosgoveMuybridgethe onswerto
Film in colour tr his question.He olsoput his photosin o
Film with moving imoges tr : i:'(4
projectorond showedpeoplethe imoges.
Full-length cortoon fllm tr This wos the beginning of film.
Film to hove sound ond diologue tr
Film thot told o storv tr
Animoted cortoon T Whot is the onswer to Muybridge's
Film shown with o projector T question?

6 look @the Sm&te. Cluclethe,*!$furrect inf,ormation in the text.
.:.. . , . , r . , , t : t r ii
Walt Disney
19Olbom in Marceline,
Missouri lUalt Disneywas born in 1900 in Marceline,
19lOmovedto l0ansasCity Missouri.Hisfamily movedto KansasCity in L9L0.
1gl7 art school,first cartoons Hewent to film schoolin L9L7 and starteddrawing
cartoons. He invented MickeyMousein L929 and
won an AcademyAward (Oscar)for Mickeyin L932.
for MiclteyMouse
Threeof his most famousfilms areSnow Vhite
(L937),Fantasia(L94L) and Cinderella(1950).tn
1940 madehntasia
L955 he openedone of the world'sfirst theme
l95O madeCinderella
Mary Poppinswhich combinedcartoonsand real
actors.$UaltDisneVdiedin L976.
1966 died

(tbfirt y$,,,ur Dmw o timeHne.

2 Draw o tirmelinefor you-
3 Write obout it.

Look bqck ot the unit. Whqt con you do? Think qnd colour.
Not ot oll Very well

I I con remember the film set words from

CB poge 37.

I I con describeo person.

a I con moke sentencesusing will ond won't.

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con soy some words with these

sounds: leel and lo:1.

I I con do a role ploy obout my fovourite film.

I I con write o film review.

T I con remember the film words from

C Bpo g e s42 o nd43.

) I con tolk obout the history of cinemo.

- tl
I i .-

I Number the pictures. 3 Complete the speech bubbles.
I Hi.My name'sGrace.Iwant
1 stoge 2 drummer 3 guitorist
4leod singer 5 keyboordployer 5 drums tobea
7 elechicauitor 8 keyboords 9 bond l pradisethe
l0lights 11 speokers L2 microphone everyday.

'G'G-mL'm I wantto bea

2 Write the words.

People in the bond: Myname'sJames.These


I wantto bea

Hi.I'm standingon the

.w hena
band playsin a conceftthey
needa lotof equipment.They

Pieces of stoge equipment:

makethe musiclouder.the


ten differentcountries. She's mode three olbums. She'shod two number ones.

I Listen ond number. .r)) 3 Reqd qnd complete.

I She'sthe in Sunshine.
aura'rrrE! She'sployed in three other bonds ond she's
ployed ot 30 concertsin ten different
countries. She'smade six olbums ond
she'shod five number ones.

2 She'sthe in Sunshine.
She'sployed in two other bonds ond she's
ployed ot 25 concertsin three different
countries. She'smode three olbums ond
she'shod one number one.
2 Listen qgqin qnd complete. .r)
li 4 Write obout the other bqnd members.
"**.*/ I
is the
IIho: ^tEX1'I
Ati.trrednxnmer ;AA|J4!, in Sunshine.She'sployed in - other
OtIlOf bandr: t
7 ,,$***rq.-- :
.'1l.-e-rf%C I ond she'sployed ot -
(oncerts: :,:... in - different countries.
Coontries: lO
Alboms: 6 She'smode - olbums ond she'shod
Nomber ones: ' ,,
Ullio: Som,goitorist
Otfer bonds:
Concerts: IOO
Coootrfes: 2Fl
Nomber onar: I :':

4lho: ploger
Ot6erbonds: 2
Concerts: :,,t.1:- 5 Listen ond repeot. .))
,.1;;;' suitarist'
Csontries: ,
Atboms: in threebands'
Nomberooerz I
lrlho: l(&,Ieod singer .- ned
Otherbonds: " ', twonumber
Concerts: 5O
Afbqns: 5
Nomberones: 6 Tolk obout o fqmous musicion.
Con your friends guess your person?

Tolking obout things you're sure obout Tolking obout things you're not sure obout
She must be ot home. They could be Swedish.
She must be visiting her grondmo. They could be going to the zoo.
She con't be ot school. She might be o teocher.
They con't be wotching o film. He might be ploying in the pork.

Listen qnd number. ')) z.:a 4 Look qnd write sentences.

(cook, ride her bike)
S h e c a n ' f b e c o o k i n g .S h e
mu s t h e rid in g h e r b i k e .

(wotch TV, reod o mogozine)

He miq h t b t , w a t c h i n al V
He c*utd b* reading a
m0 0 0 z rn e .

(swim, hove o both)

Mqke sentences. Motch them to the

pictures in Activity 1.
I might She . ot her grondmot house be
.ruru (do her homework, send
on emoil)

Picture c

2 playing could in the gorden . be She

'W (ploy footboll, ploy tennis)

3 . ot her grandmo's house be She cqn't

Picture- (listen to music, eot dinner)

4 o borbecue be They hoving must

Picture -
(eot ice creom, eot cereol)
3 Now listen qnd check. .t)

5 Solve the puzzles. wheream t goingz
I to the beoch to the shower
to the librory

I'm corrying o towel. HP

It's block ond white. lt can't be a tiger.

I t c o utd be a ze b ro or a penquin. I've got some sun creom.
It livesin Africo. lt con't be a penquin.
It mrr.sfbe o zebrn illlSfi.l.ri:'ii' what'smyfavouriteftuit?

-^J ,- J
bononos lemons strorafoerries

D N A}

It's yellow.
We'reployingwith o 5q11. Thegccn't be ploging
chess.Thegcouldbe plaUing Jootbalior basketbatl. It's long ond thin.
We kick the boll with our feet.-

skiing ice skoting

wotching o film
It's cold.
['m in Europe.Sh e con'f be
I'm in the mountoins.
I'm eoting o lot of pizza.

5 Reod the story ogoin. t cBp"r"46-.l'l) zsr

7 Motch. Then cover the sentenceendings ond tell the story.

I The teqms went to o o behind the stoge.
2 They were looking for somebody b concert in the pork.
3 The Incredible Redswent c were the onswer.
4 They sow o bond colled d the words in o song.
5 The singer wos colled Kirstie but she e colled Kirstie.
6 Oli wos listening to f she wos leoving home.
7 The words in the song g 'Kirstie ond the Swomps'.
8 Kirstie wos sod because h wos hoppy, not sod.

t Complete the story ployscript. FMBp"ftl

I Listen qnd repeot. ,)) 2'3e

2 Listen. Which sound do you heor? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .D)2.40


3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

,h& [fi) q ll .q

& m &' . -
>:Pf r+r
-/P t-t

guitor tights musicion pipe

H €
ideo instruments dustbin bike rhythm five

4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repeot. .D)z.+r

5 Listen to the chont. Then soy. .), 2-42

Switch on the microphone! Switch on the lights!

Let's swing the rhythm ot the jazz club tonight.

There ore singersond musicions,

There ore trumpets ond guitors.

Let'sswing the rhythm under the stors.

We often spell the ,ar,1

sourd with i + consonont+ e or with the lettersigh.
We usuolly spell the ,'risound with i but sometimeswe spell it with the lettery.

1 Write the words ond phroses under the Reqd the texts. Motch the missing
correct picture. sentences to the gops.

dffiee ribbons guitors o sow the mouse'

b they donced in o circle
swimming costumes monkey mosks c it looked round the pole.
differentcountries mosk flogs verypretty.
giont drums recorders mouse d wore monkeYcostumes.
e ployed their guitors. f on the drums.

h obouton
g from Kenyo best.
They ployed different songs
i song o song
from different countries. obout the seo

The school concert wos on the 2Oth Moy.

The children in Yeor 1 E . They wore

swimming costumesond mode woves.Another
group ployed o rhythm n . It wos greot.

Some children from Yeor 2 performed o ploy

. He wos scored of mice. It wos very funny.
W. ott loughed when the giont I

The children in Yeor 3 song songs.Somechildren

ployed their recorders.l5--l They hod flogs from
the countries too. I liked the song E]

,ww.-.T::ry.--Tm.m Then the children in Yeor 4 did o Moypole

donce. Moypole doncing is on English trodition.
The children held ribbons ond J--l .
I liked it becouseE

The children in Yeor 5 performed Thelungle

Bookond I e | . others|
10 loved
l. Everybody
the show.

3 Write qbout o school show. f

I Write somewordsconnectedto the show
2 Write your composition.Checkit corefully.
Checkyour work corefully.
Drow o picture.Copyyour compositionneotly.

Describethe oct.
Add your opinion.
Moke your writing interesting.

Guess the qnswers to the quiz.
1 Write the words.
Then listen ond check. 't))z.+r
tune doubleboss ftotes soxophone

,\5 )azz Quiz

1 When wos Miles Dovis born?
db o in 1899 b in 1926 c in 1940

2 When wos Duke Ellington born?

Reqd ond write true or false next to the o in 1899 b in 1926 c in 1940
3 Whot instrument did Chorlie Porkerploy?
Ello Fitzgeroldwos
o the trumpet b the soxophone
born in L91,7. She wos
c the piono
a very popular jazz
singer in the USA.She
4 What instrument did Duke Ellington play?
hod on omozing voice
and could sing mony o the trumpet b the soxophone
different styles of iazz, c the piono
ond she could imitote
ony instrument in the orchestro os well. She 5'Dizzy'is o nicknome.Whot wasDizry
sold more thon 40 million recordsond she Gillespiet reol first nome?
won 14 Grommy music owords. a Williom b John c |omes
She loved singing ond doncing when she
wos o child. She first song on stoge ot o 6 Whot wos Chorlie Porker'snicknqme?
competition when she wos 16. Life wos o Bird b Cot c Frog
difficult for block people in the USA becouse
of rociol discriminotion, but everyone wonted
to heor Ello sing. She worked hord ond song
1 [f z Z 3 1 4 n s[] 6I
in clubs, concert holls and theotres all over
the world. She oppeored on television ond Who ore these fomous iazz rnusicions?
in films. She wos 74when she gove her finol
Reorronge the letters in the nomes.
concert. She died in 7996.
I Ello Fitzgeroldwos o piono ployer.
2 Shecould sing like o trumpet or o double
3 Her recordswere very populor. -
4 Shestortedsinging on stogewhen she
w os 16 .
5 Shesong in mony different countries.
f vo, .or,f,"l th. "**".r 7
She gove her finol concertin 1996.
L:lSlrry::-o-glgl l
oongaI ilhomoment n called1treetFhythmtt is b1a singerca\\ed
is Germanandshycom?,i fromgarlin.iha haawonlotsof
andshohae heror,.rntolavisionprogramme.lhe aingsraalllwell
andtheplaletharalboardatoo.iha somstimes eingsin Onglishandthesomatimee
in German.1treet Fhythmis in 6nglish.
I lire iI because
it hasnicowords and
it io goodIo dancvIo.

I Whot's her fovouritesongcolled? 4 Whot instrument does the singer play?

2 Who'sit by? 5 Why doesshe like the song?
3 Where'sthe singerfrom?

.. .,...
6 tl!ffie about$our fn ite

Look bock ot the unit. Whot c<rnyou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot all Verywell

I I con remember the concert words from

CB poge 45.

I I con oct out my version of the story. J

i L--
a I con tolk obout o person'sexperiences.

A I know how to use modols of deduction.

I I con soy some words with these sounds:

lil and latl.

I I con do o role ploy obout going to the


I I con write obout o school show.

I I con remember the music words from

CB poges50 ond 5L.
I con tolk obout the history of jazz. tttl


IL o The Post simple ond the Past continuous

. will / won't
o must/ can't / might / could
o Extreme weother
o Working on o fllm
. Musicol instruments ond musicions

I Write the post forms of the verbs. 3 Write sentences.

stort blcak drop foll
strings mining stoge microphone

I /\ He wos playing his guitor when
drop ,F t t h e s rrin c sb ro k e .

She wos wotchino the concert when
ffi She wos singing when

2 Complete fess'sdiary.

microphone speokers.guitar drums

stoge lights
"82 He wos ploying the keyboord when

JimandI (go) went t. , ff con{rrl i6

Now write questions.
the parKleeterdal.We(navo)1- a
1 Wh o t wa s t h e g u rt a r; s td u in g i i , h e nt h e (start)2- raininqandthen c l r :nr r c hr nl n)

*hr 3- andrhefu-
(erplode) ! Theleadsinger(drop)
6-l h o .\ 7

Theguitarisi's onhis
t-Tha drummer(bang)
10- htshoad
oni',,u 11-
h 5 Ask ond onswer.
andthorolboardplaler(fall)12- off the whatwastheguitaristdoing
whenthe stringsbrokez

Order the words in the sentences.
6 Motch the sentence holves.

1 We were ploying footboll

2 I wos moking sondwiches
3 I wos hoving o both
4 I wos skoteboording
5 We were sitting in the pork A reporter is interviewing SteveSwomp, the
rock guitorist. Theseore his questions ond
o when the storm storted.
b when we broke the window. lba , ntrnth the in ? next Vfill be Poris
c when the telephone rong.
d when I cut my finger.
I e when I fell ond broke my orm.

Chonge the verbs into the Post simple

or the Post continuous. Z in LOndon ploy Will you ?

Lost Sundoy fessond |im LecL&ea

(decide)to meet some friends in the pork.
(wolk) to the pork
when they 2 (see)o cot 3 ? in New York you ploy Will
run ocrossthe rood. A mon
(drive) his cor olong the
rood when he a (see)the
cot in front of him. He '
(stop)his cor very quickly but o lorry your number one hit ? you ploy Will
behind him 6
(crosh) into his cor.
The two drivers 8
when the police e
The police 10 (speok)to
5 moke you Will ? o new DV.D
the two drivers. Everybody was OK so
(not coll) on

9 Circle the words. Write. 10 Write sentences obout eoch picture.

s must be could be might be con't be

h e ct V v S n o w h

e i n m f n r e d
fim ond |essore in the United Stotes.
o p S b r s) u C cl e
t I e u ue t L V m

w h I n9e o d r v S

o +
t I nlz r m o r c
v n m yk m i n o p
e I t h u n d e D I o
n e v g e r r n cl

e9 m b z z cl r d

S t r o n I w n d S


They could be in Kansos.
6 They con't be in Colifornio.
They must be in

tu-E ;,ry:. 2

Eu**!t Florido.


ll Solve the riddle.

bond stuntmon cup dry fun guitor wind microphone lights

hundred ten wove drummer singer

My fourth letter is in Jon ond in 3?4 ','rLnd

My first letteris in /f in 3&

My sixth letter is in \ ota in !

letterisin fu onain !€lGl

Myfifthlettertr tr, ondinfrf

My third letteris in OnCl In *-J

^A \#

My seventhletteri, i^ ondin ffi

Whot om I?

L2 Look ot the picture. Find, circle ond write.

i 7 thingsbeginningwith s

3 things beginning with d


13 Now do the octivities in the PMB. PMB6 poges 30 ond 3l

1 Number the pictures. 3 Write sentences. line 2 knife 3 whistle binoculors needle ond threod
4 frying pon 5 rope 6 motches nreksaek €eaonuts knife rope rope
7 shelter 8 plosters 9 needleond threod frying pon porrots fish
10 rucksock Ll. binoculors shorts bridge

# b ,\ cs
moke mend cook cut wotch eary

'*g C=

+ 'ffoffi

&. 4z She'sooino to use

% -+
2 Order the words.
for survivol

for survivol

Hove you seen the knife?
I con't find the motches. I've lost my whistle.
It isn't there.
Hove you looked in your rucksock?
Why don't you check in your tent?
I've found it!
I p".l*til ft""t] f bo" \ 3 Write questionsond onswers.Use
different expressionsin the questions
Where qre the items? Listen qnd ond onswers.
motch. .r):.2



Order the diologues. Then listen

ogoin qnd check. .r)s.z
tr Hove you seenmy knife?
I Why don't you check in your pocket? 4 Listen ond repeot. .r)s.e
tr OK. ... I've found it! Thonks. YnYwhi*re?
tr No, I hoven't. Hove you looked in ;:;'seen
I can'tftndthefishing
your rucksock?
tr Yes,I hove. It isn't there. you looked
in your rucksack?

tr I con't find the frying pon. Uoucheck

tr It isn't in the tent. I've olready checked. pockets)

I Why don't you check in the tent?

tr No! Good ideo. ... I've found it! 5 Do o role ploy. Imogine you hove lost
tr Hove you looked in the box? something. Ask your portner to help
you find it.

Condition (with i0 Consequence (with will)
U I seeRov I'll invite him to my porty.
lf it roins, I won't ploy footboll.
If he eots too much chocolote, he'll be sick.
U she runs, she won't miss the bus.

Listen qnd number. .l) r.o 4 Write sentences.

wotch snow ploy
om reir miss to*e

e*umbrelle hungry
the bus TV footboll

f [t rains,I'll take
an umbretla.

I won' t g o to s c hool
Moke sentences. Match them to the
pictures in Actvity 1. f llnish m g
L hove breokfost you If be hungry loter , homewor k .
you won't
l{ ,tn ,,

Picture 0
f I' m tir ed.
2 , l'll lote for school I missthe bus be . If

Picture -

3 . you won't you If run quickly , miss it

Picture- l' tl ect a s andw i c h.

now hove time If get up you , you'lI

for breokfost

Picture - I ' ll p h o ne m u r n u m .

3 Now listen ond check. 'r)s.o

Ask your portner. Write obout the pictures in Activity 5.
1 if rt rcins,she'llgo to the spoi"ts

weor o swimming costume be sunny 2 lf shegoesto the spor tscentr e .

go to the beoch go surfing
roin go to the sportscentre
weor o T-shin ond shorts ploy bosketboll
3 lf shepiaUsbasketba{ t.

tllr& ( (lan.
, ll ,{


F@ 5 f shegoesto the beach,

6 iJ shegoessur ,iLnq.

7 Reod the story ogoin. I cnp"g"s4 'tl)s.a

Motch. Then cover the sentenceendings ond tell the story.

1 The teoms hod to stoy on o they werehungry.
2 The cloudswere dork ond b to cookthe fish.
3 They neededto build c they wereworried obout roin.
4 Rov cut down leovesond d cought somefish for dinner.
5 When they finishedthe shelter e o desertislond for the night.
6 They went fishing ond f Meg ond Oli built the shelter.
7 They storted to build o fire I suddenlygot the onswer.
8 When they werebuilding the fire, Oli h o shelterto sleepin.

9 Complete the story ployscript. I pMBp"e"3t-.l

Listen ond repeot. .r) t.,

Listen. Which sound do you heor? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .r) :.4


seo m ushroom s pider shork shell rucksock

sn a ke

4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repeot. .r) s.e

5 Listen to the chont. Then soy. .r) s'to
I wos fishing in the shode.
A snokewos whistling in the seo.
'Quick!' I shouted,'Shelterhere!
In my rucksock.Con't you see?
A shork!' 'A shork?Oh, he's OK.
He eots mushrooms every day.
Shellsond insects,spiderstoo.
He won't eot me but he might eot you!'

We often spell the /! sound with the letters sh.

L Reqd the diory. Then look qt the pictures qnd lobel them: Doy 1, Doy 2 or Doy 3.

ti-t -4-----=E

Are theseopinions positiveO,

Daylatsurvivalcamp. neutraltJ or negotive @ ? Drow foces
Wecaughtthetrainto Eastvale thismorning andttren by the sentences.
walkedto thecampsite. Wehadto carryeverything/ I The octivities were OK.
r\:7. \
Myrucksackwasreallyheavy. Whenwearrivedweput ()
2 It wosn't ony fun.
upthefentsandthenwecollected wood for afire.We ()
3 It wos brilliont.
madeourdinneronthenr..@w.'r" 4 Our teom is going to win.
goingto tell storiesroundthefire beforewegoto 5 We hod a nice time.
bedtonightWsgoingto befun. 6 I didn't like it ot oll.
7 It wosn't bod.
Dayz af survivalcamp. 8 Abseiling is reolly horrible.
Wegot upearly.ltwas mYturn to makebreaKasttt 9 I loved it.
10 It wos the best doy so for. {)
wasdifficultlo caokfor30 people,but t think I made ()
11 I'm no good ot cooking.
a goodmeal/Then theleadersdividedusintothree
12 Rock climbing is OK.
teams- t'mintlreOwls.Then theygaveusa challenge.
Wehadto ooss ther"iver withoutswimming.Ourteam
Reod the diory entries ogain.
usedplasticbotflesto makea raft ltwasntbrilliant
Circle the opinions in eoch entry.
because it didnt floatverywell.But wehada good
time. 4 Imogine you ore on holidqy. Write o
diory entry. *
Dayg at survivalcamp, 1 Plon your writing with o concept mop.
Todaywasthebestdaysofar.Wewentrockclimbing Decide whot hoppened eoch day.
I wasscaredatfirst butthenI
infne morniflg. 2 Write your diory entries.
discoveredt reallylikedit.Wehada picniclunchand 3 Check your work corefully.
thenwedidwafersporlsin the affernoon. Canoeing 4 Drow pictures for your diory. Copy your
wasmyfavourite. Welearnedhowto turnthe cano€ entries neotly.
lt wasquitedifficult/
Include focts ond opinions in your diory.

Survivol fentures
L Write the words. Fennecfoxeslive in the desert
fur clows skin tongrues in Arizono. The desertis hot
webbedfeet beoks in the ond cold
ot night. They ore noctumol
t Anteotersusetheir lono ond they sleepin tunnels fennec fox
lorrquesto cotchonts.
J undergroundin the doy.Their 7- eors
help keepthem 8- too. They go out into
' @ ffi:":":",i:',lo"jr.,",*
*r,. the desertat night when the e-
They hove o thick 10-
is lower.
coot. It is good
t\ Eogleshunt with their strong comouflogeond keepsthem 1r- ot night
ond -.
Mqtch the sentence holves.

-4t$ Elephonts hove grey

They don't hove fur.
4-\ o ore good for
sb Ducks con swim fost becouse
b ore useful for
they hove

Complete the sentences.

1' finding food.

3 Strons
beoks is good
doy snow dorker worrn
feet cool dork spots temperoture &
sond-coloured big comoufloge
4 webbed
feet ore good for
ry opening nuts

s spottedfurore good for

4 Find the mystery word.
You con find the onswerson CB poges58 ond 59
Snowleopordslive in high mountoins in I Birds' ore sometimes good comou
Asio. It is cold ond dry in the mountoins, 2 A is o hot, dry environment.
ond thereis r- in the winter. In 3 A is o worm, wet environment.
winter its coot is liqht-colouredwith 4 Polor beors live neor the North
z-.lts coot is good 3 5 Humons con't survive in - environments.
ogoinstthe snow.In summerthe snowmelts
ond the leopord'scoot chongesto o
4-colour. Theyore huntersso they
hove stronglegsand shorp clows.Their
s- ore big so they can wolk eosily
on the snow.
The mystery word is:

Reod obout this {nvented animol. Drow it. ,

Thieis m1animal.lI't callvda

animal! DYserIE.inYer.ltlivesin tha
dosertand it ealscaciusflowars.
It'sgotlonglegsanda long neodslonglagebecaueo
spiKetontha caclutplants. [t's
gotbigaarswhich halpio Kaap
ii'sgotbigpaws soiI can

6 Invent on onimal, nome it i&ite aboutrlft.ff

Look back qt the unit. Whot con you do? Think and colour.
Not ot oll Very well

I I con remember the survivol items from

CB poge 53.

I I con osk obout something I've lost.

a I con moke sentencesusing the First conditionol.

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con soy some words with these sounds: /s/

and l|.

I t con do o role ploy obout how to survive.

I t con write o diory.

I I con remember the survivol feotures from

CB poges58 ond 59.
) I con identiff onimols' survivol feotures.
- tl
| |'--

I Number the pictures. Write true sentences obout you.

L stor 2 telescope 3 moon look through meet meet see

4 olien 5 rocket 6 spoceshuttle see visit tly
7 ostronout 8 sotellite 9 croter
10 Eorth 1.1meteorite 1.2spacestotion spocestotion telescope afi€n meteorite
sotellite ostronout spoceshuttle

@ G' G l' v e n e v e r me t a n o l i e n

I ' v e s e e no

G G' 4
2 Write the words.

Man-mode things in spoce:

Notural things in spoce:

It could be the elephont.
I think the onswer is the cor. Becouse on elephont con't fly.

I ogree with Tom. Becouse o cor has got four wheels.

I don't ogree.

1 Listen ond write a, b, or c. .r) Look ond mqtch the sentence hqlves.
1 Which is the odd one out?
/-7 Nz
The boy thinks the odd one out is
(.-9 1i
The girl thinks the odd one out is I I think it's the stor o becouseyou con't
sit on it.
2 I'm sure it's the

The boy thinks the odd one out is - .
It could be the
b becousethere
oren't ony in spoce.
c becouseit goes round
The girl thinks the odd one out is - . the Eorth.

Which is the odd one out?

Order the diologue. Then listen ogoin
qnd check. .r)

Ll I don't oqree. I think it's the rocket.

ffi -b"
| | Becouseo rocket con trovel in spoce. I think it's the spoce o becouseit con be
L---JWhy do you think it's the rocket? shuttle mode of wood.
E e plone, o cor,ond o rocket.Which is 2 It could be the boot b becouseit's
the odd one out? got wheels.
3 I'm sureit's the lorry
E o cor con't fly. c becouseit con
Oh yes! Thot's right too! trovel in spoce.
A lthink it's the cqr. 5 Ploy the gome.
E wnyz
3 Listen ond repeot. .r))
it s the
I think
It coufdbethemoon'
I agree.
I don't
I Work in groups.
2 You will get three items.
3 Which is the odd one out ond why?
How mony con you find?

Asking obout o consequence Improboble condition
(would + infinitive) (Post simple)

Question Whot would you do tf you sow o tqrontulo?

Improboble condition (Post simple) Consequence(would + infinitive)
Long onswer If I hod o lot of money, I'd buy o house.
Short answer I'd trovel oround the world.

Listen qnd number. .l/1)z.zz 4 Look ond complete the sentences.

o b ph€n€ ask for visit
eot find live see

on autogroph the pyromids tbAre+rigede

pizzo q lot of money o shork
on q desertislond

Moke sentences. Mqtch them to the If he went to Egypt,

pictures in Activity 1.
I if met would you do ? o fomous film stor
you Whot

'ffi If shemet o fomous film stor,

2 I'd first . to Itoly go

If he went to Itoly,


3 o sweetshop . I'd o lot of money If hod


Picture- , she'd be frightened.

4 would you do o bonk robbery ? if you

sow Whot
he'd toke it to the police.


3 Now listen and check. .t1)s.zz she'dswim in the seoeverydoy.

5 Complete the questions.Then qsk ond 6 Write qbout your portner.
onswer. Circle your portner's onswers. u,---.J
* re
o cobrq. t:.tlf^' lf denny won f't,oo), she'd go on holiday.
go see hove win
o rocket f 1,0OO

Whot would you do if you

o I'd go on holidoy. b I'd put it in the bonk.

2 Where would you go if you

o I'd fly to the moon. b I'd fly to Mors.

3 whotwouldt."o"or";
a I'd run owoy. b I'd ploy music to it.

4 Whot would you Iike to do if you

a I'd visit the pyromids. b I'd ride o comel.

7 Reqd the story ogoin. F p"r" 6rl 't))s'zo

8 Motch. Then cover the sentence endings qnd tell the story.
L The teomswent to o mony moons Mors hos got.
2 Theyneededtoknowhow b 'The voyoge oround the solor system'.
3 They looked ot o model of the solor system but c o plonetorium.
4 They went to 'The Mors Experience' d the solor system on o big screen.
5 Then they went on e ond they counted two moons.
6 They wotched beoutiful pictures of f when the Incredible Redsphoned in the onswer.
7 They sow Mqrs g they couldn't seethe moons.
8 The other teoms were still looking h but it wos closed.

9 Complete the story ployscript. FeMB

1 Listen ond repeot. .,))3.23

2 Listen. Which sound do you heor? Hold up your left hond or your right hond. .r) 3.24

Write th e words next to th e correct picture.

aE I I
E ffi ffi

-- E

- --.

G t-;"R.
f f i3ffi
s&##w@iffi se*?rs%i*s*#
grovity croter volcono
ISoturn whole p lonets plone
spoce oxis

s a t e { lit e

4 Listen qnd check. Then listen ond repeot. .E 3.2s

5 Listen to the chont. Then soy. .D 3'26

It's greot here ot SpocePort,I love the gomes we ploy!

Low grovity's fontostic - you con float oll doy!

I wont to be on ostronout ond explore our otmosphere.

But help! I might seeoliens! Moybe I'll stoy here.


Be coreful! We sometimes spell the ler/ sound qnd the lal sound with the letter a.

L Reod the leqflet. Then complete the 2 Complete the missing sectionsin the
missing sections of the concept mqp. leoflet. Usethe informqtion in the
concept mop.

o Visitthe LunarMuseumand learn

a l l a b o u tt h e Mo o n !
o Go to the 3D cinemaand watch
the first Moonlanding!
o Visitthe LunarZoolLearnabout
animalsand plantsthat livein
zero-gravity cond itions.
o Seeour art at the MoonArt Centre
and makea rocksculptureto

o Visitthe LunarSPortsCentre
and try somelow-gravitY sPorts!
o Go on the ThreeCraterstrek.Go
into one of the cratersand seethe
o Try Moon-kartracing!Moon-karts
can jumP for twentYmetresas well
as raceon the ground.Havethe
experience of a lifetime!

Write q leoflet qbout o holidoy on o

i s fa mo u si n a l l th e
1 Plqn your writing. Moke o concept mop.
Universe.Try it on l
2 Write the text ond check it carefully.
and in our famous3-!
3 Design your leoflet ond odd the text.
o 4- is a verysPecial
4 Decorote the leoflet.
It is madefrom 5- and

Imperotive phroseslike these moke your

. o;;bn.r* area 7- to
text sound exciting:
takehome.BuYa bigboxfor Your Go to ... ! Try ... !
familyanda smallboxfor Youself! V i si t... ! B uy ... !
See... !

The solqr systern
I Write the words.
I roteh 5 r- tor.rar 6 putirej srclm

2 Reod ond qnswer the questions. Aoeson different olonets


A humanwalkedonthemoonfor ,Eorth 1 2 3, 67 9
.:..*.... : -' - ''
-- - ..t-.---

thefirsttimein 1969.
Hisname 1Mercury 4
'" " : " - *1
r9:20 ; 24. 28 '37
wasNeilArmstrong andhewas )
; Mo rs >1 1 r1 2 3,4 :4
fromtheUnited States.
Hestepped ontothemoonand Soroh is 6 on Eorth, how old would she
said'Onesmallstepforman,one be if she lived on Mors?
giantleapformankind.'Another Rosieis 9 on Eorth, how old would she
astronaut, Aldrin,climbed
downafterhim. be if she lived on Mors?
Theyspenttwoanda halfhoursonthemoon.They 3 Chorlie is 1 on Eorth, how old would he
somemoonrocksandtheyputa United
collected be if he lived on Mercurv?
4 Mox is 10 on Eorth. how old would he
Humanshaven'tbeento anyotherplanets
be if he lived on Mercury?
4 Colculote the qgesof people you know
When did the first humons wolk on the on different plqnets. 15
6rample:M1rietarB tT loartotdon earIh.
2 Who wos the first humon on the moon?
3 Who wos the secondhumon on the moon? bv 4t * t?-- 571aars
iha r^rou\d old0n Mercury.
4 How long did they spend on the moon? bv 5 * 1= tqwart oldon Mare.
ihs r^rould
5 Whot did they collect?
6 Hove humons been to Mors yet? Write the nome of the plonet next to
eqch sentence.
3 Reqd qnd onswer the questions.
You con hnd the onswerson CB poges66 and 6,
Ayearisthetimeit takes
a planet
to goonceround
I This plonet is red.
theSun.AyearonEarth is365days. Wehaveour
birthdays year. 2 This is the smollest plonet.
onthesamedayevery SoonEarth
wehavea bifthdayonceevery365days. 3 This plonet's doy is 243 Earth doys.

Years ondifferent planets

arelongerorshorter than
It tokes 72 years for o spoce rocket to trovel
years onEarth. Mercury hasgota shorter orbitanda
to this plonet.
shofteryear.lf youlivedonMercury youwouldhave
5 This is the biggestplonet.
a birthday
moreoften. lupiterhasgota longerorbit
anda longer year.lf youlivedonJupiter youwould 6 This plonet hos 56 moons.
havea birthday lessoften. 7 This plonet is the third plonet owoy from
the Sun.
This plonet's yeor is 84 yeors ond 1 month
on Eorth.

B . **. ,
5 Reodand onr*er the questionsffi

Thisis myner^rplanat. lt ie
A newplanet! calledTrilon.
li is bat\,{aan
Ihv eadh ig I Whot is the plonet called?
aboutt-10millionKilomairss 2 Where is it?
fromiha iun. lt is a emall 3 Whqt size is it?
li is purplaandit has 4 Whot colour is it?
5 Hos it got ony moons?
gotthraamoon6. li hasgoia
longda1-iisda1isihasame 6 How long is o doy?
as7b hoursonear| has 7 How long is o yeor?
8 Is there life on it?
gota longlaarioo- ii isihe
9 Whot is it like?
L0 Whot's the weother like?
thorearyn' is a boautifulplaco,IhorocYt
Tourisiscan visilTrilon.Thabastiime is
are IrantparenL
ths summarbvcauseIhereare herriblo stormsin urinter.

7. Iny€nt o plonet and describeit; ffi

Usethe questi&s in Activity 5 to design your plonet.

Look bqck
Look bqck ot the unit. Whqt con you do? Think ond colour.
the unit.
Not ot oll Very well

I I con remember the spocewords from

CB poge 61.

I I con give on opinion obout something. J

I L---
a I con moke sentencesusing the Second

A I con oct out my version of the story.

I I con soy some words with these sounds: letl and lnl.

I I con do o role ploy obout trovelling to spoce.

I I con write q leoflet about o holidoy destinotion.

I I con remember the plonets from

C B p o g e s6 6 and67.
I con find informotion obout plonets in o toble.

Excuse me, where ore the toilets?
Excuse me, where's the informotion desk? On the first floor.

On the ground floor. Next to the shop.

Over there on the left. Opposite check-in.

Listen qnd motch. 'D)s'sa Listen

""0 orethetoi\ets?

1 ff"lr']"
on thefint floor'
Excuse me,where,stheexit?


4 You ore qt the informotion desk. Ask

your pqrtner how to go to different
ploces in this museum.

Order the diologues. Then listen ogoin

qnd checlq.'))s.r+
1 !J lt's on the ground floor.
L-Jrhot', oK.
Lil Excuseme, where's the information desk?
Ll rhonksverymuch.
2 L---lWhere? I con't seeit.
L--l There - look! Itt next to the cof6.
L-l fn. exit? It's over there.
| | Excuseme, where's the exit?

3T Excuseme, where ore the toilets?

T The toilets? They're opposite the lift.
tr Look, over there.
tr Oh, but I con't seethe lift.
4 I I The stoirs ore over there.
tr The shop? It's on the first floor.
tr How do I get to the flrst floor? Thankyou.
T Excuseme, where's the shop?
5 Now oct out your diologue.

Motch the pictrres to the se!$ends.

t lt isfor Kaeping
Ltt B a choco\aIY
x e vtt is Aecoraled
4tt A a decoration.
5lt is dvcoraled
withlinssand circ\yt.
t'o Mv bor is a cubv.

1 lt ioa ppamidwitha triangular

I:, 8 li is a cuboid.
=1-= N'
q lt is decoraled
of m1bostfrionds.

7 Mctcdanet$brc b,ox.qrc abo* it, ffi

Look bqck ot the unit. Whot cqn you do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll Very well

I I con remember the museum words from

CB poge 69.
I I con give ond osk for directions in o building.
a I con osk questions using What, Where,
When and How many.
A I con oct out my version of the story.
I I con soy some words with these
sounds: ls:l ond ltl.
I I con do o role ploy obout visiting on
unusuol museum.
I I con write o description of o colloge.
I I con remember the 3D shopes from
CB poges74 and75.
I con describe3D shopes. - tl
i l ,--

11 Solve the riddle.

stoirs ticket ofgce fiek rucksock exit, lift rope

ensanee knife lockers astronout

Mythirdletteri, i" entronce ondin stcL

f f,

My sixthletteris in'et
? ond in
My first letter
ond in J
My secondletter is in -ondi"$F
My fourth letteris in o nd in O -

My fifth letteris in il ondinf,|

Whot om I? c

t2 Look ot the picture. Find, circle qnd write.

6 things beginning with s 3 things beginning with a
s h plt pr orrdro'?u: . ro

2 things beginning with r

2 things beginning with m

L3 Now do the octivities in the PMB. PMB6 poges 46 ond 47

he Present
Affirmctlve I/You
finished dinner.
lWe I 've olreody closed the window.
,s stopped the roce.
Negatlve U
You/ finished dinner
hoven't closed the window
We/ yet,
Thev studied Music
stopped the roce
He* hosn't
I /You
1weI 've never been to Chino.
He* ,s
Quectlons llyoul finished dinner
we / they closed the window yet? uestion words
Questions w ith
Has he* stopped the roce todoy?
I lyou lwe with the
Hove Whot hove you done
/ thev ever seen the Olympics? book?
Hos he* todov?

The Pqst continuous

Affirmotlve I/He* wos tolking on the phone.
You/We driving to the city.
Thev woshinq the dishes.
Ncgative I/He* wosn't
working very hord. words
You/We preporing for the porfy. Questions with
They weren't
wotching TV. What I doinq
He* at2.OOon Fridoy?
Questions Wos he* you 9orng lost month?
you lwe I reading o book? were we pointing yesterdoy?
Were why
thev thev pictures

The future with will / won't

Affirmotive I/You
coll him.
lHe * I be in Conodo.
We / get his outogroph.
Negctive I lYouI
hove time to do the homework.
We /
won't hove o birthdoy porty this yeor. Questions with question words
cotch the bus.
Thev Whot I coll the boby?
Qucstlons orrive in time? you
llyoul get to the footboll
coll me? How will he*
will he* /we / motch?
be in the film? we
they When they arrive?
moke o cup of teo?
*Note: Sheond if olwoys use the some form of the verb os he.
must, can't, might, could - Modql verbs of deduction
True Thot someone rich ond importont.
He must tired bv now.
They sleepinq - it's completely quiet!
Not true It true!
You con't be serious!
She eotino oooin!
Not sure It o burqlor!
We there before it qets dork!
She doino her homework.

The First conditionol

Affirmotive orrive on time, she 'll be pleosed.
you/we/they come for lunch, I won't eot o biq breakfost.
If he* seesmy new bike, he* ll be ieolous.
it roins tomorrow. we won't hove o picnic.
Negotive I don't find the book, I 'll buy onother one.
you/we lthey don't cook the lunch, won't have onything to eot.
If thev
he* doesn't leove now he* 'll miss the bus.
the weother isn't good tomorrow, we won't oo to the beoch.
Note: We con olso put the if port of the sentence second.
The teocher will be pleosedif I orrive on time. We won't go to the beoch if the weother isn't good tomorrow.

th question words
Questions with
Whot hoppen we don't orrive on time?
Who will hear them if they shout?
Where we oo we qet lost?

The Second conditionql

Affirmotlve I hod o nhone. 'd coll mv friend.
you/we lthey lived in Icelond, we wouldn't see eoch other very often.
he* went to the film set, he 'd meet lots of fomous neoole.
it wosn't so lote. wouldn't be so tired.
Negotive I didn't hove o phone, 'd write more letters.
If you/we lthey weren't good friends, wouldn't shore everything.
it didn't toke so lonq 'd wolk to school.
she couldn't donce, she wouldn't be o doncer.
Note: We con olso put the if port of the sentence second.
He 'd meet lots of fomous people if he went to the film set. Shewouldn't be o doncer if she couldn't donce.

Questions with questio n w o rds

met the Queen
Whot would you if you of Enolond?
do sow on alien?
*Note: Sheond if olwoys use the some form of the verb os he.
Questions with question words
be + subiect verb+subiect+verb
Where ore thev? Who ls he meetino?
Whot IS the nome of vour fovourite octor? Whv will they be lote?
How ore you?
When will you see him ogoin?
When do you celebrote Christmos?
Whot did Mr Biro invent?
Where do polor beors live?
How mony hours did the journey take?

Infinitive Pqst form ond Infinitive Post form Post porticiple

post porticiple be (om/is/are) tbi:t wos/were lwoz, ws:l been lbi:nl
bend /bend/ bent /bent/ blow lblaol blew lblu:l blown lblaon/
build /brld/ built tbiltt breok /brerk/ broke /breok/ broken /braokan/
cotch lkertt cought tk:r.rt COme lknml come /kerm/ COme ik,rm/
cost /kost/ cost /kost/ do ldu:l did tdtdt done ldlnl
cut /ktrtl cut ,rk,rt/ drow ldrtl drew ld,ru:l drown ldrrnl
dig tdrgt dug /drg/ drink ldrqkl dronk ldrc4ki drunk /dr,t4kr
feed tfi:.d/ fed tfedt drive ldrawl drove ldrauvl driven ldrwnl
feel tfi;v felt tfelrt eot littl ote lefil eoten li:renl
fight tfart fought tl^:l^tt fqll tfr.y fell tfet/ fqllen lfrlcnl
find lfandl found tfaondl fly tflatl flew lflu:,l flown lflaonl
get lgerl got lgorl forget /f'a'get/ forgot lfa'gorl forgotten /fe'qotnr
hove lhe-vl hod thrdt give lEvl gove lgeN/ given /'grvan/
heor /hra(r)/ heqrd lht:dl 90 lgtol went lwenll gone igon/
hit thnt hit thttt grow /grco/ grew lgru:l gfown rgraunl
hold /har-rld/ held theld/ hide lhatdl hid ttudt hidden rhrdni
hurt /hs;rl hurt /ht:tl know lnaul knew lnju:l known ,nouni
keep /kitpl kept /kepti Ieorn /ls:nl Ieqrned llslnd,l leqrnt 'le:nt.'
leqve lli:vl left ride lratdl rode lreod/ ridden 'ndn,'
moke lmetkl mode ^eftt/merd/ nrn lrnnl ron lrnn/ run 'r.\n
meet lni:tl met lnetl See lst:/ SCIW /sf,:/ seen si:n'
poy lperl poid /petdt Sew isao/ sewed /saodi sewn seun
put lpotl put lputl shqke iJerk/ shook /Jok/ shqken 'Jerkrnr'
reqd tri:dt reod lredl show t.laol showed /Jaodi shown Jaon'
s(ly /seil soid /sed/ Sing /srr]i Song /se4/ SUng s\rJ
sell lsell sold /sauld/ Speok /spi:k/ spoke /sprukl spoken spaiikn/
send lsend/ Sent /senti swim rswrm/ Swqm lswernr' SwUm 'sw^m/
shoot ll:u:tl shot tlott toke ,rrerlc took troV token ,"terkani
sit lsrt/ Sot lse,t/ throw llreal threw l?ru:.i thrown /Oraon/
sleep /sli:p/ slept lslept/ WeOf ,'wea(r)/ wore /wJ:(r),' WOfn iwJ:n,/
smell /smel/ smelled /smelt/ wake (up) iwerk/ woke /war;k; woken /'waukrr/
spend /spend/ spent /spent/ write lritttl wrote /r:!ot/' written I'rftnl
stqnd /stand/ stood /stod/
tell /telt told /taold/
think t0n1V thought tor:tt
win lwlli'l WOn lw^n/
Core longuoge items ore in bold. Other longuoge (e.9. from stories ond texts) qre non-bold.
Note thot this list doesn't include irregulor verbs thot ore listed on poge 91.

Unit I tent itentl Unit 3

(ot the) top /tDp/ todoy /teder/ orrivols r'a'rarvalz,r'
(in the) momings /'mtntqz/ trqnsporent itrans'p€ranti b o c k g r o u n d 'b e k g r a o n d /
(the sun) set /seV tronsport route /'transpJ:t ru:t/ boord the plone /bo:d da plarn/
(this)moming /'mo:ni4/ upPer course /',rpo kc:s/ check in your luggoge /tfek rn jr: 'l,rgrd3/
(hove o) shower /'Jaue(r)i villoge /'vrhd3/ cliff /khft',
occident /'eksrdent/ woter sports centre /'wJ:te spc:ts'sento(r)/ closer I'kler-rsa(r).r
ogriculture /'agnk,rltJe(r)/ whistle /'wrsl/ connect rkJ'nektj
onkle /'e4kV wide river /ward 'nva(r)l c r o f t s m o n 'k r o : f t s m a n . /
onorok I'nnera.kl worried /'w,rri:di doughter i 'dr:ta(r),
bonk (ofo river) /ba4k/ deportures rdr'po:tJa(r)/
bork /bo:k/ Unit 2 distonce /'drstants,r
broken (leg) /bror-rken(leg)i ottrqction /o'trakJni escope /rs'kerpr
business I'brznes/ bor lba:l fomous /'fermas/
cove /kerv/ bor chort /ba: tJor/ feother /'fe6a(r)i
chorge (o phone) ltto:d1/ big wheel /brg wi:l/ flight ottendont /flart a'tendant/
cleon (odi) /kli:n/ bouncy costle /'baunsi:'ko:sV floot /flauV
come frrst / lost ik,rm fa:st,lo:st/ bumper cors /b,rmpako:z/ foreground /'fr:graond/
communicotion /kemju:nr'kerJn/ condyfloss /kaendiflos/ further owoy i'fa:6s(r) a'we/
compete /kem'pi:t/ copsule /kepsjuil/ get your boording cord iget jr: 'bc:dr4 ko:d/
dork cove ido:k kerv/ chewing gum /'tju:r! g^m/ glue /glul
deep loke /di:p lerk/ cocoo /'keukau/ go hong-gliding igar,r'halglardr4/
electricity /elek'tnsrti/ coffee /'kofi/ go in o hot oir bolloon /geu rn a hot ea
foctory l'frktri|/ compore /k,rm'pea/ be'lu:n/
flosh (of light) tflell cross (n) ikros/ go porochuting lgaa'paroJu:tr4/
Rot (odi) /fllet/ desert /dr'ss:t/ go through security /gao 0ru: sr'kjc:rrti/
flood ploins /flrd plenz/ durion fruit /'doarranfru:t/ go to your gote /gao to jr: gert/
flow /fler,r/ everyone /'evriwrrn/ hide /hard/
get into trouble /get mte 'trnbl/ funfoir /'l,rnfea(r)/ horizon lha'rarznl
get lost /get lost/ insect /'rnsekt/ horizontol lhort'zontll
Help! lhelp/ lobel /'lerbV impossible Am'posebl/
high woterfoll ihar 'wcrtefc:V lighthouse /'larthaos/ lond (v) /'land/
hurt /hs:V line groph /'larn gro:f/ lost week /lo:st wi:k/
hydroelectric plont /hardraoe'lektrrkplc:nt/ merry-go-round /'merigeoraund/ luggoge I'l,rgrd3/
I've got no ideo! /arv got nao ar'dra/ percentoge /pa'sentrdS/ melt /melt/
jumper /'d3ampa(r)i pictogrom /'prktagrem./ once /w^ns/
long bridge /lo4 brrdSi pie chort /'par tJo:t/ Ouch! laotll
lower course i'laoa kc:s/ pineopple /'parnitpl/ porrot /'p€rot/
luckily /'l,rkrlii populor /'popjala(r)/ possenger /'piasrndSa(r)r
middle course /'mrdl kr:s/ prize lpratzl perspective /pa'spektrv/
mouth /mau0/ ropids /'raprdz/ pilot /'parlat/
norrow streom /'ncrao stri:m/ represent lrepre'zentl rock stor /rok sto:/
Phew! /f1ut/ rides lratdzl scenery /'si:neril
plon /plen/ roller cooster l'raula kaoste(r)/ security guord /sr'kjrrnti go:d/
port /pe:t/ scory /'skeari/ show your possport /shaujo: 'po:spo:t/
rescue /'reskju:/ section /'sekJn/ sight lines isart larnz,/
route /ru:t/ setsof doto /setsav 'derta/ solution /sa'lu:Jn/
scored /skeod/ symbol /'srmbl/ son /s^n/
shollow /'la,laul Thot sounds fun. /6rt saondzf,rn/ toke ploce /terk plers/
shiver /'Jwa(r)/ Thot's interesting! /6aets'rntrestr4/ the only woy /6a 'aunli wer/
slowly /'slor-rli:/ toffee opple /'tofi repl/ tvvoyeors ogo /tu: jraz a'go0/
snoll islond /smr:l 'arlend/ tower /'taue(r)/ vonishing point /'vaenrJr!prrnt/
steep hill /sti:p/ view /vju/ verticol /'v::trkl/
steps /steps/ woterslide l'wr:teslard/ : wox /weks/
rfueom /stri:m/ young, younger /j.r4.jn4ga(r)/ wings /wr4zl
student /'stju:denV wood lwod/
qrddenlv /'s,rdanli:/

Unit 4 curly /'kalii costume /'kostju:m/
All ot once... /o:l et w,rns/ doncing /'do:ns14/ develop /dr'velop/
omozed la'merzdl dote /dert/ double boss /'d,rbl bers/
oreo /'earial diologue /'darolog/ drummer /'drnms(r)/
boll lightning /bcl 'lartnr4/ director /dar'rektslr)/ drums /dr,rmzl
blizzord I'bl:,:,odl Don't miss it! /daont mrs rV dustbin /'dnstbm/
coble /'kerbl/ drogon /'drrgen/ electric Auitor /dlektrrk qrtq:/
condle i 'kendl/ extro i'ekslro/ emotion A'maoJn/
cellor /'sela(r)/ fan equipment /r'kwrpmanV
Cheer up! /tJre ,rp/ fire /'fara(r)/ express /rk'spres/
cold /kaold/ frome /frerm,/ finol /'farnl/
cold front /ker-rldti,rnt/ funny /'f,rni/ guitorist /qr'to:rrst/
cool /kurl/ Go ond seeit! /gao and si: rtl hommer /'heme(r)/
dork clouds /do:k klaodzl good-looking /god'lokr4/ Hong on o second! lhiag on a 'sekand/
disoppeor idrs'apra/ history /'hrstri/ hove o cold /hev a kaold/
dry ldrarl humon /'hju:men/ imitote /'rmrtert/
extreme /rk'tri:ml in the future /rn 6e 'lu:tJa(r)/ improvise I'rmpravarzl
Finolly... /'fernalii intelligent /rn'tehdiant/ instrument /'rnstremant/
freezing temperotures i 'fri:zr! 'tempratja/ iozz ld3nzl ioke /d5ook/
hoil /herl/ iungle /'d3rngl/ iunk /d3irnk/
hote ,trert/ korote /ka'ro:til keyboard ployer /'ki:br:d plere(r)/
heotwove /'hi:trverv/ mode of /rnerdav/ keyboards I'ki:bc:dzl
heovy roin /'hevi rern/ meon (odi) lnitnl longuoge /'leqwrd3/
heovy snow /'hevi snati/ moustoche /mo'stoJ/ leod singer /li:d 'sr4a(r)/
high pressure ihar 'preJe(r)/ movie stor /'mu:vi sto:/ lights /larts/
high temperotures /har\empratlazl nome /nerm/ motchbox /'metJboks/
hot /hDt/ nice /nars/ microphone /'markrafaon/
huge /hju:d3l ogre I eugei million /'mrljanl
In the end... An 6a endi opinion (o0... /e'prnj,rn/ musicol(n) /'mju:zrkll
in the middle /rn 6a 'mrdl/ Oscor /'oska(r)/ musicion /mjur'zlJn/
low pressure /loo 'preJa(r)/ plonet /'plenrt/ New Orleons /nju: r:'hsnzi
meosure /'me3a(r)/ pony-toil /'paoni:terl/ noisy I'ntvil
mend /mend/ pretty /'pnti/ notes /na0ts/
phenomenon /fo'nomrnan/ princess /'prmses/ on stoge /on sterd3/
pole /peol/ prisoner I'pr:ztne(r)l orchestro /'c:rkestra/
precipitotion /prasrpiterJn/ proiector /pra'd3ekta(r)/ pork /po:k/
rore /rea(r)/ releose /n'li:s/ performer /ps'fo:ma(r)/
snow isnou/ reporter /n'pc:ta(r)/ personol / pa:sanaV
storm /stJ:m/ review /rr'vju:/ piece of music /pi:s ev 'mju:zrkl
strong winds istro4 wrndiy' sofe /serf/ pipe /parp/
sunny /'s^ni/ shoke honds isherk hrndz/ poster i'pa()sta(r)/
temperoture /'tempratje(r)/ shoot q film /Ju:t a film/ proctise(v) /'praktrs/
terrified I'terfatdl sign on outogroph /sarnen 'r:togro:f/ President I'preadtntl
the sizeof o ... l6a sau av o/ smile /smarl/ professionol /pra'feJanaV
thunder ond lightning /'Onnda(r)and stuntmon /'st^ntmen/ pro9romme i 'preoqrem/
'lartnr4/ subtitle /'s.rbtatV record (n) /'reko:d/
tornodo /tr:'nerdao/ swomp /swDmp/ rhythm /'n6m/
tunnel /'t,rnl/ toll /tc:l/ rock ond roll /rok and raol/
worm /wo:m/ ugly /',rgli/ soxophone /'seksafaon/
worm front /wr:m fr,rnt/ version /'v3:Jn/ singer /'snla(r)/
wove (n) lwenl voice /vrrs/ slove /slarv/
wet /wet/ wove iwerv/ speokers /'spi:kazi
wind speed /wrnd spird/ wolves /wolvz/ stoge /sterdj/
zigzag I'ngzngl You're right. ljt: ruil/ style /starl/
tombourine /'tipmbari:n/
Unit 5 Unit 6 top ltnpl
octor /'Ekte(r)/ (ot) the beginning of /6a br'grnrqov/ trumpet /'tr^mprt/
onimoted /'anlmertrd/ (hove o) number one hit /nnmbawnn hrt/ tune /tju:ni
oudience I'r:dions/ olbum i'albam/ Woit o moment! /welt e 'maumant/
overoge height /'avarrd3hart/ Americo /o'menka/ workshops /'wo:kJops/
bold /bc:ld/ oword /o'wc:d/
beor /bea(r)/ bollet /'beler/ Unit 7
beord /brad/ bond /band/ obseiling /'abserh4/
bodyguord /'bodigo:d/ bonk robber /bank 'robe(r)/ beok /bi:k/
boring I'brrql broom /bru:m/ binoculors /br'nokjslez/
comero I'kamral busker /'b,rska(r)/ blocks of ice /bloks av ars/
comero operotor /'kamrs DparertJ(r)/ clorinet /kltrnnet/ comoufloge /'kaemaflo:d3/
cortoon i 'ko:tu:n/ club /kl,rb/ cornivore /'ko:nlvcr/
costle /'ko:sl/ concert holl /'knnsathc:l/ CD /sirdi:/

clows /kb:z/ out of this world /aot ev 6rs ws:ld/ where /weal
environment /rn'vetremant/ rocket /'rokrt/ who /hu:/
fennec fox ifenek foks/ sotellite /'s. telart/ w|:y lwarl
fish /liJ/ Soturn /'sete:n/ wropping poper /'r€epr9perpa(r)/
fishing line /'fiJr4 larn/ screom /skri:m/ wrong lro4l
frying pon /'frarjrrS penl sculpture /'sk,rlptJ{r)/
fur ll's:l solor system /'soolo'srstom/ Children oround the world
go out (fire) lgaa aotl spoce shuttle /spersJ,rtl/ celebrote i'sel:brertr'
golden eogle /'gauldan'i:gl/ spoce stotion /sperssterJn/ energy-soving i'enad3i'senr0/
horrible /'horrbl/ stor /sto:r/ English /'r4ghJ,
humming bird /'h,rmr4b::di toke off /terk ofl enioy irn'dirti
hunt /hnnt/ telescope /'teloskoop/ French ifrentJ.'
hut /hnt/ Uronus /'josrenes, jo'relnas/ inside ,,rn'sard
insect /'rnsekV Venus /'vi:nas/ insteod i rn'sted''
knife inarfl voyoge I'vtndSl lunch 'l.rntJ'
liquid i 'hkwrd/ zero /'zrareu/ roinwoter rernw):ta(r)/
motches l'm&t[v) roise money lrez 'm,rni/
meol /mi:l/ Unit 9 remind rr'marnd,'
middoy mrd'der/ orchitect /'o:krtekt/ sewing 'seoill,'
midnight /'mrdnart/ oudio guide /r:diao gard/ shodow puppets .:'J.rdeci'p,rprtsi
needle ond threod i 'ni:dal and Ored/ bose /bers/ sheet Ji:t
no woy! /neo wer/ breodth /bred0/ sponsoredwolk i'sponsadwo:k/
nocturnol /nok'te:nal/ chompion /'tJrempran/ switch off rsrvrtj oll
pow /p)x cooch /kootJ/ teddy beor r'tedi bea(r)/
penguin /'pe4owrn/ colloge /'kolo:d3l toy /lrrl
plosters /'plo:staz/ cube ikjurb/
pocket /'pokrt/ cuboid /'kju:bld/ Storter Unit
polor beor /'pa<;labea(r)/ cylinder /'srhnda(r)/ onother io'n,rda(r;r
proctice /'prektrs/ depth /dep0/ ossistont /e'srstantl
rope /reup/ designer ldr'zatnalr)l ot the end irt da endi
rucksock /'r,rksek/ dice /dars/ coll /kc:li
shode /Jerd/ disploy /dr'spler/ chollenge i 'tJrrhndy
shelter /'Jelta(r)/ drowers /drr:zi chority /'tJarrti/
skin iskm/ entronce /'entrens/ chess /tjes/
snow leopord /snoo 'lepadi exhibit leg'zrbrI.ek'srbrt/ competition /kmnpe'trJn/
snowy owl /'snaui:aol/ exit /eg'zit.ek'siV concert /'konsct/
spots /spDts/ foces /'fersrs/ crosscountry /kros 'k^ntil/
stone /staon/ first floor lfs:st flc:/ finols /'farnals/
strong istrD!/ gold /gaold/ hip hop /'hrphop/
sun beor is,rn bee(r)/ ground floor /graond flc:i koyoking /'karekr4/
tongue /t^!/ heodphones /'hedf'aunz/ Lodiesond Gentlemen /'lerdi:zand
webbed feet /webd fir/ height /hart/ 'd3entlmani
whistle /'wrsl/ how /ha<;/ locol /'laokl/
world tour /wsrld tc:/ how mony /hao 'meni/ most importontly /meustrm'pr:trntli,
informotion desk lrnfe'mer.fndesk/ mountoin climbing ,"mauntrn'klarmr4,
Unit 8 lift /hft/ notionol /'naJanal/
olien /'erlienl light bulb /lart b,tlb,' noture pork /'nertJopo:ki
ostronout /'estranc:t/ lockers /'lnkez/ orgoniser /'J:ganarzo(r)l
centre /'sento(r)/ mommol i memlr other l'
collect /ka'lekt/ memory /'memril plonetorium /plenr'teenern/
croter /'krerta(r)/ mine (n) /marn,r point /pilnt/
crocodile /'krokadarl/ net /net/ press (n) /pres/
Eorth /a:0/ oceon /'aoJni problemsolving r'problam'saoh'r4,
edge led3/ ponning /'pi3nrrl/ regionol /'rrdSanal,'
erupt /r'r^pt/ person /'pa:sni secret /'si:krat/'
exoctly Ak'zektli/ pyromid /'prramrdi supervisor /'supavarzalr)l
for owoy /fq: a'wer/ sculpture i'sk,rlptJs(r)/ teom /ti:m/
grovity /'grevfti/ seoweed I'si:wi:di theme pork /Oi:mpork,/
guide (n) /gard/ shope /Jerpi trekking /'trekr4/
gymnost /'dgmnest/ sieve /slvt
fupiter /'dSuprto(r)/ sink /sr4kr
lond (v) /ltnd/ spoceship ,i'sperJrp/
length /1e40/ stoirs /steaz,'
Mors /mq:z/ strow /strJl/
Mercury /'m:rkjeril ticket office /'trkrt Dfisl
meteorite /'mi:trarart/ triongulor prism /trar'apgjalsplrzm/
moon /murn/ tribe /trarb/
Neptune /'neptju:n/ whot Avot/
odd one out /od w^n aot/ when /rven/


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Ilhstrationsby:Wlllliam Donohoe pp a (lake, river), 5, 70,26,32 (map), 65,

74; Christiane Enge{Ihorogood Illusbation pp 9,17,79,27,39, 83; Maya
cavin p 5, 73,27,33,47,49,57,69,77, (pron machine);Bemice Lumrhe
Organisationpp 8, 9 (map),76,24,25,36,44,52, &,72,73,8Ot Mark Ruffle
pp28,29,30, 31, s6, 57, 58, s9, 84, 85, 86, 87: Jorge SantillaniSeehive
Illustration in the style ofMaya Gavin pp 2, 4 (characters),5, 7, 72, 13,14,15,
20, 27, 2 2 , 2 3 ,3 2 ( w e a t h e r ),33 , 3 4 , 3 5 ,4 0 , 4 7 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,4 8 ,4 9 ,5 0 ,5 1 , 60, 61,62,
63, 68, 69, 70,77,75,77 ,78,79i JoTaylor/Sylive PoggioArtists Agencypp 17,
38, 53, 5 4 , 6 5 ,8 1 , 8 2 .
ThePublrsherwouldlil<cta thankthefollowingfor their pmnrsnonto reynoduce
photographs:Nany pp 45 (Spy Kids/KPA Honorar & Belege Content Mine
International), 45 (EadweardMuybridgeftIEPl), 66 (snow leopardlmagestate);
Aquarius p 45 (Chicken Run/Dreamworks); Ardea p 55 (Fennecfox/Ken Lucas);
Corbis p 46 (track/Bettman), (frarne/Hulton-Deutsch),54 (Ella Fitzgerald/
Hulton Deutsch).
Gamecardsfor the Incredible Adventure Game Poster - illmtrotionsbi,: William
Donohoe pp 4 (waterfall), 11 (wind force 0, force 11), 12 (cloud);Amanda
Enright pp 11 (xylophone, violin, trumpet), 12 (piano); Maya Gavin p 12
(leaflet, bottle, chemist, straw bin, sausages,snail, postman, snowboarding);
Mark Ruffle p 12 (triangular prism, cylinder, cuboid); Jorge Santilan/Beehive
Illustration p 4 (passenger,merry-gGround, microphone, director, stairs,
satellite, frying pan): Dave Whamond/3 in a Box p 12 (saxophone,claws).
Gamecardsfor thc Incredible Adventure Game Postet - the Publisherwwld
akoliketothankthe followingfortheirkind permrsionta reproducephotographs
and otbr copyngJtttwterial: iJamy pp 11 (Juniors Bildarchiv/rhino), 12 (David
Robertson/bridge): A.A.&A. Ancient Art & Architecture Collection Library
p 11 (Ronald Sheridanftandprint); Corbis p 12 (Ashley Cooperffactory);Mark
Rume p 11 (camera, mobile phone).
lllCREDlBlEEI|GUSH is o six-levelcoursefor children. It hos o higher
vocobulory lood ond more reoding thon most primary coursesond
is written by top primory authors SqrohPhillips ond PeterRedpath.
lllCREDlBtEEI|GUSH offersplenty of chqllenge for leqrnersqnd o rich
resourcefor teochers.

"Themorethe childreninteractwith the materials,the teacher
and eachother,the moretheywiII leam." SorohPhillips,Author

I ClossBook
t Activity Book
I Audio CD (including Tests)
I Teocher'sBook (including Tests)
I Teocher'sResourcePock which contoins:
o The Incredible Adventure Gome poster
o PhotocopyMostersBook
o Leorningthrough Englishposters
IncredibleEnglish5&6 DVD - Leorning other subiectsthrough English
IncredibleEnglish5&6 DVD Activity Book


lsBN 978-0-1


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