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Ted talk (Draft)

Did you know? that as of today, the current world population has gone

up to 7.9 billion. Where every day we are adding 220,000 people, or over 150

people every minute and roughly 150,000 people die every day. Since this

birth and death rates are unbalanced, our population had become

unsustainable causing an issue that what we call Overpopulation.

Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of the existing

human population exceeds the actual carrying capacity of Earth.

Now you might wonder what are the causes of overpopulation. Well,

one of the main causes of overpopulation is the improving technology and

medicine. As more people are surviving and more babies are born due to

technology and the advancement of medicine, the birth rate will increase and

the death rate will decrease. Another main cause is the lack of education. Most

developing nations have a large number of people who are illiterate and have

little or no knowledge about family planning and prompts them to avoid

family planning measures. According to WHO, about only 43% of women in

underdeveloped countries use contraceptives which means that the remaining

57% have unexpected pregnancies which will lead to higher birth rates.
Now you might ask yourself, why should we care? Overpopulation is a

major cause of most of the world’s problems. First of these is the depletion of

resources. Our planet can only produce a certain amount of food and water.

As more people are born each year, there are less resources for everyone. This

effect also causes conflict between developing countries since they need

resources for their people. Another obvious effect is the degradation of

environment. With the overuse of coal, oil, and natural gas, it has started

producing some serious effects on our environment. Melting of polar ice caps,

changing climate patterns, rise in sea levels are a few of the consequences that

we might have to face due to environmental pollution. Lastly, the worst effect

of overpopulation is the extinction of humans.

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