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Traditional Chinese Character Worksheets


ÛŐČő learn, study, science, knowledge, school, -ology

ÛŃő to practice, to study, habit

ÔĘŕ Chinese, a man, a fellow, the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

ŐŔ language, words, saying, expression, dialect, speech

ÔŇĞő flowery, illustrious, Chinese

ÏŃŕ pretty, beautiful, elegant, fine, magnificent

ÚŃĚ parent, one's own (flesh and blood), relative, related, marriage, bride, close, intimate, in person, first-hand, in favor o

Ăŕ to love, affection, to be fond of, to like

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Generated for Arch Chinese User use only. Mar 12, 2017 8:03 PM

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