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n India's National Integration Day is celebrated every year on November 19 as the most important social

event. In order to raise public awareness of national integration, the Government of India also
conducted a full weekly program, which runs annually from November 19 to 25 as National Integration
Week. India is a country famous for its diverse cultures, traditions, races, religions, castes and beliefs,
but it cannot be overlooked that due to the diversity in thinking of the people who live here, it is still
among the developing countries. . People who live here think differently depending on their own culture
and religion, which is a huge problem that hampers individual and country development.

India is famous for its unity in diversity, but that is not true as people here are not willing to accept the
opinion of others for development. Everyone here is always trying to make their religion better than
everyone else's and what they do is always great. The people of various races who live here fight
physically, emotionally, quarrel and argue in many ways just to show that they are the best for their
own benefit. They never think of their country when they meet. They never think that the development
of our country is possible only through the growth and development of the individual and unified
identity of all.

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